Displaying all 7 publications

  1. Saad S, Hisham S, Amir Hamzah SPA
    Malays J Pathol, 2024 Apr;46(1):21-40.
    PMID: 38682842
    INTRODUCTION: Sex estimation is crucial in forensic anthropology. In situations such as mass disasters, and forensic anthropology cases, sex estimation is a very important initial step in the disaster victim identification process. Literature has acknowledged that sex estimation is population-specific. However, sex estimation standards in South-East Asian populations are limited, leading to the usage of most Thais discriminant function equations on sex estimation by other South-East Asian countries including Malaysia. This systematic review was conducted to summarise the findings of sex estimation studies in South-East Asian countries.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed through the SCOPUS database and Web of Science (WOS) database for relevant studies between 2014 and 2022. All published articles that are related to sex estimation from different types of bone, methods, landmarks, and sample sources (i.e., photographs, dry bones, and CT images) were included in this review. The main inclusion criteria were studies on (i) sex estimation; (ii) in South-East Asian populations; (iii) between the years 2014 and 2022; and (iv) in English.

    RESULTS: The literature search identified 30 potentially relevant studies, of which 15 publications met all the inclusion criteria. From those research, 13 studies were related to the Thai population and two to the Malaysian population. Only one study was based on morphological traits, while the rest were based on a morphometric approach.

    CONCLUSION: All studies found that sex estimation is populationspecific. Therefore, further research is recommended to explore more on population-specific sex estimation using different parts of bone.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods
  2. Phatsara M, Das S, Laowatthanaphong S, Tuamsuk P, Mahakkanukrauh P
    Clin Ter, 2016 May-Jun;167(3):72-6.
    PMID: 27424506 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2016.1929
    BACKGROUND: This study was carried out to evaluate the accuracy of sex estimation by discriminant analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis equations generated from metatarsal bones in a Thai population.
    MATERIAL AND METHODS: The testing samples utilized in this study consisted of 50 skeletons (25 males and 25 females) obtained from the Khon Kaen University Skeletal Collection, Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University. Seven measurements of metatarsal bones were measured in centimeters, using either a mini-osteometric board (MOB) or a sliding caliper. The values measured from the Khon Kaen Skeletal Collection were used to determine the accuracy and applicability of sex determination, as predicted by Y1-Y6 equations which were generated from a Chiang Mai Skeletal Collection.
    RESULTS: The percentage of sex determination accuracies predicted from the Y1-Y6 equations demonstrated accuracy rates of 80-95.6.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Chiang Mai sex determination equations, generated from metatarsal bones by discriminant analysis (Y1-Y3) and stepwise discriminant analysis (Y4-Y6), demonstrated high accuracy rates of prediction, suggesting that these equations may be useful for sex determination within the Thai population.
    KEYWORDS: Foot; Metatarsal bones; Sex determination; Thailand
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton
  3. M Didi AL, Azman RR, Nazri M
    Leg Med (Tokyo), 2016 May;20:49-52.
    PMID: 27161924 DOI: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2016.04.002
    PURPOSE: The use of Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) volume measurements of bones for sex determination allows fragile, fragmented human remains to be assessed without compromising the specimen. We set out to assess the ability of MDCT carpal bone volume measurement in determining sex in a Malaysian population.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: 52 healthy volunteers were scanned in a 16-slice MDCT, and the volume of 104 sets of carpal bones was measured using a Syngo workstation (Both CT and workstation-Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany).

    RESULTS: Male carpal bones were of higher volume compared to the female carpal bones (p<0.001). Area under the curve (AUC) assessment of responder-operator characteristics curves showed that the trapezium bone was best able to predict sex with an AUC of 0.986. At a trapezium bone volume of ⩾1.94cm(3), there was a 93.5% probability that the subject was male. Binary logistic regression analysis found that the highest accuracy was derived using the pisiform, trapezium and capitate bones. There was a strong relationship between sex prediction and grouping of the carpal bone volumes (Nagelkerke R(2)=0.923) with an overall prediction accuracy of 97%.

    CONCLUSION: All 8 carpal bones exhibit sexual dimorphism to varying degrees. A binary regression analysis combining the 5 carpal bones with the highest predictive values for sex produces an accurate predictive model.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods*
  4. Monum T, Prasitwattanseree S, Das S, Siriphimolwat P, Mahakkanukrauh P
    Clin Ter, 2017 6 15;168(3):e203-e207.
    PMID: 28612898 DOI: 10.7417/T.2017.2007
    Sex estimation is an important step of postmortem investigation and the femur is a useful bone for sex estimation by using metric analysis method. Even though there have been a reported sex estimation method by using femur in Thais, the temporal change related to time and anthropological data need to be renewed. Thus the aim of this study is to re-evaluate sex estimation by femur in Thais. 97 adult male and 103 female femora were random chosen from Forensic osteology research center and 6 measurements were applied tend to. To compare with previous Thai data, mid shaft diameter to increase but femoral head and epicondylar breadth to stabilize and when tested previous discriminant function by vertical head diameter and epicondalar breadth, the accuracy of prediction was lower than previous report. From the new data, epicondalar breadth is the best variable for distinguishing male and female at 88.7 percent of accuracy, following by transverse and vertical head diameter at 86.7 percent and femoral neck diameter at 81.7 percent of accuracy. Multivariate discriminant analysis indicated transverse head diameter and epicondylar breadth performed highest rate of accuracy at 89.7 percent. The percent of accuracy of femur was close to previous reported sex estimation by talus and calcaneus in Thai population. Thus, for especially in case of lower limb remain, which absence of pelvis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton*
  5. Alias A, Ibrahim A, Abu Bakar SN, Swarhib Shafie M, Das S, Abdullah N, et al.
    Clin Ter, 2018 11 6;169(5):e217-e223.
    PMID: 30393808 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2018.2082
    INTRODUCTION: The first step in the forensic identification is sex determination followed by age and stature estimation, as both are sex-dependent. The mandible is the largest, strongest and most durable bone in the face. Mandible is important for sex confirmation in absence of a complete pelvis and skull.

    AIM: The aim of the present study was to determine sex of human mandible from morphology, morphometric measurements as well as discriminant function analysis from the CT scan.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present retrospective study comprised 79 subjects (48 males, 31 females), with age group between 18 and 74 years, and were obtained from the post mortem computed tomography data in the Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The parameters were divided into three morphologic and nine morphometric parameters, which were measured by using Osirix MD Software 3D Volume Rendering.

    RESULTS: The Chi-square test showed that men were significantly association with square-shaped chin (92%), prominent muscle marking (85%) and everted gonial glare, whereas women had pointed chin (84%), less prominent muscle marking (90%) and inverted gonial glare (80%). All parameter measurements showed significantly greater values in males than in females by independent t-test (p< 0.01). By discriminant analysis, the classification accuracy was 78.5%, the sensitivity was 79.2% and the specificity was 77.4%. The discriminant function equation was formulated based on bigonial breath and condylar height, which were the best predictors.

    CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the mandible could be distinguished according to the sex. The results of the study can be used for identification of damaged and/or unknown mandible in the Malaysian population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods*
  6. Darmawan MF, Yusuf SM, Kadir MR, Haron H
    Forensic Sci Int, 2015 Feb;247:130.e1-11.
    PMID: 25540897 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.11.007
    Sex estimation is used in forensic anthropology to assist the identification of individual remains. However, the estimation techniques tend to be unique and applicable only to a certain population. This paper analyzed sex estimation on living individual child below 19 years old using the length of 19 bones of left hand applied for three classification techniques, which were Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) multilayer perceptron. These techniques were carried out on X-ray images of the left hand taken from an Asian population data set. All the 19 bones of the left hand were measured using Free Image software, and all the techniques were performed using MATLAB. The group of age "16-19" years old and "7-9" years old were the groups that could be used for sex estimation with as their average of accuracy percentage was above 80%. ANN model was the best classification technique with the highest average of accuracy percentage in the two groups of age compared to other classification techniques. The results show that each classification technique has the best accuracy percentage on each different group of age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods*
  7. Ibrahim A, Alias A, Nor FM, Swarhib M, Abu Bakar SN, Das S
    Anat Cell Biol, 2017 Jun;50(2):86-92.
    PMID: 28713610 DOI: 10.5115/acb.2017.50.2.86
    Sex determination is one of the main steps in the identification of human skeletal remains. It constitutes an initial step in personal identification from the skeletal remains. The aim of the present study was to provide the population-specific sex discriminating osteometric standards to aid human identification. The present study was conducted on 87 (174 sides) slices of crania using postmortem computed tomography in 45 males and 42 females, aged between 18 and 75 years. About 22 parameters of crania were measured using Osirix software 3-D Volume Rendering. Results showed that all parameters were significantly higher in males than in females except for orbital height of the left eye by independent t test (P<0.01). By discriminant analysis, the classification accuracy was 85.1%, and by regression, the classification accuracy ranged from 78.2% to 86.2%. In conclusion, cranium can be used to distinguish between males and females in the Malaysian population. The results of the present study can be used as a forensic tool for identification of unknown crania.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sex Determination by Skeleton
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