METHODS: PRISMA 2009 framework was adopted for study design. Scholarly literature search was done using MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library and Clinical using selected keywords. Five articles fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Our main outcome of interest is to review the ideal properties of the suburethral sling, procedure of insertion and post-surgical complication following the sling insertion primarily vaginal erosion. Results were compared using one way-ANOVA test and independent T- test.
RESULTS: Total of 1725 subjects were available for analysis in the five studies. Monofilament polypropylene constituted 92.5% of the total sample size from one study alone. Polyester (n= 16/51) causes higher incidence rate of vaginal erosion compared to monofilament polypropylene (31.4 vs., 4.7; p = 0.01). There was no difference in the vaginal erosion rate between monofilament polypropylene and multifilament polypropylene (4.7 vs, 14.1; p=0.055) as well as between multifilament polypropylene and polyester (14.1 vs, 31.4; p=0.068). Although there was a marginally lower rate of vaginal erosion in TVT-O over TVT, the difference was not significant. (5.6 vs., 6.4, p=0.468). Common presentations of vaginal erosion were vaginal discharge, perineal pain and dyspareunia.
CONCLUSION: Given the limited sample size, polyester sling material appears to cause higher rates of vaginal erosion. No difference in erosion rate was seen between TVT and TVT-O.
METHODS: Retrospective analysis for complications and outcome of surgery was performed in 419 women undergoing the TVT-O from 2004 to 2006.
RESULTS: Three patients (0.8%) with an isolated TVT-O had a blood loss of more than 200 ml. Two patients (0.5%) had bladder perforation. Out of 11 readmitted patients (2.6%), 10 were due to voiding difficulty. Six patients (1.4%) required tape loosening or division. Persistent pain occurred in 3.6% and erosion in 2.4% of patients. One hundred eighty-five patients (44.2%) came for follow-up at 3 years. The actual subjective and objective success rates were 89.7% and 99.9% at 3 years follow-up, respectively. With imputation, the 3-year subjective and objective success rates were 86.9% and 97.4%, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: The TVT-O is effective in treating female SUI with minimal complications.
METHODS: Retrospective cohort study in a tertiary center from May 2021-December 2022 included 150 patients with symptomatic anterior or apical POP stage III and IV, who underwent pelvic reconstructive surgery with Surelift-A mesh combined with SSF. All completed a 72-h voiding diary, urodynamic study (UDS), and multiple validated QoL questionnaires at baseline, 6 and 12 months postoperatively. Primary outcomes were the development of post operative de novo stress urinary incontinence (SUI), objectively via cough stress test and UDS, and subjectively by evaluation of UDI-6, question 3 score >1 and IIQ-7, QoL and surgical complications. Secondary outcomes were the objective cure of POP, defined as anterior and apical prolapse Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System ≤ stage I, and subjective cure based on negative answers to Pelvic Organ Prolapse Distress Inventory 6, quality of life, sexual function, major and minor complications.
RESULT: At one-year follow-up, the objective cure rate was 96.7 %, whereas the subjective cure rate was 93.3 %, with favorable anatomical outcomes. Significant QoL improvements were observed. Among those without mid-urethral sling (MUS), a (60.0 %) improvement in SUI occurred. De novo SUI emerged in 10.5 % objectively and 12 % subjectively. Mesh exposure rate was 1.3 %.
CONCLUSION: The Combined Surelift-A and SSF approach shows effective cure rates with minimal complications, and a slight risk of de novo SUI.