Present study concerns the radiological character of Malaysian honey. A total of 18 samples (representative of the various most common types) were obtained from various honey bee farms throughout the country. Using a high-purity germanium γ-ray spectroscopic system, the samples were analysed for the naturally occurring radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra and 40K. The respective range of activities (in Bq/kg) was: 3.49 ± 0.35 to 4.51 ± 0.39, 0.99 ± 0.37 to 1.74 ± 0.39 and 41.37 ± 3.26 to 105.02 ± 6.91. The estimated associated committed effective doses were derived from prevailing data on national consumption of honey, the annual dose being found low compared with the UNSCEAR reference dose limit of 290 μSv y-1. The estimated threshold consumption rate for honey indicates a maximum intake of 339 g/d, which poses an insignificant radiological risk to public health; however, the total dietary exposure may not, the guidance level of 290 μSv y-1 being applicable to dietary intake of all foodstuffs. The study is in support of the cultivation of a healthy lifestyle, acknowledging prevailing radioactivity within the environment.
Building materials of different brands were assessed for the concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K using HPGe detector. The activity concentrations in the measured samples ranged from 27 ± 8 to 82 ± 8 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra, 41 ± 4 to 101 ± 8 Bq kg-1 for 232Th and 140 ± 8 to 940 ± 19 Bq kg-1 for 40K, respectively. The Radium equivalent (Raeq) activity from the samples was found to be <370 Bq kg-1 as the recommended value for construction materials. This study will set a baseline data for significant standards on radiation exposure of the measured radionuclides in the selected building materials used in Nigeria.
Proper documentation of baseline radiation data of different environments is an important step toward adequate environmental monitoring, and it provides quick means to quantitatively check and determine possible radionuclide contamination by anthropogenic sources. Besides, such documentation is useful for decision making processes, assessment of dose rates to the public, epidemiological studies, and environmental regulations. This review summarizes the results of studies conducted on radioactivity in Nigerian environments. For most soil samples, the levels of radioactivity are well within the world averages of 33, 45, and 420 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, respectively. Other soil samples from regions such as Abeokuta in the southwest, and Jos in the northcentral have been described as high background radiation areas with radioactivity values comparable with those obtained from known high background radiation areas such as the Odisha (formerly Orissa) coast in India (with values reported as 350, 2,825, and 180 Bq kg-1 for 238U/226Ra, 232Th, and 40K, respectively). In some parts of Nigeria, surface and underground water sources used for drinking and other purposes also present elevated levels of 226Ra above the world range of 0.01 to 0.1 Bq l-1 and the tolerable levels recommended by the World Health Organization and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Corresponding radiation doses due to measured radioactivities from different environments were estimated and compared with those reported in similar studies around the world. More so, the human and environmental health hazards that might be associated with the reported radioactivity in different environmental settings are discussed. The present report is expected to support authorities in developing appropriate regulations to protect the public from radiation exposure arising from environmental radioactivity. The report also examines other areas of consideration for future studies to ensure adequate radiation monitoring in Nigeria.
Terrestrial gamma radiation dose (TGRD) rates were measured in situ from different locations in Katsina State, Nigeria, using a portable radiation survey metre based on geological formations and soil types. The measured TGRD rates ranged from 45 to 271 nGyh-1 with an average value of 116 ± 1 nGyh-1. Geological formation (silicified sheared rock) and soil type (lithosols and ferruginous crusts and ferruginous tropical soils) appeared to have the highest mean TGRD values of 163 and 134 nGyh-1 with sandstone geological formation and alluvial and hydromorphic soils having the lowest TGRD with values of 80 and 61 nGyh-1, respectively. One way ANOVA results shows that the tested null hypothesis was rejected. Thus, indicating that there exists a strong relationship between the various geological formations, soil types with the measured TGRD values based on the alternate hypothesis. Human health hazard indices like annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE), lifetime outdoor annual equivalent dose, and relative excess lifetime outdoor cancer risk associated with the mean TGRD of the study area were also calculated and found to be 0.711, 9.955 mSv, and 5.79 × 10-4, respectively. These values were higher than the world average values but favourable compared with the safety limits recommended by ICRP.
Concentrations of natural and fall-out radionuclides in the offshore seawater and sediment from some parts of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, were determined using a coaxial germanium detector. The average activities of (238)U, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs were recorded as 31.2±5.8, 51.9±9.4, 686.4±170.5 and 0.5±0.6 Bq kg(-1) dry weight, respectively, for sediment, and 4.8±1.2, 5.4±1.2 and 39.1±8.6 Bq L(-1) for (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K, respectively, in seawater. The concentration of (137)Cs in seawater was below the detection limit. The concentration of sediment (238)U was found to be positively correlated with (232)Th ([Formula: see text], p<0.05) and (40)K (r=0.96, p<0.01), while (232)Th was positively correlated with (40)K (r=0.91, p<0.05). In sediment, the concentration of (238)U was negatively correlated (r=-0.86, p<0.05) with sea depth. In the seawater sample, the only significant relationship found was between concentration of (232)Th and water depth (r=-0.86, p<0.05). One-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the level of radioisotope concentrations of seawater and sediment was highly significant for (238)U (F=122, df=11, p=0.01), (232)Th (F=143, df=11, p=0.01) and (40)K (F=86, df=11, p=0.01). The results showed that the level of radioactivity decreased from coast to open sea. Imminent threat due to radioactivity was not observed in these parts of the Bay of Bengal.
The radioactivity quantity and quality were determined in soil and water samples in Northern Malaysian Peninsula (NMP) using HPGe spectroscopy and GR-135 spectrometer. The (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K concentrations in soil samples are 57±2, 68±4 and 427±17 Bq kg(-1), respectively, whereas in water samples were found to be 2.86±0.79, 3.78±1.73 and 152±12 Bq l(-1), respectively. These concentrations are within those reported from literature in other countries in the world. The radiological hazard indices of the samples were also calculated. The mean values obtained from soil samples are 186 Bq kg(-1), 88 nGy h(-1), 108 μSv y(-1), 0.50 and 0.65 for Radium Equivalent Activity (Ra(eq)), Absorbed Dose Rates (D(R)), Annual Effective Dose Rates (ED), External Hazard Index (H(ex)) and Internal Hazard Index (H(in)) respectively, whereas, for water samples were found to be 20, 10, 13, 0.05 and 0.06, respectively. All the health hazard indices are well below their recommended limits, except in two soil sampling sites which were found to be (*)025 (1.1 H(ex)) and (*)026 (1.1 H(ex), 1.6 H(in)). The calculated and the measured gamma dose rates had a good correlation coefficient, R=0.88. Moreover, the average value radon is 20 (in the range of 7-64) Bq m(-3), a positive correlation (R=0.81) was observed between the (222)Rn and (226)Ra concentrations in samples measured by the SNC continuous radon monitor (model 1029, Sun Nuclear Corporation) and HPGe detector, respectively. Some soils in this study with H(in) and H(ex)<1 are suitable for use in agriculture and as building materials. Also, in this study H(in) and H(ex)<1 for water samples, therefore, water after processing and filtration is safe and suitable for use in household and industrial purposes.
Concentrations of uranium-238 and thorium-232 in soil, water, grass, moss and oil-palm fruit samples collected from an area of high background radiation were determined using neutron activation analysis (NAA). U-238 concentration in soil ranged from 4.9 mg kg(-1) (58.8 Bq kg(-1)) to 40.4 mg kg(-1) (484.8 Bq kg(-1)), Th-232 concentration ranged from 14.9 mg kg(-1) (59.6 Bq kg(-1)) to 301.0 mg kg(-1) (1204 Bq kg(-1)). The concentration of U-238 in grass samples ranged from below the detection limit to 0.076 mg kg(-1) (912 mBq kg(-1)), and Th-232 ranged from 0.008 mg kg(-1) (32 mBq kg(-1)) to 0.343 mg kg(-1) (1.372 Bq kg(-1)). U-238 content in water samples ranged from 0.33 mg kg(-1) (4.0 Bq L(-1)) to 1.40 mg kg(-1) (16.8 Bq L(-1)), and Th-232 ranged from 0.19 mg kg(-1) (0.76 Bq L(-1)) to 0.66 mg kg(-1) (2.64 Bq L(-1)). It can be said that the concentrations of environmental U-238 and Th-232 in grass and water samples in the study area are insignificant. Mosses were found to be possible bio-radiological indicators due to their high absorption of the heavy radioelements from the environment.
The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K radionuclides from common building materials used by Malaysian people for construction purposes were studied using High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. The measured activity concentrations of the aforementioned radionuclides range from 10 ± 1 Bq kg-1 (limestone) to 155 ± 61 Bq kg-1 (feldspar), 12 ± 3 Bq kg-1 (limestone) to 274 ± 8 Bq kg-1 (kaolin) and 62 ± 19 Bq kg-1 (limestone) to 1114 ± 20 Bq kg-1 (pottery stone) for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, respectively. The measured activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides reported herein were found to be in accordance with other previous studies. In general, the activity concentration of the natural radionuclides revealed that all the determined values were below the recommended limit.
A particular category of jewelry is one involving bracelets and necklaces that are deliberately made to contain naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)-purveyors making unsubstantiated claims for health benefits from the release of negative ions. Conversely, within the bounds of the linear no-threshold model, long-term use presents a radiological risk to wearers. Evaluation is conducted herein of the radiological risk arising from wearing these products and gamma-ray spectrometry is used to determine the radioactivity levels and annual effective dose of 15 commercially available bracelets (samples B1 to B15) and five necklaces (samples N16 to N20). Various use scenarios are considered; a Geant4 Monte Carlo (Geant4 MC) simulation is also performed to validate the experimental results. The dose conversion coefficient for external radiation and skin equivalent doses were also evaluated. Among the necklaces, sample N16 showed the greatest levels of radioactivity, at 246 ± 35, 1682 ± 118, and 221 ± 40 Bq, for 238U, 232Th, and 40K, respectively. For the bracelets, for 238U and 232Th, sample B15 displayed the greatest level of radioactivity, at 146 ± 21 and 980 ± 71 Bq, respectively. N16 offered the greatest percentage concentrations of U and Th, with means of 0.073 ± 0.0002% and 1.51 ± 0.0015%, respectively, giving rise to an estimated annual effective dose exposure of 1.22 mSv, substantially in excess of the ICRP recommended limit of 1 mSv/year.
This is the first attempt in the world to depict the vertical distribution of radionuclides in the soil samples along several heights (900 feet, 1550 feet, and 1650 feet) of Marayon Tong hill in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bandarban by HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry. The average activity concentrations of 232Th, 226Ra, and 40K were found to be 37.15 ± 3.76 Bqkg-1, 19.69 ± 2.15 Bqkg-1, and 347.82 ± 24.50 Bqkg-1, respectively, where in most cases, 232Th exceeded the world average value of 30 Bqkg-1. According to soil characterization, soils ranged from slightly acidic to moderately acidic, with low soluble salts. The radium equivalent activity, outdoor and indoor absorbed dose rate, external and internal hazard indices, external and internal effective dose rates, gamma level index, and excess lifetime cancer risk were evaluated and found to be below the recommended or world average values; but a measurable activity of 137Cs was found at soils collected from ground level and at an altitude of 1550 feet, which possibly arises from the nuclear fallout. The evaluation of cumulative radiation doses to the inhabitants via periodic measurement is recommended due to the elevated levels of 232Th.This pioneering work in mapping the vertical distribution of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) can be an essential factual baseline data for the scientific community that may be used to evaluate the variation in NORMs in the future, especially after the commissioning of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh in 2024.
This study marks the first-ever assessment of radiological hazards linked to the sands and rocks of Patuartek Sea Beach, situated along one of the world's longest sea beaches in Cox' Bazar of Bangladesh. Through the utilization of an HPGe detector, a comprehensive analysis of the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40 K was conducted, and their activity ranged from 7 to 23 Bq/kg, 9-58 Bq/kg, and 172-340 Bq/kg, respectively, in soils, and 19-24 Bq/kg, 27-39 Bq/kg, and 340-410 Bq/kg, respectively, in rocks. Some sand samples exhibited elevated levels of 232Th, while the rock samples displayed higher levels of 40 K compared to the global average. The radiological hazard parameters were assessed, and no values surpassed the recommended limits set by several international organizations. Hence, the sands and rocks of Patuartek sea beach pose no significant radiological risk to the residents or tourists. The findings of this study provide crucial insights for the development of a radiological baseline map in the country, which is important due to the commissioning of the country's first nuclear power plant Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. The data may also stimulate interest in the rare-earth minerals present in the area, which is important for the electronics industry, thorium-based nuclear fuel cycles.
Uranium, perhaps the most strategically important component of heavy minerals, finds particular significance in the nuclear industry. In prospecting trenches, the radioactivity of 238U and 232Th provides a good signature of the presence of heavy minerals. In the work herein, the activity concentrations of several key primordial radionuclides (238U, 232Th, and 40K) were measured in prospecting trenches (each of the latter being of approximately the same geometry and physical situation). All of these are located in the Seila area of the South Eastern desert of Egypt. A recently introduced industry standard, the portable hand-held RS-230 BGO gamma-ray spectrometer (1024 channels) was employed in the study. Based on the measured data, the trenches were classified as either non-regulated (U activity less than 1000 Bq kg-1) or regulated (with 238U activity more than 1000 Bq kg-1). Several radiological hazard parameters were calculated, statistical analysis also being performed to examine correlations between the origins of the radionuclides and their influence on the calculated values. While the radioactivity and hazard parameters exceed United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) guided limits, the mean annual effective doses of 0.49 and 1.4 mSv y-1 in non-regulated and regulated trenches respectively remain well below the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommended 20 mSv/y maximum occupational limit. This investigation reveals that the studied area contains high uranium content, suitable for extraction of U-minerals for use in the nuclear fuel cycle.
Forming part of a study of radiological risk arising from use of radioactive consumer products, investigation is made of pendants containing naturally occurring radioactive material. Based on use of gamma-ray spectrometry and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, the study investigates commercially available 'scalar energy pendants'. The doses from these have been simulated using MIRD5 mathematical phantoms, evaluation being made of dose conversion factors (DCFs) and organ dose. Metallic pendants code MP15 were found to contain the greatest activity, at 7043 ± 471 Bq from 232Th, while glass pendants code GP11 were presented the greatest 238U and 40K activity, at 1001 ± 172 and 687 ± 130 Bq respectively. MP15 pendants offered the greatest percentage concentrations of Th, Ce, U and Zr, with means of 25.6 ± 0.06, 5.6 ± 0.005, 1.03 ± 0.04 and 28.5 ± 0.08 respectively, giving rise to an effective dose of 2.8 mSv for a nominal wearing period of 2000 h. Accordingly, these products can give rise to annual doses in excess of the public limit of 1 mSv.
This work presents the first in-depth study of soil radioactivity in the mangrove forest of Bangladesh part of the Sundarbans. It used HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry to measure the amount of natural radioactivity in soil samples from Karamjal and Harbaria sites of the world's largest mangrove forest. The activity concentrations of most of the 226Ra (14±2 Bqkg-1 to 35±4 Bqkg-1) and 232Th (30±5 Bqkg-1 to 50±9 Bqkg-1) lie within the world average values, but the 40K concentration (370± 44 Bqkg-1 to 660±72 Bqkg-1) was found to have exceeded the world average value. The evaluation of radiological hazard parameters revealed that the outdoor absorbed dose rate (maximum 73.25 nGyh-1) and outdoor annual effective dose (maximum 0.09 mSvy-1) for most samples exceeded the corresponding world average values. The elevated concentration of 40K is mainly due to the salinity intrusion, usage of fertilizers and agricultural runoff, and migration of waste effluents along the riverbanks. Being the pioneering comprehensive research on the Bangladesh side of the Sundarbans, this study forms a baseline radioactivity for the Sundarbans before the commissioning of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh.
The radiation survey of the ambient environment was conducted using two gamma detectors, and the measurement results were used in the computation of the mean external radiation dose rate, mean-weighted dose rate and annual effective dose, which are 144 nGy h(-1), 0.891 mSv y(-1) and 178 μSv, respectively. A high-purity germanium detector was used to determine the activity concentrations of (232)Th, (226)Ra and (40)K in soil samples. The results of the gamma spectrometry of the soil samples show radioactivity concentration ranges from 19±1 to 405±13 Bq kg(-1) with a mean value of 137±5 Bq kg(-1) for (232)Th, from 21±2 to 268±9 Bq kg(-1)with a mean value of 78±3 Bq kg(-1) for (226)Ra and from 23±9 to 1268±58 Bq kg(-1) with a mean value of 207±13 Bq kg(-1) for (40)K. Radium equivalent activity (Raeq) and external hazard index (Hex) were 290 Bq kg(-1) and 0.784, respectively, which were safe for the population. The mean lifetime dose and lifetime cancer risk for each person living in the area with average lifetime (70 y) were 12.46 mSv and 7.25×10(-4) Sv year, respectively. The results were compared with values given in United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation 2000.