1. An extract prepared from the tentacle of the jellyfish (CE), Catostylus mosaicus exhibited haemolytic, oedema and haemorrhage-inducing activities. 2. Acetone treatment of the tentacle extract produced an acetone soluble extract (AE) which showed an increase in specific haemolytic and haemorrhagic activities by 25- and 120-fold respectively; the minimum oedema dose was reduced by 30-fold. 3. The AE caused a rapid onset of oedema in the mouse foot pad. The effect was long-lasting, reaching a maximum in about 30 min after injection and sustained up to 4 hr. 4. Fractionation of the AE on Q-Sepharose gave 4 bound fractions which induced oedema and haemorrhage; however only 3 of the fractions exhibited haemolytic activity.
Adult Carukia barnesi medusae feed predominantly on larval fish; however, their mode of prey capture seems more complex than previously described. Our findings revealed that during light conditions, this species extends its tentacles and 'twitches' them frequently. This highlights the lure-like nematocyst clusters in the water column, which actively attract larval fish that are consequently stung and consumed. This fishing behavior was not observed during dark conditions, presumably to reduce energy expenditure when they are not luring visually oriented prey. We found that larger medusae have longer tentacles; however, the spacing between the nematocyst clusters is not dependent on size, suggesting that the spacing of the nematocyst clusters is important for prey capture. Additionally, larger specimens twitch their tentacles more frequently than small specimens, which correlate with their recent ontogenetic prey shift from plankton to larval fish. These results indicate that adult medusae of C. barnesi are not opportunistically grazing in the water column, but instead utilize sophisticated prey capture techniques to specifically target larval fish.
An extract prepared from the tentacle of Catostylus mosaicus was shown to lyse erythrocytes from rat, rabbit and human to a different extent; those from the rat being most susceptible followed by those from rabbit and human. The haemolytic activity was dependent on the concentration of crude extract protein exhibiting a sigmoidal curve. Only 60% of the haemolytic activity was retained after treament with heat and proteolytic enzyme. The extract was devoid of hydrolytic enzymes normally present in venoms except for phospholipase A activity, which resulted in the hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids with concomittant appearance of their lyso-derivatives.