Displaying all 5 publications

  1. Limi L, Anita AA, Liew NC, Safian M
    Med J Malaysia, 2011 Jun;66(2):158-9.
    PMID: 22106704 MyJurnal
    We report a case of perforation over duodeno-jejunal junction (DJ) in a healthy 8-month-old baby. The difficulty in diagnosis, management dilemma and probable etiology is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Jejunal Diseases/surgery*
  2. Joishy SK, Leela MP, Balasegaram M
    Am J Surg, 1979 Nov;138(5):716-20.
    PMID: 495861
    We report for the first time from Malaysia a patient with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome complicated by successive intussusceptions requiring extensive small bowel resection. Our experience is compared with that of other authors by a review of the literature highlighting important points in the diagnosis and management of complications in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Jejunal Diseases/surgery*
  3. Wan Muhaizan WM, Julia MJ, Al Amin D
    Malays J Pathol, 2002 Dec;24(2):113-6.
    PMID: 12887171
    Historically a calibre persistent submucosal artery was most often described in the stomach. However in later years it was also discovered in the duodenum and jejunum. It is an uncommon and important cause of massive gastrointestinal bleeding in which failure of detection and early intervention would lead to death. In this paper we report a 27-year-old man with no significant medical history who presented at the emergency unit for recurrent melaena, haematochezia and hypotension. Initial investigations failed to localize the source of bleeding. Emergency exploratory laporatomy revealed a small jejunal mucosal nodule that was actively spurting blood. Histopathological evaluation identified a calibre persistent submucosal artery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Jejunal Diseases/surgery
  4. Tan JH, Sivadurai G, Tan HCL, Tan YR, Jahit S, Hans Alexander M
    Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2020 Apr;30(2):106-110.
    PMID: 31923160 DOI: 10.1097/SLE.0000000000000754
    BACKGROUND: Provision of enteral nutrition with jejunal feeding in upper gastrointestinal obstruction is highly recommended. Access to jejunum can be obtained surgically, percutaneously, or endoscopically. Our institution routinely and preferentially utilizes a silicone nasojejunal tube that is inserted past the obstruction endoscopically. We use a custom dual channel tube that allows feeding at the distal tip and another channel 40 cm from the tip that enables decompression proximally. This is a report of our experience with this custom nasojejunal tube.

    METHODS: This is a prospective observational study of 201 patients who underwent endoscopic nasojejunal wire-guided feeding tube insertions for obstruction of either the esophagus or the stomach including both benign and malignant pathologies between January 2015 to June 2018 in Hospital Sungai Buloh and Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Malaysia. The indications for tube insertion, insertion technique, and tube-related problems were described.

    RESULTS: The nasojejunal tube was used to establish enteral feeding in patients with obstructing tumors of the distal esophagus in 65 patients (32.3%) and gastric outlet obstruction in 72 patients (35.8%). There were 54 patients (26.9%) who required reinsertion. The most common reason for reinsertion was unintentional dislodgement, where 32 patients (15.9%) followed by tube blockage 20 patients (10.0%). Using our method of advancement under direct vision, we had only 2 cases of malposition due to severely deformed anatomy. We had no incidence of aspiration in this group of patients and overall, the patients tolerated the tube well.

    CONCLUSIONS: The novel nasojejunal feeding tube with gastric decompression function is a safe and effective method of delivery of enteral nutrition in patients with upper gastrointestinal obstruction. These tubes if inserted properly are well tolerated with almost no risk of malposition and are tolerated well even for prolonged periods of time until definitive surgery could be performed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Jejunal Diseases/surgery*
  5. Jarmin R, Azman A, Rahim R, Kosai NR, Das S
    Acta Med Iran, 2012;50(11):782-4.
    PMID: 23292632
    Intussusception is common cause of bowel obstruction in the paediatric age group compared to the elderly population. Many times, the diagnosis may be difficult because of asymptomatic nature of this bowel disorder. We hereby describe the case of a 75-year-old male who presented with lethargy, weakness, loss of movement in the joints and was found to be anemic. The haemoglobin level was low so he was transfused with packed cells. On gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, upper GI bleed was observed. A mass was observed beyond ampulla at the 2nd and 3rd part of the duodenal junction. Computerized tomography (CT) scan also showed a mass at the head of pancreas and the lesion at the left lung. In view of persistent bleed, 'Whipple's procedure' was performed. Histopathological examination showed small cell carcinoma of the lungs with metastasis to the pancreas and the jejunum. We here discuss the case of intussusception with intestinal metastasis which presented with gastrointestinal bleeding.
    Matched MeSH terms: Jejunal Diseases/surgery
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