Optimal antibiotic therapy for critically ill patients can be complicated bythe altered physiology associated with critical illness. Antibiotic pharmacokineticsand exposures can be altered driven by the underlying critical illnessand medical interventions that critically ill patients receive in the intensivecare unit. Furthermore, pathogens that are usually isolated in the intensivecare unit are commonly less susceptible and "resistant" to common antibiotics.Indeed, antibiotic dosing that does not consider these unique differenceswill likely fail leading to poor clinical outcomes and the emergenceof antibiotic resistance in the intensive care unit. The aims of this narrativereview were to describe the pharmacokinetics of beta-lactam antibiotics incritically ill patients, to highlight pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic targetsfor both non-critically ill and critically ill patients, and to discuss importantstrategies that can be undertaken to optimize beta-lactam antibiotic dosingfor critically ill patients in the intensive care unit.
* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.