
  • 1 International Islamic University Malaysia


Replacement therapy for toxoplasmosis was not a clear-cut choice since most of anti-parasitic agents available are also associated with Steven Johnson Syndrome. Further more the therapy has to be effective to control infection, which was previously achieved by oral Fansidar in this patient. Oral Azithromycin was seen as a drug of choice for these reasons. Corticosteroids were maintained since it was relatively indicated in both toxoplasmosis and SJS. Both conditions can results in visual impairment. SJS can be a life threathening condition and its ocular complications include conjunctivitis, ectropion or entropion, symblepharon, vascularization of the cornea, chronic dry eyes, and ankylosymblepharon. Proper management in dealing with both diseases is mandatory in order to prevent mortality and minimize the ocular complications. It has been shown in this case that the challenging part in managing patient with both diseases is to balance out between prevention of fatal consequences and the need control to the infection and preserving vision. Decisions on medical treatment for both conditions will remain controversial till reliable prospective randomized control trials are done to address the issues