
  • 1 International Islamic University Malaysia
  • 2 Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan


Vaginal agenesis is a rare event occurring at a frequency of 1 case per 4000-10 000 female lives born. The most common etiology of vaginal agenesis is congenital absence of the uterus and vagina called mullerian agenesis (Mayer-Rokitansky-Hauser Syndrome). Although most patients with mullerian agenesis have small rudimentary 2 ‘mullerian bulbs’ without any endometrial activity, 7-8% of these cases possibly have a functioning uterus 3. In vaginal agenesis, genetic females are thought to have persistence of mullerian inhibiting factor MIF, resulting in failure of the vagina and uterus to develop 4. The ovaries, given their separate embryonic source, are normal in structure and function. This condition usually goes undetected until these patients reach puberty, when they start to experience cyclic pelvic pain due to the accumulation of menstrual blood.