
  • 1 Pejabat Kesihatan Batu Pahat


Flooding is the most frequent of all natural disasters. A flood is any water flow that exceeds the capacity of the drainage system and usually subsides in relatively shorter period. However, the flood that hit Batu Pahat District were different from other districts. Batu Pahat flooding extended for 48 days from the first wave until it subsided fully. It gives positive and negative effects not only to the victims but also to the health care workers (HCWs) while executing their duties during and post flood. This write up aims to share HCW’s experience and voices from those who were involved in the flood disaster. Methods used are brainstorming sessions, discussion, observation and interview. From this study, 10 main themes were highlighted. This flood disaster has given the HCWs to prepare mentally, physically and increase knowledge and skills to face any disaster in the future.