Temperature monitoring system plays a very important role in modern liquid industrial
process especially where temperature monitoring is impossible through traditional
methods. In this paper a design and implementation of temperature monitoring
system using ATmega328 microcontroller has been proposed. The proposed system
consists of two different parts. The first part is temperature monitoring system and the
other is GUI interfacing between temperature monitoring system and computer as
temperature data storage. The monitoring part is composed of an ATmega328
microcontroller, temperature sensor LM35, alarm buzzer, a LED and a LCD. The
microcontroller is programmed in embed C language using Arduino Uno software to
read data from temperature sensor LM 35, convert and display in digital form on LCD.
Moreover, this part also indicates whether the temperature is low, high or safe by LED
light and alarm buzzer. The second part is GUI interfacing between temperature
monitoring system and computer which is performed through visual basic
programming using Microsoft visual basic software. The function of this part is to store
and display the temperature values and their waveform along with time and date on