
  • 1 International Medical University


Background: House-officers and medical officers are at
the forefront during medical emergencies in the ward
and casualty which impose cognitive, communication,
social and system challenges and yet, training in this
area is commonly lacking. A workshop was conducted
using simulation to provide training on some acute
medical emergencies like cord prolapse, post- partum
haemorrhage with collapse, poly-trauma and acute
exacerbation of asthma.

Objective: To determine the effectiveness of simulation
in developing competency in managing selected clinical

Methodology: There were 22 participants consisting
of house-officers, junior medical officers and nursing
clinical instructors. Only doctors were included in
the study. Four medical emergencies were chosen viz.:
Cord prolapse; post- partum haemorrhage with collapse;
poly-trauma and acute exacerbation of asthma. The
simulated sessions were conducted using high fidelity
manikins and simulated patients. Simulated patients
were trained and moulage was applied accordingly. The
skills stations were on airway equipment and techniques
of application, latest cardiac life support algorithm and
hands on chest compression using manikins.

Results: A 5 point Likert scale used to rate the
sessions. The skills station had 65% (n=13) rating as
excellent and 35% (n=7) good. The skills simulation
was rated excellent by 75% (n=15) and good by 25%
(n=5) of participants. Verbal feedback was that it was
very refreshing, informative, and helpful in terms of
improving their skills.

Conclusion: The simulated skills training for the junior
doctors was very well received and maybe beneficial for
work preparedness and in the long run address patient