
  • 1 Taylor's University
ASM Science Journal, 2018;11(1):1-8.


Thoracic trunk shift and Coronal balance are main features to be considered while planning
treatment for scoliosis patients. Thoracic trunk shift refers to deviation of trunk from its
normal position. Coronal balance refers to deviation of seventh cervical bone from sacrum
in coronal plane. After undergoing scoliosis correction surgery, these two parameters are
measured by surgeons using radiograph images to make sure the scoliosis curve progression
is stopped and whether vertebral alignment is back to normal. Since the relationship
between thoracic trunk shift and coronal balance in the post-operated scoliotic patients is
questionable, this study is done to find the correlation between thoracic trunk shift and
coronal balance in the thoracic scoliosis patients who underwent correction surgery at least a
year before from the date of taking radiographs. Radiographs of 24 patients were collected.
Statistical analysis was done using paired sample ‘t’ test, with ‘p’ value of 0.05 as the level of
significance. The mean millimetre measurement of thoracic trunk shift and coronal balance
was found to be 27.62 mm and 10.50 mm. Results of our study showed that there is a 10.18%
of relation in between the post thoracic trunk shift and coronal balance of those 24 patients.