Br. J. Cancer, 1960;14:1-7.
DOI: 10.1038/bjc.1960.1


The main morbid anatomical features of the 176 lung, the 2 tracheal, and the 13 laryngeal cancers seen in the 22,997 post-mortems performed by the University and Government Departments of Pathology, Singapore, from 1948-58 inclusive, are described, and are seen to be as elsewhere. About one-tenth of all cancers admitted to hospital, and of all cancers registered by the Registrar-General (Singapore) from 1954-58 inclusive were in the lung. In 15 per cent of all post-mortems on persons with malignant disease, the primary tumour was of pulmonary origin. The crude death rate for cancer of the lung in Singapore for 1954-58 inclusive was 0-065 per 1000 living per annum. More cases of lung cancer are seen before the age of 40 than in the West. The consumption of tobacco in Singapore is noted to be 3-7 lb. (1.7 kg) per person per annum. A portion of the literature on cancer of the lung in South-East Asia and in China is discussed. I wish to thank Professor R. Kirk for kind help and encouragement, my colleagues of the Government and University Departments of Pathology for access to their post-mortem notes and records, Mr. E. J. Phillips and Mr. S. C. Chua of the Department of Statistics, Singapore, and Mr. Lee of the Customs Department, Singapore, for various data, Mr. Ti Teow See for Fig. 1, and Mr. P. A. Samuel who typed the script. This communication forms part of a thesis for the degree of Ph.D. (Malaya). © 1960, The British Empire Cancer Campaign for Research. All rights reserved.