
  • 1 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 43000 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia (Malaysia)
  • 2 Iran University of Science & Technology


Air pollution, with a range of health consequences is known to cause major public health issues especially
to the respiratory system. Unfortunately, for those working in the cement industry, the respiratory system
is vulnerable to injury following airborne or hematogenous exposure to toxicants. This study was undertaken
to identify associated factors of occupational safety and health problems among quarry plant workers.
Various Universities databases and other databases were searched with specific search such as occupational
safety and health, quarry plant workers, cement, occupational exposure, respiratory symptoms. In the concrete
sector, cement dust is the most visible and the pollution of fugitive and stack is mostly throughout two ways.
The absorption of toxins into the human body and respiratory tract is a common occurrence where the air
passage narrowness (nose, pharynx, glottis, bronchi are filtered). Previous research has shown that there
is inadequate work safety procedures in quarry factories where the training and use of acceptable
PPEs and hazards / safety measures training is grossly deficient. There is an urgent need to redesign processes
in order to impose a barrier between danger and staff; to adopt safe working practices; to provide
appropriate training for people, to provide training or information to reduce the risk of adverse
health effects and/or harmful effects to people; and to implement personal protective equipment (PPE).