Investors wish to obtain the best trade-off between the return and risk. In portfolio optimization, the mean-absolute deviation model has been used to achieve the target rate of return and minimize the risk. However, the maximization of entropy is not considered in the mean-absolute deviation model according to past studies. In fact, higher entropy values give higher portfolio diversifications, which can reduce portfolio risk. Therefore, this paper aims to propose a multi-objective optimization model, namely a mean-absolute deviation-entropy model for portfolio optimization by incorporating the maximization of entropy. In addition, the proposed model incorporates the optimal value of each objective function using a goal-programming approach. The objective functions of the proposed model are to maximize the mean return, minimize the absolute deviation and maximize the entropy of the portfolio. The proposed model is illustrated using returns of stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average that are listed in the New York Stock Exchange. This study will be of significant impact to investors because the results show that the proposed model outperforms the mean-absolute deviation model and the naive diversification strategy by giving higher a performance ratio. Furthermore, the proposed model generates higher portfolio mean returns than the MAD model and the naive diversification strategy. Investors will be able to generate a well-diversified portfolio in order to minimize unsystematic risk with the proposed model.
* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.