Generally, industrial gas turbines (IGT) face transient behavior during start-up, load change, shutdown and variations in ambient conditions. These transient conditions shift engine thermal equilibrium from one steady state to another steady state. In turn, various aero-thermal and mechanical stresses are developed that are adverse for engine's reliability, availability, and overall health. The transient behavior needs to be accurately predicted since it is highly related to low cycle fatigue and early failures, especially in the hot regions of the gas turbine. In the present paper, several critical aspects related to transient behavior and its modeling are reviewed and studied from the point of view of identifying potential research gaps within the context of fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) under dynamic conditions. Among the considered topics are, (i) general transient regimes and pertinent model formulation techniques, (ii) control mechanism for part-load operation, (iii) developing a database of variable geometry inlet guide vanes (VIGVs) and variable bleed valves (VBVs) schedules along with selection framework, and (iv) data compilation of shaft's polar moment of inertia for different types of engine's configurations. This comprehensive literature document, considering all the aspects of transient behavior and its associated modeling techniques will serve as an anchor point for the future researchers, gas turbine operators and design engineers for effective prognostics, FDD and predictive condition monitoring for variable geometry IGT.
The problem of entropy generation analysis and natural convection in a nanofluid square cavity with a concentric solid insert and different temperature distributions is studied numerically by the finite difference method. An isothermal heater is placed on the bottom wall while isothermal cold sources are distributed along the top and side walls of the square cavity. The remainder of these walls are kept adiabatic. Water-based nanofluids with Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles are chosen for the investigation. The governing dimensionless parameters of this study are the nanoparticles volume fraction ( 0 ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.09 ), Rayleigh number ( 10 3 ≤ R a ≤ 10 6 ) , thermal conductivity ratio ( 0.44 ≤ K r ≤ 23.8 ) and length of the inner solid ( 0 ≤ D ≤ 0.7 ). Comparisons with previously experimental and numerical published works verify a very good agreement with the proposed numerical method. Numerical results are presented graphically in the form of streamlines, isotherms and local entropy generation as well as the local and average Nusselt numbers. The obtained results indicate that the thermal conductivity ratio and the inner solid size are excellent control parameters for an optimization of heat transfer and Bejan number within the fully heated and partially cooled square cavity.
The recent increase in the number of videos available in cyberspace is due to the availability of multimedia devices, highly developed communication technologies, and low-cost storage devices. These videos are simply stored in databases through text annotation. Content-based video browsing and retrieval are inefficient due to the method used to store videos in databases. Video databases are large in size and contain voluminous information, and these characteristics emphasize the need for automated video structure analyses. Shot boundary detection (SBD) is considered a substantial process of video browsing and retrieval. SBD aims to detect transition and their boundaries between consecutive shots; hence, shots with rich information are used in the content-based video indexing and retrieval. This paper presents a review of an extensive set for SBD approaches and their development. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are comprehensively explored. The developed algorithms are discussed, and challenges and recommendations are presented.
Kidney image enhancement is challenging due to the unpredictable quality of MRI images, as well as the nature of kidney diseases. The focus of this work is on kidney images enhancement by proposing a new Local Fractional Entropy (LFE)-based model. The proposed model estimates the probability of pixels that represent edges based on the entropy of the neighboring pixels, which results in local fractional entropy. When there is a small change in the intensity values (indicating the presence of edge in the image), the local fractional entropy gives fine image details. Similarly, when no change in intensity values is present (indicating smooth texture), the LFE does not provide fine details, based on the fact that there is no edge information. Tests were conducted on a large dataset of different, poor-quality kidney images to show that the proposed model is useful and effective. A comparative study with the classical methods, coupled with the latest enhancement methods, shows that the proposed model outperforms the existing methods.
In this paper, we introduce a new, three-dimensional chaotic system with one stable equilibrium. This system is a multistable dynamic system in which the strange attractor is hidden. We investigate its dynamic properties through equilibrium analysis, a bifurcation diagram and Lyapunov exponents. Such multistable systems are important in engineering. We perform an entropy analysis, parameter estimation and circuit design using this new system to show its feasibility and ability to be used in engineering applications.
Credit scoring is an important tool used by financial institutions to correctly identify defaulters and non-defaulters. Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) are the Artificial Intelligence techniques that have been attracting interest due to their flexibility to account for various data patterns. Both are black-box models which are sensitive to hyperparameter settings. Feature selection can be performed on SVM to enable explanation with the reduced features, whereas feature importance computed by RF can be used for model explanation. The benefits of accuracy and interpretation allow for significant improvement in the area of credit risk and credit scoring. This paper proposes the use of Harmony Search (HS), to form a hybrid HS-SVM to perform feature selection and hyperparameter tuning simultaneously, and a hybrid HS-RF to tune the hyperparameters. A Modified HS (MHS) is also proposed with the main objective to achieve comparable results as the standard HS with a shorter computational time. MHS consists of four main modifications in the standard HS: (i) Elitism selection during memory consideration instead of random selection, (ii) dynamic exploration and exploitation operators in place of the original static operators, (iii) a self-adjusted bandwidth operator, and (iv) inclusion of additional termination criteria to reach faster convergence. Along with parallel computing, MHS effectively reduces the computational time of the proposed hybrid models. The proposed hybrid models are compared with standard statistical models across three different datasets commonly used in credit scoring studies. The computational results show that MHS-RF is most robust in terms of model performance, model explainability and computational time.
Brain tumor detection at early stages can increase the chances of the patient's recovery after treatment. In the last decade, we have noticed a substantial development in the medical imaging technologies, and they are now becoming an integral part in the diagnosis and treatment processes. In this study, we generalize the concept of entropy difference defined in terms of Marsaglia formula (usually used to describe two different figures, statues, etc.) by using the quantum calculus. Then we employ the result to extend the local binary patterns (LBP) to get the quantum entropy LBP (QELBP). The proposed study consists of two approaches of features extractions of MRI brain scans, namely, the QELBP and the deep learning DL features. The classification of MRI brain scan is improved by exploiting the excellent performance of the QELBP-DL feature extraction of the brain in MRI brain scans. The combining all of the extracted features increase the classification accuracy of long short-term memory network when using it as the brain tumor classifier. The maximum accuracy achieved for classifying a dataset comprising 154 MRI brain scan is 98.80%. The experimental results demonstrate that combining the extracted features improves the performance of MRI brain tumor classification.
In this study, a novel application of neurocomputing technique is presented for solving nonlinear heat transfer and natural convection porous fin problems arising in almost all areas of engineering and technology, especially in mechanical engineering. The mathematical models of the problems are exploited by the intelligent strength of Euler polynomials based Euler neural networks (ENN's), optimized with a generalized normal distribution optimization (GNDO) algorithm and Interior point algorithm (IPA). In this scheme, ENN's based differential equation models are constructed in an unsupervised manner, in which the neurons are trained by GNDO as an effective global search technique and IPA, which enhances the local search convergence. Moreover, a temperature distribution of heat transfer and natural convection porous fin are investigated by using an ENN-GNDO-IPA algorithm under the influence of variations in specific heat, thermal conductivity, internal heat generation, and heat transfer rate, respectively. A large number of executions are performed on the proposed technique for different cases to determine the reliability and effectiveness through various performance indicators including Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), error in Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (ENSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and Thiel's inequality coefficient (TIC). Extensive graphical and statistical analysis shows the dominance of the proposed algorithm with state-of-the-art algorithms and numerical solver RK-4.
We extend the operational matrices technique to design a spectral solution of nonlinear fractional differential equations (FDEs). The derivative is considered in the Caputo sense. The coupled system of two FDEs is considered, subjected to more generalized integral type conditions. The basis of our approach is the most simple orthogonal polynomials. Several new matrices are derived that have strong applications in the development of computational scheme. The scheme presented in this article is able to convert nonlinear coupled system of FDEs to an equivalent S-lvester type algebraic equation. The solution of the algebraic structure is constructed by converting the system into a complex Schur form. After conversion, the solution of the resultant triangular system is obtained and transformed back to construct the solution of algebraic structure. The solution of the matrix equation is used to construct the solution of the related nonlinear system of FDEs. The convergence of the proposed method is investigated analytically and verified experimentally through a wide variety of test problems.
Based on the analysis and measurement of the overall situation, import and export structure and international competitiveness of the various sectors of service trade in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, with the help of MATLAB and Gray System Modeling software, the synergy degree model was established to quantitatively analyze the synergy level of service trade in the Greater Bay Area with the help of grey correlation analysis method and entropy weight method. The results show that the overall development trend of service trade in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is good. The service trade industries in different regions are highly complementary and have a high degree of correlation. The potential for the coordinated development of internal service trade is excellent, and the overall situation of service trade in the Greater Bay Area is in a stage of transition from a moderate level of synergy to a high level of synergy. The Greater Bay Area can achieve industrial synergy by accelerating industrial integration and green transformation, establishing a coordinated development mechanism, sharing market platform, strengthening personnel security, and further enhancing the international competitiveness of service trade. The established model better reflects the current coordination of service trade in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and has good applicability. In the future, more economic, technological, geographic, and policy data and information can be comprehensively used to study the spatial pattern, evolution rules, and mechanisms of coordinated development in the broader area.
The flow and heat transfer fields from a nanofluid within a horizontal annulus partly saturated with a porous region are examined by the Galerkin weighted residual finite element technique scheme. The inner and the outer circular boundaries have hot and cold temperatures, respectively. Impacts of the wide ranges of the Darcy number, porosity, dimensionless length of the porous layer, and nanoparticle volume fractions on the streamlines, isotherms, and isentropic distributions are investigated. The primary outcomes revealed that the stream function value is powered by increasing the Darcy parameter and porosity and reduced by growing the porous region's area. The Bejan number and the average temperature are reduced by the increase in Da, porosity ε, and nanoparticles volume fractions ϕ. The heat transfer through the nanofluid-porous layer was determined to be the best toward high rates of Darcy number, porosity, and volume fraction of nanofluid. Further, the local velocity and local temperature in the interface surface between nanofluid-porous layers obtain high values at the smallest area from the porous region (D=0.4), and in contrast, the local heat transfer takes the lower value.
Investors wish to obtain the best trade-off between the return and risk. In portfolio optimization, the mean-absolute deviation model has been used to achieve the target rate of return and minimize the risk. However, the maximization of entropy is not considered in the mean-absolute deviation model according to past studies. In fact, higher entropy values give higher portfolio diversifications, which can reduce portfolio risk. Therefore, this paper aims to propose a multi-objective optimization model, namely a mean-absolute deviation-entropy model for portfolio optimization by incorporating the maximization of entropy. In addition, the proposed model incorporates the optimal value of each objective function using a goal-programming approach. The objective functions of the proposed model are to maximize the mean return, minimize the absolute deviation and maximize the entropy of the portfolio. The proposed model is illustrated using returns of stocks of the Dow Jones Industrial Average that are listed in the New York Stock Exchange. This study will be of significant impact to investors because the results show that the proposed model outperforms the mean-absolute deviation model and the naive diversification strategy by giving higher a performance ratio. Furthermore, the proposed model generates higher portfolio mean returns than the MAD model and the naive diversification strategy. Investors will be able to generate a well-diversified portfolio in order to minimize unsystematic risk with the proposed model.
The forecasting and prediction of crude oil are necessary in enabling governments to compile their economic plans. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have been widely used in different forecasting and prediction applications, including in the oil industry. The dendritic neural regression (DNR) model is an ANNs that has showed promising performance in time-series prediction. The DNR has the capability to deal with the nonlinear characteristics of historical data for time-series forecasting applications. However, it faces certain limitations in training and configuring its parameters. To this end, we utilized the power of metaheuristic optimization algorithms to boost the training process and optimize its parameters. A comprehensive evaluation is presented in this study with six MH optimization algorithms used for this purpose: whale optimization algorithm (WOA), particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), sine-cosine algorithm (SCA), differential evolution (DE), and harmony search algorithm (HS). We used oil-production datasets for historical records of crude oil production from seven real-world oilfields (from Tahe oilfields, in China), provided by a local partner. Extensive evaluation experiments were carried out using several performance measures to study the validity of the DNR with MH optimization methods in time-series applications. The findings of this study have confirmed the applicability of MH with DNR. The applications of MH methods improved the performance of the original DNR. We also concluded that the PSO and WOA achieved the best performance compared with other methods.
In this paper we explore a solenoid configuration involving a magnetic universe solution embedded in an empty Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. This requires a non-trivial surface current at the interface between the two spacetimes, which can be provided by a charged scalar field. When the interface is taken to the AdS boundary, we recover the full AdS-Melvin spacetime. The stability of the AdS-Melvin solution is also studied by computing the gravitational free energy from the Euclidean action.
Porous media burner (PMB) is widely used in a variety of practical systems, including heat exchangers, gas propulsion, reactors, and radiant burner combustion. However, thorough evaluations of the performance of the PMB based on the usefulness of entropy generation, thermal and exergy efficiency aspects are still lacking. In this work, the concept of a double-layer micro PMB with a 23 mm cylindrical shape burner was experimentally demonstrated. The PMB was constructed based on the utilization of premixed butane-air combustion which consists of an alumina and porcelain foam. The tests were designed to cover lean to rich combustion with equivalence ratios ranging from ϕ = 0.6 to ϕ = 1.2. It was found that the maximum thermal and exergy efficiency was obtained at ϕ = 1.2 while the lowest thermal and exergy efficiency was found at ϕ = 0.8. Furthermore, the findings also indicated that the total entropy generation, energy loss, and exergy destroyed yield the lowest values at ϕ = 1.0 with 0.0048 W/K, 98.084 W, and 1.456 W, respectively. These values can be stated to be the suitable operating conditions of the PMB. The findings provided useful information on the design and operation in a double-layer PMB.
Image segmentation is a fundamental but essential step in image processing because it dramatically influences posterior image analysis. Multilevel thresholding image segmentation is one of the most popular image segmentation techniques, and many researchers have used meta-heuristic optimization algorithms (MAs) to determine the threshold values. However, MAs have some defects; for example, they are prone to stagnate in local optimal and slow convergence speed. This paper proposes an enhanced slime mould algorithm for global optimization and multilevel thresholding image segmentation, namely ESMA. First, the Levy flight method is used to improve the exploration ability of SMA. Second, quasi opposition-based learning is introduced to enhance the exploitation ability and balance the exploration and exploitation. Then, the superiority of the proposed work ESMA is confirmed concerning the 23 benchmark functions. Afterward, the ESMA is applied in multilevel thresholding image segmentation using minimum cross-entropy as the fitness function. We select eight greyscale images as the benchmark images for testing and compare them with the other classical and state-of-the-art algorithms. Meanwhile, the experimental metrics include the average fitness (mean), standard deviation (Std), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), structure similarity index (SSIM), feature similarity index (FSIM), and Wilcoxon rank-sum test, which is utilized to evaluate the quality of segmentation. Experimental results demonstrated that ESMA is superior to other algorithms and can provide higher segmentation accuracy.
This paper addresses a design optimization of a gas turbine (GT) for marine applications. A gain-scheduling method incorporating a meta-heuristic optimization is proposed to optimize a thermodynamics-based model of a small GT engine. A comprehensive control system consisting of a proportional integral (PI) controller with additional proportional gains, gain scheduling, and a min-max controller is developed. The modeling of gains as a function of plant variables is presented. Meta-heuristic optimizations, namely a genetic algorithm (GA) and a whale optimization algorithm (WOA), are applied to optimize the designed control system. The results show that the WOA has better performance than that of the GA, where the WOA exhibits the minimum fitness value. Compared to the unoptimized gain, the time to reach the target of the power lever angle is significantly reduced. Optimal gain scheduling shows a stable response compared with a fixed gain, which can have oscillation effects as a controller responds. An effect of using bioethanol as a fuel has been observed. It shows that for the same input parameters of the GT dynamics model, the fuel flow increases significantly, as compared with diesel fuel, because of its low bioethanol heating value. Thus, a significant increase occurs only at the gain that depends on the fuel flow.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) images coupled with many learning techniques have been developed to diagnose retinal disorders. This work aims to develop a novel framework for extracting deep features from 18 pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNN) and to attain high performance using OCT images. In this work, we have developed a new framework for automated detection of retinal disorders using transfer learning. This model consists of three phases: deep fused and multilevel feature extraction, using 18 pre-trained networks and tent maximal pooling, feature selection with ReliefF, and classification using the optimized classifier. The novelty of this proposed framework is the feature generation using widely used CNNs and to select the most suitable features for classification. The extracted features using our proposed intelligent feature extractor are fed to iterative ReliefF (IRF) to automatically select the best feature vector. The quadratic support vector machine (QSVM) is utilized as a classifier in this work. We have developed our model using two public OCT image datasets, and they are named database 1 (DB1) and database 2 (DB2). The proposed framework can attain 97.40% and 100% classification accuracies using the two OCT datasets, DB1 and DB2, respectively. These results illustrate the success of our model.
We suggest a method to improve quantum correlations in cavity magnomechanics, through the use of a coherent feedback loop and magnon squeezing. The entanglement of three bipartition subsystems: photon-phonon, photon-magnon, and phonon-magnon, is significantly improved by the coherent feedback-control method that has been proposed. In addition, we investigate Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering under thermal effects in each of the subsystems. We also evaluate the scheme's performance and sensitivity to magnon squeezing. Furthermore, we study the comparison between entanglement and Gaussian quantum discord in both steady and dynamical states.
In this study, a new approach to basis of intelligent systems and machine learning algorithms is introduced for solving singular multi-pantograph differential equations (SMDEs). For the first time, a type-2 fuzzy logic based approach is formulated to find an approximated solution. The rules of the suggested type-2 fuzzy logic system (T2-FLS) are optimized by the square root cubature Kalman filter (SCKF) such that the proposed fineness function to be minimized. Furthermore, the stability and boundedness of the estimation error is proved by novel approach on basis of Lyapunov theorem. The accuracy and robustness of the suggested algorithm is verified by several statistical examinations. It is shown that the suggested method results in an accurate solution with rapid convergence and a lower computational cost.