Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 60 in total

  1. Chea, Jia En
    The profession of Nursing has taken a huge leap forward both during the time of Florence Nightingale to
    today's modern age. This article sheds light on the journey of nursing, from its humble roots to Nightingale's
    contributions and the various breakthroughs of the present along with a focus on the pros and cons as well as
    the strengths and weaknesses of Nursing in both Nightingale's and today's time. Various aspects in both time
    periods are considered in this article along with a note that emphasizes on the contemplation rather than
    outperformance in the field of Nursing in both time periods.
  2. Manfred Mortell
    This case study illustrates an ongoing therapeutic dilemma which continues to place the patient's welfare at risk. The safety predicament is associated with the transfusion of blood or their products to the correct patient. Predictably, healthcare scholars declare that when clinical practice is ineffective, a “theory-practice gap” is typically responsible. Within this paradigm there is often a gap between theoretical knowledge and its application in clinical practice. Most of the evidence relating to the non-integration of theory and practice makes the premise that environmental factors will influence learning and practice outcomes, hence the "gap". However, it is the author's belief, that to "bridge the gap" between theory and practice an additional component called “Ethics” must be appreciated. This introduces a new concept “theory-practice-ethics gap” which must be considered when reviewing some of the unacceptable appalling outcomes in health care practice
  3. Pavitira Manogaran, Rajendran Muthuveloo
    Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between workplace mindfulness, cognition, emotion, behaviour and psychology on job performance. In addition, age was tested as the moderating factor on the relationship between workplace mindfulness, cognition, emotion, behaviour and psychology on job performance. Method: The research was conducted on nurses working in Malaysian government hospitals among 127 respondents were chosen. Data was collected from the respondents using a structured questionnaire. The data were analysed with factor analysis, reliability test and multiple regression analysis. Results: Results indicated that only workplace mindfulness, cognition and behaviour had a positive significant influence on job performance. Age moderated the relationship between the cognition, behaviour and psychology positively and significantly on job performance. Contribution: The Malaysian government hospital management is suggested to focus on these three factors in order to overcome job performance issue among nurses.
  4. Salizar Mohamed Ludin, Hamidah Othman
    This paper aims to review the literature with regards to the family caregivers of severe traumatic brain injury survivors and their needs for care at home. The search started by finding the relevant keywords from EBSCOhost: MeSH database. There were many related studies found by searching the following multiple databases. They are from Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) reviews @ Ovid, Journal @ Ovid Full text, Medline with Full text via EBSCOhost, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Science Direct, and Google scholars' articles. The search terms were limited to publications ranging from 2010 to 2016. Several points were highlighted regarding the needs of family caregivers who had been taking care of traumatic brain injury survivors. It also provided information on the needs of family caregivers in terms of care, traumatic brain injury, TBI survivor complications, family caregiver's burden, caregiver challenges and the impact of traumatic brain injury to family caregiver's quality of life. Overall, the study shows that family caregivers face significant challenges toward care of TBI survivors. The review highlighted the support needed from the family caregivers, and other important facts about severe traumatic brain injury in order to understand the condition. Further research should focus on rehabilitation efforts on traumatic brain injury survivors.
  5. Mardiana Mansor
    The article review was to identify, discuss, explore, critically analyze and evaluate the scenario of Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus (HIV) among women in nursing perspective taking into account global perspective. The current aim is to reduce the number of HIV globally, especially among women. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is considered as a disease state of hopelessness and imminent death. HIV and AIDS status demotivate the women emotionally in physical, social, and emotional perspectives. HIV-positive women portray of AIDS is deeply discrediting; with physical failure, moral failure, and social ostracism.
  6. Mansor M, Ghazali S, Wan Abdul WNA, Mohamed F
    This article define and discuss the issue of plagiarism by nursing students either in academic or clinical settings. It describes and explore the scenario of plagiarism among nursing students and implications for the qualification of the students. Currently, prevention is required to avoid negative culture in nursing education due to plagiarism.
  7. Rusnani Ab Latif
    Introduction: Birth weight is the single most important factor which determines infant morbidity and
    mortality. Birth weight of the newborn is believed to be influenced by several factors. Therefore, it is
    important to understand the possible factors that influence birth weight.

    Methodology: The respondents were 230 postnatal mothers who participated in this study. A selfadministered
    questionnaire was used for interviewing the postnatal mothers. One Way Analysis of
    Variance (ANOVA), Chi-square tests and the independent t-test were used. Statistically significant data
    were those that had a p- value < 0.05.

    Results: The mean birth weight was 3080.02±400.61g. The incidence of low birth weight (LBW) was
    12.6%. By using One-Way ANOVAtest, the factors that were found to be significantly associated with birth
    weight (p
  8. Nurul Akma Jamil
    Socio-cultural poses as the enabler and barrier in breastfeeding practice. A review of published literature
    was conducted and a total of 25 articles were reviewed to seek the answer: How religious belief and
    sociocultural influence breastfeeding practice? Published articles were identified through electronic
    searches of PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Google scholars and IIUM Repository within timeframe of 2011
    to 2017. Through this searching, three key themes were identified: religious views on breastfeeding,
    sociocultural perspectives and challenges. A comprehensive understanding on religious recommendation
    and cultural influence would benefit in the reconstruction of breastfeeding promotion and education
  9. Purusothaman I, Lim PH
    Advanced nursing practice involves higher level of knowledge and skills of nurses to perform autonomous practice in clinical settings in order to meet the needs of individuals, families and communities. Advanced practice in nursing is also known as adjusting boundaries for future practice, pioneering and developing new roles of nurses in clinical practice, research and education. Advanced practice of nursing in the developed countries are recognized with different nomenclatures such as advanced nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, specialized nurse practitioner, nurse practitioner, certified nurse practitioner and advanced practice registered nurse. Malaysia is one of the pioneering Asian countries to introduce clinical nurse specialist in hospital settings, which is a stepping stone for the development of advanced nursing practice.
    Keywords: Nurses in Malaysia, Clinical Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Nurse Practice
  10. Lai PK, Lim PH
    The evolution of nursing profession and education has taken its pace over the past years. Therefore, with the changes in nursing education over the years, the level of professional socialization among the students has become an area of interest. The objectives of this pilot study were to explore and compare the level of professional socialization between the diploma and degree nursing students (first year and final year) using the measuring tool of NPVS-R as well as to identify the demographic variables related to the level of professional socialization among the nursing students. From this pilot study, it was found that there was no significant difference in the level of professional socialization between the diploma and degree nursing students (p = 0.133). With regards to the demographic variables related to the level of professional socialization, significant difference was found only for the variable of father's educational level (p = 0 .035).
    Keywords: Professional Socialization, Diploma and Degree Nursing Students, Nursing Education
  11. Mohd Ardzi R, Shariff N, Omar NZ, Ramli N, Md Isa KA
    This study sought to investigate understanding of obesity among registered nurse e-PJJ student semester 9 UiTM in Puncak Alam, in Selangor, Malaysia. A survey research design was used for the study. 100 nurses were randomly selected from 130 nurses in e-PJJ student semester 9. Study of this population was done by systematic sampling. The target groups for this study are matrons, sisters and staff nurses. 100% nurses showed understanding of obesity. Eating habits of the nurses contributed to this obesity. It was recommended among others, that nurses should practice theoretical knowledge base and the need to more opportunities for physical activities at hospital sites was emphasized.
    Keywords: Obesity, Registered Nurses, Knowledge and attitude
  12. Norhaizan Jann, Chan, Siok Gim
    Low back pain is a common occupational health issue especially among nurses that leads to suffering, disability and days of work lost that affect the continuity and quality of patients care. This study aims to determine prevalence of low back pain among registered nurse at Surgical Unit in RPZ II Hospital and identify the associated factors. It is a cross-sectional study that used a self-administered questionnaire to collect the data among a convenience sample of 60 nurses. Data was analyzed using Pearson Chi-Square. Majority of them were aged 31 to 40 years (53.3%), Malays (91.5%), married (84.6%), had working experience from 11 to 15 years (50.8%), had formal manual handling training (64.9%) and are overweight(58.3%). The prevalence of low back pain was 63.8%. The study revealed statistical significance for race (p=0.002), number of patients they have to handle (p=0.005), satisfaction with working environment (p=0.007) and emotional and social problems (p=0.007, p=0.038, respectively).
  13. Maniam, Radha, Mbambe, Ikome Otto
    Effective and skilful communication is crucial and an important element in the quality of nursing care. This enables nurses to assess patients' needs and provide them with the appropriate physical care, emotional support, knowledge transfer and exchange of information. However, nurses find it difficult to communicate effectively and therapeutically with their patients. Aim: To identify the nurses' and adult inpatients' perceptions of barriers to effective nurse-patient communication. Methodology: A descriptive study was used to collect data from nurses (n=40) and adult inpatient (n=63) in multidisciplinary wards in a private hospital in Malaysia. Two sets of self-administered questionnaire for the two different groups of participants, the patients and nurses were used. Data were analysed using the SPSS version 20.0. Results: Nurses and adult in patient perceived heavy workload, dialect and negative attitudes towards nurses as main barriers that hinders effective communication among nurses and patients. Conclusion: Communication places an important part in patients' satisfaction of care and the ability of the nurse to provided patient centred care. Nurses should take in to account those communication barriers that affect the patients and be confident enough to take the first step to initiate communication and be able to handle patients' dynamic emotions.
  14. Mamat Purnama, Lia Herliana
    LBW infants are at risk not only due to neonatal complications but also by other risk factors (eg. congenital anomalies associated with LBW). This research is motivated by the high incidence of LBW in Tasikmalaya City Hospital each year. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between demographic factors in this case the mother's age, maternal education level, socio-economic level with the incidence of LBW. The research hypothesis has a relationship between maternal age, maternal education level, socioeconomic level, pregnancy with LBW incidence. The benefits of research provide a basis for evidencebased practice to nursing practitioners, that there is a relationship between demographic factors (maternal age, education level and socioeconomic level) with the incidence of LBW. Quantitative research method was used with cross sectional approach. The data was processed using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of the study show no significant relationship between the factors of maternal age, education level, socioeconomic level with the incidence of LBW in Tasikmalaya City Hospital with p value > 0.05 for all variables. From the present study it is suggested that nurses should improve health education so that people can understand better about the risk of LBW.
  15. Sunita, Shanmugam, Norhaniza Zakaria, Munirah Ismail, Pangie Bakit, Norhidayah Mat Diah
    Introduction: Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia colleges, offer diploma and advanced diploma programmes for nursing, assistant medical officer and other allied health personnel. As academic institutions, the trainers are encouraged to participate and enhance the colleges' research productivity. The aim of this study is to explore the perceived barriers and motivation factors for research in MOH colleges. Method: Aqualitative research design was conducted among MOH colleges trainers. Semi structured questions were used in 11 Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and 13 In-Depth Interview (IDI) among 98 respondents from seven MOH colleges. Thematic analysis was used to identify emerging themes from the interviews. Results: Three institutional factors motivate engagement in research: key performance indicator, research support and research skills. Majority of respondents were aware of the importance of research, but their research productivity is low due to perceived barriers related to human resource, research material, technical and funding support. Conclusion: The findings are useful in understanding research motivation as well as ascertain barriers that can be overcome through better support and recognition. Such understanding will help improve the policy for research across the colleges.
  16. Lim, Swee Geok, Lau, Mei Yee, Ho, Ai Lian
    Introduction: Critical thinking is an important element in nursing practice as well as being a vital educational outcome in any nursing curriculum. Critical thinking can influence the outcome of patient care and patient satisfaction. Objective: To determine the level of critical thinking ability among nursing students in two nursing colleges and its differences according to social demographic variables. Method: This was a cross sectional descriptive study design in which Critical Ability Scale for College Students were used to collect data from 158 nursing students in two private nursing colleges in Malaysia. Participants were recruited through convenience sampling. Results: The mean overall score for critical thinking ability was 70.6±6.98 with scores ranging from 56 to 89. The mean score of the subscales was 3.63±0.50 for intellectual, eagerness and health skepticism abilities, 3.63±0.42 for intellectual honesty ability, 3.61± 0.41 for prudence ability and 2.68±0.64 for objectivity ability. There are no significant differences between the independent variables and level of critical thinking ability. Conclusion: A high critical thinking ability score was reported with intellectual, eagerness and health skepticism being the highest subscale. The way forward requires academicians and clinicians to work together to ensure a transfer of knowledge and skills from the classroom to the clinical environment in order to develop and enhance the ability to think critically in making clinical decision and produce thinking nurses for the future.
  17. Annamma Kunjukunju, Aini Ahmad
    Background: Hospital medicine is characterized as a multifaceted team-based activity with a necessity for a high level of accuracy, timely, and reliable communication. Effective communication among healthcare providers is the key to successful collaboration within the healthcare system. Effective communication can improve patient safety, job satisfaction, and reduce burn out syndrome among nurses. The purpose of the study was to identify the factors contributing to the competency gap between and doctors in four private hospitals in Malaysia. Method: The study used a descriptive qualitative design to elicit the experience of 15 doctors from three private hospitals. A semi-structured interview was conducted to collect the data. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi's method for thematic data analysis. Results: The findings of the study suggested three main categories as the factors contributing to the communication gap among nurses and doctors as perceived by specialist doctors. The three categories include nurses training attributes, graduate nurse attributes, and work environment attributes. The nurses training attributes include entry requirements for student's recruitment into the nursing program, undergraduate training process, and assessment of student nurses. The graduate nurse's attributes had nine elements. The elements include a post-registration thirst for knowledge, medical English knowledge, self-confidence, stress management skills, critical thinking, and clinical judgment skills, perceived power on the authority of doctors, passion to work, time management skills as well as stress and personal factors of nurses. The working environment attributes included workload of nurses, teamwork among nurses Preceptorship, and appreciation of nurses by the organization. The informants also suggested measures to overcome the competency gaps among nurses. Conclusion: In conclusion, the nurse's communication competency is a vital factor in determining patient safety and quality of care. The quality of nursing care has a significant impact on the image of any health care organization. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the factors contributing to poor communication among nurses and doctors and to initiate interventions to fill the communication gap.
  18. Zanial AZ, Hamzah F
    Thyroid disorders could be broadly categorised into benign and malignant diseases. Approaches for the
    management of benign and malignant thyroid disorders have been well documented including the treatment
    using radioactive iodine (RAI). RAI has long been used to treat hyperthyroidism and well differentiated
    thyroid cancer. Nevertheless, there are various factors that may influence the outcome of RAI treatment
    including matters related to patient preparations. Thus, healthcare personnel play an important role in
    assisting patients to make the necessary preparations. This article aims to give nurses and clinicians of
    various specialities an insight into the overview of RAI treatment for thyroid disorders particularly in
    Malaysia and further discusses the issues related to preparations of patients.
  19. Norida Muhammad, Chan, Siok Gim
    Nurses play a key role in caring for the mentally ill and in rehabilitating them after an episode of illness. The nurses' attitude towards a patient is generally considered to be one of the basic factors contributing to the administration of total therapeutic nursing care. The purpose of this study was to examine whether attitudes towards mental patients improve after psychiatric attachment as well as the relationship between attitudes to psychiatry and intention to pursue psychiatry as a career. The study was conducted on sixty nursing students of fifth semester at the Kolej Kejururawatan Kubang Kerian, Kelantan who are doing their psychiatric postings in Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu. The sampling technique for this study was convenient sampling. The instrument used for this study surveyed questionnaire developed by Brenda Happell (Happell, 2008). This quasi-experimental study measured changes in students' attitudes and satisfaction with clinical experience following a placement in mental health nursing. The questionnaire was administered to the nursing students on the first and last day of their psychiatric clinical placement session. The findings suggested that clinical experience during psychiatric clinical posting can positively influence attitudes, preparedness for practice and the popularity of mental health nursing. Satisfaction with clinical experience was also high. The findings of this study suggest that clinical postings had positive effects on nursing students' attitudes towards psychiatric patients and confidence in this field of practice.

    Study site: Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II, Kota Bharu
  20. Rusnani Ab Latif, Akehsan Dahlan, Zamzaliza Abdul Mulud, Mohd Zarawi Mat Nor
    Excellence in academic and practical skills is the main goal of most nursing educators. It is a tool to measure the level of success of the nurse educators. Concept mapping care plan is related to the expectation that today's nursing students must master a constantly expanding body of knowledge and apply complex skills in rapidly changing environment. Concept mapping care plan was developed by researcher and validated by ten expert panels using three rounds of Delphi technique. It was used to evaluate academic performance of nursing students at clinical practice. Concept mapping care plan is a good assessment tool to nursing educators to prepare nursing students for better critical thinking and expected to function effectively after graduation. The goal of concept mapping care plan as a teaching strategy during the clinical practices, help the students to integrate the knowledge from theory and implementing this knowledge in the clinical setting. Researcher believes that concept mapping care plan can be as a replacement of nursing process that have been practiced before in the clinical setting. In addition, through concept mapping care plan provides an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge and become more creative.
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