Displaying all 8 publications

  1. Laidin AZ, Al Rashid Z, Mohd Nor M
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Sep;39(3):185-91.
    PMID: 6544919
    A review of 24 children with posterolateral (Bochdalek) diaphragmatic hernia over a five-year period was carried out to highlight the problems of diagnosis and' management. Nine children were delivered in the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur, giving an incidence of 1:10,000 live births which is half the expected incidence. Difficulty in diagnosis is apparent from the large number of initially misdiagnosed cases (29%) and those not detected
    soon after birth (71% diagnosed after 24 hours). Less than half the babies had associated anomalies, commonest being malrotation and ipsilateral lung hypoplasia. Mortality (20.8%) appears to be related to the degree of lung hypoplasia and shunting, and the birthweight of the babies. Current evidence indicates that pulmonary hypertension is the main factor in the chain of events beginning with lung hypoplasia, which ultimately leads to their demise. Various methods to overcome this complication have been evolved which appear to give some hope for these high-risk infants.
  2. Zhang X, Quah CH, Nazri Bin Mohd Nor M
    Sci Rep, 2023 Jun 26;13(1):10301.
    PMID: 37365193 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-36920-9
    The motivation for analyzing the impact of deep neural networks on enterprise performance is mainly due to the continuous deepening of enterprise information construction, shifting from traditional paper-based data acquisition methods to electronic data management. The data generated by the sales, production, logistics and other links of enterprises is also becoming increasingly large. How to scientifically and effectively process these massive amounts of data and extract valuable information has become an important issue that enterprises need to solve. The continuous and stable growth of China's economy has promoted the development and growth of enterprises, however, it has also made enterprises face a more complex competitive environment. The question of how to improve the performance of enterprises to enhance their competitiveness in the market has become a major issue to be addressed in the face of fierce competition and to ensure the long-term development of enterprises. In this paper, based on the research of firm performance evaluation, deep neural network is introduced to analyse the influence of ambidextrous innovation and social network on firm performance, and the theories of social network, ambidextrous innovation and deep neural network are sorted out and analysed, and a deep neural network-based firm performance evaluation model is established, and finally the sample data is obtained using crawler technology, and then the response values are analysed. Innovation and the improvement of the mean value of social networks are helpful to firm performance.
  3. Laidin AZ, Proehoeman R, Mohd Nor M
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Dec;37(4):349-53.
    PMID: 7167088
    Sixty seven infants were admitted over a 10-year period from 1972 to 1981: 50 males and 17 females. A higher incidence of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis exists in West Malaysia than was previously recognised. However, it remains at less than one tenth of the Western figures. Among the three major races, the condition was commonest in Indians and least in Malays. Most cases presented between the ages of 3 to 8 weeks. Prolonged history of vomiting of more than 3 weeks occurred in 43.3 percent cases, usually among Malay and Indian patients. All patients were treated surgically with 1 death (1.5 percent). The usual postoperative complication was vomiting which occurred in 22.4 percent. Early presentation, adequate preoperative resuscitation and improved anaesthetic techniques can further reduce this mortality and morbidity.
  4. Laidin AZ, Mohd Nor M, Abdul Wahab Y, Mahamooth Z
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Sep;37(3):281-9.
    PMID: 7177013
    Over the six-veer periodfrom. 1976 to 1981, there were 241 neonates referred to the U.K.M. Paediatric Surgical Unit, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur for alimentary tract obstruction and 207 were operated on. The three commonest conditions were anorectal anomalies (91 cases), Hirschsprung's disease (31 cases) and oesophageal atresia (30 cases). Overall operatioe mortality was 28.0 percent. This was high when preoperative complications lihe gut perforation (88.9 percent) or pneumonia (61.9 percent) and associated severe anomalies (90.9 percent) or chromosomal abnormalities (66.7 percent) were present. Emphasis is placed on the establishment of early diagnosis and the significance of the green vomit and maternal hydramnios is highlighted, The need is felt for more specialised nurses and the creation of a separate neonatal ICU in this hospital.
  5. Mohd Nor MN, Gan CH, Ong BL
    Rev. - Off. Int. Epizoot., 2000 Apr;19(1):160-5.
    PMID: 11189713
    Between late 1998 and 1999, the spread of a new disease of pigs, characterized by a pronounced respiratory and neurological syndrome, sometimes accompanied by the sudden death of sows and boars, was recorded in pig farms in peninsular Malaysia. The disease appeared to have a close association with an epidemic of viral encephalitis among workers on pig farms. A previously unrecognised paramyxovirus was later identified from this outbreak; this virus was related to, but distinct from, the Hendra virus discovered in Australia in 1994. The new virus was named 'Nipah' and was confirmed by molecular characterization to be the agent responsible for the disease in both humans and pigs. The name proposed for the new pig disease was 'porcine respiratory and neurological syndrome' (also known as 'porcine respiratory and encephalitis syndrome'), or, in peninsular Malaysia, 'barking pig syndrome'. The authors describe the new disease and provide the epidemiological findings recorded among infected pigs. In addition, the control programmes which were instituted to contain the virus in the national swine herd are outlined.
  6. Mohd Nor, M., Sheiham, A., Tsakos, G.
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2008;29(1):20-24.
    The objectives were to assess the prevalence, severity, the psychological and social impacts of fluorosis among school children and their parents in the Kuala Pilah area, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Methods: A convenience sample of 431 students aged 16-17 years old from 3 secondary schools in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan were selected. The students were assessed for presence of dental fluorosis using Dean’s Index and to assess impacts. Questionnaires were administered to all the dental fluorosis students and selected matched students with no fluorosis. They constituted a control group for the case control study. Questionnaires were sent to the parents of dental fluorosis and control non fluorosis cases. Results: The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 27.8%; 82% of the fluorosis cases were questionable to mild and 18% moderate to severe fluorosis. 16.1% of students with dental fluorosis and 8.5% of non-fluorosis students had psychological impacts. 12.8% of the parents of children with fluorosis reported that their child had an impact. More girls with fluorosis (35.7%) had psychological impacts compared than boys (25.0%). In the 16.1% of fluorosis cases who had psychological impacts, difficulty smiling and showing teeth, affected 35.7% of girls and 25 % of boys. The percentage of students with dental fluorosis who had psychological impacts on carrying out school work was 2.7%, and 3.6% had impacts related to going out with friends. Conclusions: There were considerable psychological impacts on smiling and showing teeth among Malaysian teenagers with dental fluorosis and some of their parents were concerned about the fluorosis. But the impacts were mild and do not have a major impact on students’ lives. Dental fluorosis is not aesthetically displeasing to most subjects but does have psychological and social impacts on a small percentage with fluorosis.
  7. Aimanan K, Lim SY, Mohd Nor MR, Wahi AM, Chew LG
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 01;75(1):88-93.
    PMID: 32008030
    INTRODUCTION: Pseudo aneurysm of the ankle is a rare presentation and the management is complex due to the complex anatomy. The aim of this review is to examine the epidemiology, etiology, diagnostic modalities used and management. This is the first systematic review of this topic in literature.

    METHODS: We performed a systematic review in multiple databases (including PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Scopus) from 1966 to May 18, 2019, to identify all case reports and case series describing patients with ankle pseudo aneurysm. This systematic review was performed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA). Our inclusion criteria included patients with ankle pseudo aneurysm of any age. We excluded reports in which the individual level data is not available. Patients demographic (gender, age), clinical characteristics (precipitating event, duration), diagnostic modality and treatment were recorded.

    RESULT: There were in total 23 case reports identified on ankle pseudo aneurysm from 1966 until 2018. Among these twenty-three reports, 16 (70%) were male and seven (30%) patients were female. Age distribution showed higher number of reports among young adults, 15 patients (65%). Based on our systematic review trauma (48%), arthroscope (48%) and arthrodesis (4%) were the etiologies described in all these case reports. Ultrasound duplex and CT Angiogram has been used as a single modality in three reports each. In fifteen patients (65%) combination of imaging has been used for diagnosis. Anterior tibial artery is the most commonly injured vessel among the reported cases, comprised of 14 (61%) patients. Among these arthroscopes were the highest reported precipitating events, 9 (64%), followed by trauma in four patients (29%) and arthrodesis in one patient (7%). Treatment modalities described in all previous reports were excision and ligation, 10 (42%); excision of sac and primary repair, 4 (17%); excision of sac followed by reversed saphenous venous graft repair, 2 (8%); US guided compression, 2 (8%); US guided thrombin injection, 4 (17%); stenting, 1 (4%) and coiling, 1 (4%).

    CONCLUSION: Ankle pseudoaneurysm is mostly preventable by detailed initial assessment following trauma or careful approach during arthroscope. Evolving diagnostic modality and treatment has shed some light into noninvasive management of pseudo aneurysm of ankle.

  8. Mohd Nor MN, Abu Mustapa AJ, Abu Hassan MA, Chang KW
    Rev. - Off. Int. Epizoot., 2003 Aug;22(2):485-97.
    PMID: 15884584
    The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) in Malaysia was established in 1888 as an agency to control exotic and domestic animal diseases. Over the years, the structure and functions of the organisation have evolved to meet the growing demand for veterinary services. The responsibilities of the Veterinary Services are enshrined in the Constitution of Malaysia. The current organisation of the DVS is structured to achieve the following objectives:---to prevent, control and eradicate animal and zoonotic diseases--to facilitate the growth and development of a strong animal industry--to ensure that animal products for human consumption are wholesome, clean, safe and suitable to be consumed--to facilitate the growth and development of the animal feed industry--to ensure the welfare and well-being of all animals. To meet these objectives the DVS has nine different divisions, as follows: Planning and Evaluation, Epidemiology and Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Public Health, Research and Development, Industry Development, Production and Development of Genetic Resources, Human Resource Development (HRD), Enforcement, and Administration. The development of the animal industry is managed through national development policies, including the Third National Agriculture Policy. The basis for current programmes for disease control and animal industry development is the Eighth Development Plan (2001-2005). Over the period of this Plan, Malaysia will address the need for sanitary and phytosanitary measures by developing specific programmes covering all fields of the animal industry. This is just one way in which Malaysia is meeting the challenges of the increased liberalisation of trade created by the World Trade Organization and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Free Trade Area. The development of the industry is focused on the major commodities, namely, beef, mutton, poultry meat, eggs, pork and milk. Other commodities receive support if it is considered economically viable. All support services are being strengthened, particularly the HRD division. The organisation and functions of the DVS are constantly being reviewed in accordance with changes in the animal industry and the nature of the services in demand.
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