Breinlia booliati Singh & Ho, 1973 first described from Peninsular Malaysia has been shown to infect a large range of murids ranging in distribution from southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak to Ciloto, Indonesia. Probably further work will reveal a greater host range as well as its geographical distribution. The vectors involved in its transmission need to be elucidated.
Redescription of the female of Setaria thomasi Sandosham, 1954, parasite of Sus scrofa jubatus; description of the female of Papillosetaria malayi n.sp. from Tragulus javanicus. The study of the buccal region of Papillosteria leads the authors to consider this genus as an ancestral form of Setaria.
Edesonfilaria cynocephali n. sp., a parasite of Cynocephalus variegatus taylori (Thomas) in Malaysia, is described. Makifilaria Krishnasamy et coll., 1981 is placed in synonymy with Edesonfilaria and the new combination E. inderi (Krishnasamy et coll., 1981) n. comb. is proposed. Edesonfilaria and the closely related genus Macacanema constitute a small evolutionary line of Filariae with a hyperspecialized oesophagus (the glandular portion lacks lumen); the line is restricted to the Indo-Malaysian region and occurs in arboreal Dermopterans, Chiropterans and Primates.
Parasitic nematodes from the Berlin (ZMB) and Vienna (NMW) Museum collections referred to the genus Filaria Mueller, 1787 by von Linstow or Molin were studied. Three samples were in good condition and the specimens redescribed. Litomosa hepatica (von Linstow, 1897) n. comb., sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa 3368, from the megachiropteran Pteropus neohibernicus, Bismarck Archipelago, resembles L. maki Tibayrenc, Bain & Ramanchandran, 1979, from Pteropus vampyrus, in Malaysia, but the buccal capsule differs. Both species display particular morphological characters which differ from species of Litomosa parasitic in microchiropterans. The remaining material originates from Brazil. The spicule morphology of Litomosoides circularis (von Linstow, 1899) Chandler, 1931, sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa 1059 from Hesperomys spec. (= Holochilus brasiliensis), Porto Alegre, confirms that it belongs to the sigmodontis group; the microfilaria presents characters of the genus Litomosoides, e.g. body attenuated at both extremities and salient cephalic hook. Taxonomic discussions by others confirm that species of Litomosoides belonging to the sigmodontis group and described subsequently are distinct from L. circularis. Litomosoides serpicula (Molin, 1858) Guerrero, Martin, Gardner & Bain, 2002, is redescribed, sample NMW 6323 from the bat Phyllostoma spiculatum (= Sturnira lilium), Ypanema. It is very close to L. brasiliensis Almeida, 1936, type host Moytis sp., but distinguished by a single ring in the buccal capsule, rather than two, supporting previous conclusions that the taxon L. brasiliensis, as generally regarded, may represent a complex of species. Samples NMW 6322 and NMW 6324, from other bats and also identified by Molin (1858) as Filaria serpicula, contain unidentifiable fragments of Litomosoides incertae sedis. Filaria hyalina von Linstow, 1890, sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa Q 3905 from Sorer vulgaris (= Sorex araneus), is incertae sedis because it contains two unidentifiable posterior parts of male, which might be an acuarid, Stammerinema sp. Filaria vesperuginis von Linstow, 1885, sample ZMB Vermes Entozoa Q 3929, from the bat Vesperugo serotinus (= Eptesicus serotinus), contains encysted nematode larvae and is a nomen dubium.
Infective larvae of Wuchereria, Brugia, Breinlia, Dirofilaria and Setaria species from an experimental vector, Aedes togoi, are compared. The distinctive bubble-like caudal papillae of Wuchereria bancrofti are readily distinguishable from the protuberant ones of Brugia spp; the 'ear-like' papillae of Breinlia are distinct from the 'knob-like' ones of Dirofilaria or the 'thorn-like' terminal papilla of Setaria.
The development of Breinlia booliati is described in its natural host, Rattus sabanus and in an inbred strain of laboratory albino rat. The growth of the parasite is similar in both the rat hosts. The third moult occurs between six-eight days and the final moult between 24-28 days. Larvae were recovered initially from the skin and carcass. After five weeks, developing stages were seen only in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, the site of development of the adult worms. Worms became sexually mature by 11-12 weeks and there was considerable growth in length of the female worms after this stage.