Suspension laryngoscopy is a common laryngeal procedure in Endolaryngeal microsurgery (ELMS). Oral mucosa and dental injuries are the known complications of the procedure. Nerve injury however is an infrequent encounter. We report a rare complication of lingual nerve injury which manifested as tongue numbness and altered taste following Endolaryngeal microsurgery procedure. The condition improved completely after few months of conservative management.
A 52-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of episodic retraction of his tongue into the throat with a belief that he will die if the retraction is complete. The presentation is similar to koro except that the tongue is involved instead of the penis. It appears that retraction taxon can involve other organs and may not necessarily be culture bound.
Incidence, aetiology, morphology, histology and symptoms of natal or neonatal teeth are presented. The commonly used terminology natal and neonatal teeth is adopted in this article. A case of an 8-week old girl with natal tooth and sublingual ulceration of the tip of the tongue is described.
We report two cases of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder with hypoglossal nerve involvement resulting in a wasted tongue associated with other brainstem symptoms of hypogeusia, hypersalivation, hiccough, increased sweating, hyperemesis and myelitis (in the second patient). This occurred due to involvement of the hypoglossal, tractus solitarius and dorsal vagal nuclei. Though the myelitis and other brainstem signs recovered the hypoglossal nerve involvement resulting in a unilateral wasted tongue did not. It is important to consider neuromyelitis optica and its spectrum disorders in the differential diagnosis of a wasted tongue though its occurrence is rare.
We describe what we believe is the first reported case of a sublingual hematoma secondary to severe hypertension. The patient, a 77-year-old woman, experienced a spontaneous hematoma of the floor of the mouth, tongue, and sublingual space that eventually caused an airway obstruction. We performed an emergency tracheostomy under local anesthesia and then evacuated the hematoma through an incision along the floor of the mouth. The patient recovered uneventfully.