A 51-year old man presented with a persistent tongue ulcer, fever, cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatomegaly. The diagnosis was initially thought to be tuberculosis. This led to the initiation of antituberculous chemotherapy to which the patient failed to respond. The correct diagnosis of histoplasmosis was made after the detection of Histoplasma capsulatum on further review of the tongue ulcer biopsy specimen. He responded to treatment with amphotericin B.
Fungal infection in the oral cavity is not uncommon. The site involved is usually species related. Cryptococcus rarely infects the oral cavity. We report an elderly patient who presented with a central lesion on the dorsum of the tongue. Biopsy revealed a fungal infection. Special stains confirmed cryptococcus. Being a rare location for cryptococcal infection, clinical suspicion should be correlated with histopathological examination. Once confirmed, the patient should be treated with an antifungal medication.