Radical radiotherapy is considered as the treatment of choice in locally advanced cancer cervix. In late stages radiotherapy produce optimum palliation and to some extent cure. Three hundred cases of cancer cervix (stage I-IV) comprising stage-I (7), stage-II (144), stage-III (145) and stage IV (4) were evaluated and treated with radiotherapy between April 1990 to July 1994. FIGO stage IB, IIA and IIB (early), were treated with predominant intracavitary radiotherapy (34 Gy X 2 fractions; within one week) followed by external pelvic radiotherapy to a dose of 36 Gy in 18 fractions; treating 200 cGy per fraction, 5 days a week. The late stage (stage-IIB, IIIA and IIIB, IVA) of disease were managed with initial external radiotherapy to a dose of 50 Gy, followed by a single intracavitary dose of 30 Gy to point-A. The median follow up was 33 months (range 12-72 months). The tumor volume less than 100 cc were associated with better survival than volume more than 100 cc (p < 0.05). The five year actuarial survival was 83%, 68% and 58% respectively in FIGO stage I-III disease. There were 0.33% and 2.6% late grade-III bladder and rectal complications. Our experience shows effectiveness of radiotherapy in the management of locally advanced cancer of the cervix.
Medical practice is changing, and the foundations of the paradigm shift lie in the development in research over the last four decades. Today, it is no longer adequate to treat a patient purely on clinical experience alone without a clear demonstration of evidence based on research, particularly the use of randomised controlled clinical trials. What is thought to be an effective mode of treatment currently may not necessarily hold true by the time medical students begin his/her medical practice. As a consequence, many medical schools worldwide are increasingly promoting evidence-based medicine (EBM) teaching in their medical curriculum along with problem-based learning (PBL). Teaching of EBM requires a paradigm shift in itself, as students must possess additional skills that are not traditionally part of medical training. These include the ability to acquire the skills in 'means of answering questions' than just 'knowing the answer to questions'. This paper aims to describe what EBM is and to highlight the formative experience of the teaching of EBM at the medical undergraduate level in the University of Malaya. Challenges and opportunities towards successful adoption of evidence-based practice are discussed.
Rural health training is an important element in the training of medical students in the University of Malaya. There is a need for the undergraduates to be familiar with the rural health infrastructure and to understand the social and economic aspects of the rural poor. The objective of the training is to make the students understand the problems faced by the poor in the rural areas so that when they practice in rural health areas, after graduation, they will understand the problems of the rural poor. They will have the knowledge of the diseases in the rural areas and also understand the community and the environmental factors that contribute to the disease. The training lasts' for 4 weeks, one week for lectures on health survey, two weeks for the field trip and one week of data analysis and presentation of their findings to an expert panel. During the field trip the students are divided into groups and they go to different parts of the country. Each group will do a field survey to find out the socio-demography, environmental, economic, nutritional and health problems in the village. In addition to the survey they also do a research project on any topic. The students also do social work, visit places of public health interest like the water treatment plant, sewage disposal, factory visits and others. Apart from technical skills in statistics and epidemiology, various other managerial skills like leadership, teamwork, communications and public relations are also learnt during the training. In conclusion this rural health training is an important aspect of the medical students training as it imparts several skills to them that are needed as a doctor.
The New Integrated Curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Which comprises three major longitudinal strands, was first implemented in 1998 to provide better integration of clinical and basic medical sciences. One of these longitudinal strands, the Doctor, Patients, Health and Society (DPHS) module, emphasizes the importance of developing good communication skills as well as introducing students to behavioural sciences, public health medicine, statistics and epidemiology. Community Family Case Studies (CFCS), within this module, have been used as a means for students to focus on these aspects, as the students are introduced to patients, their families and their community in Year 1 of the medical course and are required to follow them up throughout their five-year training period.
Critical appraisal refers to the skill of reading a piece of research in a very objective and structured way. It allows for the reader to assess the quality and validity of the evidence put forward. With the emphasis on evidence-based practice in the medical profession, the ability to critically appraise the literature should be instilled into medical students. Currently, the push to encourage research shows great effort in the medical curriculum, through the incorporation of elective research programmes, by many medical institutions. But how ready are the students to even understand the research literature, let alone conduct a research? The current system throws these students into 'the deep end' of research conduct without equipping them with the tools necessary to do so. Very often this becomes a problem that snowballs through specialist training right up to the practice of medicine. The possibilities and means of introducing the skills of critical appraisal via the curriculum should be explored. In this age of self-directed and problem-based learning, a purely didactic teaching method of "how to read the literature" is surely outdated. The concept should be integrated into medical teaching, including within the implementation of the PBL system, in both the clinical and non-clinical settings, and by the introduction of the 'journal club' concept. Training of the trainers should also be considered. With the early training of critical appraisal, it can hopefully become an unconscious competence of medical graduates, who not only can produce quality research, but also able to identify quality information.
Pancreatic sphincter hypertension (PSH) is one of the causes of recurrent pancreatitis. The diagnosis can be established by direct measurement of pancreatic sphincter pressures at pancreatic sphincter manometry. This procedure is not without risks, and in cases with PSH, it certainly carries a higher risk of post procedure pancreatitis. The treatment of this disorder is pancreatic sphincterotomy, which on its own carries risk of acute pancreatitis. Therefore it is important to establish the diagnosis reliably before undertaking this procedure. In order to overcome the false positive readings that are possible in sphincter manometry, we proposed to use secretin stimulated endoscopic ultrasound (SSEUS) to measure pancreatic ductal response as an adjunctive method to aid and supplement the diagnosis. Here we describe 3 cases in which this was carried out to optimal effect.
Inspite of the advent of newer antimanic drugs, lithium carbonate remains widely used in the treatment and prevention of manic-depressive illness. However care has to be exercised due to its low therapeutic index. The central nervous system and renal system are predominantly affected in acute lithium intoxication and is potentially lethal. The more common side effect involves the central nervous system. It occurs early and is preventable. We describe three cases of lithium toxicity admitted to Johor Bahru Hospital, with emphasis on its neurological preponderance.
A study on infant feeding practices was conducted during the implementation of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in a district hospital. The aim was to identify which population subgroups had lower breastfeeding rates at 4 months and the effect of attendance of antenatal breastfeeding education on breastfeeding practices. All infants delivered in May 1996 were followed-up. 204 respondents were analyzed. This study demonstrated a higher exclusive and any breastfeeding rates at 4 months than some other studies. (48% and 76% respectively). It was found that the Malays were more likely to be breastfeeding exclusively at 4 months (72%) than the Indians (32%) and the Chinese (4%). (P < 0.01). There were more non-working mothers breastfeeding exclusively at 4 months than working mothers. (60% versus 26%) P < 0.01. Antenatal breastfeeding education in the form that was given appeared to improve breastfeeding rates at 4 months. Future efforts to promote breastfeeding should target the Chinese mothers and the working mothers.
A prospective observational study of feeding in low birth weight (LBW) infants with birth weight (BW) of at least 1.8 kg admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) showed that nearly 80% of mothers provided expressed breastmilk (EBM) and a further 14% breastfed their infants before discharge. Weight gain was overall poor at a mean of 9.48 +/- 7.82 grams per kg per day with those on predominant EBM feeding (EBM > 70%) doing worse than those on predominant preterm formula (PTF) feeding (EBM < 31%), weight gain being 5.40 +/- 6.88 and 11.10 +/- 8.15 grams per kg per day respectively (p < 0.01). Weight gain was also poorer (7.72 +/- 5.55 grams per kg per day) in patients with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) compared to those who did not have RDS (12.02 +/- 9.58 grams per kg per day). p < 0.05. Incidence of infants < 10th centile body weight at birth was 16.8% and at discharge was 69.1%.
Ambulatory or day care surgery is still in its infancy in this part of the world. Our newly built university affiliated hospital started its Day Surgery Centre in February 1998. It is the first multidisciplinary ambulatory surgery centre in a teaching hospital in the country. It caters for Orthopaedic surgery, Urology, Plastic surgery, Otorhinolaryngology, General surgery, Paediatric surgery and Ophthalmology. We have done 2,604 cases and our unanticipated admission rate is less than 2%. There has been no major morbidity or mortality. The problems of setting up a multidisciplinary ambulatory centre in a teaching hospital are discussed.
The detection of Vibrio cholerae 01 from the aquatic environment of Daro and Bintulu in Sarawak was carried out following an outbreak of cholera. Conventional culture methods and detection of ctx gene by polymerase chain reaction technique were carried out on 80 water samples. Only one sample was positive by culture methods while 8 were positive by PCR. DNA finger printing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that the clinical isolates in Daro and Bintulu were genetically identical while the environmental isolate was closely related. Recovery of Vibrio cholerae by culture method is poor and newer methods of detection should be developed.
A retrospective epidemiological study was done on 41 deaths among patients treated for TB in the Klang Chest Clinic for the year 1999. The findings revealed a male preponderance of TB deaths with Indians having the highest case fatality rate (8.6%). The majority of deaths occurred within the 25-44 year age group. Of those cases diagnosed as Pulmonary TB, 69% were diagnosed as far-advanced, at presentation, based on chest x-rays reported. Eighty three percent of these patients were still on treatment when they died. HIV was the most common co-existing disease condition and was implicated in 14.6% of the deaths. The recommendations include implementation of clinical guidelines on TB screening for HIV patients, a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the current TB surveillance programme and for chest x-rays of all sputum smear negative patients to be reported by the radiologist to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.
Study site: Chest clinic, Kelang, Selangor, Malaysia
Retrospective analysis was done on 235 recipients, 133 males and 102 females, who were transplanted between 25th September 1979 and 25th June 1999. 85.1% were Chinese, 7.7% were Indians and 7.2% Malays. 23% (54) were living related renal transplants (LRRT) all except 5 done at Hospital Kuala Lumpur. 60% (141) were living unrelated donor renal transplants (LURT) done in India. 17% (40) were cadaveric transplants (CADT) (all done in China except 2 at Hospital Kuala Lumpur and one in London). 97% (228) were first transplants. Primary renal disease was unknown in 69.4%, 17% (40) glomerulonephritis, 5.5% diabetic nephropathy and 8.1% 19 others. All were on prednisolone, 93.2% were on azathioprine and 96.6% were on cyclosporin A. The acute rejection rate was 23.4% (55 episodes). Patient survival was 88% at five years and patients alive with functioning graft was 84% at 5 years. LRRT had significantly better survival compared to LURT. 34 grafts were lost to chronic allograft nephropathy. 46 recipients died (33 died with functioning graft).
Lower limb injuries are the main cause of temporary and permanent disability among motorcyclists in Malaysia. They cause non-fatal but serious injuries requiring hospitalisation. Detailed studies on factors influencing lower limb injuries are justified in an attempt to reduce the occurrence of these injuries. This study presents a computer simulation of the crash behaviour of the basket of a small-engined motorcycle with the lower limb using finite element (FE) methods. The results suggest that the extensive deformation of the motorcycle basket may reduce the risk of injury to the lower limb. The behaviour of the basket during collision is analogous to the crumple zone of automobiles.
Phenothiazines have been associated with various ocular adverse effects, in particular cataract and corneal deposits. Several effects are vision threatening. Awareness of these effects, in particular by Psychiatrists and Ophthalmologist, is essential for prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment. We report two patients presented to us with corneal deposits and lenticular opacities following long term use of Phenothiazines.
The EEC syndrome (ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia and cleft lip-palate) is a rare disorder inherited as an autosomal dominant trait or can occur sporadically. We describe a case of this syndrome with chronic ocular surface disorder secondary to abnormalities of ocular adnexia.