Displaying publications 2201 - 2220 of 2448 in total

  1. Tsakok FH, Koh S, Yuen R, Ratnam SS
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1980 9 1;18(2):105-8.
    PMID: 6108245 DOI: 10.1002/j.1879-3479.1980.tb00256.x
    Coagulation, fibrinolytic activity and platelet function were studied in 104 Asian women volunteers who received 150 mg of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate intramuscularly every three months for two years or more. The results were compared with those in matched controls. There was a paucity of change in coagulation factors. The fibrinogen levels were increased and prothrombin time was shortened. The fibrinolytic activity, as shown by the euglobulin clot lysis time, was significantly increased. This latter change contrasts with the many reports concerning Caucasian women and may reflect an increase in fibrinolytic potential in Asian women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  2. Lee SH, Cheah DS, Poopalarachagan S, Sivanesaratnam V
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1991 Nov;31(4):372-5.
    PMID: 1799358
    Major perineal injuries following obstetrical complications represent difficult problems of reconstruction. We describe 2 such patients with perineal injuries simulating infantile cloacas. Surgical repair using an abdominoperineal pullthrough procedure in 1 patient, and a Bricker loop type of repair in another resulted in successful restoration of function in both. The operative details and basis for the reconstruction are described.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  3. Shirai A, Brown GW, Gan E, Huxsoll DL, Groves MG
    Jpn. J. Med. Sci. Biol., 1981 Feb;34(1):37-9.
    PMID: 6790744
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  4. Thavarasah AS, Sivalingam N, Almohdzar SA
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 1989 Feb;29(1):22-5.
    PMID: 2562595
    Bilateral ligation of the internal iliac artery with or without ligation of the ovarian arteries was carried out in 17 patients who had life-threatening pelvic haemorrhage; 14 were due to obstetric haemorrhage, 2 followed abdominal hysterectomy and 1 intractable haemorrhage associated with carcinoma of the cervix. The procedure was successful in arresting the haemorrhage in 13 patients but 4 needed hysterectomy in spite of the ligation; 1 patient died from disseminated intravascular coagulation following surgery and 1 had cardiac arrest due to extensive blood loss during surgery and died 12 hours later. A review of the literature, a brief description of the procedure and its indications are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  5. Khor GL
    Nepal Med Coll J, 2003 Dec;5(2):113-22.
    PMID: 15024783
    Approximately 70.0% of the world's malnourished children live in Asia, resulting in the region having the highest concentration of childhood malnutrition. About half of the preschool children are malnourished ranging from 16.0% in the People's Republic of China to 64.0% in Bangladesh. Prevalence of stunting and underweight are high especially in South Asia where one in every two preschool children is stunted. Besides protein-energy malnutrition, Asian children also suffer from micronutrient deficiency. Iron deficiency anaemia affects 40.0-50.0% of preschool and primary school children. Nearly half of all vitamin A deficiency and xeropthalmia in the world occurs in South and Southeast Asia, with large numbers of cases in India (35.3 million), Indonesia (12.6 million) and China (11.4 million). Another major micronutrient problem in the region is iodine deficiency disorders, which result in high goiter rates as manifested in India, Pakistan and parts of Indonesia. While under-nutrition problem persists, overweight problem in children has emerged in Asia, including Taiwan, Singapore and urban China and Malaysia. The etiology of childhood malnutrition is complex involving interactions of multiple determinants that include biological, cultural and socio-economic influences. Protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency leading to early growth failure often can be traced to poor maternal nutritional and health care before and during pregnancy, resulting in intrauterine growth retardation and children born with low birth weight. While significant progress has been achieved over the past 30 years in reducing the proportion of malnourished children in developing countries, nonetheless, malnutrition persists affecting large numbers of children. The socio-economic cost of the malnutrition burden to the individual, family and country is high resulting in lower cognitive outcomes in children and lower adult productivity. Interventions that are cost-effective and culturally appropriate for the elimination of childhood malnutrition deserve the support of all.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  6. Ahmad M
    Egypt Popul Fam Plann Rev, 1979;13(1-2):168-86.
    PMID: 12312263
    PIP: Responses to questions relating to breastfeeding in the World Fertility Surveys of South Korea, Indonesia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Bangladesh are analyzed. Of these countries, the percentage of ever-married women who had breastfed in the last closed interval was between 94-99%, except for Malaysia (81%) and average number of months breastfeeding took place was from 16.5-19.2, except for Malaysia (7.3). The infant mortality rate in these countries was 33/1000 live births for South Korea, 45/1000 for Malaysia, 51/1000 for Sri Lanka, 137/1000 for Indonesia, 150/1000 for Bangladesh, and 152/1000 for Nepal. Responses, however, might vary according to different interview situations. Assuming that the reporting errors are of similar magnitude and direction, the relationship between duration of breastfeeding and the birth interval can be studied. But it is possible that breastfeeding was prolonged due to other reasons for which conception was delayed; thus the regression of breastfeeding duration on the birth interval is not as logical as the regression of the birth interval on the breastfeeding is, especially when habitual breastfeeding can be avoided. The negative relationship between breastfeeding and infant mortality does exist, assuming that a woman breastfeeds all her children for similar durations. Some breastfeeding differentials are place of residence (less for rural areas), education (reduces duration), and religion (Christians have shorter duration than Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhists). In South Korea the mean length of breastfeeding of women aged 25-34 and 35-44 are 17.5 and 20.5, and women using contraceptives are 26% for 25-34 and 20% for 35-44. South Korea also has the highest level of breastfeeding, highest incidence of ever use of contraceptives, and a very low level of fertility. Nepal and Bangladesh have a high level of breastfeeding but since their contraceptive incidence is low, their fertility level remains high. Some areas of further research include influence of breastfeeding on infant and child mortality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  7. Chen ST
    J Trop Med Hyg, 1974 Sep;77(9):204-7.
    PMID: 4416077
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  8. Hayati AR, Nur Fariha MM, Tan GC, Tan AE, Chua K
    Arch Med Res, 2011 May;42(4):291-300.
    PMID: 21820607 DOI: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2011.06.005
    Placenta as a fetomaternal organ is a potential source of fetal as well as maternal stem cells. This present study describes novel properties of the cells isolated from the maternal part of term placenta membrane, the decidua basalis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  9. Z I I, C J N, P Y L, N H
    PLoS One, 2020;15(12):e0242690.
    PMID: 33270663 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242690
    INTRODUCTION: Pregnancy planning varies among women with diabetes. Observing that the literature examining the factors affecting diabetic women's pregnancy intentions in multi-ethnic Asian populations is limited, we sought to explore these factors to give a better perspective on these women's pregnancy planning.

    METHODS: This qualitative study used individual in-depth interviews to capture the views and experiences of non-pregnant diabetic women of reproductive age in four public health clinics in a southwestern state of peninsular Malaysia from May 2016 to February 2017. The participants were purposively sampled according to ethnicity and were interviewed using a semi-structured topic guide. Interviews were audio-recorded, and transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: From the 33 interviews that were analysed, four important factors influencing participants' decisions regarding pregnancy planning were identified. Participants' perception of poor pregnancy outcomes due to advanced age and medical condition was found to have an impact. However, despite these fears and negative relationships with doctors, personal, family and cultural influences supported by religious 'up to God' beliefs took centre stage in the pregnancy intention of some participants. Participants demonstrated a variety of understandings of pregnancy planning. They outlined some activities for pregnancy preparation, although many also reported limited engagement with pre-pregnancy care.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasised the known dilemma experienced by diabetic women considering their desire for an ideal family structure against their perceived pregnancy risks, heterogeneous religious beliefs and the impact of cultural demands on pregnancy intention. This study urges healthcare providers to increase their engagement with the women in pregnancy planning in a more personalised approach.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  10. Lie-Injo LE, Herrera AR, Lebo RV, Hassan K, Lopez CG
    Am J Hematol, 1985 Mar;18(3):289-96.
    PMID: 2983536
    Restriction enzyme analysis of the alpha and zeta globin genes was carried out in four cases of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis, in three patients with Hb H disease without Hb CoSp, in three patients with Hb H disease with Hb CoSp, in 47 individuals with alpha thalassemia trait, and in 47 normal individuals. All four cases of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis resulted from deletions of alpha 1 and alpha 2 globin genes which did not extend to the psi zeta 1 and zeta 2 globin genes. The same type of deletion was observed in alpha thal1 carriers, but two newborns (one Malay and one of Chinese extraction) had a nondeletion type of alpha thal1 which was confirmed by quantitative alpha globin gene analysis. In addition, two other newborns diagnosed as alpha thal1 trait carriers (one Malay, one Chinese) were shown to have a deletion of both alpha globin genes by quantitative alpha globin gene analysis, but further testing with zeta globin gene probe failed to reveal an abnormal fragment length characteristic of an alpha globin gene deletion. We believe that this last condition is due to a large deletion which includes all alpha globin genes and all zeta globin genes on the same chromosome. On another front, Bgl II restriction analysis of all four Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis cases and the alpha thal1 trait carriers showed a 10.5-kb Bgl II restriction fragment, in the hydrops fetalis as a single band, while in the carriers this 10.5-kb fragment was accompanied by the usual normal 12.5-kb and 11.3-kb fragments. We report that this 10.5-kb fragment, previously thought to be specific for the Southeast Asian alpha thal1 gene deletion, is also common in normal individuals. Nevertheless, digestion with other enzymes can clearly differentiate the alpha thal1 and normal genotypes. We distinguish the findings in the alpha thalassemias from the extensive DNA polymorphism in the region of the alpha and zeta globin genes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  11. Krause HG, Wong V, Ng SK, Tan GI, Goh JTW
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2019 08;59(4):585-589.
    PMID: 31146301 DOI: 10.1111/ajo.12990
    BACKGROUND: While pelvic floor ultrasound is commonly utilised in high-resource locations, our understanding of pelvic floor characteristics in women suffering with obstetric fistula and unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears in low-resource areas is limited.

    AIMS: This study aimed to assess the pelvic floor ultrasound characteristics of Ugandan women suffering with obstetric fistula, unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears and pelvic organ prolapse, and determine whether obstructed labour resulting in obstetric fistula causes more levator muscle defects compared to parous women without a history of obstructed labour.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective study in western Uganda assessing 82 women with obstetric fistula, unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears and pelvic organ prolapse with a pelvic floor ultrasound scan.

    RESULTS: Demographic characteristics were significantly different, with women suffering pelvic organ prolapse being older and more parous. Hiatal area on Valsalva was significantly smaller in the obstetric fistula group (mean 21.45 cm2 ) compared to non-obstetric fistula group (unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears and pelvic organ prolapse; mean 30.44 cm2 ); a mean difference of 9.0 cm2 (95% CI: 5.4-12.6 cm2 , P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  12. Banaei M, Alidost F, Ghasemi E, Dashti S
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2020 Apr;40(3):411-418.
    PMID: 31537138 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2019.1640191
    Childbirth is one of the most important influencing factors for sexual function. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of comparing sexual function in primiparous and multiparous women. This cross-sectional analytical study was performed using systematic random sampling on 420 women in the postpartum period who referred to Bandar Abbas health Centres in 2018. The data were collected using an interview method which consisted of a Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire and a demographic questionnaire. The data analysis was performed using the SPSS Version 23 software. The results showed that sexual dysfunction was lower in multiparous women compared to primiparous women (p = .006). Low sexual activity in primiparous women can be due to less privacy and more time and energy loss. Several factors including housing situation, monthly income, episiotomy incision, and the education level of the couple were influential in the sexual function of the primiparous women (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  13. Voon HY, Pow JY, Tan LN, Suharjono HN, Teo WS
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2019 Jul 11;19(1):240.
    PMID: 31296180 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2373-9
    BACKGROUND: Ragged placental membranes is a distinct entity from retained placenta and not uncommonly reported in midwifery texts. Although the incidence of postpartum endometritis is merely 1-5% after vaginal births, it remains the most common source of puerperal sepsis, contributing up to 15% of maternal mortality in low income countries. Geographically-remote centres in Malaysia prophylactically administer antibiotics for women with ragged placental membranes after vaginal birth, extrapolating evidence from retained placenta. We sought to clarify the rationale in continuing such practices.

    METHODS: This was an open-label, prospective, multicentre, randomized trial. Three hospitals where the current protocol was to administer prophylactic amoxycillin-clavulanic acid served as the sites of recruitment. Women who delivered vaginally beyond 24+ 0 weeks of gestation with ragged membranes were invited to participate in the trial and randomized into prophylaxis or expectant management with medical advice by blocks of 10, at a 1:1 ratio. A medication adherence diary was provided and patients followed up at 2 weeks and 6 weeks postpartum.

    RESULTS: A total of 6569 women gave birth vaginally in three centres during the trial period, of which 10.9% had ragged membranes. The incidence of endometritis was not significantly raised in women with or without prophylaxis (0.90% vs 0.29%; p = 0.60). All cases of endometritis presented within the first 2 weeks and preventive use of antibiotics did not ameliorate the severity of endometritis since rates of ICU admission, surgical evacuation and transfusion were comparable.

    CONCLUSION: Preventive use of antibiotics after vaginal delivery in women with ragged placental membranes did not result in a reduction of endometritis. Educating women on the signs and symptoms of endometritis would suffice. Based on the reported incidence of ragged membranes, a change in practice would result in 1500 less prescriptions of antibiotics per annum in these three centres.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03459599 (Retrospectively registered on 9 March 2018).

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  14. Takeshita RSC, Mendonça RS, Bercovitch FB, Huffman MA
    PMID: 31549180 DOI: 10.1007/s00360-019-01235-7
    Non-invasive measures of stress are crucial for captive and conservation management programs. The adrenal hormone dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS) has recently been adopted as a stress marker, but there is little investigation of its relationship to glucocorticoids (GC), well-known indicators of stress. This study examined the influence of age, reproductive state and environment on GC and DHEAS levels in orangutans, to test whether the GC/DHEAS ratio can provide an index of stress response in primates. We measured fecal GC (fGC) and fecal DHEAS (fDHEAS) concentrations in 7 captive orangutans from zoological parks in Japan and 22 wild orangutans from Danum Valley Conservation Area, Malaysia. We found that in a stressful condition (transportation), fDHEAS levels increased 2 days after the fGC response, which occurred 1 day after the stressor. One pregnant female had elevated levels of both hormones, and a higher fGC/fDHEAS ratio than baseline. Females in the first year of lactation had fGC levels and the fGC/fDHEAS ratio significantly higher than both baseline and females in the second and subsequent years of lactation. There was no effect of age on fGC levels, but the fGC/fDHEAS ratio was higher in infants than adults and adolescents. fDHEAS concentrations were lower in infants than juveniles, adolescents and adults, a phenomenon known as adrenarche, shared with humans and other great apes. We suggest that changes in DHEAS during orangutan life history are associated with changes in the dynamics of maintaining homeostasis that vary with age and reproductive state. The GC/DHEAS ratio index is useful to evaluate age-related abilities of responding to stressful challenges.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  15. Muhammad H, Maslan SF, Md Saad WM, Thani NSIA, Ibnu Rasid EN, Mahomoodally MF, et al.
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2019 Sep;131:110538.
    PMID: 31152790 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2019.05.046
    Dioscorea hispida var. daemona (Roxb) Prain & Burkill (DH), also known a tropical yam or intoxicating yam is a bitter wild tuber which is consumed as a staple food and traditionally used as a remedy in Malaysia. However, DH is also notorious for its intoxicating effects and there is currently a dearth of study of possible effects of DH on liver and placental tissues and hence its safe consumption warrants in-depth investigation. This study was therefore designed to investigate into the effect of DH on liver and placenta of pregnant rat via histopathological examination. Thirty pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups consisting of a control (distilled water) and four DH aqueous extract groups (250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg body weight). The extracts were administered via oral gavage daily throughout the study and animals were sacrificed on day 21. Paraffin-embedded, hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of placenta and liver were examined. Significant changes (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  16. Nordin F, Idris MRM, Mahdy ZA, Wahid SFA
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2020 Jul 10;20(1):399.
    PMID: 32650736 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-03084-7
    BACKGROUND: Umbilical cord blood (UCB) has been proposed as the potential source of haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) for allogeneic transplantation. However, few studies have shown that a common disease in pregnancy such as preeclampsia would affect the quality of UCB-HSC. Total nucleated cell count (TNC) is an important parameter that can be used to predict engraftment including UCB banking. Colony forming unit (CFU) assay is widely used as an indicator to predict the success of engraftment, since direct quantitative assay for HSC proliferation is unavailable. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of preeclampsia in pregnancy on the stemness and differentiation potency of UCB-HSC.

    METHODS: Mononuclear cells (MNC) were isolated from UCB and further enriched for CD34+ cells using immune-magnetic method followed by CFU assay. A panel of HSC markers including differentiated haematopoietic markers were used to confirm the differentiation ability of UCB-HSC by flow cytometry analysis.

    RESULTS/ DISCUSSION: The HSC progenitor's colonies from the preeclampsia group were significantly lower compared to the control. This correlates with the low UCB volume, TNC and CD34+ cells count. In addition, the UCB-enriched CD34+ population were lymphoid progenitors and capable to differentiate into natural killer cells and T-lymphocytes.

    CONCLUSION: These findings should be taken into consideration when selecting UCB from preeclamptic mothers for banking and predicting successful treatment related to UCB transplant.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  17. Lai JS, Pang WW, Cai S, Lee YS, Chan JKY, Shek LPC, et al.
    Clin Nutr, 2018 06;37(3):940-947.
    PMID: 28381340 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2017.03.022
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: B-vitamins and homocysteine may contribute to the development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), but existing studies are inconsistent. We examined the cross-sectional associations of plasma folate, vitamins B6, B12, and homocysteine concentrations with GDM and glycemia in a sample of multi-ethnic Asian pregnant women.

    METHODS: Plasma concentrations of folate, vitamins B6, B12, homocysteine and glucose were measured at 26-weeks' gestation in 913 pregnant women. GDM was diagnosed using the 1999 World Health Organization criteria. Associations were examined with linear or logistic regression, adjusted for confounders and stratified by ethnicity.

    RESULTS: Higher plasma folate was associated with higher 2-h glucose and higher odds of GDM [0.15 (0.02, 0.23) per 1-SD increment in folate, OR 1.29 (1.00, 1.60)], mainly among Indian mothers. Higher plasma vitamin B12 and homocysteine were associated with lower fasting and 2-h glucose, and lower odds of GDM [-0.04 (-0.07, -0.01) per 1-SD increment in B12 and -0.09 (-0.18, -0.003) respectively, OR: 0.81 (0.68, 0.97); -0.05 (-0.08, -0.02) per 1-SD increment in homocysteine and -0.12 (-0.21, -0.02) respectively, OR: 0.76 (0.62, 0.92)]. The highest odds of GDM were observed among women with combined vitamin B12 insufficiency and high folate concentration [OR: 1.97 (1.05, 3.68)]. An association between higher vitamin B6 and higher 2-h glucose shifted towards null adjusting for other B-vitamins.

    CONCLUSIONS: Higher maternal folate coupled with vitamin B12 insufficiency was associated with higher GDM risk. This finding has potential implications for antenatal supplement recommendations but will require confirmation in future studies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  18. NA Bahaman, Raha Ahmad Raus, Yusilawati Ahmad Nor, Al Mamun, Abdullah, Noor Suhana Adzahar, Dayang Fredalina Basri
    Introduction: Traditionally, Mallotus paniculatus (Balik Angin) plant is used in the treatment of various
    diseases in rural areas such as remedy after childbirth, wound healing and fever. In this present study, four
    medicinal properties of the plant were investigated which included antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer and
    antioxidant activities. Materials and Methods: Potential medicinal compounds were extracted from the plant
    leaves by sonication with 3 different solvents namely ethanol, ethyl acetate and hexane respectively. The
    antibacterial and antifungal properties were determined using disc diffusion agar and broth dilution assay,
    the antioxidant activity by DPPH scavenging assay and the anticancer effect by MTT assay. Results: From the
    screening of the medicinal properties, M. paniculatus leave extracts were shown to possess antibacterial,
    antioxidant and anticancer properties but not antifungal properties. Ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of
    the leave were active against gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis) but not
    gram negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli). The antioxidant activity of the
    ethanolic crude extract was high; with IC50 of 30 μg/ml comparable with the positive controls; ascorbic acid
    and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Both ethanolic and ethyl acetate extracts were cytotoxic against breast
    cancer (MCF7), colon cancer (HT-29), cervix cancer (Hela) cell lines. Conclusion: M. paniculatus leave
    extract has many potential medicinal values for further studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  19. Lim WL, Soga T, Parhar IS
    Dev Neurosci, 2014;36(2):95-107.
    PMID: 24713635 DOI: 10.1159/000360416
    Migration and final positioning of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons in the preoptic area (POA) is critical for reproduction. It is known that maternal dexamethasone (DEX) exposure impairs reproductive function and behaviour in the offspring. However, it is still not known whether maternal DEX exposure affects the postnatal GnRH neurons in the offspring. This study determined the neuronal movement of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-tagged GnRH neurons in slice culture of postnatal day 0 (P0), P5 and P50-60 transgenic male rats. Effect of maternal DEX treatment on EGFP-GnRH neuronal movement and F-actin distribution on GnRH neurons at P0 stage were studied. Time-lapse analysis of P0 and P5 EGFP-GnRH neurons displayed active cellular movement within the POA compared to young adult P50-60 stages, suggesting possible fine-tuning movement for positioning of early postnatal GnRH neurons. The DEX-treated EGFP-GnRH neurons demonstrated decreased motility in the POA and reduced F-actin distribution in the GnRH neurons at 60 h culture compared to the vehicle-treated. These results suggest that the P0 GnRH neuronal movement in the POA is altered by maternal DEX exposure, which possibly disrupts the fine-tuning process for positioning and development of early postnatal GnRH neurons in the brain, potentially linked to reproductive dysfunction in adulthood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  20. Hafizah I, Tengku Alina TI, Suhaily MH, Zaharah S
    This community-based, cross-sectional study aimed to identify the factors associated with
    postpartum family planning use among a cohort of women with recent caesarean delivery in a state with the
    lowest contraceptive use in Malaysia. Materials and Methods: A total of 281 women aged between 18-49
    years old who had caesarean delivery in government tertiary centres in Kelantan from January until April
    2017 were enrolled in this study. The study was conducted from January until April 2018. Women were
    selected through stratified random sampling with probability proportional to size. Data were collected
    through a validated structured questionnaire. The main outcome was binary (postpartum family planning use
    or non-use). The factors included socio-demographic details, reproductive history, previous contraceptive
    use, contraceptive health education received, knowledge, and social support. Simple and multiple logistic
    regression were conducted to identify significant determinants of postpartum family planning use. Results:
    The factors associated with postpartum family planning use included a secondary and below education level
    of women (AOR= 2.37, 95% CI (1.05, 5.34)), previous contraceptive use (AOR= 9.82, 95% CI (4.81, 20.06)),
    individual health education (AOR= 4.19, 95% CI (1.23, 14.30)), higher knowledge score (AOR= 1.12, 95% CI
    (1.03, 1.23)), and higher social support score (AOR= 1.09, 95% CI (1.03, 1.16)). Conclusions: here remains a
    need to enhance personalised contraceptive counselling in the primary care setting as well as to promote
    longer acting reversible contraceptive methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
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