Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 399 in total

  1. Janaki, V., Rosdinom, R., Hatta, S.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(2):146-150.
    This case report highlights Charles Bonnet Syndrome as a precursor to the development of major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly with visual impairment and the possible differential diagnoses that could be considered. We report a case of an elderly lady with no known previous medical illness, who presented for the first time to the psychiatric clinic with complex visual hallucinations consisting of well-formed images of people and inanimate objects of long standing duration of 18 months. About a year later, there was emergence of cognitive impairment which progressed gradually accompanied by other psychotic symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and persecutory delusions. There were no affective or obsessional symptoms. She had poor insight towards her illness. Ophthalmological examination revealed significant reduction in bilateral visual acuity. Otherwise, physical examination was unremarkable. She received inpatient treatment with Rivastigmine patch 4.6 mg/24 hours and Zydis 10 mg noctre. Her cognitive impairment and psychotic symptoms gradually improved over a period of 2 weeks upon commencing treatment and on subsequent follow-ups at outpatient clinic. She had also gained some insight into her illness. Charles Bonnet syndrome could be a possible precipitating factor and precursor to the development of major neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly with visual impairment which is often overlooked or misdiagnosed and hence under reported.
    Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Gendeh, H.S., Kosai, N.R., Belani, L.K., Taher, M.M., Reynu, R., Ramzisham, A.R.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(2):156-158.
    Right iliac fossa pain can often be misdiagnosed as something sinister or benevolent despite assistance with state of the art imaging techniques. This is particularly more challenging in the female gender whereby the error of managing a right iliac fossa pain may approach forty percent. A 66-year-old lady, ten years post-menopause, presented with a week history of progressively worsening right iliac fossa pain. Malignancy was suspected with a palpable abdominal mass. Computed tomography was suggestive of an abscess collection, but a needle aspirate produced brown faecal material suggestive of a diverticulitis. An exploratory appendisectomy revealed a non malignant appendicular abscess. In conclusion, when clinical and imaging assessments are inconclusive, an exploratory laparotomy for a surgical excision is warranted primarily if malignancy is suspected.
  3. Kosai, N.R., Khan, A., Mustafa, M.T., Zalizawati, Z.A., Mohd Firdaus, C.A., Leong, J.H.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(2):159-164.
    Gastro-peritoneal fistula is a rare but serious complication of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with significant morbidity and mortality. We present the case of a 42-year-old man who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity and presented later with a history of chronic epigastric pain and severe reflux. Upper gastrointestinal series showed the presence of a communicating fistula between the stomach and the left hemi-diaphragm and peri-splenic area.
  4. Sundaraganesh, K., Mohandas, K, Kirubakaran, K.G., Vikram, M.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(1):17-22.
    Objektif kajian ialah untuk menentukan kesan program latihan papan Wobble ke atas daya keseimbangan para atlet yang mengalami ketakstabilan fungsi pergelangan kaki (FAI). Sebanyak 30 subjek (n=30) yang mengalami FAI direkrut berdasarkan kriteria rangkuman dan eksklusi. Kesemua subjek dinilai daya keseimbangan menggunakan ujian dirian anggota tunggal (single limb stance) dan ujian jangkauan fungsi dan didedahkan kepada program latihan papan Wobble sebanyak lima sesi seminggu selama empat minggu. Ujian t berpasangan digunakan untuk membandingkan min data pra dan post-ujian dan aras signifikan ditetapkan pada nilai 0.05. Pada ujian dirian anggota tunggal, para atlet mendapat min skor postlatihan yang tinggi [26.4] berbanding pra-latihan. Perbezaan disahkan dengan nilai ‘t’ yang diperolehi [16.00]. Bagi ujian jangkauan fungsi, para atlet memperolehi min skor post-latihan yang tinggi [15.88] berbanding pra-latihan [1.26]. Perbezaan disahkan dengan nilai ‘t’ yang diperolehi [12.54]. Ini menunjukkan bahawa latihan papan Wobble meningkatkan keseimbangan dinamik dan statik para atlet yang mengalami FAI. Secara kesimpulannya, latihan papan Wobble mungkin efektif dalam meningkatkan keseimbangan para atlet yang mengalami FAI.
  5. Norshamsiah, M.D., Wan Haslina Wah, Kok, H.S., Sharifa Ezat, W.P., Fuad, I.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(1):23-31.
    Radiation retinopathy (RR) is a known complication after radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC). This study aims to relate the relationship of RR and radiation dose in patients with NPC through assessment with clinical
    funduscopy and fundus fluorescein angiogram (FFA). A cross sectional study was conducted on patients with NPC who had completed radiotherapy treatment in the Oncology Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Eighty two eyes of 42 patients were examined and the prevalence of RR was found to be 35.4%. The severity of RR is strongly associated with the dose of radiation to the retina (Spearman correlation value=0.48; p<0.001). The common features of RR assessed by FFA were telangiectatic vessels (26.2%) and capillary non-perfusion (14.3%). Retinal neovasularization occurred in 10.7% of eyes. The level of visual deterioration correlated with the severity of RR with 26% of eyes experiencing a visual acuity of 6/18 or worse. More than one third of patients developed RR, with radiation maculopathy being the commonest cause for significant visual loss. FFA is a useful tool in detecting early signs of radiation retinopathy and maculopathy.
    Keywords: nasopharyngeal carcinoma, fluorescein fundus angiography, retinopathy, radiotherapy
    Study site: Oncology Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  6. Alfizah, H., Rizal, A.M., Isa, M.R., Aminuddin, A., Jasmi, A.Y., Ramelah, M.
    Medicine & Health, 2010;5(1):13-21.
    Helicobacter pylori has been implicated as an aetiologic agent for type B chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. It is considered the most common bacterial infection in the world with approximately 50% of the population being infected. The majority of infected individuals are asymptomatic, with some developing gastritis only. However, chronic infection with H. pylori without antibiotic treatment predisposes infected individuals to the development of gastric cancer. The aim of this study is to determine active H. pylori infection among patients with symptoms of dyspepsia using three combinations of diagnostic methods. In this report, we studied 1,376 consecutive patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC) for dyspepsia from the period January 1999 to December 2002. The classification of patient’s diagnosis was assessed by endoscopic and histological examination. The H. pylori status was determined by rapid urease test, histological examination or H. pylori culture. Presence of H. pylori infection was confirmed in 30.8% of patients with dyspepsia. H. pylori infection was more prevalent in older patients and in males compared to females. Patients with severe gastroduodenal diseases were more commonly infected with H. pylori. There was a significant difference in H. pylori prevalence among the different ethnic groups. Indians had the highest infection rate (45.4%), followed by Chinese (36.8%) and the lowest were seen in Malays (18.3%). This finding on determination of active H. pylori infection among patients with dyspepsia is consistent with serological studies that showed racial differences in H. pylori prevalence. However, the pattern of H. pylori infection does not reflect the prevalence of severe gastroduodenal diseases among different ethnic groups.
  7. Azma, R.Z., Zarina, A.L., Hamidah, A., Cheong, SK, Jamal, R., Hamidah, N.H.
    Medicine & Health, 2010;5(1):22-33.
    Residual disease in patients with acute leukaemia indicates unfavorable prognosis. The evaluation of remission using flow cytometry allows a better estimation of minimal residual disease (MRD) after induction chemotherapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) cases. Patients in morphological marrow remission with presence of blast cells of less than 5%, may still have up to 1010 leukaemic cells. However with flow cytometric analysis, lower levels of the residual leukaemic cells (1 in 104 cells) can be detected and it can be used as a tool to predict relapse. This study compared the presenting clinical and haematological features of children with ALL and their residual disease status determined by flow cytometry. Analysis of their MRD status following remission-induction chemotherapy were done at day-28, week-12 and week-20. The cases were also followed up to five years, to determine their survival status. Their residual disease status by flow cytometric immunophenotyping was also compared with their bone marrow findings morphologically. Thirty-eight cases of precursor B-ALL in pediatric patients from UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) were analyzed. There was no significant correlation between demographic, clinical and haematological features with MRD status at day-28. However, there was a significant correlation between MRD status by flow cytometry and by morphological marrow examination at week-12. Three cases showed persistent MRD findings until week-20 where two of the cases relapsed and died subsequently. Twenty four patients were still alive after five years of follow up.
  8. Hizlinda, T., Teoh, S.Y., Siti Nurbaiyah, K.E., Azrina, A.S., Mohamad Hafizzudin, M.T., Chang, L.H., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(1):12-23.
    Patient satisfaction plays a crucial role in ensuring utilization of healthcare services, continuity of care, and compliance towards treatment. Thus, this study aimed at determining the level of patient satisfaction with the services provided by the UKMMC primary care clinic. A descriptive cross-sectional study involving 317 patients attending the clinic from February to March 2011 was carried out. They were selected through systematic random sampling. Using a validated self-administered Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire-46 (PSQ-46) in English and Malay versions, general satisfaction and satisfactions with five different subscales (doctors, nurses, accessibility, facilities and appointment) were assessed. A majority of the patients (93.1%) were generally satisfied with the overall services. Among the five subscales, patients were most satisfied with the doctors (96.5%), but only 35.6% of the patients were satisfied with the facilities. The proportions of patients who were satisfied with other subscales were: 86.1% (appointment), 82.0% (nurses) and 68.1% (accessibility). There was a significant association between each of the subscales and the general satisfaction (p
  9. Hanita, O., Azura, N.R., Faizal, M.M.Z.
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(1):24-31.
    The most common cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves disease (GD) which is characterised by the presence of autoantibodies which binds to the TSH receptor (TRAb). Recently, a rapid, fully automated electrochemiluminescent immunoassay ElecsysAnti-TSHR for detection of autoantibodies to TSH receptor was made available for routine clinical use. The objective of this study is to evaluate this assay and to determine the sensitivity, specificity and cut-off value. Interassay and total imprecision (CV) were determined at 3.78-7.02 IU/L and 13.5-21.2 IU/L respectively. A total of 124 samples which comprised of 46 GD, seven Hashimoto thyroiditis (HD), 11 non autoimmune nodular goitre (NAG), 2 thyroid cancers (Ca) and 58 normal controls were retrospectively analysed to determine the sensitivity, specificity and cut-off value. Inter-assay CV’s were 2.4% at a concentration of 3.90 IU/L (range: 3.78-7.02 IU/l) and 0.8% at 20.80 IU/L (range:13.5-21.2 IU/l). Total imprecision was 3.8% at a concentration of 3.80 IU/L (range:13.5-21.2 IU/l) and 1.0% at 20.8 IU/L (range:13.5-21.2 IU/l). The ROC analysis of patients with GD, other thyroid disorders and normal controls revealed that the highest sensitivity (94%) and specificity (98%) were seen at cut-off value of 1.69 IU/L. Positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) was 95% and 94% respectively. At this derived cut-off value of 1.69 IU/L, we found that the sensitivity of TRAb positivity within the group of 29 newly diagnosed GD patients was 94%. Our results demonstrate that this fully automated assay with testing time of 27 minutes has high sensitivity in detecting GD and high specificity for discriminating other thyroid disease and represent major improvement in the diagnosis and management of patients with thyroid diseases.
  10. Zarina AL, Radhiyah R, Hamidah A, Syed Zulkifli SZ, Rahman J
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(2):73-83.
    Parenting stress is the stress level experienced within the role of a parent (Hoekstra-Weebers et al. 1998). The source of stressors is variable and dependent on the phase of disease and chemotherapy (Sawyer et al. 2000). Failure to cope with these stressors may in turn affect the child’s emotional and social adjustment towards the diagnosis of cancer in addition to poor medical treatment adherence behaviour (Sawyer et al. 1993). The objectives of this study are to determine the level of parenting stress, the risk factors contributing to high parenting stress, and the coping mechanisms used to handle the stress. This single centred, cross-sectional study was done amongst 117 parents at the Paediatric Haematology and Oncology Unit, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) over two years duration. Self-administered questionnaires comprising the Parenting Stress Index/Short Form (PSI/SF) and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (CISS) were distributed to parents of children who were 12 years old and below. The mean total parenting stress score amongst parents of children diagnosed with acute leukaemia was 91.5±21.1(95% CI). A total of 27.3% of parents experienced a high total parenting stress score (defined as total PSI score ≥ 75th centile, ie ≥ 103). Task-oriented coping mechanism was used by the majority of parents. Emotion-oriented coping mechanism was the only identifiable risk factor for high parenting stress score following multiple logistic regression analysis. A parent who used emotion-oriented coping mechanism was 7.1 times (95% Confidence Interval 1.2 to 41.4) more likely to have a high parenting stress score compared to a parent who used other coping mechanisms. By identifying these at-risk parents, appropriate counselling and psychological support may be offered early to alleviate the stress as well as assist in the coping and adjustment mechanisms of these parents.
  11. Khamsiah, N., Lai, N.S., Nurfarhanim, M., Nor Aimi, A.R., Mohd Syazwan, C. S., Goon, J.A.
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(2):84-96.
    The Malaysian skincare industry is growing rapidly with a vast number of new sunscreens being produced annually. Inadequate skincare regulations and lack of enforcement have resulted in the overrating of sunscreens’ quality. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the local and international sunscreens and to determine the effects of adding concentrated antioxidants into them. Three local and three internationally manufactured sunscreens were tested for the in vitro Ultraviolet A protection factor (UVAPF), Sun Protection Factor (SPF) and photostability. The creams were spread onto roughened polymethylmethacrylate plates where the absorbance was measured using a spectrophotometer before and after two hours of sunlight irradiation. The procedure was repeated combining available concentrated vitamin C and E creams. International sunscreens were found to have more accurate SPF labels (p=0.009) while local sunscreens were found to be more photostable (p=0.003). However, both sunscreens had inadequate UVAPF (p=0.471). Vitamin C enhanced the SPF values (p= 0.04) of both groups of sunscreens while vitamin E enhanced their photostability (p=0.000). Interestingly, combining vitamins C and E rich creams with the sunscreens had no effect on the SPF and UVAPF values as compared to the use of a single vitamin. More importantly, the combination of vitamins decreased the photostability (p=0.002) of sunscreens as compared to the addition of vitamin E alone. In conclusion, photoprotection is best achieved when sunscreens are used together with creams containing either vitamin C or E alone.
  12. Leelavathi, M., Lim, J.L., Ahmad, S.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(1):74-79.
    Cerebral palsy is a common cause of childhood disability. It has a great impact on parents and caregivers, especially when it reoccurs in the same family. Although familial cerebral palsy is relatively uncommon, cases have been reported among children from consanguineous, non-consanguineous marriages and multiple pregnancies suggesting a possible complex genetic mode of inheritance. Physicians need to be aware of the possibility of familial cerebral palsy for early detection and counseling. We describe a rare case of two male siblings from a non-consanguineous marriage affected by cerebral palsy.
  13. Mohandas, K., Nur Farhana, M.Y., Vikram, M., Sundaresan, A.N., Potturi Gowri, S., Mahendran, J.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(1):80-84.
    Trophic ulcers have emerged as one of the major complications following diabetes mellitus (DM) and Hansen’s diseases (HD). In this case series, the study attempted total contact plaster boot using a readily available plaster of Paris to treat trophic ulcer for 10 subjects. A total of five subjects with DM and five subjects with HD were included based on the study criteria. Pre and post test measure of wound measurement size following total contact plaster boot were taken as an outcome measure. All ten subjects showed decrease in size of wound following fifteen days of treatment. No adverse effects were associated with this type of treatment. Subjects with trophic ulcer may benefit from the application of total contact plaster boot.
  14. Anuar Deen, M.K., Mohd Fairuz, A., Zuraidah, C.M., Nik Azlan, N.M.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(1):33-43.
    This study assessed the level of public awareness pertaining to risk factors, symptoms, treatment and source of information in relation to stroke and transient schaemic attack. Stroke risk profile of the respondents was correlated with their level of knowledge. Using a validated pre-tested questionnaire, 112 respondents were recruited during two separate community events. Respondents completed the questionnaire and underwent health screening. The data were analysed using SPSS version 20. Overall knowledge was poor. Only 35% of the respondents had satisfactory knowledge of the warning signs (p= 0.94) and 29% had satisfactory knowledge on the risk factors (p=0.46). When analysed according to risk groups, 26%, 30% and 41% of respondents had satisfactory awareness in the low, intermediate and high risk group, respectively. None of the respondents knew about the availability of treatment of acute stroke in the emergency department or the importance of rehabilitation as part of stroke management. Public awareness on stroke risk factors, symptoms and management is poor.
  15. Irmi Elfina, R., Ezalia, E., Elizabeth, G., Wan Hayati, M.Y, Norhanim, A., Wahidah, A., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(1):44-52.
    Thalassaemia screening programme has been conducted in Malaysia since 2004. The aim of the programme was to reduce the burden of the disease by identifying thalassaemia carriers. However, the response towards the screening activities was unsatisfactory as there was lack of public awareness against the importance of thalassaemia screening. An alternative approach is to screen blood donors. The purpose of this study was to observe the prevalence of thalassaemia carriers among healthy blood donors. Seven hundred and thirty eight healthy blood donors were screened in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang from July to September 2010 using cation-exchange high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Cases with haemoglobin variants were further analyzed by gel electrophoresis at alkaline pH. Result shows that the blood donors consisted of 413 Malays (56%), 162 Indians (22%), 148 Chinese (20%) and 15 others (2%). There were 19 (2.6%) individuals with haemoglobin E trait, six (0.8%) with co-inheritance of haemoglobin E and αα- thalassaemia and five (0.7%) with β-thalassaemia trait. Haemoglobin Constant Spring and haemoglobin A2 prime were observed in two (0.3%); and Haemoglobin Lepore and alpha chain variant in one (0.2%). αα-thalassaemia and normal haemoglobin A2 β-thalassaemia could not be excluded in 190 cases (26%), as they required deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) studies for identification. Thalassaemia screening in blood donors is more feasible and effective. Therefore, a wider scale population screening including blood donors could benefit the existing thalassaemia screening programme in Malaysia.
  16. Aida, J., Hizlinda, T., Siti Fatimah, S., Mohd Muhaimin, A., Chai, S.Y., Sahrina, W., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(2):114-123.
    The present study is to determine the level of depression, anxiety and stress among Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) clinical year medical students and their help seeking behaviour in relation to their psychological aspect. A cross-sectional study was conducted in UKM Medical Centre for three months duration. The study population was the third, fourth and fifth year medical students via proportional sampling. They were given questionnaires consisting of socio-demographic items, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale 21 – Bahasa Malaysia version BM-DASS21 and questions regarding help-seeking behaviors. Psychometric assessment (BMDASS21) estimated the level of depression, anxiety and stress among medical students. Help-seeking behavior questions assessed the use of medical facilities and other help-seeking sources. Regarding questions on the barriers towards seeking help from the primary health-care, three parts were evaluated: structural barriers, barriers towards perceptions on mental-health disorder and barriers towards use of primary health-care services. There were 380 medical students who were involved in this research. It was found that some students experienced depression (1.3%), anxiety (2.4%) and stress (2.4%). Majority of them preferred to seek help from friends (283; 74.5%) followed by parents (275; 72.4%). There was a significant association between students who were anxious and help seeking behaviour from formal sources: counselor (p=0.001) and religious personnel (p=0.03). Hence, it is essential to increase their awareness on psychological disorders and more efficient screening programme should be used to recognize medical students with possible emotional disorders.
  17. Ahmad Nabil, M.R., Marhani, M., Azlin, B.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(2):139-142.
    This case report emphasizes the role of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) in managing a family with four members suffering from mental illness, mainly schizophrenia. We report a case of middle-aged lady who was diagnosed with treatment resistant schizophrenia (TRS) living with two other family members with the same illness and their carer who developed major depression from shouldering the burden of caring for mentally ill family members. ACT, through its holistic approach, proved to have reduced hospitalizations and improve symptom control and quality of life in this family.
  18. Kosai, N.R., Reynu, R., Abdikarim, M., Abdikarim, M., Taher, M.M., Idris, M.A., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(2):143-149.
    The diagnosis of aortic dissection in a young adult in the absence of atherosclerosis or prior history of trauma is extremely rare. The presence of more than one arterial dissection site in such a patient is even more unheard of. We highlight a case of spontaneous multiple acute arterial dissections occurring in a 32-year-old male. Stanford B aortic dissection and a separate dissection extending from the bifurcation of the right common iliac artery to the right common femoral artery was noted on computed tomographic angiography (CTA). A small aneurysm of the right subclavian artery was also noted. A two-stage hybrid procedure involving a combination of open and endovascular surgery was employed. The rarity and lethality of this condition warrants a high index of suspicion for early diagnosis and prompt intervention.
  19. Noor Asmidar, A., Tan, T.L., Ong, W.J., Ahmad Fuad Fahmi, M.N., Chieng, Z.L., Noor Akmal, S.I.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(2):124-133.
    Sepsis causes high mortality and morbidity. Static lactate concentration and early lactate clearance are cited to be a predictor for sepsis survival. This study examined the clinical utility of static lactate concentration and early lactate clearance within the first six hours of admission in Emergency Department (ED) to predict 28-day mortality rate in sepsis patients. Patients who presented with sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock and admitted to ED of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre were recruited. Blood lactate concentrations were measured upon admission (H0), at 1st hour (H1) and 6th hour (H6), respectively. Either standard treatment of sepsis or early goal directed therapy was initiated according to sepsis severity. A follow-up report was conducted at 28 days via telephone call, e-mail or case notes. Patients were later classified into survivor and non-survivor as final outcome. Static lactate concentration appeared to be significantly higher for non-survivor as compared to the survival group at H0, H1 and H6 (p
  20. Mushawiahti, M., Rokiah, O., Umi, K.M.N., Leow, S.N.
    Medicine & Health, 2014;9(2):134-138.
    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a disorder describing an immature vascularisation
    of a developing retina in low birth weight preterm infants. This condition potentially
    leads to blindness. ROP developed as a response of hypoxia of the eye due to
    incomplete development of the retinal vessels. ROP is commonly reported as
    bilateral disease,a small percentage of infants have asymmetrical changes. We
    report a case of long-term outcome of a asymmetry ROP changes with peripheral
    retinal ablation in a single eye. This particular case demonstrates the possible longterm
    outcome of unilaterally treated ROP which could either be due to the severity
    of the disease itself or the treatment she received. It is important to highlight the
    possibility of unequal development of the eye in asymmetrical presentation of ROP.
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