Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 377 in total

  1. Norliza Ahmad, Munn-Sann Lye, Zalilah Mohd Shariff, Firdaus Mukhtar, Lim Poh Ying
    Introduction: Childhood obesity is increasing in prevalence in Malaysia. Excess in dietary intake and inadequate physical activity contribute to the development of obesity among children. The objective of this study was to de-termine the association between eating behaviour and excess weight among primary school children in an urban community in Malaysia. Methods: This is a baseline data of a randomized control field trial of a family-based inter-vention to reduce adiposity in overweight and obese children. It involved five primary government schools in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. The inclusion criteria include parent-child dyad; children aged 7 to 10 years with body mass index (BMI) z-score of +1 standard deviation or more. Parents completed the validated self-administered Children Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ). This questionnaire assessed children’s eating behaviour that includes food responsiveness, enjoyment of food, emotional overeating, desire to drink, slowness in eating, satiety responsiveness, emotional undereating and food fussiness. The children’s weight and height were measured and the BMI z-score was calculated. The association between CEBQ subscales and obesity was assessed using multiple linear regression, adjusted for sex and family income. Results: One hundred and thirty-four parent-child dyads had participated in this study. The food responsiveness was found to be significant with excess weight (β = 0.094, 95% CI: 0.02-0.17, p= 0.014). Conclusion: The food responsiveness subscale was associated with excess weight. This eating behaviour need to be taken into consideration in the development and implementation of health campaign targeted at the re-duction of childhood obesity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  2. Marty PR, Balasubramaniam KN, Kaburu SSK, Hubbard J, Beisner B, Bliss-Moreau E, et al.
    Primates, 2020 Mar;61(2):249-255.
    PMID: 31773350 DOI: 10.1007/s10329-019-00775-4
    In primates, living in an anthropogenic environment can significantly improve an individual's fitness, which is likely attributed to access to anthropogenic food resources. However, in non-professionally provisioned groups, few studies have examined whether individual attributes, such as dominance rank and sex, affect primates' ability to access anthropogenic food. Here, we investigated whether rank and sex explain individual differences in the proportion of anthropogenic food consumed by macaques. We observed 319 individuals living in nine urban groups across three macaque species. We used proportion of anthropogenic food in the diet as a proxy of access to those food resources. Males and high-ranking individuals in both sexes had significantly higher proportions of anthropogenic food in their diets than other individuals. We speculate that unequal access to anthropogenic food resources further increases within-group competition, and may limit fitness benefits in an anthropogenic environment to certain individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  3. Heo CC, Rahimi R, Mengual X, M Isa MS, Zainal S, Khofar PN, et al.
    J Forensic Sci, 2020 Jan;65(1):276-282.
    PMID: 31305956 DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.14128
    A body of an unknown adult female was found within a shallow burial ground in Malaysia whereas the skull was exposed and visible on the ground. During autopsy examination, nine insect larvae were recovered from the interior of the human skull and subsequently preserved in 70% ethanol. The larvae were greyish in appearance, each with a posterior elongated breathing tube. A week after the autopsy, more larvae were collected at the burial site, and some of them were reared into adults. Adult specimens and larvae from the skull and from the burial site were sequenced to obtain DNA barcodes. Results showed all adult flies reared from the burial site, as well as the larvae collected from the skull were identified as Eristalinus arvorum (Fabricius, 1787) (Diptera: Syrphidae). Here, we report the colonization of E. arvorum larvae on a human corpse for the first time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  4. Siddiqui S, Zainal H, Harun SN, Sheikh Ghadzi SM
    Clin Nutr ESPEN, 2019 02;29:213-223.
    PMID: 30661689 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2018.10.002
    BACKGROUND: The contribution of dietary factors in the development and progression of pre-diabetes has been increasingly recognized. However, due to high variability in dietary habits measurement of dietary intake remains one of the most challenging tasks in this population. Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) which investigates usual dietary intake can be used to identify frequent consumption of foods such as dietary fat, fiber, grains that are linked to the risk of pre-diabetes.

    METHOD: This systematic review was conducted to identify and describe FFQs that measure dietary intake of pre-diabetic patients and to examine their relative validity and reliability. The systematic search was done through electronic databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ProQuest and Scopus. Methodological quality of included studies and results of study outcome was also summarized in this review.

    RESULT: The search identified 445 papers, of which 18 studies reported 15 FFQs, met inclusion criteria. Most of the FFQs (n = 12) were semi-quantitative while three were frequency measures with portion size estimation of selected food items. Test-retest reliability of FFQ was reported in 7 (38.3%) studies with the correlation coefficient of 0.33-0.92. Relative validity of FFQ was reported in 16 (88.8%) studies with the range of correlation coefficient of 0.08-0.83. Dietary patterns rich in carbohydrate, fat, animal protein and n-3 fatty acids were associated with increased risk of pre-diabetes.

    CONCLUSION: No well-established disease-specific FFQ identified in the literature. Development of a valid, practical and reliable tool is needed for better understanding of the impact of diet in pre-diabetic population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  5. Karupaiah T, Swee WC, Liew SY, Ng BK, Chinna K
    J Community Health, 2013 Feb;38(1):163-71.
    PMID: 22930284 DOI: 10.1007/s10900-012-9597-1
    Diet-related non-communicable disease (DR-NCD) occurrence is a serious problem amongst Malaysian women and urbanization is probably a challenge to their achieving the nutritional environment conducive to healthy eating. This case study aimed to determine diet quality of an urban community using women respondents from high rise dwellings in Kuala Lumpur. The sample consisted of 135 households and a healthy eating index (HEI) scale was used to evaluate the women's diet quality. A total of 128 women (Malays = 45, Chinese = 56, Indian = 27) participated. Total HEI score was significantly different (P < 0.05) within ethnicity (Indians = 75.7 ± 8.1 0.05) regardless of ethnicity. Income strata (ρ = 0.159, P = 0.048) and eating out frequency (ρ = -0.149, P = 0.046) also independently affected HEI scores. Income negatively correlated with sodium restriction score (ρ = -0.294, P = 0.001) but positively with cereals (ρ = 0.181; P = 0.025), fruits (ρ = 0.178; P = 0.022), dairy products (ρ = 0.198; P = 0.013) and food variety (ρ = 0.219, P = 0.007). Decreased vegetable intake (ρ = -0.320; P < 0.001) and sodium excess (ρ = -0.135, P = 0.065) were associated with eating out frequency and poor HEI scores. This case study suggests health promotion for DR-NCD prevention is needed at the community level to improve diet quality of urban women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  6. Johar N, Mohamad N, Saddki N, Tengku Ismail TA, Sulaiman Z
    Korean J Fam Med, 2021 Mar;42(2):140-149.
    PMID: 32423181 DOI: 10.4082/kjfm.19.0178
    BACKGROUND: Cesarean delivery is linked with lower rates of early breastfeeding initiation. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of early initiation of breastfeeding among women admitted for elective cesarean delivery in Kelantan, Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 171 women admitted for elective cesarean delivery at two tertiary hospitals in Kelantan, Malaysia, participated in this study. On day two after cesarean delivery, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the mothers to get information on feeding practice. Descriptive statistics, including simple and multiple logistic regressions, were used for data analysis.

    RESULTS: Seventy-three percent of mothers initiated breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth. Approximately 15.8% and 10.5% of mothers initiated breastfeeding within 24 hours and ≥24 hours, respectively. Skin-to-skin contact between mothers and their infants occurred in 77.8% of cases after cesarean delivery. Breastfeeding initiation was significantly associated with skin-to-skin contact (odds ratio [OR], 14.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.58-58.06), mothers who exclusively breastfed during hospitalization (OR, 36.37; 95% CI, 5.60-236.24), and infants who were not sleepy during attempts at breastfeeding (OR, 5.17; 95% CI, 1.32-20.21).

    CONCLUSION: Based on our results, it is possible to increase the proportion of mothers initiating breastfeeding within 1 hour among women who undergo elective cesarean delivery. Therefore, it is important that health practitioners educate women beginning in the antenatal period who plan to undergo cesarean delivery by emphasizing the importance of early initiation of breastfeeding.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  7. Lee WS, Tee CW, Tan AG, Wong SY, Chew KS, Cheang HK, et al.
    Pediatr Neonatol, 2019 12;60(6):676-683.
    PMID: 31056340 DOI: 10.1016/j.pedneo.2019.04.004
    BACKGROUND: Parents often express concerns about feeding difficulties in their child. We hypothesized that these parental concerns were associated with adverse growth status in early childhood. We aimed to determine the prevalence of such concerns and whether these concerns were associated with adverse growth status in early childhood.

    METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study among healthy children aged 12-36 months attending three well-baby clinics in three urban areas in Malaysia and Singapore between December 2016 and February 2017. Parents were interviewed for concerns about their child's feeding and presence of behavioral and organic red flags for feeding difficulties. We defined growth faltering as weight-for-age < 3rd centile and short stature as height-for-age < 3rd centile according to World Health Organization Growth Standards.

    RESULTS: Of the 303 children studied (boys = 160, 52.8%; mean [± SD] chronological age at interview 21.3 [± 4.0] months), 13% (n = 38/292) had growth faltering and 19.5% (n = 50/256) had short stature. Overall, 36.3% (n = 110) of parents expressed concerns about their child's feeding behavior. Sixty-eight percent (n = 206) of parents reported presence of at least one behavioral and 18.5% (n = 56) had at least one organic red flag for feeding difficulties, respectively. 9.9% (n = 30) had both behavioral and organic red flags for feeding difficulties. Growth faltering was significantly associated with parental concern about feeding (odds ratio [OR] 3.049, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  8. Sualeheen A, Khor BH, Balasubramanian GV, Sahathevan S, Ali MSM, Narayanan SS, et al.
    J Ren Nutr, 2020 07;30(4):322-332.
    PMID: 31767516 DOI: 10.1053/j.jrn.2019.09.010
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to (i) determine habitual dietary patterns of Malaysian patients on hemodialysis (HD) and (ii) examine their association with nutritional status.

    METHODS: An à posteriori approach examined 3-day dietary recalls of 382 multiethnic Malaysian patients on HD, leading to short-listing of 31 food groups. Dietary patterns were derived through principal component analysis. Sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics together with nutritional parameters were examined for associations with specific dietary patterns.

    RESULTS: Four dietary patterns emerged, namely, "Home Food," "Eating Out (EO)-Rice," "EO-Sugar sweetened beverages," and "EO-Noodle." Younger patients, male gender, Malay, and patients with working status were more likely to follow "EO-Rice" and "EO-Sugar sweetened beverages" patterns, while Chinese patients were more likely to consume "EO-Noodle" pattern (all P values 

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  9. Drewnowski A, Mognard E, Gupta S, Ismail MN, Karim NA, Tibère L, et al.
    Nutrients, 2020 May 25;12(5).
    PMID: 32466102 DOI: 10.3390/nu12051530
    Countries in South East Asia are undergoing a nutrition transition, which typically involves a dietary shift from plant to animal proteins. To explore the main drivers of protein consumption, the SCRiPT (Socio Cultural Research in Protein Transition) study recruited a population sample in Malaysia (N = 1604). Participants completed in-person 24 h dietary recalls and socio-demographic surveys. Energy and nutrient intakes were estimated using Nutritionist Pro. A novel recipe-based frequency count coded protein sources as meat (chicken, beef, pork, and mutton), fish, eggs, dairy, and plants (cereals, pulses, tubers). Dietary intakes and frequencies were examined by gender, age, income, education, ethnicity, religion, and family status, using ANOVAs and general linear models. Energy intakes were 1869 kcal/d for men and 1699 kcal/d for women. Protein intakes were 78.5 g/d for men and 72.5 g/d for women. Higher energy and protein intakes were associated with Chinese ethnicity, higher education and incomes. Frequency counts identified plant proteins in 50% of foods, followed by meat (19%), fish (12%), eggs (12%), and dairy (7%). Most frequent source of meat was chicken (16%) rather than pork or beef (1.5% each). In bivariate analyses, animal protein counts were associated with younger age, higher education and incomes. In mutually adjusted multivariate regression models, animal proteins were associated with education and ethnicity; plant proteins were associated with ethnicity and religion. Protein choices in Malaysia involve socio-cultural as well as economic variables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  10. Henry CJ
    J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 2015;61 Suppl:S189-91.
    PMID: 26598852 DOI: 10.3177/jnsv.61.S189
    Food intake studies have a long history. However, until a few decades ago, there was limited quantitative data on feeding patterns and food intake in infants and children living in South Asia. The recent SEANUT study and MING study have provided several new insights into the dietary patterns of children living in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The complexity and variety of Asian diets makes the collation of dietary information a challenge. The double burden of under-nutrition and over-nutrition is prevalent in many Asian countries. Compared to obesity, stunting is widespread in South East Asia. Our future challenge is to develop food intake assessment techniques which can be refined and made available as a common dietary assessment tool across this region. Successful nutritional intervention can only be achieved if we know what Asian children eat. Dietary intake research will be a key factor in realizing our goal to eradicate malnutrition in this region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  11. Wan Ling Chew, Kaur Satvinder, Serene En Hui Tung, Ai Ni Teoh, Choon Ming Ng
    Introduction: Early environmental factors play a major role in shaping the health of an individual. Dietary prefer- ence and habits shaped by parental feeding practice during childhood are likely to persist into adulthood which further determines body weights status. This study aimed to determine the retrospective child feeding practices asso- ciated with obesity risk in young adults. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study with 176 university students in Kuala Lumpur. Data of maternal age, gestational age and feeding practices were collected retrospectively using Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ). Subject’s current socio-demographic data was collected and anthropo- metric measurements were taken using standard protocol. Results: Around 22% of the subjects were overweight/ obese. No significant association was found between child feeding practices with maternal age. A significant asso- ciation (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
    Food insecurity is normally associated with lower socioeconomic status and improper feeding practices which may consequently affect growth and development of young children. This study aims to assess household food security status and its association with child feeding practices and children’s weight status among low income mothers in Terengganu. A cross-sectional study using convenience sampling was conducted at four public maternal and child health clinics (MCH) located in Terengganu. A total of 107 of low-income mothers between ages of 18 to 45 years with net household income less than RM 3000 who has at least one child aged two years and above were recruited. The instruments used were Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ) and weight-for-age child growth chart for children’ weight status at aged one year. Descriptive statistic and non-parametric tests were employed (SPSS 20). Majority of the households were food secure (85.0%). Yet, it is also important to note that about 15% of the household had experienced some degree of food insecurity. There was no significant correlation between household food security and all child feeding practice domains. Most of the mothers had children with normal weight (mean Z-score =-0.72+0.99). There was statistically significant association between household food security status and weight of children at one year of age (p=0.01). In conclusion, majority of the households experienced food secure. Household food security were associated with children’s weight status at early age but not correlated with parent’s child feeding practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  13. Yong HY, Mohd Shariff Z, Mohd Yusof BN, Rejali Z, Tee YYS, Bindels J, et al.
    Nutrients, 2021 Jun 27;13(7).
    PMID: 34199062 DOI: 10.3390/nu13072208
    The contribution and impact of beverage intake to total nutrient and energy intake may be substantial. Given the link between lifestyle, diet, and the risk of pregnancy complications, this study investigated the association between the quantity and types of beverages with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) risk. The study included 452 women from the Seremban Cohort Study (SECOST). The mean energy by beverage intake was 273 ± 23.83 kcal/day (pre-pregnancy), 349 ± 69.46 kcal/day (first trimester) and 361 ± 64.24 kcal/day (second trimester). Women significantly increased intake of maternal milks and malted drinks, but significantly reduced the intake of carbonated drinks and other drinks from before until the second trimester of pregnancy. For chocolate drinks, carbonated drinks, and soy milk, women increased intake from pre-conception to the first trimester, but reduced their intake from the first to the second trimester. While higher intake of cultured-milk drinks was associated with an increased risk of GDM, higher fruit juice intake was associated with a lower risk of GDM. However, these associations were only observed for intake prior to pregnancy and during the first trimester. Further research is needed to corroborate these findings and investigate the contributions of different beverages to overall diet quality as well as adverse health outcomes during pregnancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  14. Lim AC, Chong VC, Chew WX, Muniandy SV, Wong CS, Ong ZC
    J Acoust Soc Am, 2015 Jul;138(1):404-12.
    PMID: 26233039 DOI: 10.1121/1.4923153
    Acoustic signals of the tiger-tail seahorse (Hippocampus comes) during feeding were studied using wavelet transform analysis. The seahorse "click" appears to be a compounded sound, comprising three acoustic components that likely come from two sound producing mechanisms. The click sound begins with a low-frequency precursor signal, followed by a sudden high-frequency spike that decays quickly, and a final, low-frequency sinusoidal component. The first two components can, respectively, be traced to the sliding movement and forceful knock between the supraorbital bone and coronet bone of the cranium, while the third one (purr) although appearing to be initiated here is produced elsewhere. The seahorse also produces a growling sound when under duress. Growling is accompanied by the highest recorded vibration at the cheek indicating another sound producing mechanism here. The purr has the same low frequency as the growl; both are likely produced by the same structural mechanism. However, growl and purr are triggered and produced under different conditions, suggesting that such "vocalization" may have significance in communication between seahorses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  15. Sakinah H, Suzana S, Noor Aini MY, Philip Poi JH, Shahrul Bahyah K
    Malays J Nutr, 2012 Aug;18(2):137-47.
    PMID: 24575662
    INTRODUCTION: Hospitalised elderly patients are at high risk of malnutrition due to the presence of chronic diseases and inadequate food intake. It was on this premise that a Malnutrition Risk Screening Tool-Hospital (MRST-H) was developed for identifying the risk of malnutrition among Malaysian elderly patients.
    METHODS: A total of 181 respondents aged 65 years and above who had been admitted to the Geriatric Ward of the University Malaya Medical Centre were recruited. The respondents' nutritional assessment was assessed using the Global Indicator of Malnutrition (GIM), a reference gold standard of malnutrition consisting of anthropometric measurements, biochemical indicators and the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA). Important predictive factors of malnutrition were determined by logistic regression analysis.
    RESULTS: Five out of 18 predictive factors were significantly associated with malnutrition (p<0.05) in the final multivariate logistic regression model. These five factors were used to develop the MRST-H. Its validity was tested among 100 elderly inpatients in the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. The MRST-H was found to have 66.7% sensitivity, 96.2% specificity and 82.4% positive predictive value to GIM. The MRST-H was tested for reliability among 40 patients involving three raters (a dietitian and two nurses). The Kappa index of agreement was excellent between the dietitian with nurse A (81.3%, Kappa=0.84) and nurse B (87.5%, Kappa=0.89) respectively.
    CONCLUSION: The MRST-H developed showed high validity and reliability as a screening tool for identifying hospitalised elderly patients with high risk of malnutrition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  16. Moy FM, Gan CY, Mohd Kassim SZ
    Malays J Nutr, 2006;12(1):1-10.
    Eating patterns such as eating frequency, skipping of breakfast, and frequency of meals eaten away from home might influence school-going children's nutritional status, which will then influence their health and academic performance. This article reports the findings of a survey on the eating patterns of the school children and adolescents in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 3620 school children studying in Primary 5, Secondary 2 and Secondary 4 were selected using multi-stage sampling. The students were surveyed using a pre-tested questionnaire while their weights and heights were measured in the field. It was found that 19.9% skipped at least one meal a day with the youngest group having the lowest prevalence. The most frequently missed meal is breakfast (12.6%) followed by lunch (6.7%) and dinner (4.4%). The school is an important provider of breakfast and lunch for the students. As the students' age increased, the prevalence of eating breakfast and lunch in school increased. The youngest age group had the highest prevalence of snacking and taking of nutritional supplements (p<0.05). Fast food and local hawker food were also consumed by about 60-70% of the students. Logistic regression analysis showed that skipping of breakfast is significantly associated with age, sex, BMI and taking of nutritional supplements. Promotion of healthy eating should be targeted at students in primary and secondary schools as they tend to depend on outside food.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  17. Amarra, Sofia, Chan, Pauline
    Malays J Nutr, 2013;19(1):139-142.
    Introduction: The Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition Task Force, International Life Sciences Institute Southeast Asia (ILSI SEA) Region, organised the 1st and 2nd Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting on Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition in 2009 and 2011, respectively. The goal of the consultations was “to generate and promote relevant science-based information that will help improve nutritional status, growth and development of infants and young children in Southeast Asia.” Methods: An Expert Panel Core Group was created whose role is to provide advice and recommendations through a review of current scientific knowledge regarding issues related to early childhood growth and nutrition. The Panel is composed of experts representing 7 countries (China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). In July 2012, the Panel convened the 3rd Expert Consultation and Planning Meeting on Infant and Young Child Nutrition in Singapore. This report presents the highlights of the meeting and recommendations made by the Panel on ways to improve infant and young child nutrition in Southeast Asia. Results and Conclusion: The effective use of WHO indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices, mitigating the effects of maternal employment on breastfeeding, using behaviour change communication, updating the education of health personnel, and improving maternal health were considered important actions to be taken. Since current feeding practices in Southeast Asia fall short of WHO recommendations, studies are needed to develop strategies which take into consideration the diverse cultural settings that characterise the region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  18. Bong, M.W., Norimah A. Karim, Ismail Mohd Noor
    Malays J Nutr, 2018;24(4):539-550.
    Introduction: The Penan people are largely settled in rural and remote areas of
    Sarawak with high rates of undernutrition among the children. The study aimed to
    determine the nutritional status and infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices
    of Penan children. Methods: Subjects consisted of 121 children, aged between 0-23
    months, from 15 Penan longhouses in Belaga district. Malnutrition was assessed
    using anthropometric measurements of children and categorised according to the
    World Health Organization (WHO) Growth Standards (2006). Feeding practices were
    assessed using questionnaires based on WHO IYCF Indicators (2008). Results:
    The prevalence of underweight was 29.8%; stunting 43.0% and wasting 5.8%.
    Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months was 44.4%. About 86% of
    infants aged 6-8 months were already given solid, semi-solid and soft foods. The
    proportion of children aged 6-23 months achieving minimum dietary diversity
    (MDD) was 76.6%, while minimum meal frequency (MMF) was 83.0% (breastfed and
    non-breastfed). Among the children who achieved MDD, 64.9% of their meals were
    derived from 4-5 food groups. More than half (55.3%) of all subjects (breastfed and
    non-breastfed) received minimum acceptable diet (MAD). Achievement of iron-rich
    foods (IRF) indicator was 77.7%. There was no significant association between the
    IYCF indicators of MDD, MMF and MAD and underweight, stunting and wasting.
    Conclusion: A high prevalence of poor nutritional status was recorded among
    the Penan children. While the IYCF indicators apparently showed satisfactory
    complementary feeding practices, future studies should assess quantitatively the
    intake of complementary food among Penan infants and young children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  19. Ullah MZ, Awais MM, Akhtar M, Anwar MI, Navid MT, Khan I, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2018 Dec 01;35(4):1028-1040.
    PMID: 33601850
    Toxoplasmosis is a protozoal infection of zoonotic potential with worldwide geographical distribution which affects nearly all warm-blooded animals including mammals and birds. Keeping in view, this study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis along with associated risk factors and its haematological impacts in small ruminants of district Multan, Pakistan. In this study, a total of 250 sera samples collected from sheep (n=125) and goats (n=125) from three tehsils of Multan were examined using commercially available Latex agglutination test kit for the presence of anti-T. gondii antibodies. The haematological profiles of Toxoplasma seropositive and seronegative animals were determined by using automated haematology analyser. Overall seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in small ruminants was 42.80% with a higher prevalence rate (44.80%) in sheep as compared to goats (40.80%). Sex, existence of co-morbid conditions, feeding pattern and presence of pet cats and dogs were identified as significant (P<0.05) risk factors associated with the presence of antibodies against toxoplasmosis. The breed was found to be a significant (P=0.026) risk factor for the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in goats but not in sheep. Haematological analysis revealed significantly altered leukocytic counts (P<0.05) in seropositive sheep and goats as compared to seronegative ones. Our findings showed that small ruminants of the Multan District in Pakistan are toxoplasma seropositive and may pose a serious threat of public health concern in the region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  20. Sami W, Ansari T, Butt NS, Hamid MRA
    Int J Health Sci (Qassim), 2017 Apr-Jun;11(2):65-71.
    PMID: 28539866
    Globally, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is considered as one of the most common diseases. The etiology of T2DM is complex and is associated with irreversible risk factors such as age, genetic, race, and ethnicity and reversible factors such as diet, physical activity and smoking. The objectives of this review are to examine various studies to explore relationship of T2DM with different dietary habits/patterns and practices and its complications. Dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle are the major factors for rapidly rising incidence of DM among developing countries. In type 2 diabetics, recently, elevated HbA1c level has also been considered as one of the leading risk factors for developing microvascular and macrovascular complications. Improvement in the elevated HbA1c level can be achieved through diet management; thus, the patients could be prevented from developing the diabetes complications. Awareness about diabetes complications and consequent improvement in dietary knowledge, attitude, and practices lead to better control of the disease. The stakeholders (health-care providers, health facilities, agencies involved in diabetes care, etc.) should encourage patients to understand the importance of diet which may help in disease management, appropriate self-care and better quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
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