Displaying publications 321 - 340 of 741 in total

  1. Ismail E, Nofal OK, Sakthiswary R, Shaharir SS, Sridharan R
    PLoS One, 2016;11(4):e0153752.
    PMID: 27105431 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153752
    OBJECTIVE: Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) acts as an inhibitor of IL-1; which is one of the culprit cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although +2018 polymorphism of IL-1Ra has been implicated in the pathogenesis of RA, its importance remains poorly understood. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine the clinical significance of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) +2018 polymorphism in RA.
    METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing were used to determine the genotypes of the IL-1Ra +2018 for 77 RA patients and 18 healthy controls. All RA patients were assessed for the disease activity score that includes 28 joints (DAS28) and radiographic disease damage based on Modified Sharp Score (MSS).
    RESULTS: The frequency of the T/T and C/T genotypes did not differ significantly (p = 0.893) between the RA patients and the controls. The C/T genotype had significantly higher mean disease activity (DAS 28) and disease damage (MSS) scores with p values of 0.017 and 0.004, respectively. Additionally, the ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), CRP (C-reactive protein), the number of swollen and tender joints were higher for the C/T individuals. On multivariate analysis the CRP, swollen joint count and MSS remained significant with the following p values i.e. 0.045, 0.046 and less than 0.05.
    CONCLUSIONS: C/T genotype of IL-1Ra +2018 prognosticates more aggressive disease in RA.
    Study site: Outpatient clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  2. Hanafi NS, Abdullah A, Lee PY, Liew SM, Chia YC, Khoo EM
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0134030.
    PMID: 26214304 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0134030
    Continuity of care is an important quality outcome of patient care. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personal continuity and blood pressure (BP) control among the patients with hypertension in an academic primary care centre. Between January and May 2012, we conducted a retrospective review of medical records of patients with hypertension who had been followed up for at least 1 year in the Primary Care Clinic, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. In this setting, doctors who provided care for hypertension included postgraduate family medicine trainees, non-trainee doctors and academic staff. Systematic random sampling (1:4) was used for patient selection. BP control was defined as less than 130/80 mm Hg for patients with diabetes mellitus, proteinuria and chronic kidney disease and less than 140/90 mm Hg for all other patients. Continuity of care was assessed using the usual provider continuity index (UPCI), which is the ratio of patient visits to the usual provider to the total number of visits to all providers in 1 year. A UPC index of zero denotes no continuity while an index of one reflects perfect continuity with only the usual provider. We reviewed a total of 1060 medical records. The patients' mean age was 62.0 years (SD 10.4). The majority was women (59.2%) and married (85.7%). The mean number of visits in a year was 3.85 (SD 1.36). A total of 72 doctors had provided consultations (55 postgraduate family medicine trainees, 8 non-trainee doctors and 9 academic staff). The mean UPCI was 0.43 (SD 0.34). Target BP was achieved in 42% of the patients. There was no significant relationship between BP control and personal continuity after adjustment for total number of visits. Continuity of care was not associated with BP control in our centre. Further studies are needed to explore the reasons for this.

    Study site: Primary care clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  3. Shaik MM, Hassan NB, Tan HL, Bhaskar S, Gan SH
    J Headache Pain, 2015 Mar 14;16:22.
    PMID: 25903056 DOI: 10.1186/s10194-015-0509-5
    BACKGROUND: The Structured Migraine Interview (SMI) is a valid and reliable instrument for migraine diagnosis. However, a Malay version of the SMI is not available to be applied to the local Malaysian population. This study was designed to access the validity and reliability of a new Malay version of the SMI questionnaire.
    METHODS: Patients with headache attending the Neurology Clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia, were screened against the inclusion/exclusion criteria before recruitment. A standard translation procedure was used to translate and adapt the questionnaire into the Malay language. The translated version was tested for face, content and construct validities. Subsequently, validity and reliability studies were conducted (1(st) compilation), followed by retesting seven days later (2(nd) compilation).
    RESULTS: A total of 157 patients between 15 and 60 years of age were enrolled in this study. The kappa value was 0.70 (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  4. Jannoo Z, Yap BW, Musa KI, Lazim MA, Hassali MA
    Qual Life Res, 2015 Sep;24(9):2297-302.
    PMID: 25800728 DOI: 10.1007/s11136-015-0969-8
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate and validate the ADDQoL and to assess the impact of diabetes on QoL among the type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Malaysia.

    METHODS: The Malay and English versions of the ADDQoL questionnaire were administered to patients attending routine outpatient visits in three primary hospitals and a public clinic. The construct validity of the ADDQoL was validated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The sample comprised 350 Malay respondents who rated the ADDQoL Malay version and 246 non-Malay respondents (Chinese or Indian) who answered using the ADDQoL original English version.

    RESULTS: CFA confirmed the presence of one-factor structure for both samples. The internal consistency was high with Cronbach's alpha values of 0.945 and 0.907 for the ADDQoL Malay and English versions, respectively. Results showed that for all three ethnicities, the most important domain is 'family life'. Overall, Malay patients stated their 'living conditions' is the most negatively affected, while for Chinese and Indians, diabetes has the greatest impact on their 'freedom to eat'.

    CONCLUSIONS: The ADDQoL was found to be culturally appropriate, valid and reliable among Malay- and English-speaking type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Malaysia.

    Study site: routine outpatient visits in three primary hospitals and a public clinic
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  5. Chan SC, Tan OH, Tee AS
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Dec;52(4):382-9.
    PMID: 10968115
    Adequacy of diabetic management in 5 Perak outpatient departments was studied in April 1996. Two hundred diabetic patients' records were analysed. All doctors and 100 patients answered questionnaires on diabetes. Fifty five percent of doctors had adequate knowledge. Patients' knowledge varied between centres (13% to 80% adequacy). Most records had insufficient data to determine adequacy of early detection. Centres with screeners had adequate weight and blood pressure measurement. Overall control and monitoring of diabetes were inadequate. Referral of complications were delayed in 2 centres. Refresher courses for doctors, patient health education, protocols, screeners and physician visits are recommended.
    Study site: Klinik kesihatan, outpatient clinics, hospitals, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  6. Chan PW, Anuar AK, Fong MY, Debruyne JA, Ibrahim J
    Pediatr Int, 2001 Aug;43(4):350-3.
    PMID: 11472577 DOI: 10.1046/j.1442-200X.2001.01421.x
    BACKGROUND: The larva of Toxocara spp., a common animal roundworm, may infect non-compatible hosts, causing a profound immunological reaction with marked eosinophil and IgE responses, not unlike in atopy. In this study, we determined the seroprevalence of Toxocara exposure in 66 asthmatic and 58 non-asthmatic children.
    METHODS: Exposure to Toxocara was determined by examining the serum samples of the children for specific IgG antibodies to L2 Toxocara larvae, using a commercially available diagnostic kit.
    RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the mean age, sex, social class, residence type and presence of domestic pets at home between the two children groups. Children with bronchial asthma were observed to have higher Toxocara seropositivity than that of the non-asthmatic controls (21.2 vs 8.6%, P=0.047).
    CONCLUSION: The observed relationship between exposure to Toxocara infection and bronchial asthma in Malaysian children warrants further evaluation. An understanding of any possible contribution to the pathogenesis of childhood asthma provides a potential avenue for prevention.
    Study site: Paediatric Asthma clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  7. Chan SC
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Sep;54(3):329-37.
    PMID: 11045059
    Appropriateness of medical admissions from a Malaysian public primary care clinic (Outpatient Department, Hospital Ipoh) was assessed by two physicians using a modified appropriateness evaluation protocol. Of 122 admissions between 16/6/96 and 15/7/96, 107 records (88%) could be traced from the records office. Eighty percent (86/107) were found to be appropriate and 20% (21/107) inappropriate admissions. Inappropriate admissions included admissions to the wrong discipline and patients who could be investigated and stabilised as outpatients or could be referred to specialist clinics. Protocols, provisions for urgent referrals and medical updates for doctors are recommended.

    Study site: Outpatient Department, Hospital Ipoh
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  8. Azizah MR, Loo CS, Zulkifli MN, Shahnaz M, Zaki M, Nasuruddin BA
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Sep;53(3):257-62.
    PMID: 10968163
    Thirty-six patients with lupus nephritis (LN) attending the Nephrology Clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur were studied for the prevalence of anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) isotypes (IgG and IgM) and other associated antibodies, antinuclear antibody (ANA) and anti-ds DNA antibody and to determine the possible association between serological and clinical parameters. The study population consisted of 20 (55.6%) Malays, 15 (41.7%) Chinese and 1 (2.8%) Indian with a mean age of 31.4 +/- 11.3 years, range 14 to 60 years. The female to male ratio was 11:1. The average time between diagnosis and blood sampling was 4.4 years (range 0.25 to 15 years). Increased ACA levels were found in 20 (55.6%) patients where raised IgG ACA and IgM ACA were observed in 20 (55.6%) and 2 (5.6%) cases respectively. ANA and anti-ds DNA antibodies were detected in 22 (61.1%) and 4 (11.1%) individuals respectively, with the majority (82%) showing a speckled pattern of nuclear staining. However, neither the IgM ACA nor IgG ACA showed any significant association with thrombosis or any other clinical parametres. Our preliminary study indicates that ACA is a frequent finding in lupus nephritis and that the IgG isotype is more prevalent.

    Study site: nephrology Clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpu
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  9. Cheah YN, Abidi SS
    PMID: 10724990
    In this paper we suggest that the healthcare enterprise needs to be more conscious of its vast knowledge resources vis-à-vis the exploitation of knowledge management techniques to efficiently manage its knowledge. The development of healthcare enterprise memory is suggested as a solution, together with a novel approach advocating the operationalisation of healthcare enterprise memories leading to the modelling of healthcare processes for strategic planning. As an example, we present a simulation of Service Delivery Time in a hospital's OPD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  10. Chan SC
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Dec;54(4):433-7.
    PMID: 11072459
    The practice of breast self-examination (BSE) amongst 1,303 women registered with the Well Person's Clinic, Outpatient Department, Hospital Ipoh between April 1995 and March 1997 were assessed through a questionnaire. Majority (98.2%) were never taught and did not practise BSE, 17(1.3%) practised BSE while 6 (0.5%) were taught BSE but failed to put it into practice. Only 5.8% of 52 women with past/family history of breast cancer/lump and 2.9% of 207 women with past/family history of other cancers were practising BSE regularly. Three out of 64 women with breast lumps found on clinical breast examination discovered the lumps themselves. Five of the 64 women were subsequently confirmed to have breast carcinoma.
    Study site: Outpatient clinic, Hospital Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  11. Nawawi HM, Yazid TN, Ismail NM, Mohamad AR, Nirwana SI, Khalid BA
    Malays J Pathol, 2001 Dec;23(2):79-88.
    PMID: 12166596
    The objectives of this study were to: (i) evaluate the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the biochemical bone markers: serum total alkaline phosphatase (TALP), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BSALP) and urinary deoxypyridinoline (Dpyr) in postmenopausal osteoporosis, (ii) compare the bone turnover of postmenopausal osteoporotic patients without and with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) against controls and (iii) identify the correlation between these bone markers and bone mineral density (BMD). We examined 42 postmenopausal women with BMD proven osteoporosis and 35 control subjects. Serum TALP, BSALP and urinary Dpyr were measured. All three biochemical bone markers showed comparable moderate diagnostic sensitivity but Dpyr had the highest diagnostic specificity. There were significantly higher serum TALP, BSALP and urinary Dpyr levels in non-HRT treated patients compared to controls (p<0.005, <0.0001 and <0.005 respectively). There were no significant differences in the levels of all three bone markers between HRT treated patients and control subjects. There was no significant correlation between TALP, BSALP or Dpyr and BMD in both controls and patients. In conclusion, the biochemical bone markers are not useful in diagnosis of postmenopausal osteoporosis but may have a role in monitoring progress and response to treatment. HRT treatment reduces bone turnover of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  12. Chan PWK, Debruyne JA
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Dec;56(4):408-13.
    PMID: 12014758
    The efficacy of inhaled nedocromil sodium (NS) for children with a persistent cough was studied. Children aged 4-12 years with a persistent cough for >1 month were recruited and entered a 2-week baseline period during which an asthma diary was kept. Children with a cough score of >20 received inhaled NS via a spacer, 4mg qid for 2 weeks followed by 4mg bd for another 4 weeks. Twenty-two (42%) of 52 children recruited fulfilled treatment criteria. Four children were withdrawn from the study (2 developed wheezing and 2 were not compliant). The baseline cough score (29.1 +/- 13.6) improved after 2 weeks of treatment (15.2 +/- 9.3, p < 0.01) and improvement was sustained after 6 weeks (14.2 +/- 13.0, p = 0.01). Parents and patients had a more favourable perception of its efficacy compared to physicians (72% vs 50%, p = 0.01) Inhaled NS may be considered for treatment of persistent cough in children.
    Study site: Paediatric clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  13. Zairul-Nizam ZF, Hyzan MY, Gobinder S, Razak MA
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Dec;55(4):433-8.
    PMID: 11221154
    We attempted to compare the accuracy of our clinical examination and the usage of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluating patients suspected of having internal derangement of the knee who were seen in our Orthopaedic clinic. This was done using the findings of arthroscopy as the 'gold standard'. The accuracy of MRI in detecting cruciate ligament tears was between 80-96% against 82-93% for clinical examination. MRI accuracy for meniscus injuries was 80-84% compared to 48-65% for clinical examination. We thus propose that MRI examination is an effective first-line investigation for patients with suspected internal knee derangement, especially menisci injuries; allowing arthroscopy to be reserved for patients in whom surgery is truly indicated.

    Study site: Orthopedic clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  14. Azhar MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Dec;55(4):402-8.
    PMID: 11221150
    This paper reports the result of a brief therapy attempt at treating panic in a busy outpatient psychiatric clinic. The patients were cases of panic referred from the various outpatient clinics within the hospital complex. The patients were divided into three groups at random using one of three modalities of treatment, i.e. cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), CBT and Fluvoxamine (FVX), and FVX alone. The therapy was aimed for a maximum of nine sessions after which the patients were to be discharged. There were 14 patients in each group. The results show that all the groups were similar in the severity and scores pre treatment but after the different types of treatment there was a significant difference among them. The FVX alone group, showed significant improvement from the pretreatment levels but did not show as much improvement as the other groups and the mean score was only 9.07 after nine sessions. The best group was the CBT in combination with FVX. This indicates that the best way to treat panic is to combine drug treatment and psychological treatment. It is also shown from the study that the combination group requires less FVX than the FVX alone group. This finding has implications for the treatment of panic at the family physician clinic.

    Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  15. Fadzil A, Norzila MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Dec;57(4):474-81.
    PMID: 12733173
    Asthma knowledge an important components of asthma education.
    Objective: To determine the levels of asthma knowledge in parents of asthmatic children and factors that may influence it.
    Methods: This is a prospective study done between March 1998 and July 1998. Sixty-seven parents were interviewed using the 31 item asthma knowledge questionnaire that had been validated and translated. The children asthma severity was classified. The questionnaire includes biodata of children and parents, types of medication and dosage duration of asthma, exposure to cigarette smoke, acute asthma admission and patient’s economic status.
    Results: This mean score for asthma knowledge was 15.5. The total score was 31. Asthma knowledge was significantly higher in parents whose children were using steroids [p=0.03, CI (-3.85, -0.02)]. It correlated significantly with steroid dosage (r=0.29, p=0.02), and was significantly higher in parents of higher economic status. Patient’s asthma knowledge had no association with children’s asthma status, age of the child or parents, exposure to cigarette smoke, frequency of admission of asthma duration.
    Conclusion: The low asthma knowledge level indicates the need to increase the effort in educating parents. The main indicator for higher knowledge was steroid usage and dosage. Higher asthma knowledge in the high-income group was probably related to levels of education.
    Keywords: parent, asthma, knowledge, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Study site: Respiratory clinic, Institut Pediatrik, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  16. Jamaliah R, Fathilah J
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Dec;57(4):390-7.
    PMID: 12733162
    Two hundred outpatients (115 females and 85 males) attending the University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC) eye clinic, aged 20 years and above and without any ocular surface disorder were recruited for this study. Their tear film status was determined subjectively by their symptoms and quantitatively by the cotton thread test, Schirmer's test, marginal tear film meniscus assessment, fluorescein corneal staining and tear break-up time. Dry eye was considered present if at least one symptom was experienced often or always, within the past 3 months. Dry eye was also considered present if one of these tests was positive; Schirmer's test < 5 mm, Phenol red thread (PRT) test < 10 mm and tear film breakup time (BUT) < 8 seconds. The prevalence of dry eye in this sample population as defined by presence of symptoms and an abnormal test result is 14.5%. Presence of dry eye as detected by clinical testing is higher in the Chinese race (p < 0.01), in the group 40-59 years (p = 0.024). There is no difference between females and males. A lower BUT score was more strongly associated with presence of dry eye symptoms (p = 0.02). Elderly patients have a lower BUT and Schirmer's score. There is lack of agreement between PRT and Schirmer's test, although both are measures of tear quantity.
    Study site: Eye clinic, University Malaya Medical Center (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  17. Fozi K, Teng CL, Krishnan R, Shajahan Y
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Dec;55(4):486-92.
    PMID: 11221162
    This is a prospective study of clinical questions generated in primary care consultations and a comparison of two approaches to answering those clinical questions. Twenty-one doctors in a university-based primary care clinic submitted 78 clinical questions arising from patient consultations during 24 clinic days (0.01 question per patient encounter). These doctors subsequently found answers to 40% of their questions but were satisfied with only 67% of these answers. The investigators were able to provide answers for 95% of the questions asked and the doctors rated these answers as satisfactory in 86% of instances. Answers obtained by investigators had significantly higher satisfaction score than those obtained by doctors' search (p = 0.002). The two main findings of this study are (1) almost all questions arising in clinic setting could be answered by intensive search; (2) answers found by intensive searches were judged to be more satisfactory than those found routinely by doctors. Provision of an information retrieval service in addition to training in the searching and appraisal of medical literature are possible solutions to the information needs of busy clinicians.

    Study site: Primary Care Clinic,
    University Hospital Kuala Lumpur i
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  18. Yeap SS, Asarudin SI, Chow SK, Chua CT, Lai LC
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Sep;57(3):311-8.
    PMID: 12440271
    The best therapeutic choice in the treatment of lupus nephritis remains open to debate. In addition, there have been little data on the treatment of lupus nephritis in Asian patients. The objective of this study was to look at the response rate and complications of treatment given for lupus nephritis in a group of South East Asian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This was a retrospective, cross-sectional study of 103 patients with lupus nephritis. Detailed analysis was done on 58 patients with Class IV disease. The median time to remission was 12.1 months for azathioprine (AZA), 15.01 months for oral cyclophosphamide (CPM) and 15.25 months for intravenous (i.v.) CPM. The percentage of patients achieving remission after the first course of treatment was 42.9% with AZA, 83.3% with oral CPM and 90.9% with i.v. CPM. Overall, 41/58 (70.7%) of patients went into remission following the first course of treatment. Seventeen (41.5%) subsequently relapsed, requiring a second course of treatment. Fifty-two (50.5%) of all patients had drug-related complications from their treatment. The most frequent complication for the group was amenorrhoea (23.3% of all patients, 40% of those who had CPM previously), which was significantly more frequent in patients given CPM. In conclusion, more patients achieve remission when treated with CPM compared with AZA alone but this is associated with a higher complication rate, especially amenorrhoea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  19. Liam CK, Loo KL, Wong CM, Lim KH, Lee TC
    Respirology, 2002 Dec;7(4):345-50.
    PMID: 12421243 DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1843.2002.00409.x
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of skin prick test (SPT) reactivity to common aeroallergens among Malaysian asthmatic patients with and without rhinitis.
    METHODOLOGY: An SPT using eight aeroallergens (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, cat fur, cockroach, Acacia sp., Bermuda grass, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus niger) was performed on 206 asthmatic patients.
    RESULTS: One hundred and forty patients (68%) were reactive to at least one of the aeroallergens. Among the SPT-positive patients, a positive prick test reaction to the house dust mites, D. pteronyssinus (93.6%), and D. farinae (81.4%) was most common, followed by cat fur (20.0%), cockroach (7.9%), Bermuda grass (7.9%), Acacia sp. (7.9%), A. fumigatus (0.7%) and A. niger (0.7%). A history of rhinitis was elicited in 111 (53.9%) patients and 95 (85.3%) of these patients were SPT-positive compared with only 45 (47.4%) of 95 patients with asthma symptoms alone (P < 0.001). The presence of rhinitis and a young age of onset of asthma were independent factors for positive SPT reaction to at least one of the aeroallergens.
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of SPT reactivity to common aeroallergens is high among Malaysian asthmatics, particularly in those with an early age of onset and in those with coexisting rhinitis.
    Study site: Asthma Clinic, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
  20. Satwant S, Subramaniam KN, Prepageran N, Raman R, Jalaludin MA
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Sep;57(3):278-82.
    PMID: 12440266
    Objective: To assess if children with Down's Syndrome have a higher prevalence of otological abnormality compared to their normal counterparts in Malaysia.
    Methodology: Thirty children with Down’s Syndrome and normal children underwent otoscope ear examination and impedance test in the ENT outpatients clinic in University Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Results: The study showed that children with Down’s Syndrome had higher ontological disorders. Forty four percent had impacted wax compared to 14.4% in normal children. Twenty one percent of ears in the study group had refracted drums compared to 6.6% of control. Fifteen percent of ears in the study group had middle ear effusion compared to 3.4% in controls, 55% had a type B tympanogram compared to 8.3% in controls and 73.4% had auditory canal stenosis compared to 14.4% in controls.
    Conclusion: Children with Down’s Syndrome thus have a higher incidence of ontological disorders.

    Study site: ENT outpatient clincs, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
    Matched MeSH terms: Outpatient Clinics, Hospital
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