Current development in the field of tissue engineering led to the idea of repairing and regenerating the respiratory airway through in vitro reconstruction using autologous respiratory epithelial (RE). To ensure the capability of proliferation, the stem cell property of RE cells from the nasal turbinate should be evaluated. Respiratory epithelial cells from six human nasal turbinates were harvested and cultured in vitro. The gene expression of FZD-9 and BST-1 were expressed in passage 2 (P2) and passage 4 (P4). The levels of expression were not significant between both passages. The RE cells exhibit the stem cell properties, which remains even after serial passaging.
This cross-sectional study determined the appreciation of the learning environment and development of higher-order learning skills among students attending the Medical Curriculum at the International Medical University, Malaysia which provides traditional and e-learning resources with an emphasis on problem based learning (PBL) and self-directed learning. Of the 708 participants, the majority preferred traditional to e-resources. Students who highly appreciated PBL demonstrated a higher appreciation of e-resources. Appreciation of PBL is positively and significantly correlated with higher-order learning skills, reflecting the inculcation of self-directed learning traits. Implementers must be sensitive to the progress of learners adapting to the higher education environment and innovations, and to address limitations as relevant.
Detection and quantification of Hb subtypes of human blood is integral to presumptive identification of thalassaemias. It has been used in neonatal screening of thalassaemia and Hb variants. The use of discarded red blood cells following processing of the cord blood for stem cells provides readily available diagnostic material for thalassaemia screening. In this study, we determined the range of Hb subtypes in 195 consecutive cord blood samples collected for cord blood banking. The 'cord blood samples' analysed were those of the remaining red blood cells after the cord blood was processed for stem cell storage. Quantification of Hb subtypes by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was done on BioRad Variant II Hb testing system. Only 73 (36.5%) of the samples could be analyzed neat without dilution. With a 1:300 dilution with wash solution the acceptable area as recommended by the manufacturer for reading of a C-gram within the 1 to 3 million ranges were achieved in all. Eighteen (9%) 12 showed classical Hb Barts (y4) prerun peaks were confirmed by Sebia Hydrasys automated Hb gel electrophoresis and quantified by Sebia Capillarys 2 capillary electrophoresis. Only 1 (0.5%) was presumptively identified with HbH disease. Due to the limited number of samples no beta-thalassaemia major, Hb E beta-thalassaemia and Hb Barts hydrops fetalis were found. The HPLC assay was possible at a cost US$ 5 per sample and a turnover time of 10 samples per hour without technical difficulties. This study reports an effective and valuable protocol for thalassaemia screening in red blood cells which would otherwise be discarded during cord blood processing. Cord blood with severe and intermediate forms of thalassaemia can be preselected and not stored.
OBJECTIVE: We present our experience with daycare tonsillectomy and evaluate patient satisfaction and the post operative complication rate.
METHODS: A prospective audit review of 38 patients from March 2009 till May 2010 was conducted in our ambulatory care center.
RESULTS: There were 38 patients involved in this review. All patients were satisfied with our Ambulatory care services. No admission was reported after daycare tonsillectomy.
CONCLUSION: Daycare tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy is safe. It can reduce the waiting time and also bed occupancy thus cost effective. Proper selection of patient is very important.
Generalised obesity and central obesity are risk factors for Type II diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Waist circumference (WC) has been suggested as a single screening tool for identification of overweight or obese subjects in lieu of the body mass index (BMI) for weight management in public health program. Currently, the recommended waist circumference cut-off points of > or = 94cm for men and > or =80cm for women (waist action level 1) and > or = 102cm for men and > or = 88cm for women (waist action level 2) used for identification of overweight and obesity are based on studies in Caucasian populations. The objective of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the recommended waist action levels, and to determine optimal WC cut-off points for identification of overweight or obesity with central fat distribution based on BMI for Malaysian adults. Data from 32,773 subjects (14,982 men and 17,791 women) aged 18 and above who participated in the Third National Health Morbidity Survey in 2006 were analysed. Sensitivity and specificity of WC at waist action level 1 were 48.3% and 97.5% for men; and 84.2% and 80.6% for women when compared to the cut-off points based on BMI > or = 25kg/m2. At waist action level 2, sensitivity and specificity were 52.4% and 98.0% for men, and 79.2% and 85.4% for women when compared with the cut-off points based on BMI (> or = 30 kg/m2). Receiver operating characteristic analyses showed that the appropriatescreening cut-off points for WC to identify subjects with overweight (> or = 25kg/m2) was 86.0cm (sensitivity=83.6%, specificity=82.5%) for men, and 79.1cm (sensitivity=85.0%, specificity=79.5%) for women. Waist circumference cut-off points to identify obese subjects (BMI > or = 30 kg/m2) was 93.2cm (sensitivity=86.5%, specificity=85.7%) for men and 85.2cm (sensitivity=77.9%, specificity=78.0%) for women. Our findings demonstrated that the current recommended waist circumference cut-off points have low sensitivity for identification of overweight and obesity in men. We suggest that these newly identified cut-off points be considered.
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2006)
OBJECTIVE: Safety of fasting in Ramadan for diabetic patients is not clearly known. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of fasting on glycemic excursions by continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This pilot, observational study conducted in the Endocrine Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, IRAN, in Ramadan 2008. Seventeen well controlled patients with diabetes type 2 who were taking oral agents underwent 72 hour monitoring of glycemic excursions by CGMS one month before Ramadan and during Ramadan. The extent and duration of hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic events were evaluated and compared.
RESULTS: A significant reduction in hyperglycemic events was observed during Ramadan. The extent and duration of hypoglycemic events was not significantly different between two states (Ramadan and before). A significant increase in number of hypoglycemic events in Ramadan was found in patients who take sulfonylurea compared with those who take only metformin.
CONCLUSION: Fasting in Ramadan can be safe for well controlled patients with type 2 diabetes.
The purpose of this retrospective joint rhino-neurosurgical study from January 1998 until September 2009 is to document the demographic data, clinical presentations, radiological findings, approaches and incidence of residual tumour. Forty-seven patients with pituitary adenoma underwent trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy of which 25 patients with complete medical and radiological data were included in the study. The medical and radiological data were analyzed. There were 12 males and 13 females with age ranging from 17 to 76 years old (mean 49.2). Fourteen of the patients were Chinese, eight Malays and three Indians. Twelve of the patients had functioning tumour of which five each presented with acromegaly and Cushing disease respectively and two with amenorrhoea. The rest of 13 patients had non functioning tumour presenting with visual disturbances. Sixteen of the patients had pituitary macroadenomas and the rest 9 microadenomas. Eighteen patients had undergone transcollumellar trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy and the rest 7 patients had undergone transnasal transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. About 68.8% of pituitary macroadenomas had residual tumour, compared to only 22.2% of patient with pituitary microadenomas. Radiologically, about 45.5% of residual macroadenoma had suprasellar extension and the majority had spread to suprasellar cistern and carvenous sinus (54.5%). About 16.6% of patients had undergone post operative radiotherapy. In conclusion, this study showed that patient with pituitary macroadenomas had higher incidence of residual tumour compared to pituitary microadenomas.
A retrospective case series was conducted to determine the clinical characteristics and bronchoscopy findings of children with foreign body aspiration in Paediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Ten boys and two girls were included (range 2-177 months; median 26 months old). They commonly presented with cough (12/100%) and difficulty in breathing (9/75%). All patients had unilateral auscultatory findings and the commonest radiographic findings were unilateral hyperinflation (7/58.3%). The majority of foreign bodies removed was organic (8/66.6%) and more frequently found in the left bronchial tree (7/58.3%). Major complications were pneumonia (11/91.6%) and airway oedema (11/ 91.6%). Eight patients had delayed diagnosis due to parents unawareness (6/50%) and missed diagnosis (2/16.7%).
Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) was started in Malaysia since 1993 and it has improved the survival of patients with otherwise fatal haematological diseases. This study was initiated because quality of life of these survivors is an important tool in assessing the outcome of this treatment modality. The secondary objective was to identify factors that influenced their quality of life. The European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC-30) was used to assess the quality of life of eligible patients. A total of 62 patents were recruited. The mean global health score (QoL) was 71.2. The major symptoms faced by our patients were fatigue, financial difficulty and appetite loss. Appetite loss was an independent adverse factor for lower QoL.
Informed consent [IC] is a recognized socio-legal obligation for the medical profession. The doctrine of IC involves the law, which aims to ensure the lawfulness of health assistance and tends to reflect the concept of autonomy of the person requiring and requesting medical and/or surgical treatment. Recent changes in the health care delivery system and the complex sociological settings, in which it is practiced, have resulted in an increase in judicial activity and medical negligence lawsuits for physicians. While IC is a well-established practice, it often fails to meet its stated purpose. In the common law, the standard of medical care to disclose risks has been laid down by the Bolam test- a familiar concept to most physicians, but it has been challenged recently in many jurisdictions. This paper aims to discuss some important judgments in cases of alleged medical negligence so as to familiarize doctors regarding their socio-legal obligations. We also propose to discuss some factors that influence the quality of IC in clinical practice.
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the validity of the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) (Malay version) as a case-finding instrument for depression among women in a primary care clinic.
METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted in a primary care clinic in Malaysia. Consecutive adult women patients who attended the clinic during data collection were given self-administered questionnaires, which included the PHQ-9 (Malay version). Systematic weighted random sampling was used to select participants for Composite International Diagnostic Interviews (CIDI). The PHQ-9 was validated against the CIDI reference standard.
RESULTS: The response rate was 87.5% for the questionnaire completion (895/1023), and 96.8% for the CIDI interviews (151/156). The prevalence of depression was 12.1% (based on PHQ-9 scores of 10 and above). The PHQ-9 had a sensitivity of 87% (95% confidence interval 71% to 95%), a specificity of 82% (74% to 88%), positive LR 4.8 (3.2 to 7.2) and negative LR 0.16 (0.06 to 0.40).
CONCLUSIONS: The Malay version of the PHQ-9 was found to be a valid and reliable case-finding instrument for depression in this study. Together with its brevity, it is a suitable case-finding instrument to be used in Malaysian primary care clinics.
Questionnaire: Patient Health Questionnaire; PHQ-9; General Health Questionnaire; GHQ-12; Composite International Diagnostic Interview; CIDI; Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale; GAD-7
This was a prospective observational study done to evaluate the role of a repeat head CT in patients with mild traumatic brain injury. The aim was to evaluate wether the repeat head CT were useful in providing information that leads to any neurosurgical intervention. 279 adult patients with a mild head injury (GCS 13-15) were enrolled, and these comprised of patients with an initial traumatic intracranial haemorrhage not warranting any surgical intervention. All patients were subjected to a repeat head CT within 48 hours of admission and these showed no change or improvements of the brain lesion in 217 patients (79.2%) and worsening in 62 patients (20.8%). In thirty-one patients, surgical intervention was done following the repeat head CT. All of these patients had a clinical deterioration prior to the repeat head CT. Even if a repeat head CT had not been ordered on these patients, they would have had a repeat head CT due to deteriorating neurological status. When the 62 patients with a worsening repeat head CT were compared with the 217 patients with an improved or unchanged repeat head CT, they were found to have older age, lower GCS on admission, presenting symptoms of headache, higher incidence of multiple traumatic intracranial pathology and lower haemoglobin level on admission. On stepwise multiple logistic regression analysis, three factors were found to independently predict a worse repeat head CT (Table IV). This includes age of 65 years or older, GCS score of less than 15 and multiple traumatic intracranial lesion on initial head CT. As a conclusion, we recommend that, in patients with a MTBI and a normal neurological examination, a repeat cranial CT is not indicated, as it resulted in no change in management or neurosurgical intervention. Close monitoring is warranted in a subset of patients with risk factors for a worsening repeat head CT.
Keywords: Computed tomography, brain injury, Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
The National Stroke Registry (NSR) was established in 2009 under National Neurology Registry (NNeuR) . The main objectives of NSR were to describe the demographic and disease pattern of stroke patients in Malaysia, to examine the risk factors and evaluate the specified treatment and outcomes. This prospective observational study was carried out from August 2009 until December 2010 using a standardized case report form which involved two participating hospital, namely Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu and Hospital Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang. There were 1018 patients registered. Ischemic stroke accounted for the majority of cases (73.3%). The most common risk factor was hypertension (75.5 %), followed by diabetes mellitus, previous stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA), hyperlipidemia and active smoker: 45.6%, 25.1%, 22.4%, and 19.4%, respectively. Overall, our stroke management, based on nine stroke key performance indicators (KPI) still needs to be improved. There was a total of 121 mortality cases with the main contributing factor was massive cerebral bleed (21.6%). In conclusion, the findings highlight the important of primary and secondary stroke management. Further and continuous observation with more site date provider (SDP) involvement is needed to get a more comprehensive data on stroke in Malaysia.
To assess the oral health quality of life among Malaysian dental students using the Oral Impacts on Daily Performance (OIDP) scale.
Malaysian dental students of Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal campus, Manipal University, Manipal answered a structured questionnaire recording the demographic characteristics, behavioral characteristics and eight items of OIDP.
The mean OIDP ADD and OIDP SC scores were respectively, 4.10 (sd = 5.16, range 8 - 40) and 2. 3 (sd = 2.3, range 0-8). A total of 50%, 32.9% and 28.6% of the dental students confirmed difficulties with eating, cleaning teeth and sleeping and relaxing, respectively. Statistically significant relationships were observed between OIDP (ultimate oral impact) and a count of non-clinical oral health indicators representing the second (intermediate) levels of oral impact. Logistic regression analysis revealed that dental students who were dissatisfied with their oral health had greater oral impact than their counterparts. The odds ratios for satisfaction with oral health, dental visits and frequency of brushing teeth were respectively 1.74 (0.58-5.32), 0.59 (0.11-3.24) and 1.33 (0.41-4.30).
The study reports the Oral Impact on Daily Performance among Malaysian dental students and provides evidence of importance of social and behavioral characteristics in shaping dental students response.
We analyzed the epidemiological data of all people who were involved in the search and rescue operation in Lubuk Yu, a natural recreational forest with waterfall and stream. The hospital admission records of the cases who fulfilled the case definition and the environmental samples result taken at Lubuk Yu recreational area were studied. 153 people were exposed to this outbreak, 85 (55.5%) were professional rescuers from various government agencies and 68 (44.5%) were villagers. 21 fulfilled the case definition. Ten cases were confirmed melioidosis, six melioidosis alone and four coinfected with leptospirosis. There were eight deaths in this outbreak, seven were villagers and one professional rescuer. Overall case fatality was 70%. All confirmed melioidosis cases and seven who died had diabetes mellitus. The morbidity rate were higher among the villagers, 23.5% compared to professional rescuers, 5.9%. The case fatality rate were also higher in this group which was 100% compared to 33.3% in professional rescuers. The soil and water samples in Lubuk Yu recreational area were positive for leptospira and Burkholderia pseudomallei. The presence of co-infection and co-morbidities especially diabetes mellitus among the exposed led to the high mortality in this outbreak hence a high index of suspicion is important among the healthcare professionals in the management of melioidosis cases. To avoid similar incident in future, search and rescue operation should be only conducted by professional rescuers with appropriate personal protective equipment. A register of rescuers should be maintained for surveillance and follow up if necessary.
Penicillamine toxicity in Wilson's disease has been well reported but rarely seen now as newer agents are being used. We present a case who developed multiple rare complications of Penicillamine concurrently. Our patient is one of three siblings on Penicillamine, she was the only one who developed massive breast enlargement four months after commencing Penicillamine therapy, as well as dermatological adverse reactions and myasthenia gravis three more months later. All the adverse effects improved soon after substitution of the offending agent with Trientine.