CASE REPORTS: We describe a novel case where primary papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) was found after a trans-oral excision of a tumor containing ectopic thyroid tissue at the posterior pharynx, an area not known to be a location for ectopic thyroid. Delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in regional cervical metastases and multifocal PTC. The female patient successfully underwent total thyroidectomy, selective cervical and central lymph node dissection, followed by adjuvant radioactive iodine ablation, with no evidence of distant metastases.
CONCLUSIONS: Ectopic thyroid tissue is uncommon and may be in the posterior pharynx. The principles of management remain those of differentiated thyroid malignancy: complete surgical resection of any tumor focus, total thyroidectomy, and node dissection of involved lymph nodes, followed by adjuvant radioactive iodine in iodine-sensitive tumors.
Case presentation: We present a rare case of adult intussusception who presented with a triad of intestinal obstruction. Computed tomography revealed small bowel intussusception with bowel ischemia. Intraoperatively, she required resection of the small bowel and primary anastomosis. Macroscopic examination revealed a single pedunculated polyp, which is the lead point of intestinal obstruction and confirmed histologically.
Conclusion: Inflammatory fibroid polyp should be considered as a cause of intussusception among adults with small bowel obstruction.
Case presentation: A 26-year-old lady presented with anterior neck swelling with symptoms of superior vena cava syndrome for 6 months. Imaging study revealed a mediastinal mass which was preceded with core biopsy which was consistent with high-grade small cell NETs. Despite second-line adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy, her disease became advanced which was confirmed via restaging scan. There were bilateral breast lesions discovered during the scan which was deemed to be metastatic NETs histologically. Despite prompt initiation of treatment, she succumbed 1 year after the radiotherapy due to disease progression.
Conclusion: High suspicion of an index is needed for diagnosis when patients with known primary NETs present with suspicious breast lesions. Triple assessment is mandatory, however histopathology assessment and immunohistochemistry staining are the mainstay of diagnosis.