MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty-two patients with symptomatic gallstones were recruited within a year. They were randomized into overnight stay and daycare groups. The outcomes and post-operative complications were analyzed.
RESULTS: Fifty-eight patients were eligible for analysis and four patients were excluded because of conversion to open cholecystectomy. All patients in daycare group reported no fever but two patients in the overnight stay group complaint of post-operative fever (p=0.150). The mean pain score using Visual Analogue Score (VAS) in daycare group was 2.93 but in the overnight stay was recorded as 3.59 (p=0.98). Five patients had post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in daycare group compared to 2 patients in the overnight stay group (p=0.227). Patient's satisfaction were higher in the daycare group (p=0.160). All patients in daycare group were back at work within a week but in overnight stay, 11 patients had to stay off work for more than one week (p=0.01).
CONCLUSIONS: Daycare laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and feasible. The satisfaction of daycare surgery is higher than overnight stay group. Patients' selection is an important aspect of its success.
CASE PRESENTATION: We present a successful aortic valve replacement with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 48 years old lady with antiphospholipid syndrome, who has severe aortic regurgitation as a result of Libman-sacks endocarditis. Antiphospholipid antibodies were positive and the clinical data showed both negative cultures and infective parameters. Surgically resected vegetations revealed sterile fibrinous and verrucous vegetations on aortic valve. Valve replacement and the course of cardiopulmonary bypass was uneventful, and the patient was discharged well.
CONCLUSIONS: Classically Libman-Sacks endocarditis is often and more commonly associated with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, although it can occur in both primary and secondary antiphospholipid syndrome. It is not a common entity, and it is a frequent underestimated disease as most clinicians do not routinely screen for valvular lesion in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome unless they are symptomatic. However, due to its high prevalence of cardiac involvement, clinicians should have a high index of suspicion in the attempt to minimize cardiovascular and haemodynamic complications. Valve surgery in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome carries considerable early and late morbidity and mortality, usually caused by thromboembolic and bleeding events. The perioperative anticoagulation management and haemostatic aspect of antiphospholipid syndrome present an exceptional challenges to clinicians, surgeons, anaesthetists and laboratory personnel.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the pathological changes, identification and distribution of B. melitensis in foetuses of experimentally infected does.
METHODS: Twelve female goats of approximately 90 days pregnant were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 was exposed intra-conjunctival to 100 µL of sterile PBS while goats of Groups 2, 3 and 4 were similarly exposed to 100 µL of an inoculum containing 109 CFU/mL of live B. melitensis. Goats of these groups were killed at 15, 30 and 60 days post-inoculation, respectively. Foetal fluid and tissues were collected for bacterial identification (using direct bacterial culture, PCR and immuno-peroxidase staining) and histopathological examination.
RESULTS: Bilateral intra-conjunctival exposure of pregnant does resulted in in-utero infection of the foetuses. All full-term foetuses of group 4 were either aborted or stillborn, showing petechiations of the skin or absence of hair coat with subcutaneous oedema. The internal organs showed most severe lesions. Immune-peroxidase staining revealed antigen distribution in all organs that became most extensive in group 4. Brucella melitensis was successfully isolated from the stomach content, foetal fluid and various other organs.
CONCLUSION: Vertical transmission of caprine brucellosis was evident causing mild to moderate lesions in different organs. The samples of choice for isolation and identification of B. melitensis are stomach content as well as liver and spleen tissue.