Displaying publications 21 - 28 of 28 in total

  1. Kanaga KC, Yap HH, Laila SE, Sulaiman T, Zaharah M, Shantini AA
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Jun;65(2):119-22.
    PMID: 23756795 MyJurnal
    Full field digital mammography (FFDM) has been progressively introduced in medical centers in recent years. However, it is questionable which exposure parameters are suitable in order to reduce the glandular breast doses as they are related to induced carcinogenesis. The goal of this study was to compare the average glandular doses (AGD) and image quality of three FFDM systems namely Siemens Mammomat NovationDR, Hologic Lorad Selenia and General Electric Senographe Essential using a Figure of Merit. A Computerized Imaging Reference Systems (CIRS) tissue equivalent breast phantom which consists of phototimer compensation plate with different thickness and glandularity was exposed in fully automatic exposure control mode in the cranio-caudal projection similar to clinical settings. Thermoluminescent dosimeter 100H (TLD- 100H) was used to measure the entrance surface air kerma (ESAK), the AGD was calculated using European protocol whilst the image quality was assessed quantitatively by measuring the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) value. The obtained values were used to calculate the Figure of Merit (FOM) to analyze the effectiveness of the system. Repeated Measures ANOVA analysis showed that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) in the mean value of AGD and CNR between the three FFDM systems. Hologic Lorad Selenia system contrbuted the highest AGD value while General Electric Senographe Essential had the highest CNR and FOM value. In conclusion, this study may provide an objective criterion during the selection of a mammography unit by using the figure of merit for screening or diagnostic purpose.
  2. Chiang GL, Loong KP, Chan ST, Eng KL, Yap HH
    PMID: 1687932
    Mark-release-recapture experiments were undertaken in January 1989, in Pos Betau, Pahang, Malaysia, with the malaria vector Anopheles maculatus. On two consecutive nights, 121 and 175 blood-fed mosquitos were released. A mean recapture rate of 11.5% and survival rates of 0.699-0.705 with an estimated oviposition cycle period of 2.35 days were obtained from the releases. About 68% of all recaptures were taken within a distance of 0.5 km from their release points and the longest detected flight was 1.6 km. No heterogeneity was found between indoor and outdoor biters of An. maculatus.
  3. Chiang GL, Samarawickrema WA, Eng KL, Cheong WH, Sulaiman I, Yap HH
    Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 1986 Apr;80(2):235-44.
    PMID: 2875691
    Surveillance methods for Coquillettidia crassipes were studied in an open housing estate near Kuala Lumpur using three types of traps Trinidad 10 trap, modified Lard can trap and IMR trap, each baited with chicken or pigeon. All traps attracted Cq. crassipes. There was no significant difference in the catches in the three traps. There was also no significant difference between chicken and pigeon as bait. Catches at heights of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6 m did not show any significant difference in density. Cq. crassipes was active at night with an early peak during the first hour of the night and a minor peak between 0100 and 0200 hours. The activity of the parous and nulliparous sections of the population was similar, except that a higher proportion of the parous females was active during the second peak compared with the nulliparous females. The parous rate was 22.3%, and the probability of survival through one day for two gonotrophic cycles was 0.711 and 0.650. The infection rate for Cardiofilaria was 29 out of 1052 (2.76%) and the infective rate (L3 larvae) was 13 out of 1052 (1.24%). 48.3% of the infected Cq. crassipes had a worm burden of more than ten larvae. One of the chickens in the traps was positive for microfilariae of Cardiofilaria four weeks after exposure as bait. Laboratory bred Cq. crassipes fed on this chicken produced infective larvae in ten days, and these were inoculated into clean chickens and pigeons. Microfilariae appeared in the chickens but not in pigeons. The adult worms recovered await identification.
  4. Chiang GL, Samarawickrema WA, Mak JW, Cheong WH, Sulaiman I, Yap HH
    Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 1986 Feb;80(1):117-21.
    PMID: 2873797
    Field observations were made on Coquillettidia crassipes during a study of Mansonia in a swamp forest ecotype in Tanjong Karang. There was an increase in abundance in July consistent with the increase in abundance of Mansonia and an increase in rainfall. The biting cycle showed a dramatic early peak during the period 1900-2000 hours. The probability of daily survival through one day for the first three gonotrophic cycles was 0.770, 0.722 and 0.759. Two of the 54 Cq. crassipes dissected were infective, with two and 25 L3 larvae of Brugia. Both subperiodic B. malayi and B. pahangi developed into L3 larvae in laboratory bred Cq. crassipes. The index of experimental infection was higher for B. pahangi. Mansonia bonneae and Ma. uniformis showed higher indices of experimental infection than Cq. crassipes for subperiodic B. malayi. It is concluded that in an endemic area with a high density of Cq. crassipes it could act as a secondary vector of Brugian filariasis.
  5. Yap HH, Tan HT, Yahaya AM, Baba R, Loh PY, Chong NL
    PMID: 2098916
    Comparative field efficacy studies of four mosquito coil formulations containing active ingredient of d-allethrin (0.19 or 0.28 w/w) and d-transallethrin (0.12 or 0.16% w/w) and blank coils without active ingredient were carried out in living rooms (mean size 54.1 m3) of residential houses in a squatter area in Butterworth, Malaysia. The major indoor biting mosquitos collected in the test site were that of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (84.7%). Mean percentage reduction of blank coils, coils with 0.19 and 0.28% d-allethrin and coils with 0.12 and 0.16% d-transallethrin were 29.0, 71.7, 70.9, 75.0 and 72.6%, respectively. The use of coils as a mean of personal protection against mosquitos is discussed.
  6. Yap HH, Chong AS, Adanan CR, Chong NL, Rohaizat B, Malik YA, et al.
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1997 Dec;13(4):384-8.
    PMID: 9474567
    Adulticidal and larvicidal performances of a water-based pyrethroid microemulsion Pesguard PS 102 (AI d-allethrin and d-phenothrin, both at 5.0% w/w) and Vectobac 12AS, an aqua-suspension Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (B.t.i.) formulation (AI 1,200 ITU/mg) were assessed against mosquitoes Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus using a Leco ULV Fog Generator Model 1600 and a Scorpion 20 ULV AirBlast Sprayer. Laboratory-cultured mosquito adults and larvae were used for efficacy assessment. For trials using Leco, both pyrethroid and bacterial formulations were dispersed both singly and in combination with Pesguard PS 102 at a dosage of 0.2 liters/ha and B.t.i. at a dosage of 1.0 liter/ha. Similar trials with the Scorpion were also conducted with Pesguard PS 102 at a dosage of 0.2 liters/ha and a higher dosage of B.t.i. (1.5 liters/ha). Experiments were conducted in a football field (200 x 100 m) where five check points at 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 m downwind from the spray nozzle were chosen for efficacy assessments. Knockdown and mortality were scored at 1 and 24 h postspraying. Results from both trials showed that mortality values varied with distance from spray nozzle. For trials with Leco, fogging with the combination of Pesguard PS 102 and B.t.i. provided larvicidal mortality of > 80% for both Aedes species and of > 60% for Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae at several check points, depending on wind conditions. Complete mortality of adult Aedes mosquitoes at 24 h posttreatment was also achieved, while mortality values for Culex adults reached > 90% under strong wind conditions. As for trials with the Scorpion 20, high adult and larval mortalities were also achieved, with > 90% mortality at some check points. The above study demonstrated the possibility of achieving both larvicidal and adulticidal effects when using a combination of B.t.i. and Pesguard PS 102 in ULV space spray.
  7. Yap HH, Lee CY, Chong NL, Foo AE, Lim MP
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1995 Mar;11(1):128-32.
    PMID: 7616179
    Several parameters on the oviposition site preference of Aedes albopictus were studied, including color, container type, salinity, and water type. Dark-colored glass jars, especially black, blue, and red ones were preferred over light-colored jars. The black-colored ovitrap with a paper strip performed better than other types of containers. Seasoned tap water had the highest egg count when compared with a saline water series. In addition, water that had previously been used for the culture of Ae. albopictus was the most preferred for oviposition. The significance of this study in conjunction with the present Aedes mosquito surveillance and monitoring program is discussed.
  8. Yap HH, Jahangir K, Chong AS, Adanan CR, Chong NL, Malik YA, et al.
    J Vector Ecol, 1998 Jun;23(1):62-8.
    PMID: 9673931
    Two new repellent formulations, KBR 3023 10% and 20% from Bayer AG, Germany, were evaluated together with DEET 10% and 20% as standard repellent formulations. Evaluation was based on two separate field studies: a daytime study (0900-1700 hr) in a forested orchard on Penang Island and a nighttime study (2100-0100 hr) in a squatter residential area on the adjacent mainland of peninsular Malaysia. Both studies were carried out by exposing humans with bare arms and legs to mosquitoes landing/biting for an eight hour period. Right arms and legs of the human baits were treated with different repellent formulations (KBR 3023 10%, 20% and DEET 10%, 20%) and the left limbs were left untreated to act as controls. The daytime study indicated that all four formulations were equally effective (P < 0.05) as repellents against the predominant Aedes albopictus with greater than 88.5% reduction in landing/biting in the first four hours and not less than 65.0% in the next four hours of the assessment period. In the night study, all four formulations were also found to be equally effective (P < 0.05) in repelling Culex quinquefasciatus, the predominant species. All four formulations provided complete protection against Cx. quinquefasciatus in the first two hours of exposure. The percentage reduction values were maintained above 90.0% for the next six hours of the assessment period. In conclusion, both the KBR 3023 and DEET formulations were found to be equally effective (P < 0.05) in providing a long-lasting reduction in human-mosquito contact in both the day and night field studies.
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