Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 94 in total

  1. Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan, Mandra Janep, Syaiful Hamzah
    This research aims to evaluate the effects of different cognitive training using imagery, general cognitive (CG) and specific cognitive (CS) (Paivio, 1985) to the achievement of service by the tekong in sepak takraw. The effects of imagery training with physical training towards achievement, imagery ability and exercise heart rate were also collected. The subjects consisted of 24 elite players sepak takraw (tekong) school level player that involved in Tunas Cemerlang program, aged 13 to 17 years old (M = 14.66, SD = 1.40). The subjects were divided into three groups, the test (CG & CS) and control (C) group with an exercise program to different imagery and physical training for eight weeks. Pre-test was conducted by testing the service performance appraisal based on the results of 25 landings repeated as in training, Miq-R questionnaire (Hall & Martin, 1997) and pulse rate immediately prior to the exercise of a service. ITP imagery training program adapted from Morris et at. (2005) was conducted using different imagery scripts for CG and CS groups and post-test was conducted at the end of the program. Independent samples t-test showed no significant difference when comparing the two test groups. Paired t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis showed that CG group significantly improved performance while not among C group. Analysis Miq-R and the average training heart rate is not significant for all subjects. The study has found that the imagery of CG and CS are not differed in terms of the effectiveness in improving achievement but both are suggested to be conducted in the training program to improve the service by the tekong.
  2. Meor Shamsul Mahfudz Jeffry, Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
    Badminton is a court
    based racquet games to be played either in single (one versus one) or double (two versus two)
    in a court. Badminton is a famous sport especially in Asia and among the excellent team in
    badminton includes China, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea. Outside of Asia, badminton
    is well known in England and Denmark. One of the main tasks of strength and conditioning
    coach or trainer is to design and implement physical conditioning program. Well developed
    and implemented training programs mainly dependable on how accurate the training program
    variables being devised and manipulated, in order to serve the need and goals of involved
    athletes. Appropriate manipulation of training program variables and modifications made
    from time to time relies a lot on the accuracy and reliability of monitoring assessment used.
    The main purpose of this review is to identify what has been done previously regarding
    physiological and biomechanical profiling of badminton players. It is also the aim of this
    review to discuss on the type of test previously used in previous studies, especially with
    regards to strength and power assessment, were close enough to movement pattern perform
    by a badminton players during an actual badminton match.
  3. Mohd Syukran Abdul Khadir, Ahmad Syariff Ahmad Tajudin, Kevin Tan
    Kecergasan fizikal adalah kebolehan tubuh badan untuk berfungsi secara efisien dan efektif, menikmati masa kesenggangan untuk sihat, menghindari penyakit, dan untuk bertindak balas ketika keadaan kecemasan. Aktiviti fizikal berkait rapat dengan tahap kecergasan fizikal seseorang. Aktiviti fizikal adalah pergerakan badan yang dihasilkan oleh rangka otot yang akan mengakibatkan pengeluaran tenaga. Kualiti kehidupan bagi rakyat di Malaysia dipercayai akan memberi kesan terhadap pertumbuhan pembangunan fizikal di sesebuah tempat tersebut. Kawasan bandar ialah kawasan yang diwartakan serta kawasan tepu bina yang bersempadan dengannya dan gabungan kedua-dua kawasan ini mempunyai penduduk seramai 10,000 orang atau lebih semasa Banci Penduduk dan Perumahan 2000. Kawasan selainnya yang diwartakan dan mempunyai jumlah penduduk kurang daripada 10,000 orang serta kawasan yang tidak diwartakan, dikelaskan sebagai luar bandar. Perbezaan kawasan tempat tinggal di kawasan yang dibezakan oleh saiz penduduk boleh dikaitkan dengan perbezaan dalam tabiat makan, akses untuk ke tempat kemudahan sukan dan peluang untuk aktiviti fizikal, dan lain-lain lagi. Pendedahan-pendedahan ini terhadap alam sekitar juga mungkin menentukan gaya kehidupan serta risiko terhadap kardiovaskular dan ia mungkin dikaitkan dengan tahap kecergasan. Justeru, kajian ulasan ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap kecergasan dalam kalangan remaja dan kanak-kanak di kawasan bandar dan luar bandar.
  4. Heng, Choon Meng, Low, Jeffrey Fook Lee
    The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of the agility ladder drills in improving the dynamic balance ability of school children. Eighteen primary school male participants were assigned randomly into an experimental and control group respectively. The experimental group practiced the agility ladder drill activities for four weeks (three time a week) after school whereas the control group adhered to their normal daily routine without any intervention. Pre and post tests on dynamic balance were administered using the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT). Statistical analyses using 2 group vs 3 tests ANOVA with repeated measures on the second factor showed no main effects between groups and tests. However, there was a significant interaction between group and test. The experimental group improved their dynamic balance score from pre- to post-test compared to the control group although no significant improvements were observed in the retention test. Agility ladder drills provide an additional approach to improve the dynamic balance of young children.
  5. Ali Md Nadzalan
    This study was conducted to investigate i) while the shoulder was in 180° of flexion and the elbow extended, which of the forearm position (supination, pronation and neutral) can generate the greatest handgrip strength, ii) is there any correlation of the handgrip strength between the dominant hand (right hand) and non-dominant hand (left hand) in each forearm position, and iii) will the dominant hand possessed 10% higher handgrip strength than the non-dominant hand. 100 right handed sedentary active students age 22.20 years old (± 1.03), height 172.83 cm (± 6.37), body mass 68.87 (± 11.52) and grip position 3.77 (± 0.77) were recruited in this study. The result indicated that for both the dominant and non-dominant hand, when the shoulder is in 180˚ flexion of the body with the elbow extended, the greatest grip strength was obtained when the forearm was in neutral position followed by pronation and supination position. Post Hoc analysis showed that for both dominant hand and non-dominant hand, pronation and supination forearm position produced greater strength score compared to supination forearm position (p0.05). In all forearm position, participants were shown to produced significantly greater strength in their dominant hand and all the scores were more than 10% greater compared to when using non-dominant hand. Positive relationships were also found for the strength score between dominant hand and non-dominant hand. As the conclusion, different shoulder, elbow and forearm position can affect handgrip strength.
  6. Nur Diyanah Mohd Yussof, Mohd Rahizam Abdul Rahim
    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 100% feedback frequencies, 65% of feedback frequencies and bandwidth feedback on overhand throwing skill among children and motivation of the children during practices. 60 of female students from range of aged 10 to 11 years old are participated in this study (age: M=10.53 years/SD=.503, weight: M=29.11/SD3.08, height=126.68/3.04). All participants practiced 60 trials of overhand throwing accuracy task and the motivation of the participant had been measured by using Intrinsic Motivation Inventory Questionnaire (IMI) (r=0.59). Participants were randomly assigned into three group 100% feedback, 65% feedback and bandwidth feedback groups. Learning was inferred from the performance on the delayed (24-hour) retention. To analyze the data, we use mixed-between ANOVA for practice phases, One Way ANOVA for retention test and correlation analysis to measure the relationship between feedback frequencies and motivation. There was no significant result between group (F (2, 57) =.286, p= .752) during practices, there is a significant difference on retention test phase (p
  7. Hishamuddin Ahmad, Noraziera Abdul Aziz
    The development of motor skills is fundamental to the continued movement and specific skills in the sport. The development of motor skills concurrent with their age allows them to acquire and master locomotor and object control skills through physical activity. This study aims to identify the gross motor developmental stage among six year old girls at the National Child Development Research Center, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. This study focuses on the level of gross motor development and the relationship between Gross Motor Quotient (GMQ and Body Mass Index (BMI) of the children. Gross motor development data was obtained using the Test of Gross Motor Development, Second Edition (TGMD-2). BMI data was determined from existing formula. The gross motor development of the children in this study was 95%. This is based on the percentile level of gross motor development (GMQ percentile). Pearson correlation analysis showed a negative relationship between GMQ and BMI for these children.
  8. Norkhalid Salimin, Gunathevan Elumalai, Md Amin Md Taff, Yusop Ahmad, Nuzsep Almigo
    This quasi experimental study is aimed to determine the effect of 8 weeks physical exercise training program among 219 obese an overweight National Service Training Program (NSTP). It is a purposive sampling and divide to experimental group (n = 110) and control group (n = 109). Body fat (BFP) measured using Omron Karada Scan HBF 375 with Height Scale. The experimental group underwent 8 weeks physical exercise program using the NSTP wellness module. The module contains 18 low intensity training, 40 moderate intensity training and 14 high intensity training with 8 psychological sessions. Analysis showed a significant difference between pre-test and post-test after 8 weeks in experimental group. There was a greater decrease BFP (-1.44%) and weight (-2.03%). The control group showed slightly increase in BFP (+2.97%) but decrease weight (-0.28%). This means the intervention program very effective and manage to reduce the BFP and weight among 18 years old obese and overweight NSTP in Malaysia.
  9. Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan, Tony Morris, Daryl Marchant
    The main objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of portable devices (Mp4) in delivering imagery based on video modelling (expert model) among 30 female netball players, examining their personal experience. In the pre-test-intervention-post-test study design, 15 participants were randomly assigned into each of the Mp4 (initial and repeated instructions). Participants practised the imagery for seven days and were interviewed at post-test. In interviews most of the participants in the Mp4 conditions reported that their confidence for shooting increased. They considered the Mp4 to be a useful device to practice imagery at any time and place, but imagery training routines varied among participants and were influenced by their personal life and free time activities. The results of this study signified that the Mp4 has the potential to be a reliable tool to deliver imagery training based on video modelling among netballers.
  10. Abdul Rahim Mohd Shariff, Norkhalid Salimin, Mohd Izwan Shahril, Normah Jusoh, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook, et al.
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 77-94, 2016 - This study aimed to
    examine the effectiveness of the Bachelor of Education (Honours) programmes offered by the
    Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching in producing quality graduates and their
    employability in the profession. Samples for this study comprised of 49 graduates from the B
    Ed (Sports Science), 25 graduates from B Ed (Coaching Science) and nine B Ed (Physical
    Education) who have graduated from 2010 to 2014 as well as their respective employers and
    peers were selected as respondents. Six to ten samples from each programme together with
    their employers were interviewed further using guided questionnaire. Data was analysed
    descriptively as well as correlation and regression methods. The findings showed that the
    graduates mastered very high levels of the knowledge and skills of the courses related to their
    respective programmes. They also achieved excellent levels of knowledge and skills in the
    implementation of their respective programmes during and after their completion of studies.
    The graduates received very high scores from their employers and peers in terms of their
    attributes and employability. Overall, analyses on the effectiveness of the faculty‟s education
    programmes showed a positive and significant correlation between the mastery (input) and
    the implementation (process) of the programmes. However, a moderately positive but not
    significant correlation was found between the mastery (input) of the courses and the
    graduates (product). Similar results were found between the implementation of the
    programmes (process) and the graduates except for the BEd.(Sports Science) which showed a
    moderate positive and significant correlation. Only 23% predicted mastery of the course
    (input) and the implementation of the programme influenced the product (graduates) towards
    the effective implementation of the BEd (Sports Science), compared to 20% for BEd
    (Coaching Science) and 98% for BEd (Physical Education). This study concluded that
    Bachelor of Education (Honours) programmes offered by the Faculty of Sports Science and
    Coaching are capable of producing quality and employable graduates. The faculty has
    developed its strategic plan in improving the employability of the graduates by streamlining
    the offering of the BEd (Coaching Science) programme, reinforce the undergraduates soft
    skills attributes, intensify the activities of the Kinesiology Centre of Excellence and advocate entrepreneurship education in order to produce graduates who are innovative and capable in the education profession.
  11. Ali Md Nadzalan, Chinnasee, Chamnan, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 15-23, 2016 - This study was
    conducted to determine the relationship between lower body muscle architectures and lunges
    performance. Thirty recreationally active, untrained men (mean age = 22.21 ± 1.59 yrs old)
    were recruited and involved in two testing sessions; i) anthropometrics and muscle
    architecture, and ii) multiple-repetition maximum (RM) lunge test. Muscle thickness,
    pennation angle and fascicle length of vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), rectus
    femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) were analysed using ultrasonography. Multiple-RM
    lunge testing was used as an estimation of 1RM lunges performance. Correlation analysis was
    used to determine the relationship between lower body muscle architectures and lunges
    performance calculated absolutely and relatively (1RM/body mass). The overall results
    showed that muscle thickness and pennation angle of all muscles were significantly positive
    correlated with lunges performance. However, fascicle length was shown to be negatively
    correlated with lunges performance. Findings of this study suggested the important for having
    thicker, more pennated and shorter fascicle of lower body muscle in enhancing lunges
    performances that is one of the most specific movements in sport.
  12. Ahmad MF, Muhamad TA, Surat S, Hassim JZ, Lamat SA
    The implementation of the 1 Student 1 Sport Policy (D1M1S) focuses on the involvement of students who are less active in sports activities in order to polish and further developed their talent potential. It is
    believed that the responsibility and the role of teachers are vital in ensuring the implementation of D1M1S conducted at the school level. However, the use of teachers as executors in ensuring that this policy is carried out must be studied and identified to achieve the goal of D1M1S besides improving the quality of work to a higher level. This study was conducted to identify the implementation level of D1M1S among teachers in secondary schools in Kluang, Johor, implementation of D1M1S based on gender differences and category of school and existing relationships such as elements of skill, understanding,
    commitment and sports facilities. The key success of D1M1S implementation is closely
    related to the teachers as executors. This study was carried out on 389 secondary school
    teachers in Kluang, Johor. Questionnaire containing 36 items was developed and
    administered to measure the elements of skill, commitment, understanding and sport
    facilities. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient value of the instrument was 0.95. The data
    were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and frequency) and
    inferential analysis (independent samples t-test and Pearson correlation). The findings
    showed high level of understanding towards D1M1S while the elements of skill, commitment
    and sports facilities were at a moderate level. In addition, there were significant difference in
    terms of mean scores reported for the implementation of D1M1S based on the genders of the
    teachers with the skills element (p = 0.00
  13. Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Asrul Kamarulzaman, Mohammad Redzuan Omar
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 44-52, 2016 - The aim of this study is
    to identify the differences in academic achievement between athletes involved in Karnival
    Kokurikulum Sukan antara Kolej Matrikulasi (KAKOM) and non-athletes in Labuan
    Matriculation College. Overall 200 respondents selected athletes are students from KAKOM
    athletes (n=100) and non-athlete students (n=100) in Semester 1, 2015/2016. The survey
    design and purposely sampling technique was used for data collection. The respondents are
    comprised of students majoring in Accounting, One Year Program (PST) Module 1, PST
    Module 2 and PST Module 3. Descriptive statistic was used to obtain frequency and
    percentage for each of the variables and to determine the level of academic achievement
    (CGPA) of athletes and non-athletes. Inferential statistic was used to compare the mean
    scores achieved by cumulative grade point average (CGPA) between KAKOM athletes and
    non-athletes based on t-test. T test was also used to identify the differences in academic
    performance of athletes and non-athletes based on gender. The findings of this study showed
    no significant differences in terms of academic achievement among student who are athletes
    and non-athletes. Similarly, the findings of the performance of athletes and non-athletes
    based on gender showed no significant differences. From the results of this study, it shows
    that there are no differences in academic achievement between students who involved in
    KAKOM sports and those who dont involved. The researcher suggests that students should
    be active in sports and recreational activities during college because it will be beneficial for
    health and indirectly develop their soft skills. The study found that sports factor is not the
    cause for deterioration in academic achievement but there are other factors that affect
    academic performance which needs further study focusing more on students who are failing
  14. Vanrenterghem, Jos, Zulezwan A. Malik, G. Burniston, Jatin
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 9-14, 2016 - Jump squat tests can be
    used to investigate the differences in the force - velocity (f-v) profile in movement that is
    more a sport-specific than isolated exercises such as open chain leg extension. However,
    squat jumps involve multi-joint movement, making it questionable which muscle is the main
    contributor for the movement. The main aim of this study is to develop a test of isolated knee
    extension that encompasses the entire range of human f-v relationship and to investigate the
    correlation between linear encoder and kinematic measurement of angular velocity using a
    camera system during unloaded kicking. One healthy male subject volunteered to participate
    in the study and performed 10 unloaded kicks (knee extension). A cuff was strapped around
    the lower leg, approximately 2 cm above the medial malleoli and connected to a linear
    velocity encoder (MuscleLab Ergotest version 4010, Norway). During the test sessions, threedimensional
    motion analysis was performed with an Oqus Motion Capture System (Qualisys,
    Sweden). Data were transferred to Windows-based data acquisition software (Qualisys Track
    Manager). There was a positive linear relationship (r = 0.94). The unloaded kicking test to
    determine maximum angular velocity at knee extension measured using the QTM showed
    that the mean angular velocity was 362˚.s-1, with the highest value being 528˚.s-1. This
    preliminary study suggests isokinetic dynamometry (IKD) can be used to investigate the
    entire range of velocities (i.e isometric – velocity maximum) of knee extension in normal
    human subjects. Further studies can examine the use of IKD in measuring higher velocities.
  15. Syed Lamsah Syed Chear, Mohd Imran Mohd, Sareena Hanim Hamzah
    Excellence in institutions of higher learning (IHL) very often focused to academic performance while the development of student personalities is marginal. The objective of this study was to explore factors that drive student engagement in physical activity and the impact of the involvement towards academic performance and personality growth. The respondent consists of 61 diploma students from various field of studies at a private university. All of them are taking a compulsory course namely MPU2412 Sports for 14 weeks between January until May 2016. A questionnaire were used to collect data from the students at the last week of the semester. The six dimensions assessed are (i) self-expression, (ii) the role of parents, family members and schools, (iii) interests, (iv) the influence of environment and facilities provided, (v) involvement in clubs and associations activities, (vi) knowledge, and (vii) internal motivation. The data is then analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22. The research findings reveal that there is a small value of Pearson’s R to indicate the linear relationship between student academic performance and their engagement on physical activities which are cycling (.258), competing (.181), exercising (.176) and jogging (.001). The irregular activities in sports negatively impact the learning process. The researcher suggest the negative value for plays sport (-.135) is due to the consequences of unplanned activities as compared to competing which normally received strict supervision, training, guidance and monitoring from the university. The findings also shows that most of the students are realized that physical activities might plays important roles and contribute for the development of their cognitive ability thus might affect their academic performance. However, lack of internal motivation among themselves become the limiting factor for them to actively engage in physical activities. The researcher strongly suggest for the institution to develop better sport and exercise facilities and organized more well planned physical activity program for students with the ultimate aim to improve students’ personality and their academic performance.
  16. Nur Hafizah Yusof
    Issues related on misbehavior among football fans in Malaysia are not a new issue. Among the misbehavior is often done by the supporters of football in this country are verbal and physical. The FAM has imposed fines and penalties not only in cash but also to punish the team played in an empty stadium. However, all that of this seem not able to control the fans from compliance with the rules and adopting a professional attitude while in the stadium. The objective of this article is to discuss about the internal and external of social control to prevent misbehavior among football fans. This is a quantitative research that involved 600 respondents that were football fans from the state of Kelantan, Johor, Perak and Selangor. All respondents were involved in a questionnaire session to obtain data and information. The main findings of this study showed the majority of respondents agreed that every fan must have social control internally by focusing on emotion regulation, be professional, need to be more disciplined and need to have the sportsmanship spirit. However, the importance of external social control such as fined and punishment by FAM cannot be denied and the arrest and sentenced of misbehavior individual by the courts also need to be enforced more thoroughly.
  17. Wan Firdaus, Kuan, Garry, Krasilshchikov, Oleksandr
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 7(1): Received: 3 January 2018, Accepted: 10 February 2018 – Weightlifting is a sport that requires both dynamic strength and power. Until today, weightlifting coaches are still exploring different training modes in an attempt to enhance both muscular strength and power of the competitive weightlifters. Research has shown that the use of the “right” training method could further provide knowledge on such effect for competitive weightlifters (Storey & Smith, 2012). Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of using the complex training method (applicable to weightlifting) compared to traditional resistance training on muscular strength among male competitive (state level) weightlifters. Seventeen male competitive weightlifters were randomly assigned into 2 groups: experimental group (Complex Training; n = 9), and control group (Traditional Resistance Training; n = 8). All participants trained for 6 weeks (2 sessions per week) with the total training volume equated between both groups. Participants underwent pre-test and posttest including the anthropometric measurements (height, body weight, and body fat) and lower body strength (isokinetic strength test) parameters. The results showed that there was a significant increase from pre- to post-test in knee extension peak torque t(8) = -4.22; p = .003 and t(7) = -5.37; p = .001, and knee flexion peak torque t(8) = -5.98; p = .001 and t(7) = -4.20; p = .004 in experimental and control groups respectively. No significant difference (p > .05) was observed in knee extension peak torque (22.9 ± 16.3 versus 13.9 ± 7.3) and knee flexion peak torque (11.4 ± 5.7 versus 10.1 ± 6.8) improvements between the complex training group and control group respectively at post-test. In conclusion, the use of complex training method showed similar effects in enhancing muscular strength with traditional resistance training after 6 weeks of intervention.
  18. Mohd Yusof Baharuddin, Ng, Woon Shih, Chan, Ting Kai, Jia, Chengli, Fazri Wasli
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 7(1): Received: 10 January 2018, Accepted: 15 February 2018 – The purpose of this study was to investigate the muscle activation of the quadriceps and the hamstrings muscle during forward lunge. The study was performed using wireless electromyography (EMG) sensor placed on the interest muscles. The parameter used was the root mean square value during forward lunges activity. The results demonstrated that the rectus femoris muscle was more dominant than the biceps femoris muscle during the initial movement when the knee was in flexion direction and the feet was in dorsiflexion. A linear relationship was initiated between the raw data and RMS value of the EMG signal of the rectus femoris and biceps femoris. The motions elicit eccentric activations of the hamstring muscle groups during lunge activity.
  19. Yusop Ahmad, Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid, Trevor Glen Philip
    This study aimed to test the effect of modality imagery training via video tapes and audio tapes to improve the performance of overhead service skills in volleyball. 45 subjects who followed the volleyball professional course in Sultan Idris University of Education (UPSI) were selected for this test and they were randomly divided into three groups: video, audio group and control group. Russel-Lange Volleyball Test was used to obtain data on the overhead service performance. The results showed significant differences in overhead service performance before and after participants were exposed to the methods of video and audio tapes. There were also significant differences in overhead service performance among the video, audio, and control group. The study should that the introduction of audio and video imagery method may helps improve the overhead service skills performance in volley ball.
  20. Jaffry Zakaria
    The racial riot incident on 13th of May 1969 had opened the eyes of many people to realize on how important serious efforts to be focused in managing the sensitivity and the differences in multiracial society in countries like Malaysia. Many experts believe that integration can be build through outdoor education activities. The author will try to unravel and discuss on the outdoor education activity relations and integration campus community. This discussion will cover the latest issues and a variety of previous studies and personal experiences of the author as an outdoor education activist.
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