Displaying publications 21 - 29 of 29 in total

  1. Ngaha Njila MI, Massoma Lembè D, Koloko BL, Yong Meng G, Ebrahimi M, Awad EA, et al.
    Andrologia, 2019 Oct;51(9):e13359.
    PMID: 31353623 DOI: 10.1111/and.13359
    The effect of the methanolic extract of Alchornea cordifolia leaves on the fertility of senescent male rats was assessed in this study. 40 rats received daily distilled water, testosterone, 200 and 400 mg/kg of extract of Alchornea cordifolia. The reproductive organs weight, the gonadotropins, testosterone and cholesterol level, the sperm parameters, histology of the testes and epididymis were assessed. The weight of testes and prostate (400 mg/kg) significantly increased (p spermatozoa particularly at a dose of 400 mg/kg. The sperm count and morphology significantly increased at both doses of 200 mg/kg (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects
  2. Almabhouh FA, Osman K, Ibrahim SF, Gupalo S, Gnanou J, Ibrahim E, et al.
    Asian J Androl, 2016 10 18;19(6):647-654.
    PMID: 27748315 DOI: 10.4103/1008-682X.183379
    This study examined the effects of melatonin on leptin-induced changes in sperm parameters in adult rats. Five groups of Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with either leptin or leptin and melatonin or melatonin for 6 weeks. Leptin was given daily via the intraperitoneal route (60 μg kg-1 body weight) and melatonin was given in drinking water (10 mg kg-1 or 20 mg kg-1 body weight per day). Upon completion, sperm count, sperm morphology, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, Comet assay, TUNEL assay, gene expression profiles of antioxidant enzymes, respiratory chain reaction enzymes, DNA damage, and apoptosis genes were estimated. Data were analyzed using ANOVA. Sperm count was significantly lower whereas the fraction of sperm with abnormal morphology, the level of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, and sperm DNA fragmentation were significantly higher in rats treated with leptin only. Microarray analysis revealed significant upregulation of apoptosis-inducing factor, histone acetyl transferase, respiratory chain reaction enzyme, cell necrosis and DNA repair genes, and downregulation of antioxidant enzyme genes in leptin-treated rats. Real-time polymerase chain reaction showed significant decreases in glutathione peroxidase 1 expression with increases in the expression of apoptosis-inducing factor and histone acetyl transferase in leptin-treated rats. There was no change in the gene expression of caspase-3 (CASP-3). In conclusion, the adverse effects of leptin on sperm can be prevented by concurrent melatonin administration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects*
  3. Taib IS, Budin SB, Ghazali AR, Jayusman PA, Mohamed J
    Exp Anim, 2014;63(4):383-93.
    PMID: 25030881
    Exposure to organophosphate insecticides such as fenitrothion (FNT) in agriculture and public health has been reported to affect sperm quality. Antioxidants may have a potential to reduce spermatotoxic effects induced by organophosphate. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of palm oil tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) in reducing the detrimental effects occurring in spermatozoa of FNT-treated rats. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four equal groups: a control group and groups of rats treated orally with palm oil TRF (200 mg/kg), FNT (20 mg/kg) and palm oil TRF (200 mg/kg) combined with FNT (20 mg/kg). The sperm characteristics, DNA damage, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), and protein carbonyl (PC) were evaluated. Supplementation with TRF attenuated the detrimental effects of FNT by significantly increasing the sperm counts, motility, and viability and decreased the abnormal sperm morphology. The SOD activity and GSH level were significantly increased, whereas the MDA and PC levels were significantly decreased in the TRF+FNT group compared with the rats receiving FNT alone. TRF significantly decreased the DNA damage in the sperm of FNT-treated rats. A significant correlation between abnormal sperm morphology and DNA damage was found in all groups. TRF showed the potential to reduce the detrimental effects occurring in spermatozoa of FNT-treated rats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects*
  4. Bisong SA, Ukoh IE, Nna VU, Ebong PE
    Andrologia, 2018 Sep;50(7):e13050.
    PMID: 29806220 DOI: 10.1111/and.13050
    Previous studies showed that exposure to stress or nicotine induced reproductive impairment in male rats. Here, we assessed the effect of an antioxidant (vitamin E) on nicotine-, stress- and nicotine + stress-induced reproductive impairment in male rats. Forty-eight male albino Wistar rats were divided into eight groups as follows; control, stress (generator noise 90-120 dB, 8 hr/day), nicotine (1.5 mg kg-1 day-1 ), nicotine + stress, vitamin E (100 mg kg-1 day-1 ), stress + vitamin E, nicotine + vitamin E and stress + nicotine + vitamin E. Sperm count, viability, motility and rapid progressive forward movement decreased significantly (p spermatozoa increased significantly (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects
  5. Md Mokhtar AH, Malik IA, Abd Aziz NAA, Almabhouh FA, Durairajanayagam D, Singh HJ
    Andrologia, 2019 Apr;51(3):e13196.
    PMID: 30456785 DOI: 10.1111/and.13196
    This study examined the effects of PI3K and AMPK signalling pathway inhibitors on leptin-induced adverse effects on rat spermatozoa. Sprague-Dawley rats, aged 14-16 weeks, were randomised into control, leptin-, leptin + dorsomorphin (AMPK inhibitor)-, and leptin+LY294002 (PI3K inhibitor)-treated groups with six rats per group. Leptin was given once daily for 14 days via the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route at a dose of 60 ug kg-1 body weight. Rats in the leptin and inhibitor-treated groups received concurrently either dorsomorphin (5 mg kg-1  day-1 ) or LY294002 (1.2 mg kg-1  day-1 ) i.p. for 14 days. Controls received 0.1 ml of normal saline. Upon completion, sperm count, sperm morphology, seminiferous tubular epithelial height (STEH), seminiferous tubular diameter (STD), 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and phospho-Akt/total Akt ratio were estimated. Data were analysed using ANOVA. Sperm count, STEH and STD were significantly lower, while the percentage of spermatozoa with abnormal morphology and the level of 8-OHdG were significantly higher in rats treated with leptin and leptin + dorsomorphin when compared to those in controls and LY294002-treated rats. Testicular phospho-Akt/total Akt ratio was significantly higher in leptin and leptin + LY294002-treated rats. In conclusion, LY294002 prevents leptin-induced changes in rat sperm parameters, suggesting the potential role of the PI3K signalling pathway in the adverse effects of leptin on sperm parameters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects*
  6. Suvorov A, Pilsner JR, Naumov V, Shtratnikova V, Zheludkevich A, Gerasimov E, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2020 Nov 04;21(21).
    PMID: 33158036 DOI: 10.3390/ijms21218252
    Advanced paternal age at fertilization is a risk factor for multiple disorders in offspring and may be linked to age-related epigenetic changes in the father's sperm. An understanding of aging-related epigenetic changes in sperm and environmental factors that modify such changes is needed. Here, we characterize changes in sperm small non-coding RNA (sncRNA) between young pubertal and mature rats. We also analyze the modification of these changes by exposure to environmental xenobiotic 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47). sncRNA libraries prepared from epididymal spermatozoa were sequenced and analyzed using DESeq 2. The distribution of small RNA fractions changed with age, with fractions mapping to rRNA and lncRNA decreasing and fractions mapping to tRNA and miRNA increasing. In total, 249 miRNA, 908 piRNA and 227 tRNA-derived RNA were differentially expressed (twofold change, false discovery rate (FDR) p ≤ 0.05) between age groups in control animals. Differentially expressed miRNA and piRNA were enriched for protein-coding targets involved in development and metabolism, while piRNA were enriched for long terminal repeat (LTR) targets. BDE-47 accelerated age-dependent changes in sncRNA in younger animals, decelerated these changes in older animals and increased the variance in expression of all sncRNA. Our results indicate that the natural aging process has profound effects on sperm sncRNA profiles and this effect may be modified by environmental exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects
  7. Jayachandra S, D'Souza UJ
    J Environ Sci Health B, 2014;49(4):271-8.
    PMID: 24502214 DOI: 10.1080/03601234.2014.868287
    The objective of this research is to study the possible reproductive adverse effects of diazinon on rat offspring exposed in utero and during lactation. Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley female rats (10-12 week old) were randomly assigned to four groups, each consisting of six rats. Group 1 served as the control and these rats were given normal saline orally. Rats in groups 2, 3, and 4 were administered diazinon, dissolved in saline at 10, 15, 30 mg/ kg(-1) body weight, per oral, once daily, during mating, pregnancy and lactation. The male offsprings were examined at puberty and adulthood for body weight, testis weight, epididymis weight, sperm count, motility and morphology, pituitary-gonadal hormone levels. At 30 mg kg(-1) dose, the male offsprings showed a decrease in testicular weight, sperm count, motility, with an increase in abnormal sperm percentage and a decline in pituitary-gonadal hormones, at puberty. Upon attaining adulthood, there was a decrease in testicular weight, sperm count and motility with an increase in abnormal sperm percentage and a decrease in pituitary hormone level. There was evidence of some adverse reproductive effects on the male offspring at the 15 mg/ kg(-1) dose. Most of the adverse effects were irreversible and were evident at both puberty and adulthood in the offsprings, although a few parameters reverted to the normal growth pattern. Diazinon is a reproductive toxicant for male offsprings if exposed during prenatal and postnatal phases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects*
  8. Jayachandra S, D'Souza UJ
    PMID: 23758154
    The objective of this study was to study the possible reproductive adverse effects of the diazinon on rat offspring exposed in utero and during lactation. Dams were gavaged daily (10, 15, and 30 mg/kg) before mating, during mating, and during pregnancy and lactation in separate groups. Reproductive outcome data of dams were examined. Body weight, testis weight, testicular marker enzyme activities (alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase), qualitative and quantitative testicular and epididymal histology, and immunohistochemisty for 3-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) were examined in male offspring at puberty and adulthood. The 30-mg/kg dose induced significant adverse effects at both puberty and adulthood in offspring. At puberty the male offspring showed a decrease in testicular weight, degenerative changes, and 3-β-HSD. Moreover, an increase in activity of alkaline and acid phosphatase also was observed. At adulthood, there was a decrease in testicular weight and 3-β-HSD with an increase in the levels of testicular marker enzyme. There was evidence of some adverse reproductive effects in male offspring at the 15-mg/kg dose. Most of the adverse effects were irreversible and were evident at both puberty and adulthood in offspring, although a few parameters reverted back to the normal growth pattern. Hence, diazinon is a reproductive toxicant in male offspring, which caused significant damage to the testes when exposed during prenatal and postnatal life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects*
  9. Giribabu N, Kumar KE, Rekha SS, Muniandy S, Salleh N
    PMID: 25104050 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-291
    We hypothesized that C. borivilianum root, known to improve male reproductive performance, prevents impairment in characteristics, morphology and elevation of oxidative stress in sperm of diabetics. We therefore investigated the effect of aqueous root extract of C. borivilianum on these parameters in diabetic rat model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spermatozoa/drug effects*
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