Retinoblastoma was clinically diagnosed in 38 patients in the University Hospital between 1968 to 1988. White pupil or cat's eye reflex, found in 25 patients, was the most common symptom. Four patients refused any form of treatment. Of the 27 histopathologically confirmed cases, 16 were males and 11 were females. There was no ethnic group predominance, although a male preponderance was observed among Malay patients (M:F 3:1, p less than 0.05). Treatment in cases with unilateral disease, without extra ocular extension consisted of enucleation of the involved eye, with close examination of the contralateral eye in follow-up. In cases presenting with bilateral tumour the worse eye was removed. Of 20 cases of histopathologically proven unilateral retinoblastoma treated surgically, 12 patients survived for a mean period of 4.5 years (Range: 1-19 years). The defaulter rate for this group of patients was 55%. None of the 7 cases of bilateral retinoblastoma survived beyond 5 years (Mean survival 2.5 years).
Eighty-six children diagnosed as child abuse and/or neglect were admitted to the Paediatric wards of the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur during 1985 and 1986. Of these cases, 62 were of physical abuse, six of sexual abuse, one case of both physical and sexual abuse and 17 of neglect. There were 25 boys and 61 girls. Thirty-four of these children were Malays, 16 Chinese, 26 Indians, three mixed and seven illegal immigrants. Twenty-one were below the age of one year, 24 from one to four years, 25 from five to nine years and 16 were ten years and above. The abusers were mainly close members of the family. Of these children, 24 were sent back to their parents and 11 to their relatives home. Twenty-seven were taken into care by the Ministry of Social Welfare and the remaining seven children who were illegal immigrants, were deported with their parents. Only one child was successfully fostered. Eleven children were taken away from the hospital by their parents or guardians without the knowledge of the health staff. There were five deaths in the series.
126 Malay children from higher income families were followed-up regularly from birth to six years of age in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. Their developmental performance was compared to that of Denver children. Generally, Malaysian and Denver children appear to be similar in their development during the first six years of life except for some minor differences in the personal-social, language and gross motor sectors. Malaysians appear to be slower in self-care but more advanced in "helping around the house", "playing interactive games" and in "separating from mother". They were slightly slower in gross motor function during the first year of life but more advanced during the second year of life. However, they were slightly more advanced in language development. The differences in development between the two groups of children are discussed and it is concluded that the differences can partly be explained by differences in socio-economic or cultural differences between the two groups of children. However, the influence of genetic factors cannot be dismissed.
226 peritoneal dialyses were performed on 100 patients. 28 patients presented with acute renal failure. Uraemia was the most frequent indication for dialysis. Peritonitis was an important complication and Acinetobacter species accounted for 51.5% of the positive cultures. Other complications included poor dialysate drainage and hypokalemia. Mortality was mainly due to causes unrelated to peritoneal dialysis.
This study was proposed to identify specific radiological appearances in Malaysian patients with bronchial asthma. All consecutive patients, seen in the Medical Unit, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia between 1976 and 1979, satisfying the American Thoracic Society [1962] criteria for bronchial asthma formed the subjects of this study. Analysis of 207 patients led to the following conclusion. There are specific radiological changes present in a proportion of bronchial asthmatics during the acute episode. These changes are more frequent in the younger age group and in those in which the age of onset are early, The duration of asthma seems to have some bearing to the radiological changes.
The high incidence of primary liver cancer in Malaysian males is not observed in childhood, where it constitutes 0.16 per 1000 paediatric hospital admissions and 3.20/0 of all childhood malignancies at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. This frequency is comparable to that reported from several developed countries. The commonest liver tumour in children is the hepatoblastoma which is probably of embryonal origin and has a similar world wide "incidence. The relative infrequency of hepatocellular carcinoma in childhood and its association with cirrhosis, the hepatitis B antigen and its prevalence in the older age group helps to substantiate an acquired environmental aetiology.
Enteritis necroticans (EN), known as pigbel in Papua New Guinea (PNG), may be the important predisposing lesion to mid-gut volvulus, jejunal and ileal ileus and other forms of small bowel strangulation in communities where protein deprivation, poor food hygiene, epochal meat feasting and staple diets containing trypsin inhibitors co-exist. Such human habitats occur in Africa, Central and South America, western Pacific, Asian and south-east Asian cultures. Isolated outbreaks of necrotizing enteritis have been reported from Uganda, Malaysia and Indonesia but as yet no systematic epidemiological study of the prevalence of small bowel strangulations has been described in the surgical literature of 'third world' countries. Now that enteritis necroticans is preventable by vaccination, such studies should be undertaken. This paper outlines the story of pigbel and its control in PNG.
Malay parents of 40 infants and preschool children were interviewed using translations of temperament questionnaires by Thomas and Chess, and by Carey. Similarities and differences between Malay children and previously studied American children are discussed, and relationships suggested among temperament ratings and Malay child-rearing practices and values.
Foreign bodies in the laryngotracheobronchial tree are not uncommon. Their clinical presentations, the radiological and endoscopic findings in sixteen cases that presented to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia were reviewed. The technique of removal is also discussed.
Study site: Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (UKM unit)
The right heart pressures and saturations at different sites were measured in 87 normal individuals over a 16-year period during heart cardiac catheterisation. The right heart pressure measurements were comparable with normal values reported in Caucasian subjects. However, the total pulmonary vascular resistance and systemic vascular resistance were significantly different, though the pulmonary vascular resistance was comparable.
This paper is based on the beta-thalassaemia programme at the Duchess of Kent Hospital, Sandakan, Sabah. It seeks to show that a hypertransfusion regimen which improves the quality of life of children with thalassaemia major can be practised in district and general hospitals if there is an organised blood recruitment programme, at least at departmental level. Such a programme reduces the demand on the hardpressed hospitals' blood banks. Frequent and regular transfusions can be given with minimal interference with the school and family life of affected children and reduces immeasurably the social, emotional and financial strain on the affected families. There is also an urgent need to define the magnitude of the problem of beta-thalassaemia through population studies so that genetic counselling can be given and adequate resources can be allocated to improve the quality of life of affected patients.
19 cases of Kawasaki Syndrome were seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur between June 1979 and August 1984. The clinical features of the cases are reviewed in this paper. Kawasaki Syndrome is not an uncommon disease in Malaysia and clinicians should be aware of its presentation.
Of the five diseases generally recognised as causing congenital defects, viz., toxoplasmosis, rubella, cy tomegaloviral infection, herpes simplex and syphilis (TORCHES) studied in Malaysia, rubella was found to be the most important. A total of 574 children with features of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) were examined for rubella-specific IgM (in infants four months and below), and for rubella HAl antibodies (in children six months to four-years-old), and compared with 374 normal children of the same age groups. Whereas the prevalence rate of rubella in normal children was only 1.3%, in children with CRS (multiple defects) it was 87.3%; with congenital heart disease 71.0%; with congenital cataract 64.0%; with deafness 60.1%; with rash 30.8%; with hepatomegaly 17.1%; with mental retardation 4.1 %. Congenital rubella was not important as a cause of neonatal jaundice (0.9%)
and CNS defects (0%).
Radioisotope detection and localisation of myocardial infarction is discussed. Its clinical value and pitfalls are also discussed. The clinical application of this safe, simple, sensitive, repeatable, reproducible and non-invasive method in Malaysian patients performed during the period October 1978 to April 1979 at the University Hospital is reviewed. The main value of 99mTc labelled phosphate scan is in the demonstration and localisation of recent myocardial infarctions in patients where the electrocardiogram or serum enzymes changes are unhelpful.
Dengue fever, Dengue hemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome within the dengue complex is a sinister disease of great public health importance and continues to ravage children, young adults and the aged in Malaysia. The history of the disease is traced for over the years and the changing pattern of clinical presentation are noted. Various hospital based studies have been compared and the pathognomonic features of the disease in Malaysia are highlighted.
126 Malaysian children, 65 boys and 61 girls from higher income families were followed-up regularly from birth to six years of age in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. The study confirms the observations of previous studies that growth velocity of head circumference is most rapid during the first few months of infancy and then decreases so that by the fifth year of life the increment is minimal. It also confirms the fact that boys have bigger head circumferences than girls. The paper also presents the head circumference distance and velocity percentile charts which can be used to monitor the head circumference of Malaysian children.