In this paper we use data from the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey (MFLS-2) to examine the extent to which ethnic differences in the living arrangements of the older population in Peninsular Malaysia can be explained by ethnic differences in demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. We also investigate whether the three main ethnic groups of Malaysia differ in the extent to which their living arrangements are influenced by these factors. For the married, the higher incidence of remarriage and lower housing costs for Malays each contribute importantly to their lower coresidence rates. The relatively poorer health of Indians and better health of Malays also contribute to the ethnic differences in coresidence rates for the married, as does the higher incidence of daughter-only families among Malays. The explanatory variables considered here explain less of the ethnic differences in coresidence rates for the unmarried.
Study name: Malaysian Family Life Survey (MFLS-2)
The position of the mental foramen of the local Malays and Indians in Singapore was determined from a series of orthopantomograms. The most frequent location does not conform to the position cited in many anatomy, surgery, and dental anesthesia texts as being below and between the apices of the lower premolars. This data has implications in the teaching and practice of dental anesthesia. In both these races, the median location is just below the second premolar.
A report of 25 cases of neurosyphilis seen in University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur since 1970. Classical form of the disease still constitute the majority of the patients with often long delay before diagnosis.
Following the opening of the University Hospital of the University of Malaya in 1967, over 126,000 patients (excluding obstetric patients) have been admitted. A retrospective review, run concurrently with a prospective study, of over 200 patients thought to have suffered from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) revealed that, up until the 31st December 1975, 175 patients fulfilled the criteria for the diagnosis of SLE. There was a highly significant increase in the diagnosis of SLE over this period among Chinese patients compared to all other races, and no significant differencein the diagnosis of SLE among Indian and Malay patients. A review of the literature revealed that SLE appears to be a worldwide disease, reported frequently from Chinese communities but infrequently from tropical Africa. It is concluded that SLE is more common in the Chinese from Peninsular Malaysia than the other races, and that a careful study of geographical and racial factors in SLE may contribute to further understanding of its pathogenesis.
Malignant neoplasms diagnosed histologically in the state of Sabah during the period November 1983 to October 1988 were analysed to determine the distribution of malignant neoplasms according to site, age, sex and major ethnic groups. The five commonest malignant neoplasms in males were carcinomas of the nasopharynx, stomach, skin, lung and liver. In females the five commonest malignant neoplasms were carcinomas of the cervix uteri, breast, ovary, thyroid and skin. There was variation in these frequencies among the major ethnic groups. The most striking of these was the high frequency of nasopharyngeal carcinoma among Kadazan and Chinese males but not in males of the other indigenous groups. A significant number of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma was found in the younger age groups and most of the patients in the younger age groups were Kadazans. A relatively high frequency of carcinoma of the stomach, skin and liver was seen among Kadazans and other indigenous groups while carcinoma of the lung was seen relatively frequently among Chinese males. Among females carcinomas of the breast and cervix uteri were the most frequent malignant neoplasms in all the main ethnic groups. Possible reasons for these findings are discussed.
The concept of epidemiological transition is now quite widely recognized, if not so widely accepted. The transition appears to progress at varying speeds and to different extents spatially; it seems that there can be considerable international, regional and local variations in its progress. The paper examines this contention in the case of a number of countries in Southeast Asia, principally Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand. Drawing on evidence from this region, the paper highlights the importance when researching epidemiological transition of the time period under consideration; socio-cultural variations; the nature and quality of data, and spatial scale. It makes some suggestions as to the potential of the concept of epidemiological transition in health care planning and development studies.
In a cross-sectional study of 7 to 12-year-old primary school children in Kuala Lumpur, the prevalence of chronic cough and/or phlegm, persistent wheeze, and doctor-diagnosed asthma were 8.0%, 8.0% and 8.7%, respectively. The prevalence of asthma (defined as persistent wheeze and/or doctor-diagnosed asthma) was 13.8%. 4.3% experienced at least one episode of chest illness that resulted in inactivity for at least 3 days in the previous year. The mean age of commencement of symptoms in the doctor-diagnosed asthma group was 2.75 years. The prevalence of chronic cough and/or phlegm and persistent wheeze were highest among Indian children (p less than 0.05). More Malays had been diagnosed as having asthma than the other ethnic groups but the differences were not statistically significant. The patients' fathers' low levels of education were associated with chronic cough and/or phlegm (p less than 0.05) but not with other complaints. Asthma was significantly more common among boys than girls. No age differences were noted. Further analysis showed that persistent wheeze and doctor-diagnosed asthma were associated with increased likelihood of other respiratory illnesses or doctor-diagnosed allergy before the age of 2 years.
A prevalence study for intestinal parasites among 305 infants and young children was conducted at the Paediatric wards of the General Hospital Kuala Lum.pur, Malaysia. 40.8 percent of children were infected with at least one type of intestinal parasites: 39 percent were found to be infected with intestinal helminths and 4.26 percent with intestinal protozoa. Ascaris formed 17.38 percent of the infestation followed by Trichuris (14.75 percent) and hookworm (2.95 percent); 0.3 percent of the cases had Strongyloides stercoralis; 2.30 percent and 2.62 percent of the children had Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia respectively. Indian children were the predominant group found infected, followed by the Chinese and Ma lays. A significant drop in infestation rate of soil-transmitted helminths was detected among the Malays. The significance of the changing pattern in the epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths is
discussed. A brief review of literature is also presented.
A descriptive study of 1,945 cancer cases discharged from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, during the three-year period from 1972 to 1974, was carried out to analyse cancer patterns and frequency in the various age, sex and ethnic groups, The highest frequency of cancers occurred among the Chinese (68.8 percent) in excess of that expected from their utilization rate of the hospital (50.5 percent). The jive leading cancers in males were lung, liver, stomach, nasopharynx and rectum. In the females, the five leading cancers were cervix uteri, breast, stomach, lung and ovary. This was the pattern reflected among the Chinese, the patterns for the Malays and Indians were different. In addition, the Chinese constituted the highest proportions in most of the selected individual cancers analysed (including cancer of the nasopharynx, lung, liver, stomach, cervix, breast, rectum and colon). However, there was a high proportion of Indians in laryngeal and skin cancer. The age distribution of the patients showed that cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, lung, skin and bladder, were predominant in the older age groups (55 years and above). Carcinoma of the cervix uteri, ovary and breast were more common in the 45-54 years age group, while leukaemia, thyroid and nasopharyngeal carcinoma were more common in the younger age groups. Comparisons with other studies showed strikingly similar patterns to those found in Singapore, 1968-70.
The birthweights of 13,614 singleton infants comprising 5376 Malays, 5352 Chinese and 2886 Indians born at the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur, during 1973, 1975 and 1977 have been extracted and analysed. Male Chinese infants (3.16 ± 0.37 kg) were significantly heavier than Malay and Indian infants while the male Malay infants (3.12 ± 0.41 kg) were significantly heavier than the Indian (2.97 ± 0.41 kg). Both female Chinese (3.04 ± 0.38 kg) and Malay infants (3.05 ± 0.38 kg) were heavier than the female Indian (2.89 ± 0.39 kg) but there was no difference in birthweight between Chinese and Malay female infants. The mean gestational period and the proportion of full-term births were similar for all 3 races with averages of 39.9 weeks and 77.8 percent respectively. Maternal age at first birth was also closely similar for the three communities with an average of 22.9 years. Significant correlations were found between birthweight and length of neonates, birthweight and gravida, birthweight and maternal age. Indians have a higher incidence of low birthweight or small-for-gestational age infants (14.5 percent) compared to the Chinese (5.6 percent) and the Malays (7.6 percent); the incidence of low birthweights being higher in girls than in boys. Present-day Malay and Indian full-term male and female infants are significantly heavier than their counterparts born at the same Hospital two decades ago, but no difference in birthweight was observed for Chinese infants during this time interval. The gap between the incidence of low birthweight found in Malaysia and those in the developed countries seems to be narrowing and this may be taken to reflect the overall effects of socioeconomic development, including the greater availability of general health and ante-natal care throughout the country since its Independence in 1957.
74 cases of radiologically proven urinary calculi between 1975 and 1979 were analysed by race, sex and age. The relative frequency of single and multiple stones was also studied. The disease was found in all the ethnic groups present in Limbang except for the Punans. Possible reasons for this observation of their apparent absence were given. The absence of patients from one of the Malay Kampongs in Limbang town was also noted.
The Singapore Cancer Registry started operations on January 1, 1968. It is a population-based registry that seeks to obtain basic epidemiological and clinical data on all cases of cancer diagnosed in Singapore. The results presented pertain only to Singapore citizens and permanent residents and cover the period from 1973 to 1977. Of special interest are the cancer patterns of the main ethnic groups in Singapore. Generally, the Chinese (76% of total population) have significantly higher risks for cancer; the most prevalent sites are the nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, and lung. Within the Chinese group are also dialect group differences. The Malays (15% of population) have the lowest rates for most sites, whereas among the Indians (7% of population), mouth cancer is an important site for both sexes. All these variations provide useful clues in the search for etiological factors.
Between January 1974 and June 1980, 85 cases of cryptococcosis were diagnosed in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The diagnosis was based on positive culture of the organism in 81 cases; the remaining four were diagnosed on histopathological findings. Cerebral cryptococcosis was the most common presentation and Chinese are particularly susceptible (72% of cases). The incidence of the disease is shown to be far greater than previously suspected. Association with compromised host status is uncommon (14%). The local literature is briefly reviewed and the findings discussed.
Serum ferritin and blood haemoglobin levels were studied in 229 women attending a family planning clinic. Ferritin values ranged from 2 to 438 Jlg/l and was skewed with an arithmetic mean of 41.8 and geometric mean of 23.4 flg/l; 26.6% were iron-deficient (ferritin < 12 Jlg/l). Haemoglobin values were normally distributed with a mean of 11. 7 g/dl but 59% were anaemic (Hb < 12 gjdl]. The correlation between ferritin and haemoglobin values was poor (r = 0.147) but almost all women with a haemoglobin below 10 g/dl were iron-deficient. This study reaffirms the need for monitoring iron-deficiency anaemia in apparently healthy women seeking contraception.
Routine examination for spinal deformity as part of a school health screening programme was introduced in Singapore in 1981. The three different ethnic groups included in the study provided figures for the prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis in an Asian population. A three-tier system of examination was used and a total of 110744 children in three age groups were studied. In those aged 6 to 7 years the prevalence was 0.12%. The prevalence in those aged 11 to 12 years was 1.7% for girls and 0.4% for boys, a ratio of 3.2 to 1. In girls aged 16 to 17 years the prevalence was 3.1%. In the latter two age groups there was a significantly higher prevalence in Chinese girls as compared with Malay and Indian girls. The optimal age for school screening seemed to be 11 to 12 years, but repeated examinations may be worthwhile.