Depression among elderly primary care patients is a serious problem with significant morbidity and mortality. This is a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among the elderly patients attending the outpatient clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. This study utilized Malay version Geriatric Depression Scale 14 (M-GDS 14) to screen for elderly depression among Malaysian population. It also looked into associated risk factors for elderly depression using sociodemographic, family dynamics, and medically related questionnaires. Out of 244 subjects, 34 or 13.9% were found to have depression. Three variables were found to be significantly associated with depression. Elderly patient with any illness that limits the patient's activity or mobility has more risk of developing depression (OR 2.68 CI 1.15 - 6.24). Elderly patients who were satisfied with their personal incomes (OR 0.29 CI 0.10 - 0.85), and who had children or son/daughter-in-law to take care of them when they are sick (OR 0.10 CI 0.01 - 0.83) have a lower chance of having depression. Screening the elderly for depression, would help in diagnosing the elderly depression better and offer them the treatment needed.
Study site: Outpatient clinics, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
The increase in life expectancy observed over the last decade has particular relevance for conditions such as cognitive decline and dementia. This is a cross sectional study to determine the rate of dementia and to identify its associated factors among 399 elderly patients attending outpatient clinics of Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. This study was conducted in 2 phases. In the first phase, the literate subjects were screened using validated Malay version of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the illiterate subjects with Malay version of Elderly Cognitive Assessment Questionnaire (ECAQ). All subjects suspected to have dementia were selected for further evaluation in phase 2 of this study. The second phase involved full clinical examination in order to establish clinical diagnosis of dementia. The proportion of dementia in this study was 2.5% (10). Although history of exposure to pesticide (p < 0.05) and history of stroke (p < 0.05) were significant, they were not significant factors. These were because vast discrepancy in number between those exposed to pesticide and having stroke between dementia and non dementia.
Study site: Outpatient clinics, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) for opiate dependence was first started in Malaysia in 2005. The service was initially provided by psychiatric clinics in hospitals and primary care clinics. Handling patients with opiate dependency especially in a primary care clinic is very challenging due to various constraints hence the success is doubtful. 143 patients from Tampin Health Clinic were recruited from November 2006 until March 2009. Retention rate in the program was high. Significant improvement was seen in the World Health Organization Quality Of Life score (WHOQOL-BREF) in all 4 domains done at baseline, 1st year and 2nd year in the program. After joining the program, there were no new blood borne virus infection for HIV and Hepatitis B and only 1 had Hepatitis C. Minimal number of patients were involved in new drug related offences while in the MMT program. Existing primary care clinics can be empowered to scale up this service in Malaysia.
Despite being a common skin dermatosis in the tropics, physicians in the tropics may miss the diagnosis of cutaneous larva migrans for other pruritic skin manifestation. This is especially in those who live in urban housing with no history of travel. Cutaneous larva migrans, an intensely pruritic skin pathology is mainly contracted by people with history of beach holiday or contact with moist soft sand which had been contaminated with dog or cat faeces. This article reports a patient who presented with intensely itchy papular spots over the dorsum of his foot after walking barefooted in an urban toilet soiled with cat faeces. The patient had initially seen an urban general practitioner who diagnosed the papular skin lesion as an allergic reaction, and prescribed antihistamines. The patient subsequently developed creeping skin lesions and was seen by the author who prescribed albendazole 400 mg twice daily for three days. The patient reported reduction in itching after two days of albendazole treatment and a follow up at ten days revealed a healed infection.
This study described the practice profile of an open access exercise stress test (EST) service to the primary care physicians at a teaching hospital in 2000. We performed a retrospective review of all ESTs ordered and conducted by the primary care physicians. A total of 145 ESTs were conducted, of which 80.7% were referred for assessment of chest pain. Proportions of positive, negative, uninterpretable and inconclusive ESTs were: 22.1%, 52.8%, 18.1% and 6.9%. Typical chest pain was independently associated with a positive EST in this study (p = 0.008, OR 5.50, 95% CI 1.56-19.37). Although referral to the open access EST service seemed appropriate, there is a need to reduce the number of uninterpretable and inconclusive results.
Diabetes is a chronic condition that is one of the major causes of illness, disability, and death in Malaysia. Cost in managing diabetes plus indirect cost of lost work, pain, and suffering have all increased. The optimal management of patients with diabetes require the tracking of patients over time to monitor the progression of the disease, compliance with treatment, and preventive care. Diabetes care can be improved by standardizing access to, and improving the use of, clinical information. Access to timely, accurate and well-organized electronic data will improve the quality of care for patients with diabetes. Clinical Research Center convened an expert workshop to forecast how physicians, hospitals and clinics will employ clinical information technology (IT) applications to diabetes care over the next year. Workshop participants included experts from research organizations, government, and the IT vendor. This is a summary of the workshop organised for the purpose of the Audit of Diabetes Control and Management (ADCM) project. We hope to identify the gaps, if any, that exists in delivering diabetes care and to improve the quality of care. In future, we hope to develop an expansion of this project for the Adult Diabetes Registry that will be implemented for the whole country.
A study was undertaken to assess the accuracy of the Omron HEM-907 blood pressure measuring device for use in community studies. A modified version of the British Hypertension Society (BHS) and American Association for the Advancement Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) protocol for measuring the accuracy of a blood pressure measuring device was used. A total of 104 subjects were recruited from two clinics. Observer-observer agreement for readings within the 5 mmHg was good; 80.8% and 84.6% of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) agreement respectively. Of the two, the better observer-device agreement readings within the 5 mmHg were 66.4% and 50.0% for SBP and DBP respectively, giving an overall grade B. The mean differences and standard deviation of the differences were within < or =5 mmHg with a standard deviation (SD) of < or =8 mmHg. The Omron HEM-907 satisfied both the AAMI and BHS protocols for accuracy for a non-invasive blood pressure monitoring device using single observer readings.
Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Shah Alam, Selangor; Hypertension clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Device: Standard device: mercury sphygmomanometer (brand?); test device: oscillometric automated electronic BP monitor (Omron HEM-907).
The National Medicines Use Survey (NMUS) which started in 2004 and is still ongoing was conducted with the intent to continuously and systematically collect data on the use of medicines, to provide an overview on the use of medicines in Malaysia. The objective of the NMUS is therefore to quantify the present state and time trends of medicines utilization at various levels of our health care system whether national, regional, local or institutional. From the data available, for the Year 2005, the most commonly used medicine in Malaysia were anti-diabetic medications, of which glibenclamide is the most common followed by metformin, were the top 2 of the list of drugs utilized in DDD/1000 population/day. Collectively, however, taking into account the various antihypertensives by therapeutic groups, anti-hypertensive medicines were more commonly used than anti-diabetics. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are the two most prevalent chronic disorders in the country and thus, such high medicines utilization rates for these conditions are to be expected. From the general practice prescription data, it was estimated that a patient with hypertension was prescribed a median of only one (1) anti-hypertensive medication. This means, the vast majority of patients (81%) were on monotherapy, which is hardly sufficient to achieve treatment target. Clearly then, given the prevalence of hypertension, many patients were not on drug treatment at all, and of those treated, their drug treatment are likely to be inadequate.
The purpose of this study was to study the determinants of self rated health in the low-risk pregnant women of Melaka Tengah in Malaysia. A total of 387 subjects were analysed. The role of mental health, psychosocial stressors, support from husband, coping skills, socio-economic status and pregnancy characteristics in determining self- rated health were studied. Health items were taken from the Duke Health Profile. Bad obstetric history, poor mental health, stress from the family were found to be significantly associated with poor self - rated health whereas good support from the husband was related to good self - rated health.
Thrombocytopaenia is often relied upon as an important criterion for the diagnosis of dengue infection among patients presenting with an acute non-specific febrile illness. This study was aimed to assess usefulness of thrombocytopaenia in the diagnosis of acute dengue virus infection. This was a clinic based prospective cohort study from May to November 2003. Consecutive patients presenting with acute non-specific febrile illness of less than two weeks were selected from two urban primary care centres. We did full blood count examination (FBC) on the day of visit and dengue serology on day five of illness for all patients enrolled. We repeated the FBC examination for patients who had initial normal platelet counts. Thrombocytopaenia was defined as platelet count < 150 X 10(9)/L. Eighty-seven patients enrolled in the study. Complete data was available for 73 patients. The prevalence of acute dengue virus infection was 27.6%. The sensitivity and specificity were 88% and 71% respectively. The likelihood of acute dengue infection in the presence of thrombocytopaenia was 2.52 and likelihood of not having dengue infection in normal platelet count patients was 5.22. Thrombocytopaenia has fair predictive value in diagnosing acute dengue virus infection. It was more useful to exclude than to diagnose dengue infection.
Study site: Primary Care Centre of Hospital Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) and Batu 9 Health Clinic Hulu Langat,
The prevalence of pain complaints as a reason for patient-doctor encounters in the local primary care setting is unknown. We performed a cross-sectional survey of such encounters in one public primary care clinic (KK) and 17 general practice clinics (GP), from the city of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Reasons for visits were recorded by doctors in KK and medical students in GP using a structured questionnaire. Morbidity data was coded using the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2). A total of 2234 encounters were recorded (80.9% from KK, 19.1% from GP). The overall prevalence of pain complaints was 31.9% with a significant difference between the two cohorts (KK 28.7% and GP 45.2%, p<0.001). Musculoskeletal pain complaints were more common in KK than GP (40.9% versus 29.7%, p<0.05). Of the 3 main ethnic groups in Malaysia (Malay, Chinese and Indian) the Indian patients at KK had the highest prevalence of pain complaints and the Chinese at the GP had the lowest. Thus pain was a common complaint in the two different primary care settings studied. Some of the differences observed are probably due to the differences in the healthcare seeking behaviour of patients consulting at these two settings as well as differences in the payment systems.
An audit of hypertension management was done in October 2004 in nine general practice (GP) clinics. Two structure, ten process and two outcome indicators were assessed. Results showed that targets were achieved in only four indicators, i.e., weight recording (89%), BP monitoring (85.8%), follow-up interval not exceeding 6 months (87.9%) and mean diastolic BP (73.9%). The other indicators (hypertension registry, reminder mechanisms for defaulters, recording of smoking, height, fundoscopy, monitoring of lipid profile, blood sugar, ECG, renal function and achievement of target mean systolic pressure) showed adequacy percentages varying from 22.1 to 68.7. Out of the 1260 patients assessed, 743 (59%) achieved a mean BP < or = 140/90 (or < or = 130/80 mmHg with diabetes mellitus / renal insufficiency) in the last 3 recorded readings. There was a vast difference between individual clinics. Reasons for not achieving targets were discussed and remedial measures for implementation were recommended.
The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in a primary care setting using digital retinal imaging technology and to quantify the degree of diabetic retinopathy using internationally accepted severity scales. Two hundred patients with type 2 diabetes were evaluated clinically followed by fundus photography. The prevalence of retinopathy and maculopathy was 47.4% and 59.2% respectively (both retinopathy and maculopathy 34.7%). The high prevalence of retinal abnormality in this study is a cause for concern as most patients had diabetes for only 5 years or less.
BACKGROUND: Non-attendance is common in primary care and previous studies have reported that reminders were useful in reducing broken appointments.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of a text messaging reminder in improving attendance in primary care.
Multicentre three-arm randomized controlled trial.
SETTING: Seven primary care clinics in Malaysia. Participants. Patients (or their caregivers) who required follow-up at the clinics between 48 hours and 3 months from the recruitment date. Interventions. Two intervention arms consisted of text messaging and mobile phone reminders 24-48 hours prior to scheduled appointments. Control group did not receive any intervention. Outcome measures. Attendance rates and costs of interventions.
RESULTS: A total of 993 participants were eligible for analysis. Attendance rates of control, text messaging and mobile phone reminder groups were 48.1, 59.0 and 59.6%, respectively. The attendance rate of the text messaging reminder group was significantly higher compared with that of the control group (odds ratio 1.59, 95% confidence interval 1.17 to 2.17, P = 0.005). There was no statistically significant difference in attendance rates between text messaging and mobile phone reminder groups. The cost of text messaging reminder (RM 0.45 per attendance) was lower than mobile phone reminder (RM 0.82 per attendance).
CONCLUSIONS: Text messaging reminder system was effective in improving attendance rate in primary care. It was more cost-effective compared with the mobile phone reminder.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the pharmaceutical sector to know whether people have access to essential medicines.
SETTING: The study was conducted in 20 public health clinics, five public district drug stores and 20 private retail pharmacies selected randomly in five different areas randomly selected (four states and a federal territory).
METHOD: The methodology used was adopted from the World Health Organization study protocol. The degree of attainment of the strategic pharmaceutical objectives of improved access is measured by a list of tested indicators. Access is measured in terms of the availability and affordability of essential medicines, especially to the poor and in the public sector. The first survey in the public health clinics and public district drug stores gathered information about current availability of essential medicines, prevalence of stock-outs and affordability of treatment (except drug stores). The second survey assessed affordability of treatment in public health clinics and private retail pharmacies.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Availability, stock-out duration, percent of medicines dispensed, accessibility and affordability of key medicines.
RESULTS: The average availability of key medicines in the public health clinics for the country was 95.4%. The average stock-out duration of key medicines was 6.5 days. However, average availability of key medicines in the public district drug stores was 89.2%; with an average stock-out duration of 32.4 days. Medicines prescribed were 100% dispensed to the patients. Average affordability for public health clinics was 1.5 weeks salary and for the private pharmacies, 3.7 weeks salary.
CONCLUSIONS: The present pharmaceutical situation in the context of essential medicines list implementation reflected that the majority of the population in Malaysia had access to affordable essential medicines. If medicines need to be obtained from the private sector, they are hardly affordable. Although the average availability of essential medicines in Malaysia was high being more than 95.0%, in certain areas in Sabah availability was less than 80.0% and still a problem.
An audit on diabetic management was done in seven Perak general practice (GP) clinics in December 2001. The results showed inadequacies in nine out of eleven criteria assessed. Remedial measures were implemented. A second audit in March 2003, at the completion of the audit cycle, showed improvements in all the criteria used. All clinics established a diabetic register compared to 28.6% in the first audit and 57.1% of the clinics set up a reminder mechanism compared to 0% in the first audit. In the process of care, recording of weight, height, blood pressure; feet examination, fundoscopy, blood sugar monitoring and urine for albumin improved at the end of the audit cycle. In the only outcome criteria, the blood sugar control improved from 21.8% to 31.3%.
Inefficient metered-dose inhaler (MDI) technique results in poor drug delivery, suboptimal disease control a possibility of inhaled medication overuse. The MDI technique of 134 government hospital and clinic followed-up adult asthmatic patients followed-up in a government hospital and a heath clinic was pragmatically assessed based on the 3 obligatory steps of adequate lip seal, appropriate hand-breath coordination and sufficient breath holding after inhalation. The relationship between technique efficiency and frequency of daily short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA) use via the MDI and asthma exacerbations over a 12-month period was also assessed. Fifty-six patients (42%) had inefficient MDI technique. All demographic and asthma-related variables between the 'efficient' and 'inefficient' technique groups of patients were comparable except for significantly longer mean years of MDI use in the 'efficient' technique group [mean (SD): 10 (7) vs. 7 (5); p=0.003]. There were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to frequency of daily SABA use or asthma exacerbations over the past 12 months. Despite having been available in Malaysia for a considerable period of time, the MDI device is still poorly handled by a large proportion of adult asthmatic patients. Changing to other more user-friendly devices or use of spacer devices to facilitate delivery should be considered for these patients.
Study site: Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan; Klinik Kesihatan Seremban, Malaysia
A case-control study was carried out in Alor Gajah to determine the socio-economic, dietary and lifestyle factors and the occurrence of pregnancy-induced hypertension. There were a total of 30 cases who were selected from antenatal mothers attending 3 selected health centers in 1998. The control group consisted of 30 antenatal mothers who were matched according to health centre, race and age. The results showed that pregnancy-induced hypertension was significantly associated with obesity (P < 0.05) and being a housewife (P < 0.05).
BACKGROUND: Patients with type 2 diabetes often require insulin as the disease progresses. However, health care professionals frequently encounter challenges when managing patients who require insulin therapy. Understanding how health care professionals perceive the barriers faced by patients on insulin will facilitate care and treatment strategies.
OBJECTIVE: This study explores the views of Malaysian health care professionals on the barriers faced by patients using insulin.
METHODS: Semi-structured qualitative interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with health care professionals involved in diabetes care using insulin. Forty-one health care professionals participated in the study, consisting of primary care doctors (n = 20), family medicine specialists (n = 10), government policymakers (n = 5), diabetes educators (n = 3), endocrinologists (n = 2), and one pharmacist. We used a topic guide to facilitate the interviews, which were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using a thematic approach.
RESULTS: FIVE THEMES WERE IDENTIFIED AS BARRIERS: side effects, patient education, negative perceptions, blood glucose monitoring, and patient adherence to treatment and follow-up. Patients perceive that insulin therapy causes numerous negative side effects. There is a lack of patient education on proper glucose monitoring and how to optimize insulin therapy. Cost of treatment and patient ignorance are highlighted when discussing patient self-monitoring of blood glucose. Finally, health care professionals identified a lack of a follow-up system, especially for patients who do not keep to regular appointments.
CONCLUSION: This study identifies five substantial barriers to optimizing insulin therapy. Health care professionals who successfully identify and address these issues will empower patients to achieve effective self-management. System barriers require government agency in establishing insulin follow-up programs, multidisciplinary diabetes care teams, and subsidies for glucometers and test strips.
KEYWORDS: diabetes; focus groups; insulin; noncommunicable disease; primary care; qualitative study
A cross sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire to determine the perceptions of primary care doctors towards evidence-based medicine (EBM) was conclucted in Melaka state. About 78% of the primary care doctors were aware of EBM and agreed it could improve patient care. Only 6.7% of them had ever conducted a Medline literature search. They had a low level of awareness of review publications and databases relevant to EBM; only about 33% of them were aware of the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews. Over half of the respondents had at least some understanding of the technical terms used in EBM. Ninety percent of the respondents had Internet access and the majority of them used it at home. The main barriers to practicing EBM were lack of personal time and lack of Internet access in the primary care clinics.