The usefulness and validity of blood glucose measurement as an index of diabetic control were assessed with reference to serum fructosamine. Two hundred and twenty-eight non-insulin dependent diabetic out-patients were studied in the usual clinical setting. Fasting blood glucose (FBG) concentration was positively correlated with serum fructosamine (r = 0.42, t = 6.78 p less than 0.01). On the basis of their serum fructosamine concentrations, patients were divided into 3 groups. They were good control (fructosamine less than or equal to 288 umol/l), acceptable control (fructosamine less than or equal to 320 umol/l) and poor control groups (fructosamine greater than 320 umol/l). The mean fasting blood glucose concentration was significantly higher in the latter than the former 2 groups. However, at each level of control, there was a wide range of FBG concentrations. Thus, the value of FBG in predicting glycaemic control is limited. Its positive predictive value was only 32%, and its overall accuracy as an index of diabetic control was only 58% though its negative predictive value was high (93%). In 162 patients with poor diabetic control as indicated by their serum fructosamine concentrations, 81 (50%) of them had FBG less than 10 mmol/l on their clinic visit day. Fasting blood glucose is therefore not a reliable measure of good diabetic control, though it is useful in predicting poor control. FBG is simple to measure, cheap and rapidly available on clinic day, thus ensuring its continuing use. Doctors should be aware of its limitations and should not rely solely on FBG to assess diabetic control.
Study site: Diabetic clinic, Hospital Mentakab, Pahang, Malaysia
This is a report on 11 cases of Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, all of whom were diagnosed in the last one and a half years. This genetic syndrome is seen in all the three main racial groups: Chinese, Malays and Indians. It accounts for 2% of the epilepsy patients seen at the neurology clinic. Lack of awareness is the main hindrance to diagnosis.
Study site: Neurology clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Poor compliance with drug treatment is a barrier to effective management of hypertension. Drug compliance behaviour of 168 patients were studied, their drug compliance was measured by the pill-counting method. The prevalence of non-compliance with medication was 26%. Thirteen variables were examined for their association with compliance; these were age, sex, duration of hypertension since diagnosis, adequacy of blood pressure control, complexity of drug regimen and side-effect of drug, history of previous admission for hypertension related reason, patient's knowledge of hypertensive complications, patient's belief that drug was 'panas' or 'san', previous use of traditional treatment for hypertension, patient's fatalistic attitude, their social support and satisfaction with the health services. None of these variables were significantly related to compliance (p greater than 0.05) except adequacy of blood pressure control. The performance of patient self-report was compared with pill-count as a measure of drug compliance; it was poorly predictive of non-compliance (sensitivity = 71%, specificity = 50%). An inverse relationship was found between non-compliance with medication and patient subsequent drop-out rate. Patients who were compliant were more likely to remain on treatment and vice versa. As a measure of drug compliance, detection of drop-out compared well with pill-count (sensitivity 97%, specificity 66%, positive predictive value 89%, negative predictive value 88%).
Study site: outpatient clinic, Hospital Mentakab, Pahang, Malaysia
This study presents the demographical characteristics of 271 cases of parasuicide seen at the Psychiatric Clinic, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, during 1982. The majority of cases were women in the 20 - 30 year age group, from a lower economic class, with minimal education. About one-half were single and 61.5% were actively religious. The racial breakdown was Indians 55%, Chinese 32% and Malays 13%. Self-poisoning using easily available drugs was the most common method employed and more than one-half intended to die at the time of the suicidal act. Most attempts were impulsive, carried out while alone, inside the
house. The findings are discussed and compared with earlier studies of attempted suicides in Malaysia and Singapore.
Undetected hypertension is an obstacle to effective blood pressure control in the community. A study was done to assess the justification of screening in the outpatient department. Only 13% of all visits to the outpatient department resulted in an attempt to detect hypertension. The common reasons leading to blood pressure measurement were headache and dizziness. Current practice of hypertension detection appeared inadequate and irrational. Nine per cent of all visits to the outpatient department were already accounted for by hypertensives. A screening survey found that 30% of all non-hypertensive patients attending outpatient department aged 30 years or more had blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg. The drop out rate among these newly diagnosed hypertensives was 100%. Existing resources are already inadequate and existing hypertension care has also been shown to be inadequate. Screening can only be expected to considerably increase hypertensive patient load without however any assurance that effective long term care can be delivered. Labelling people as hypertensives in this manner may be harmful. The question of screening cannot be considered individually, separate from the entire problem of hypertension control. Detection must be linked to treatment in a programme designed to promote compliance and capable of delivering adequate care before it can be justified.
The W.H.O. self reporting questionnaires were distributed to 50 psychiatric outpatients with neurotic disorders and 50 medical staff as controls. This pilot study shows that it can differentiate between normal and neurotic patients and that if a cut off point of 3 is taken, there Is a very good chance that no psychiatric case in any epidemiological study will be missed. This study also picked up the 10 most sensitive items in the S.R.Q. which will be validated In future studies.
Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Background To determine the relationships between religiosity, religions and glycaemic control of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D).Methods This is a cross-sectional study conducted at an urban, university-based, teaching outpatient clinic. Religiosity was assessed with the Beliefs and Values Scale (BV), which contains 20 items each with a Likert scale of five possible responses. The range of scores is 0 to 80, with a higher score indicating stronger religious belief. Glycaemic control was taken as the mean value of the latest three fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels and HbA1c readings documented in each patient's case records.Results A total of 212 patients participated (a response rate of 79%). Two-thirds were female, mean age was 62.7 (SD 10.8) years and mean duration of T2D was 11.7 (SD 6.7) years. The mean BV score was 57.4 (SD 10.97, CI 55.9, 59.0). Religiosity had a negative correlation with lower FPG (r = -0.15, p = 0.041) but no such correlation was found with HbA1c. Moslem religiosity had a significant negative correlation with HbA1c (r = -0.34, p = 0.007, n = 61) even after controlling for covariates. Christians and non-religious group had significantly lower mean rank HbA1c than other religions (p = 0.042).Conclusions Those with higher religiosity amongst the Moslem population had significantly better glycaemic control. Patients who had church-going religions had better glycaemic control compared with those of other religions.
Study site: UMMC, a university based primary care clinic
Diphyllobothriasis is a disease caused by infection with adult tapeworms of the genus Diphyllobothrium. Humans acquire the infection by consuming the raw or inadequately cooked flesh, roe, liver, or other organs of infected fish. Diphyllobothrium latum infection has not been reported in Malaysia; we are reporting the first case. The patient was a 62 year old Chinese male seen at the outpatient clinic with complaints of watery stools and slight abdominal discomfort for four days. Physical examination was normal. He was treated for diarrhea. Two days after treatment, he passed out intact off-white proglottids in his stool. Diphyllobothriasis was confirmed by examination of these gravid proglottids; typical operculated eggs were seen after rupturing the gravid proglottids. The patient had a history of eating sashimi (Japanese raw fish). He was treated with a single dose of praziquantel and had been well since.
Study site: Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic has had a profound influence on the epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB). The potential for HIV-associated TB cases to transmit M. tuberculosis and to produce a secondary increase in TB morbidity is unknown. A cross-sectional study was carried out to compare the prevalence of M. tuberculosis infection among the household contacts of HIV-positive and HIV-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients. Records of tuberculin (Mantoux) tests administered during routine contact investigations at the Chest Clinic, Hospital Kota Bharu, from 1999 to 2000 were reviewed. The HIV status of the patients was based on the results of ELISA tests while information on household contacts was gathered during visits to their houses. Ninety-four contacts of 39 HIV-negative patients and 44 contacts of 17 cases of HIV-positive patients were included in this preliminary study. 30% (12/40) of the contacts of HIV-positive PTB had a positive tuberculin compared with 52.8% (47/ 94) of the contacts of HIV-negative patients [OR = 0.41, 95% Confidence interval (CI) 0.17 - 0.97; p = 0.016]. The difference was still significant after performing multivariate logistic regression analysis to adjust for variables associated with infectiousness of TB (adjusted OR = 0.24, 95% CI 0.07 - 0.87; p = 0.03). This study has shown that HIV-infected PTB patients are less infectious to their contacts than HIV-negative patients. The presence of MV in the community may not necessitate a change of the current policy of the management of contacts.
Study site: Chest Clinic, Hospital Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Tuberculosis (TB) has made a comeback. It has become a resurgent public health problem in developing countries in the tropics and is the leading cause of death from any single infectious agent. Non-compliance to anti-tuberculosis treatment is the most serious problem in TB control. A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the determinants of poor compliance with anti-tuberculosis treatment among tuberculosis patients in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia in 1999. A total of 390 patients were included in the study of which 130 were tuberculosis patients who defaulted treatment and 260 were those compliant to treatment. Data collection was done by interviewing the patients and collecting clinical and laboratory data from their medical records. Using multiple logistic regression analysis, patients who were not on direct observed therapy (DOT) lived distant to the health facility, were non-intravenous drug users (IVDU) and were HIV positive had statistically significant higher odds of being non-compliant. Patients should be given treatment under direct supervision with special attention to IVDU and HIV positive groups. Anti-TB treatment should be accessible to patients at the nearest health center from their residence. Interventions with health education programs emphasizing the benefits of treatment compliance should be implemented by further large-scale multicentered studies.
Study site: Chest clinic, Hospital Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
The aims of this study were to determine the types of cancers and hematological disorders in patients attending a pediatric hematology-oncology clinic. This was a prospective study at the Pediatric Institute, General Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from June 2005-November 2006. During the 18-month study, 803 patients attended the clinic, 730 had oncological problems and 73 had hematological problems. The age range was from 2 months to 28 years (median 6 years). The patients were Malay (66%), Chinese (23%), Indian (10%) and other races (1%). Of the oncological patients, 51% had either leukemia (n=293) or lymphoma (n=77). The other most common diagnoses were retinoblastoma, followed by Wilm's tumor and germ cell tumors. Six patients (0.8%) developed a second malignant neoplasm. Of the hematological patients, 60% had platelet disorders, most commonly chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Twenty-four per cent had bone marrow failure and 16% had red cell disorders.
Study site: Pediatric Institute, General Hospital Kuala Lumpur
We are reporting a case of an eye lesion caused by an adult Brugia malayi. The patient was a 3-year-old Chinese boy from Kemaman District, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. He presented with a one week history of redness and palpebral swelling of his right eye. He claimed that he could see a worm in his right eye beneath the conjunctiva. He had no history of traveling overseas and the family kept dogs at home. He was referred from Kemaman Hospital to the eye clinic of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. On examination by the ophthalmologist, he was found to have a subconjunctival worm in his right eye. Full blood count revealed eosinophilia (10%). Four worm fragments, each about 1 cm long were removed from his right eye under general anesthesia. A thick blood smear stained with Giemsa was positive for microfilariae of Brugia malayi. A Brugia Rapid test done was positive. He was treated with diethylcarbamazine.
Study site: Opthamolagy clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the knowledge about asthma and the prevalence, disclosure and evaluation of the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among asthmatic patients.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 95 patients diagnosed with asthma in a primary healthcare centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia using a self-administered questionnaire.
RESULTS: Ninety-five patients with a mean age of 47.06 years (±12.8) participated, the majority were female (66.7%), Malay (72.6%). The prevalence of ever-CAM use was 61.1%. The non-ever-CAM users' mean age was 51±13.9 years while the ever-CAM users' mean age was 44.5 ±11.5 years (P = 0.021). Sixty-three females (66.8%) used CAM compared to 14 males (43.8%) (P = 0.014). Thirty-six (62.1%) CAM users had not discussed use of CAM with their doctors. The main reason of non-disclosure was the doctor never asked (55.6%), and the main sources of information about CAM were family and relatives (46.6%). There was no significant difference between use of CAM and knowledge about asthma. The majority of asthmatic patients used rubs (39%), foods (16.9%) and herbs (16.9%). About 76% of asthmatic patients perceived CAM as good for their disease management. On linear multiple regression, Malay race (P = 0.026) and female gender (P = 0.006) were significant predictors of CAM use.
CONCLUSION: Use of CAM among asthmatic patients is relatively high, particularly among females. The majority of asthmatic patients valued the use of CAM. Non-disclosure was high in this study. Health education of asthmatic patients about CAM is highly recommended.
KEYWORDS: Asthma; Malaysia; complementary and alternative medicine; disclosure
Study site: Primary care clinic, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The results of this study indicate that the important viral agents associated with lower respiratory tract infections in young children are respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, and parainfluenza virus, particularly in those under 2 years of age. This is in close agreement with studies done in temperate climates. Influenza A virus is seasonal and plays an important role in upper respiratory tract infections in older children.
Study site: Inpatients and outpatients, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This study was carried out to determine the associated factors and the reasons for inappropriate utilisation of Emergency Department (ED) services at Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital. A case-control study was conducted with 170 cases from ED and 170 controls from the Outpatient Department (OPD). A self-administered questionnaire was designed and used to obtain sociodemographic data, knowledge on the functions of ED and OPD, health seeking attitude and behaviour, and reasons for seeking treatment at ED. The study found that gender, marital status, family size, shift work, perceived illness, and knowledge on the role and functions of ED and OPD were significant associated factors. The three most common reasons for inappropriate utilisation of ED were as follows: "due to severity of illness" (85%), "can't go to OPD during office hours" (42%), and "ED near my house" (27%).
Study site: Emergency department, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between reproductive exposures and age-related cataract among women. This was a hospital based case-control study. The study population included female patients, aged 50 years and above who attended the Eye clinic at the University of Malaya Medical Centre. The outcome measurement was based on ophthalmologic examination by an ophthalmologist. The data on exposure was obtained from face to face interview using a structured questionnaire. In order to reduce the recall bias, patients' medical records were used to substantiate the exposure status. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the association of age-related cataract with exogenous estrogen usage (HRT and OCP) and duration of menses. Important confounders such as age, history of diabetes, cigarette smoking and steroids usage were controlled for in the analysis. Females with 29 years or less of endogenous estrogen exposure of, have almost three times the risk of developing age related cataract (adjusted OR 3.42: 95% CI: 1.28, 9.16), similarly among those with exposure of 30-32 years (adjusted OR 3.64: 95% CI: 1.08, 12.26). Hormone Replacement Therapy used for more than three years was found to be a protective factor of age-related cataract. There is evidence that reproductive exposure may play a role in reducing the occurrence of age-related cataract among Malaysian women.
Study site: Eye clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
University Malaysia Sabah campus moved to its present site in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia in 1999. A health centre was included in the development plans and a two-storey building was constructed to provide the facility for in-patient and out-patient care. Clinical catchments include 10,000 students, 1000 academic and support staff. The medical faculty was inaugurated in 2003, and it was given the responsibility to establish and run the facility for students and staff of the University. This paper describes the development of the facility from merely a physical structure to what is now a comprehensive, functional outpatient service catering for student healthcare, screening, preventive medicine and health promotional activities. Currently, these services are provided by the faculty members of the Medical School. The incorporation of the medical student teaching and collaborative research adds intangible value to the facility. Future plans for expansion include specialist medical services.
In a multiracial country like Malaysia, ethnicity may influence the measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in asthmatic patients. We invited 131 adult patients [44 Malays, 42 Chinese and 45 Indians; mean (95% CI) age: 43 (40.2-45.7) yrs; 28.2% male] with moderate-to-severe persistent asthma followed up in an urban-based hospital outpatient clinic to complete a disease-specific HRQL questionnaire [St Georges' Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ)] and to provide socio-demographic and asthma-related data. Indians reported significantly worse SGRQ total score, compared to Malays [mean (95% CI) difference: 10.15 (0.51-19.78); p = 0.037] and SGRQ activity score, compared to Malays [13.50 (1.95-25.05); p = 0.019] and Chinese [11.88 (0.19-25.05); p = 0.046]. Further analysis using multivariate linear regression showed that Indian ethnicity remained independently associated with SGRQ scores. Our finding highlights the relevance of ethnicity in assessing HRQL of asthmatic patients in a multiracial country such as Malaysia.
Study site: chest clinic of an urban-based
university teaching hospital
BACKGROUND: Statins are a class of potent drugs that can be used to reduce cholesterol, especially low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). However, their effectiveness is limited if adherence to treatment is poor. The objectives of the study are to estimate the proportion of diabetic patient who has achieved LDL-C goal and to determine the association of LDL-C achievement with socio demographic factors and statin therapy adherence.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study involving 234 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and dyslipidaemia attending an outpatient clinic in a hospital in Kelantan. Interviews and self-administered questionnaires were used to determine their sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Adherence to therapy was assessed using the Medication Compliance Questionnaire (MCQ). The associations between the achievement of LDL targets and sociodemographic/clinical factors, including adherence, were analysed with simple logistic regression.
RESULTS: About 37.6% of patients achieved their LDL-C target. The percentage of patients who adhered to statin use was 98.3%, and 20.5% of these patients reported full adherence. There was no significant association between achievement of LDL-C targets with adherence or any other sociodemographic factors, such as age, gender and educational or economic status (all P-value < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Despite a high level of adherence, the majority of patients failed to achieve LDL-C targets. More concerted efforts are needed to improve this.
Study site: primary
care clinic in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia,
INTRODUCTION: Earlier studies have identified a gap between guidelines and actual clinical diabetes care in Malaysia.
OBJECTIVE: We audited the quality of care for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) attending our diabetes clinic at a public hospital.
METHODS: A structured review of the outpatient clinic cards, prescriptions and laboratory results was conducted for patients attending the diabetes clinic at Sibu Hospital in October and November 2014.
RESULTS: For the total of 233 patients who were audited, the levels of fasting blood sugar, blood pressure, body mass index and fasting lipid profile were satisfactory at 99.1%, 99.6%, 92.6% and 99.6% respectively. 79.7% of the subjects had had HbA1c performed at least once over the previous six months. Only 25.8% had annual foot screening, while the eye screening rate was 71.2% and the albuminuria screening rate was 93.6%. For outcome measures, the mean (SD) HbA1c level was 9.2% (1.91%), with 13 patients (6.7%) having HbA1c less than 6.5%; 36.4% of participants achieved BP < 130/80 mmHg; and 69.4% had LDL < 2.6 mmol/L. The majority of the patients were overweight or obese (91.4%).
CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the performance of diabetic care processes at our hospital was satisfactory, except for foot examination. The glycaemic and weight control among the subjects were suboptimal and warrant an optimised and comprehensive approach on the part of the management.