Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 60 in total

  1. Krishnasamy S, Sivalingam S, Dillon J, Mokhtar RAR, Yakub A, Singh R
    PMID: 33577258 DOI: 10.21470/1678-9741-2020-0207
    INTRODUCTION: The presence of aortic regurgitation (AR) in the setting of ventricular septal defect (VSD) has always been a management challenge.

    METHODS: This is a retrospective study looking at patients who underwent VSD closure with or without aortic valve intervention between January 1st, 1992 and December 31st, 2014 at the Institute Jantung Negara. This study looked at all cases of VSD and AR, where AR was classified as mild, moderate, and severe, the intervention done in each of this grade, and the durability of that intervention. The interventions were classified as no intervention (NI), aortic valve repair (AVr), and aortic valve replacement (AVR).

    RESULTS: A total of 261 patients were recruited into this study. Based on the various grades of AR, 105 patients had intervention to their aortic valve during VSD closure. The rest 156 had NI. All patients were followed up for a mean time of 13.9±3.5 years. Overall freedom from reoperation at 15 years was 82.6% for AVr. Various factors were investigated to decide on intervening on the aortic valve during VSD closure. Among those that were statistically significant were the grade of AR, size of VSD, age at intervention, and number of cusp prolapse.

    CONCLUSION: We can conclude from our study that all moderate and severe AR with small VSD in older patients with more than one cusp prolapse will need intervention to their aortic valve during the closure of VSD.

  2. Haranal M, Chin HC, Sivalingam S, Raja N, Mohammad Shaffie MS, Namasiwayam TK, et al.
    World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg, 2020 Nov;11(6):720-726.
    PMID: 33164692 DOI: 10.1177/2150135120936119
    BACKGROUND: To compare the safety and effectiveness of del Nido cardioplegia with blood-based St Thomas Hospital (BSTH) cardioplegia in myocardial protection in congenital heart surgery.

    METHODS: It is a prospective, open-labeled, randomized controlled study conducted at National Heart Institute, Kuala Lumpur from July 2018 to July 2019. All patients with simple and complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) with good left ventricular function (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] >50%) were included while those with LVEF <50% were excluded. A total of 100 patients were randomized into two groups of 50 each receiving either del Nido or BSTH cardioplegia. Primary end points were the spontaneous return of activity following aortic cross-clamp release and ventricular function between two groups. Secondary end point was myocardial injury as assessed by troponin T levels.

    RESULTS: Cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamp time, return of spontaneous cardiac activity following the aortic cross-clamp release, the duration of mechanical ventilation, and intensive care unit stay were comparable between two groups. Statistically significant difference was seen in the amount and number of cardioplegia doses delivered (P < .001). The hemodilution was significantly less in the del Nido complex CHD group compared to BSTH cardioplegia (P = .001) but no difference in blood usage (P = .36). The myocardial injury was lesser (lower troponin T release) with del Nido compared to BSTH cardioplegia (P = .6).

    CONCLUSION: Our study showed that both del Nido and BSTH cardioplegia are comparable in terms of myocardial protection. However, single, less frequent, and lesser volume of del Nido cardioplegia makes it more suitable for complex repair.

  3. Yubbu P, Abdul Latiff H, Musa H, Devaraj NK, Mohd Razif NA, Sivalingam S, et al.
    Cardiol Young, 2021 Jun 03.
    PMID: 34080535 DOI: 10.1017/S1047951121002110
    BACKGROUND: Vascular compression of the airway often complicates CHD management. This study evaluated the use of CT in determining cardiovascular causes, clinical manifestations, and outcome of tracheobronchial compression among children with CHD.

    METHODS: A retrospective review of clinical records of all patients with CT scan evidence of tracheobronchial compression from January 2007 to December 2017 at National Heart Institute. Cardiovascular causes of tracheobronchial compression were divided into three groups; group I: vascular ring/pulmonary artery sling, II: abnormally enlarged or malposition cardiovascular structure due to CHD, III: post-CHD surgery.

    RESULTS: Vascular tracheobronchial compression was found in 81 out of 810 (10%) patients who underwent CT scan. Group I lesions were the leading causes of vascular tracheobronchial compression (55.5%), followed by group II (34.6%) and group III (9.9%). The median age of diagnosis in groups I, II, and III were 16.8 months, 3 months, and 15.6 months, respectively. Half of group I patients are manifested with stridor and one-third with recurrent chest infections. Persistent respiratory symptoms, lung atelectasis, or prolonged respiratory support requirement were clues in groups II and III. Higher morbidity and mortality in younger infants with severe obstructive airway symptoms, associated airway abnormalities, and underlying complex cyanotic CHD.

    CONCLUSIONS: Vascular ring/pulmonary artery sling and abnormally enlarged or malposition cardiovascular structure were the leading causes of cardiovascular airway compression. A high index of suspicion is needed for early detection due to its non-specific presentation. The outcome often depends on the severity of airway obstruction and complexity of cardiac lesions.

  4. Prodan Z, Mroczek T, Sivalingam S, Bennink G, Asch FM, Cox M, et al.
    PMID: 33984478 DOI: 10.1053/j.semtcvs.2021.03.036
    Valved allografts and xenografts for reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) lack durability and do not grow. We report the first clinical use of a completely bioabsorbable valved conduit (Xeltis pulmonary valve - XPV) in children. Twelve children (six male), median age five (two to twelve) years and median weight 17 (10 to 43) kg, underwent RVOT reconstruction with the XPV. Diagnoses were: pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (VSD) (n=4), tetralogy of Fallot (n=4), common arterial trunk (n=3), and transposition of the great arteries with VSD and pulmonary stenosis (n=1). All had had previous surgery, including prior RVOT conduit implantation in six. Two diameters of conduit 16mm (n=5) and 18mm (n=7) were used. At 24 months none of the patients has required surgical re-intervention, 9 of the 12 are in NYHA functional class I and three patients in NYHA class II. None of the conduits has shown evidence of progressive stenosis, dilation or aneurysm formation. Residual peak gradient of >40 mm Hg was observed in three patients, caused by kinking of the conduit at implantation in 1 and distal stenosis in the peripheral pulmonary arteries in 2 patients. Five patients developed severe pulmonary valve insufficiency (PI); the most common mechanism was prolapse of at least one of the valve leaflets. The XPV conduit is a promising innovation for RVOT reconstruction. Progressive PI requires however an improved design (geometry, thickness) of the valve leaflets.
  5. Krishna Moorthy PS, Sivalingam S, Dillon J, Kong PK, Yakub MA
    Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 2019 02 01;28(2):191-198.
    PMID: 30085022 DOI: 10.1093/icvts/ivy234
    OBJECTIVES: Contemporary experience in mitral valve (MV) repair for children with rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is limited, despite the potential advantages of repair over replacement. We reviewed our long-term outcomes of rheumatic MV repair and compared them with the outcomes of MV replacement in children with RHD.

    METHODS: This study is a review of 419 children (≤18 years) with RHD who underwent primary isolated MV surgery between 1992 and 2015, which comprised MV repair (336 patients; 80.2%) and MV replacement (83 patients; 19.8%). The replacement group included mechanical MV replacements (MMVRs) (n = 69 patients; 16.5%) and bioprosthetic MV replacements (n = 14 patients; 3.3%). The mean age with standard deviation at the time of operation was 12.5 ± 3.5 (2-18) years. Mitral regurgitation (MR) was predominant in 390 (93.1%) patients, and 341 (81.4%) patients showed ≥3+ MR. The modified Carpentier reconstructive techniques were used for MV repair.

    RESULTS: Overall early mortality was 1.7% (7 patients). The mean follow-up was 5.6 years (range 0-22.3 years; 94.7% complete). Survival of patients who underwent repair was 93.9% both at 10 and 20 years, which was superior than that of replacement (P 

  6. Haranal M, Leong MC, Muniandy SR, Khalid KF, Sivalingam S
    Ann Thorac Surg, 2020 10;110(4):e327-e329.
    PMID: 32224240 DOI: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2020.02.039
    Conjoined twins are rare congenital malformations known to be associated with cardiac abnormalities. Management of transposition of the great arteries with an intact ventricular septum in this subgroup of patients is challenging, especially in the presence of multiple comorbidities. Prevention of left ventricular involution until the patient is stable for an arterial switch operation is a real challenge. We report a case of early ductal stenting to keep the left ventricle well trained in a separated conjoined twin who eventually underwent an arterial switch operation.
  7. Haranal M, Abdul-Aziz KA, Latiff HA, Srimurugan B, Sivalingam S
    Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2021 Nov;37(6):673-675.
    PMID: 34776664 DOI: 10.1007/s12055-021-01184-3
    Retro-esophageal circumflex aortic arch is a rare form of vascular ring. Majority of cases occur in isolation without any intracardiac lesions. Only a few cases of left circumflex aorta have been reported in the literature. We present a case of left circumflex aorta with associated arch hypoplasia and coarctation, ventricular septal defect, who underwent single-stage repair.
  8. Ota N, Sivalingam S, Pau KK, Hew CC, Dillon J, Latiff HA, et al.
    PMID: 29310554 DOI: 10.1177/2150135117743225
    OBJECTIVE: We introduced primary arterial switch operation for the patient with transposition of great arteries and intact ventricular septum (TGA-IVS) who had more than 3.5 mm of posterior left ventricle (LV) wall thickness.

    METHODS: Between January 2013 and June 2015, a total of 116 patients underwent arterial switch operation. Of the 116 patients, 26 with TGA-IVS underwent primary arterial switch operation at more than 30 days of age.

    RESULTS: The age and body weight (mean ± SD) at the operation were 120.4 ± 93.8 days and 4.1 ±1.0 kg, respectively. There was no hospital mortality. The thickness of posterior LV wall (preoperation vs postoperation; mm) was 4.04 ± 0.71 versus 5.90 ± 1.3; P < .0001; interval: 11.8 ± 6.5 days. The left atrial pressure (mm Hg; postoperative day 0 vs 3) was 20.0 ± 3.2 versus 10.0 ± 2.0; P < .0001; and the maximum blood lactate level (mmol/dL) was 4.7 ± 1.4 versus 1.4 ± 0.3; P < .0001, which showed significant improvement in the postoperative course. All cases had delayed sternal closure. The patients who belonged to the thin LV posterior wall group (<4 mm [preoperative echo]: n = 13) had significantly longer ventilation time (days; 10.6 ± 4.8 vs 4.8 ± 1.7, P = .0039), and the intensive care unit stay (days) was 14 ± 9.2 versus 7.5 ± 3.5; P = .025, compared with thick LV wall group (≥4.0 mm: n = 13).

    CONCLUSIONS: The children older than 30 days with TGA-IVS can benefit from primary arterial switch operation with acceptable results under our indication. However, we need further investigation for LV function.

  9. Selvaras T, Alshamrani SA, Gopal R, Jaganathan SK, Sivalingam S, Kadiman S, et al.
    J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 2023 Jun;111(6):1171-1181.
    PMID: 36625453 DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.35223
    Current commercialized vascular membranes to treat coronary heart disease (CHD) such as Dacron and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) have been associated with biodegradable and thrombogenic issues that limit tissue integration. In this study, biodegradable vascular membranes were fabricated in a structure of electrospun nanofibers composed of polyurethane (PU), chitosan (CS) and elastin (0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%). The physicochemical properties of the membranes were analyzed, followed by the conduction of several test analyses. The blending of CS and elastin has increased the fiber diameter, pore size and porosity percentage with the appearance of identical chemical groups. The wettability of PU membranes was enhanced up to 39.6%, demonstrating higher degradation following the incorporation of both natural polymers. The PU/CS/elastin electrospun membranes exhibited a controlled release of CS (Higuchi and first-order mechanisms) and elastin (Higuchi and Korsmeyer-Peppas mechanisms). Delayed blood clotting time was observed through both activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and partial thromboplastin time (PT) analyses where significantly delay of 26.8% APTT was recorded on the PU membranes blended with CS and elastin, in comparison with the PU membranes, supporting the membrane's antithrombogenic properties. Besides, these membranes produced a minimum of 2.6 ± 0.1 low hemolytic percentage, projecting its hemocompatibility to be used as vascular membrane.
  10. Gopal R, Md Shakhih MF, Sahalan M, Lee TC, Hermawan H, Sivalingam S, et al.
    Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2023 Aug;228:113390.
    PMID: 37315506 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2023.113390
    Postoperative bleeding following cardiac surgeries is still an issue that deranges the medical resources and cost. The oral and injection administrations of blood coagulation protein, Factor VII (FVII), is effective to stop the bleeding. However, its short half-life has limited the effectiveness of this treatment and frequent FVII intake may distress the patients. Instead, incorporating FVII into synthetic biodegradable polymers such as polycaprolactone (PCL) that is commonly used in drug delivery applications should provide a solution. Therefore, this study aimed to immobilize FVII on PCL membranes through a cross-linkage polydopamine (PDA) grafting as an intermediate layer. These membranes are intended to provide a solution for cardiac bleeding in coagulating blood and sealing the sutured region. The membranes were evaluated in terms of its physio-chemical properties, thermal behavior, FVII release profile and biocompatibility properties. The ATR-FTIR was used to analyze the chemical functionalities of the membranes. Further validation was done with XPS where the appearances of 0.45 ± 0.06% sulfur composition and C-S peak have confirmed the immobilization of FVII on the PCL membranes. The cross-linked FVIIs were viewed in spherical immobilization on the PCL membranes with a size range between 30 and 210 nm. The surface roughness and hydrophilicity of the membranes were enhanced with a slight shift of melting temperature. The PCL-PDA-FVII0.03 and PCL-PDA-FVII0.05 membranes, with wide area of FVII immobilization released approximately only 22% of FVII into the solution within 60 days period and, it is found that the PCL-PDA-FVIIx membranes projected the Higuchi release model with non-Fickian anomalous transport. While the cytotoxic and hemocompatibility analyses showed advance cell viability, identical coagulation time and low hemolysis ratio on the PCL-PDA-FVIIx membranes. The erythrocytes were viewed in polyhedrocyte coagulated structure under SEM visualization. These results validate the biocompatibility of the membranes and its ability to prolong blood coagulation, thus highlighting its potential application as cardiac bleeding sealant.
  11. Sirisani JD, Haranal M, Soo KW, Sivalingam S, Mohd Khalid KF
    Pediatr Cardiol, 2024 Jul 29.
    PMID: 39073479 DOI: 10.1007/s00246-024-03591-w
    Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) stenting is an alternative to Modified Blalock-Taussig-Thomas Shunt (BT) to increase pulmonary blood flow in ductal-dependent pulmonary circulation. The objective of this study is to compare the immediate Intensive Care Unit (ICU) outcomes of PDA stent versus BT shunt in infants with ductal-dependent pulmonary circulation. This is a single center, retrospective study in infants less than 6 months with ductal-dependent pulmonary circulation palliated with either PDA stenting or BT shunt from January 2015 till December 2023. Data were reviewed from pediatric ICU database. Demographics details, ICU parameters, mortality and morbidity were compared. The propensity score with inverse probability weighting was used to control the effect of covariates. A total of 302 patients with PDA stenting and 100 patients with BT shunt were included. Majority of the patients had intervention at first month of life. 126 (41.7%) patient underwent PDA stenting while 36 (36%) had BTS. The PDA stenting group has shorter ICU stay, 3 (2.0,6.0) days versus 8 (4.8,13.0) days (p 
  12. Katewa A, Haranal M, Madkaiker AN, Saxena S, Srimurugan B, Patel R, et al.
    Indian J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2023 Sep;39(5):497-500.
    PMID: 37609615 DOI: 10.1007/s12055-023-01525-4
    Double outlet both ventricles is a rare abnormal ventriculo-arterial malformation in which both great arterial trunks are committed to both the ventricles, albeit now being recognized with increasing frequency. Patients with the lesion present with a spectrum of clinical manifestations. The size and location of the interventricular communication dictate the feasibility of biventricular repair. Literature on the malformation, however, is sparse. We report our experience with five patients, all of whom underwent successful surgical biventricular repair.
  13. Sivalingam S, Konishi M, Shin SH, Lope Ahmed RA, Piazza P, Sanna M
    Audiol Neurootol, 2012;17(4):243-55.
    PMID: 22584244 DOI: 10.1159/000338418
    Tympanojugular paragangliomas (TJPs) with intradural extension can be successfully treated by a single or staged procedure with low surgical morbidity.
  14. Ong HS, Krishnasamy S, Rajandram R, Amirthalingam A, Yusof TNT, Sivalingam S
    Ann Pediatr Cardiol, 2024;17(4):264-271.
    PMID: 39698423 DOI: 10.4103/apc.apc_110_24
    BACKGROUND: The management of ventricular septal defect (VSD) alongside mitral regurgitation (MR) in pediatric patients remains a contentious issue due to the intricacies of cardiac surgery and the need to minimize ischemic time. Despite observations of MR regression following VSD closure, definitive guidelines for this patient subset are lacking, particularly concerning the management of the subgroup of patients with moderate MR. The objective of the study is to explore the factors influencing the choice between surgical intervention and conservative management for the mitral valve (MV) in VSD patients with moderate MR.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study from January 2000 to December 2015, we analyzed management trends and focused on 53 patients with both VSD and moderate MR. This cohort was subdivided into four groups: first by their MV pathology, and then stratified by the receipt of intervention towards the diseased MV. Our primary goal was to identify correlations, especially concerning surgical outcomes such as mortality and need for re-operation. Statistical significance is determined when the P value is lower than 0.05.

    RESULTS: There were no notable differences in preoperative variables across four cohort groups, apart from the cross-clamp duration which was longest in Group B intervention. Outcome analysis showed survival rates that were higher in cohort groups that underwent intervention toward the disease MV regardless of existing MV morphology, although results were not statistically significant. Cox model analysis found no correlation between the cohort groups and postoperative outcomes, but cross-clamp duration significantly correlated with mortality.

    CONCLUSIONS: In cases of VSD with moderate MR with associated pathologies of the valvular apparatus, opting for MV repair (MVr) appears to improve survival outcomes without significantly increasing postoperative morbidity. Similarly, for patients with moderate MR and isolated annular dilatation, surgical MVr is observed to have better survival trend compared to the control group.

  15. Lim J, Bhoo-Pathy N, Sothilingam S, Malek R, Sundram M, Hisham Bahadzor B, et al.
    PLoS One, 2014;9(8):e104917.
    PMID: 25111507 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104917
    OBJECTIVES: To study the baseline PSA profile and determine the factors influencing the PSA levels within a multiethnic Asian setting.
    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1054 men with no clinical evidence of prostate cancer, prostate surgery or 5α-reductase inhibitor treatment of known prostate conditions. The serum PSA concentration of each subject was assayed. Potential factors associated with PSA level including age, ethnicity, height, weight, family history of prostate cancer, lower urinary tract voiding symptoms (LUTS), prostate volume and digital rectal examination (DRE) were evaluated using univariable and multivariable analysis.
    RESULTS: There were 38 men (3.6%) found to have a PSA level above 4 ng/ml and 1016 (96.4%) with a healthy PSA (≤4 ng/ml). The median PSA level of Malay, Chinese and Indian men was 1.00 ng/ml, 1.16 ng/ml and 0.83 ng/ml, respectively. Indians had a relatively lower median PSA level and prostate volume than Malays and Chinese, who shared a comparable median PSA value across all 10-years age groups. The PSA density was fairly similar amongst all ethnicities. Further analysis showed that ethnicity, weight and prostate volume were independent factors associated with age specific PSA level in the multivariable analysis (p<0.05).
    CONCLUSION: These findings support the concept that the baseline PSA level varies between different ethnicities across all age groups. In addition to age and prostate volume, ethnicity may also need to be taken into account when investigating serum PSA concentrations in the multiethnic Asian population.
  16. Subramani B, Subbannagounder S, Palanivel S, Ramanathanpullai C, Sivalingam S, Yakub A, et al.
    Cytotechnology, 2016 Oct;68(5):2061-73.
    PMID: 26820972 DOI: 10.1007/s10616-016-9946-5
    Despite the surgical and other insertional interventions, the complete recuperation of myocardial disorders is still elusive due to the insufficiency of functioning myocardiocytes. Thus, the use of stem cells to regenerate the affected region of heart becomes a prime important. In line with this human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) have gained considerable interest due to their potential use for mesodermal cell based replacement therapy and tissue engineering. Since MSCs are harvested from various organs and anatomical locations of same organism, thus the cardiac regenerative potential of human cardiac-derived MSCs (hC-MSCs) and human umbilical cord Wharton's Jelly derived MSC (hUC-MSCs) were tested concurrently. At in vitro culture, both hUC-MSCs and hC-MSCs assumed spindle shape morphology with expression of typical MSC markers namely CD105, CD73, CD90 and CD44. Although, hUC-MSCs and hC-MSCs are identical in term of morphology and immunophenotype, yet hUC-MSCs harbored a higher cell growth as compared to the hC-MSCs. The inherent cardiac regenerative potential of both cells were further investigated with mRNA expression of ion channels. The RT-PCR results demonstrated that both MSCs were expressing a notable level of delayed rectifier-like K(+) current (I KDR ) ion channel, yet the relative expression level was considerably varied between hUC-MSCs and hC-MSCs that Kv1.1(39 ± 0.6 vs 31 ± 0.8), Kv2.1 (6 ± 0.2 vs 21 ± 0.12), Kv1.5 (7.4 ± 0.1 vs 6.8 ± 0.06) and Kv7.3 (27 ± 0.8 vs 13.8 ± 0.6). Similarly, the Ca2(+)-activated K(+) current (I KCa ) channel encoding gene, transient outward K(+) current (I to ) and TTX-sensitive transient inward sodium current (I Na.TTX ) encoding gene (Kv4.2, Kv4.3 and hNE-Na) expressions were detected in both groups as well. Despite the morphological and phenotypical similarity, the present study also confirms the existence of multiple functional ion channel currents IKDR, IKCa, Ito, and INa.TTX in undifferentiated hUC-MSCs as of hC-MSCs. Thus, the hUC-MSCs can be exploited as a potential candidate for future cardiac regeneration.
  17. Morales DL, Herrington C, Bacha EA, Morell VO, Prodán Z, Mroczek T, et al.
    Front Cardiovasc Med, 2020;7:583360.
    PMID: 33748192 DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2020.583360
    Objectives: We report the first use of a biorestorative valved conduit (Xeltis pulmonary valve-XPV) in children. Based on early follow-up data the valve design was modified; we report on the comparative performance of the two designs at 12 months post-implantation. Methods: Twelve children (six male) median age 5 (2 to 12) years and weight 17 (10 to 43) kg, had implantation of the first XPV valve design (XPV-1, group 1; 16 mm (n = 5), and 18 mm (n = 7). All had had previous surgery. Based on XPV performance at 12 months, the leaflet design was modified and an additional six children (five male) with complex malformations, median age 5 (3 to 9) years, and weight 21 (14 to 29) kg underwent implantation of the new XPV (XPV-2, group 2; 18 mm in all). For both subgroups, the 12 month clinical and echocardiographic outcomes were compared. Results: All patients in both groups have completed 12 months of follow-up. All are in NYHA functional class I. Seventeen of the 18 conduits have shown no evidence of progressive stenosis, dilation or aneurysm formation. Residual gradients of >40 mm Hg were observed in three patients in group 1 due to kinking of the conduit (n = 1), and peripheral stenosis of the branch pulmonary arteries (n = 2). In group 2, one patient developed rapidly progressive stenosis of the proximal conduit anastomosis, requiring conduit replacement. Five patients in group 1 developed severe pulmonary valve regurgitation (PI) due to prolapse of valve leaflet. In contrast, only one patient in group 2 developed more than mild PI at 12 months, which was not related to leaflet prolapse. Conclusions: The XPV, a biorestorative valved conduit, demonstrated promising early clinical outcomes in humans with 17 of 18 patients being free of reintervention at 1 year. Early onset PI seen in the XPV-1 version seems to have been corrected in the XPV-2, which has led to the approval of an FDA clinical trial. Clinical Trial Registration: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier: NCT02700100 and NCT03022708.
  18. Wittenberg RE, Gauvreau K, Duggan CP, Du X, Giang D, Jayanthi K, et al.
    J Am Heart Assoc, 2024 Jul 02;13(13):e032662.
    PMID: 38934862 DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.123.032662
    BACKGROUND: High energy requirements and poor feeding can lead to growth failure in patients with ventricular septal defect (VSD), but effects of preoperative malnutrition on surgical outcomes are poorly understood, especially in low-resource settings.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed a cohort of children <5 years of age undergoing VSD closure at 60 global centers participating in the International Quality Improvement Collaborative for Congenital Heart Disease, 2015 to 2020. We calculated adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for in-hospital death and major infection and adjusted coefficients for duration of intensive care unit stay for 4 measures of malnutrition: severe wasting (weight-for-height Z score,

  19. Tchervenkov CI, Herbst C, Jacobs JP, Al-Halees Z, Edwin F, Dearani JA, et al.
    World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg, 2021 05;12(3):394-405.
    PMID: 33942697 DOI: 10.1177/21501351211003520
    The optimal training of the highly specialized congenital heart surgeon is a long and complex process, which is a significant challenge in most parts of the world. The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery (WSPCHS) has established the Global Council on Education for Congenital Heart Surgery as a nonprofit organization with the goal of assessing current training and certification and ultimately establishing standardized criteria for the training, evaluation, and certification of congenital heart surgeons around the world. The Global Council and the WSPCHS have reviewed the present status of training and certification for congenital cardiac surgery around the world. There is currently lack of consensus and standardized criteria for training in congenital heart surgery, with significant disparity between continents and countries. This represents significant obstacles to international job mobility of competent congenital heart surgeons and to the efforts to improve the quality of care for patients with Congenital Heart Disease worldwide. The purpose of this article is to summarize and document the present state of training and certification in congenital heart surgery around the world.
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