METHODOLOGY: Total of 13 menopausal women recruited using a combination of purposive and snowball techniques from two sources, tertiary hospital and local communities in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. The in-depth semi-structured interview guided was used to explore how they perceived supports provided by their husbands. The data were then analysed using a thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Five (5) themes have emerged which comprises of emotional, instrumental, appraisal, guidance, and sexual supports. One of which was a new theme (sexual intimacy support) that had not been existed previously in other literature reviews.
CONCLUSION: Majority of menopausal women perceived the supports provided by their husband were negative, rather than positive supports that they had hoped. These findings suggest that an education program tool for husbands as a support person is much needed to ensure women walk through the menopause phase in a more meaningful life.
AIM: The general objective of this study is to find out the description of community first responder in providing pre-hospital first aid to head injuries.
METHODS: This study uses qualitative descriptive method.
RESULTS: Most of the respondents have variety of educational backgrounds and do not have sufficient knowledge and skills to provide first aid. The average respondents provided help by performing initial assessment, managing effective airway and controlling bleeding. Limited pre-hospital facilities become one of the reasons for respondent not getting help so the efforts provided are not maximal. Respondents prefer to send patients directly to health facilities.
CONCLUSION: Regular education and training programs for the community first responders should be initiated so that the number of death and disability can be minimized.
METHOD: A descriptive, analytical quantitative with a cross-sectional approach was used in this study. The total of 95 nurses agreed to participate by using random sampling. Data collection using a structured questionnaire and observational form. The statistical model with a chi-square analysis was used in this study.
RESULTS: The result showed a correlation between knowledge and nurse practice with OR 3.257 (1.375-7.715; p=0.012), attitude and nurse practice with OR 4.286 (1.775-10.345; p=0.002) training and nurse practicewith OR value 5.455 (2.233-13.322; p=0.000).
CONCLUSIONS: Local authority in the hospital must apply patient safety standards to reduce injury rates, both nurses and patients. Nurses need to follow the current trend of nursing science focusing on patient safety.
METHOD: This study used an analytic descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach with a population of 115 and the sample used was 85 people. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires. Questionnaires were used assess about nurses' knowledge, nurses' attitudes, and nurses' behavior in providing spiritual nursing care.
RESULTS: The results of bivariate analysis found a relationship between knowledge and behavior of nurses in the provision of spiritual nursing care with p value 0.010 (α=0.05). But there is no relationship between attitudes with nurses' behavior in providing spiritual nursing care with p value 1.000 (α=0.05).
CONCLUSION: Nurses' knowledge of nursing care can influence nurses' behavior in providing spiritual nursing care to patients.
METHOD: The research design was quantitative. Face-to-face survey method based on a given questionnaire was conducted with all the targeted respondents. The methodology used was a non-experimental descriptive research design. Total of 146 respondents out of 243 populations were selected using a stratified random sampling strategy to determine the research sample to give equal opportunity.
RESULTS: Findings of hypotheses test using one-way ANOVA indicated that there is a significant difference in attitudes towards the mentoring programme and perceived benefits between different groups of nursing at Training Institute Ministry of Health (Nursing) Sandakan.
CONCLUSION: In general, the mentoring programme had a positive impact. However, the level of attitude and perceived benefit is different among students in different semesters. The overall mean result is good and reflecting nursing students are fairly benefited from the mentoring programme.
METHODS: This study was conducted in December 2017-February 2018 in the dental department of Labuang Baji, which is a government hospital and Ibnu Sina Hospital, which is a private hospital. The samples were all patients who received dental treatment. Patient satisfaction was measured using a questionnaire (PSQ-18). Data were tested using Independent T-Test and ANOVA using SPSS version 24.
RESULTS: There were significant differences in accessibility, comfort, and communication between the public and private hospitals (p<0.05); the average value of patient satisfaction was higher in private hospitals.
CONCLUSION: Patients in private hospitals are more satisfied with the health services provided by health care providers, compared to patients in public hospitals.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Murotal Al Quran Therapy on Decreasing Labor Pain and Anxiety in Maternity in the First Phase in Maternity Clinic Ar-Rahmah Indralaya Ogan Ilir. The population of this research was maternity inpartu when I was an active phase which amounted to 20 people.
METHODS: The type of research used in this study was quasi-experiment. The research design used was one group comparison pretest-posttest design to test the intensity of pain intensity using Shapiro-Wilk.
RESULT: From the results of the study obtained the normality test obtained p=0.039 and 0.069 which showed the data did not normally distribute, the difference between before and after being given Murotal Al-Quran 0.30 with p=0.008 showed that there was a difference in pain scale before and after therapy Murotal Al-Quran, for the anxiety of the difference between before and after being given therapeutic Murotal Al-Quran 0.021 with p=0.025 which shows that there are differences in pain scale before and after the Murotal Al-Quran is concluded.
CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that Murotal Al-Quran can reduce pain and anxiety in maternity when I was an active phase. It is expected that midwives can improve services through the development of midwifery care, especially for women who experience severe pain.
METHOD: The design of this study is a Quasi Experiment with pre-test and post-test designs with two groups. The sample of this study was Post Laparatomi in RSU with the technique of Accidental Sampling. The sample of this study consisted of 30 people for lavender and rose aromatherapy. Statistical tests used the Independent Test T-test.
RESULT: Based on the results of the study it was found that lavender and rose aromatherapy can reduce pain scale in postoperative patients. But compared to the two intervention groups, the aroma group of lavender therapy is more effective with mean pain scale before lavender aromatherapy being 5.20 and pre-test is 3.40 with p-value 0.000.
CONCLUSION: The nurses could provide nursing care in dealing with pain management in postoperative patients in addition to deep breathing techniques. It is recommended to apply aroma lavender therapy, which reduces pain and makes patients more relaxed.