
  • 1 College of Nursing Sciences Mandala Waluya Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Electronic address:
  • 2 College of Nursing Sciences Mandala Waluya Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • 3 Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:224-227.
PMID: 32713576 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.11.060


Based on the results of the initial survey it was known that the number of babies who visited Puskesmas Tirawuta in 2017 were 42 in number. Whereas in 2018 March-May there were 25 babies at Puskesmas Tirawuta, East Kolaka District. In addition, the initial interview on March 26, 2018 showed that the author did this at Puskesmas Tirawuta, and it obtained a mother who had a baby and visited for immunizations. About 7 people said the baby had trouble in sleeping and sometimes they were fussy. Besides, some report frequent waking up when sleeping at night, crying when waking up and so on. Among the mothers who brought their babies to Puskesmas, 7 mothers said they knew or had heard about baby massage but is not knowledgeable how to massage properly. About 3 people said that at the same time they did not know how to massage a baby. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of baby massage toward the quantity of sleeping among the babies aged 3-6 month at the Puskesmas Tirawuta in East Kolaka District. The design of this study is quasi-experimental where the design used was "One Group Pretest-Posttest Design". The population in this study was the number of babies aged 3-6 months with decreased sleeping quantity. Nearly 25 babies with a sample of 13 respondents were there. Data was processed using Paired T-Test. The results of the analysis obtained the value of t count=3.742>1.356 where t table for df 12 with the results of statistical tests was significant at a value 0.003<0.20. This showed that there was a significant effect of giving baby massage on the quantity of sleep among babies aged 3-6 months at Puskesmas Tirawuta, East Kolaka District. From the results of the research, suggestions were proposed that health workers need to conduct counseling, demonstration and distribution of leaflets. Hence, mothers were motivated to massage their babies. This could be done through Integrated Healthcare Center activities.

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.