Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 241 in total

  1. Ariffin WA, Choo KE, Karnaneedi S
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Sep;47(3):231-4.
    PMID: 1491651
    Three sisters with cassava poisoning are described. A review of the toxic properties of cassava is presented together with discussion on the methods of its preparation, its adverse effects on man, its detoxification in the body, and the treatment of its poisoning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Manihot/poisoning*; Plant Poisoning/etiology; Plant Poisoning/therapy
  2. Mathewson I, Hardy EA
    Anaesthesia, 1970 Apr;25(2):265-71.
    PMID: 4909432
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides/poisoning*; Phosphates/poisoning; Poisoning/therapy
  3. Lee HG, Leaw CP, Lim PT, Jipanin SJ
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 12;74(6):545-546.
    PMID: 31929485
    Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is the most common natural marine toxin poisoning worldwide and yet under recognised in Malaysia. We report the first confirmed case of CFP in Sabah with severe neurological, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal manifestations after consumption of emperor snapper. Early recognition of CFP is important because it will result in improved patient care and public health intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fish Products/poisoning*; Ciguatera Poisoning/diagnosis; Ciguatera Poisoning/epidemiology*
  4. Ang HH, Lee EL, Matsumoto K
    Hum Exp Toxicol, 2003 Aug;22(8):445-51.
    PMID: 12948085 DOI: 10.1191/0960327103ht382oa
    In Malaysia, the phase 3 registration for traditional medicines was implemented on 1 January 1992 under the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulation 1984, emphasizing quality, efficacy and safety (including the detection of the presence of heavy metals) in all pharmaceutical dosage forms of traditional medicine preparations. Therefore, a total of 100 products in various pharmaceutical dosage forms of a herbal preparation, were analysed for lead content using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results showed that 8% (eight products) possessed 10.64-20.72 ppm of lead, and therefore, do not comply with the quality requirement for traditional medicines in Malaysia. One of these products, M-Tongkat Ali (exhibited 10.64 +/-0.37 ppm of lead), was in fact already registered with the DCA Malaysia. The rest, Sukarno Tongkat Ali, Eurycoma Madu, Super Pill Tongkat Ali, Force Pill Tongkat Ali, Tender Pill Tongkat Ali, Super Pill Tongkat Ali Plus and Great Pill Tongkat Ali Plus have not registered with the DCA Malaysia and exhibited 12.24-20.72 ppm of lead. Although this study showed that only 92% of the products complied with the quality requirement for traditional medicines in Malaysia, however, they cannot be assumed safe from lead contamination because of batch-to-batch inconsistency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lead Poisoning/etiology; Lead Poisoning/epidemiology; Plant Preparations/poisoning
  5. Gillmore G, Gilbertson D, Grattan J, Hunt C, McLaren S, Pyatt B, et al.
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2005 Feb;60(2):213-27.
    PMID: 15546638
    This reconnaissance study of radon concentrations in the Great Cave of Niah in Sarawak shows that in relatively deep pits and trenches in surficial deposits largely covered by protective shelters with poor ventilation, excavators are working in a micro-environment in which radon concentrations at the ground surface can exceed those of the surrounding area by a factor of > x 2. Although radon concentrations in this famous cave are low by world standards (alpha track-etch results ranging from 100 to 3075 Bq m(-3)), they still may pose a health risk to both excavators (personal dosemeter readings varied from 0.368 to 0.857 mSv for 60 days of work) and cave occupants (1 yr exposure at 15 h per day with an average radon level of 608 Bq m(-3) giving a dose of 26.42 mSv). The data here presented also demonstrate that there is considerable local variation in radon levels in such environments as these.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radon/poisoning*; Soil Pollutants, Radioactive/poisoning*
  6. Atas B, Caksen H, Tuncer O, Oner AF, Kirimi E, Akbayram S
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Mar;60(1):91-3.
    PMID: 16250288
    In this article, we present an 18-month-old girl with acute iron poisoning who died from acute respiratory distress syndrome due to overdose of desferrioxamine. Our purpose is to emphasize the importance of close follow-up children with acute iron poisoning for desferrioxamine toxicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Deferoxamine/poisoning*; Siderophores/poisoning*
  7. Supramaniam V, Mohanadas R
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Sep;35(1):28-30.
    PMID: 7253994
    Two outbreaks of mushrooms poisoning involving 3 and 9 soldiers respectively with one death on 9 March 1980 in Perak are described. The symptoms were compatible with muscarine [a neurotoxin] poisoning which was detected in the stomach contents of the dead soldier and the mushrooms consumed by one group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mushroom Poisoning/etiology; Mushroom Poisoning/physiopathology*
  8. Lyn PCW
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Mar;40(1):31-4.
    PMID: 3831731
    Four cases of puffer fish poisoning with one death in a family are described. Acute respiratory cessation probably resulted from both depression of the medullary centres and muscular paralysis by the neurotoxin. Artificial ventilation is the single most effective therapeutic measure and should be considered in all severe cases. Delay in treatment may result in death. Anticholinesterases are not known to confer any benefit. Medical staff in coastal hospitals should familiarise themselves with the management of puffer fish poisoning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tetrodotoxin/poisoning*
  9. Ong ML, Glew S
    Postgrad Med J, 1989 Nov;65(769):835-6.
    PMID: 2616419
    We describe a fatal case of paraquat poisoning as a result of per vaginal contact with the herbicide. Death occurred 18 days later from hepatic, renal and respiratory failure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Paraquat/poisoning*
  10. Rampal L
    Med J Malaysia, 1983 Dec;38(4):294-8.
    PMID: 6599985
    An epidemiological investigation was carried out on a food borne outbreak in a National Type Primary School (Chinese). The findings of the outbreak are reported. Of the 495 Chinese students (ages between 7-12 years) interviewed, 321 were exposed to one or more of the food items sold at the school canteen. The median incubation period was one hour for the outbreak. The main symptoms were related to the upper gastro-intestinal tract (nausea and vomiting). Fried meehoon (rice vermicelli) was suspected as being the responsible vehicle. The causative organism was Staphylococcus aureus. 48 cases were treated in the Main Health Centre, Kapar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Staphylococcal Food Poisoning/epidemiology*
  11. Muniandy KV, Chung ELT, Jaapar MS, Hamdan MHM, Salleh A, Jesse FFA
    Toxicon, 2020 Jan 30;174:26-31.
    PMID: 31989927 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.12.158
    Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass) is a highly productive tropical grass that is widespread in some tropical countries due to its adaptation to a wide range of environments and soil types. However, a limiting factor for the use of this grass is its toxicity from steroidal saponins. Sporadic outbreaks of hepatogenous photosensitization in ruminants grazing on this grass have been reported. Sheep are more susceptible than other animal species and the young are more susceptible than adults. This review article will critically shed light on the B. decumbens profile, its toxic compounds, mechanisms, clinical responses, blood profile alterations, pathological changes, and acute phase responses related to signal grass intoxication. Further research is needed to integrate new findings on B. decumbens intoxication with previous preventive and therapeutic trials to minimize or remove its deleterious toxic effect.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Poisoning*
  12. Dhanarisi J, Perera S, Wijerathna T, Gawarammana I, Shihana F, Pathiraja V, et al.
    Alcohol Alcohol, 2023 Jan 09;58(1):4-12.
    PMID: 36172715 DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agac045
    AIM: Alcohol is a commonly co-ingested compound during self-poisoning with pesticides. Clinical experiences suggest alcohol co-ingestion (or withdrawal) makes patient management more difficult after self-poisoning and may contribute to poor clinical outcomes. We aimed to systematically review the world literature to explore the relationship between alcohol co-ingestion and outcome in pesticide self-poisoning.

    METHODS: We searched 13 electronic databases and Google scholar, conducted citation searching and a review of reference lists to find studies which investigated the relationship of alcohol with clinical outcome of pesticide self-poisoning in different countries. Thirteen studies, including 11 case series/reports and two cohort studies were considered for inclusion.

    RESULTS: Meta-analysis showed that alcohol co-ingestion in pesticide self-poisoning was associated with increased risk of death [odds ratio (OR) 4.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.9-8.2 P<0.0001] and that alcohol co-ingested group required intubation eight times more often than non-co-ingested group in organophosphorus insecticide self-poisoning (OR 8.0, 95% CI 4.9-13.0 P<0.0001). Cases who co-ingested alcohol were older than non-alcohol group in two studies. One cohort study demonstrated that alcohol co-ingestion was associated with larger pesticide ingestions but did not itself affect the outcome.

    CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review indicates that alcohol co-ingestion may worsen clinical outcome in pesticide self-poisoning.

    Matched MeSH terms: Organophosphate Poisoning*
  13. Phan K, Kim KW, Huoy L, Phan S, Se S, Capon AG, et al.
    Environ Geochem Health, 2016 Jun;38(3):763-72.
    PMID: 26298061 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-015-9759-z
    To evaluate the current status of arsenic exposure in the Mekong River basin of Cambodia, field interview along with urine sample collection was conducted in the arsenic-affected area of Kandal Province, Cambodia. Urine samples were analyzed for total arsenic concentrations by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. As a result, arsenicosis patients (n = 127) had As in urine (UAs) ranging from 3.76 to 373 µg L(-1) (mean = 78.7 ± 69.8 µg L(-1); median = 60.2 µg L(-1)). Asymptomatic villagers (n = 108) had UAs ranging from 5.93 to 312 µg L(-1) (mean = 73.0 ± 52.2 µg L(-1); median = 60.5 µg L(-1)). About 24.7 % of all participants had UAs greater than 100 µg L(-1) which indicated a recent arsenic exposure. A survey found that females and adults were more likely to be diagnosed with skin sign of arsenicosis than males and children, respectively. Education level, age, gender, groundwater drinking period, residence time in the village and amount of water drunk per day may influence the incidence of skin signs of arsenicosis. This study suggests that residents in Kandal study area are currently at risk of arsenic although some mitigation has been implemented. More commitment should be made to address this public health concern in rural Cambodia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/poisoning; Arsenic Poisoning/epidemiology*
  14. Haisah AH, Elsheikh HA, Khairi HM, Salam Abdullah A, Rajion MA
    Vet Hum Toxicol, 2003 Mar;45(2):68-71.
    PMID: 12678289
    The effect of griseofulvin treatment on signal grass (Brachlaria decumbens) toxicity was studied in 27 male Wiltshire Indigenous Malaysian crossbred sheep. Grazing on signal grass generally decreased the activity of the drug metabolizing enzymes in livers and kidneys. Griseofulvin oral administration of 5 mg/kg body weight for 5 consecutive days every other week for 10 w increased the hepatic concentration of cytochrome P-450 and the activity of phase II drug metabolizing enzymes (UDP-glucuronyltransferase and glutathione-S-transferase) while it decreased the hepatic and increased the renal activity of phase I enzymes aminopyrine-N-demethylase and aniline-4-hydroxylase. Griseofulvin did not protect sheep against B decumbens toxicity as 5/7 animals treated with griseofulvin and grazed on B decumbens showed signs of the plant toxicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisoning/prevention & control*; Brachiaria/poisoning*
  15. Azizi BH, Zulkifli HI, Kassim MS
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Jun;49(2):132-7.
    PMID: 8090091
    Circumstances surrounding accidental ingestion of poisons were investigated in families of 70 hospitalised children. Indian children were more likely to be hospitalised for poisoning. Poor safety measures directly contributed to poisoning incidents. Poisons had not been stored safely and only in 12.9 per cent of families were the poisons allegedly kept in cupboards. Kerosene had been ingested from soft drink containers in 70 per cent of instances. Medications had been taken mainly from plastic envelopes (57.9%) or bottles (31.6%). Safety practices in the homes of cases and 140 controls were compared. As a whole parents of victims had poor safety practices when compared with parents of controls. Poisoning incidents were discovered by mothers in 75.0 per cent of the cases. Vomiting was induced by parents in 32.3 per cent of cases involving medications and non-volatile items, and in 41.6 per cent of kerosene ingestions. Before hospitalisation 59.4 per cent were brought to general practitioners and 22.7 per cent to government clinics. Mothers were the main attendants when children were brought for medical care. This study highlights the need for measures to prevent childhood poisoning and reduce its morbidity. Household products and medications should be made safer to children through improved packaging, prescribing instructions and education. Safety and first aid education may be directed towards parents, particularly mothers, through the media and health facilities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisoning/etiology*; Poisoning/prevention & control; Poisoning/therapy
  16. Low ET, Loh TG
    Med J Malaysia, 1987 Jun;42(2):113-4.
    PMID: 2845234
    A patient with organophosphate poisoning who survived the acute phase and subsequently developed delayed neuropathy is presented. The features of this form of delayed neuropathy are described and the implications in our local context discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insecticides/poisoning*; Organophosphate Poisoning*
  17. Abdullah AS, Nordin MM, Rajion MA
    Vet Hum Toxicol, 1988 Jun;30(3):256-8.
    PMID: 3388753
    In addition to generalized icterus, enlargement of the liver and severe photosensitization, signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity also caused ruminal stasis and a decreased rumen pH in sheep. Ruminal stasis, which occurred within 3 weeks of grazing on this grass, may be the effect of the toxin produced in the rumen rather than a sequele of a decreased rumen pH. Animals were anorexic and the volume of their rumen content was very much reduced.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Poisoning/metabolism; Plant Poisoning/physiopathology; Plant Poisoning/veterinary*
  18. Samuel J
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisoning
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