Gastric cancer in the young adult is rare and has been said to be more aggressive than gastric cancers of the older age group. Its unique association with pregnancy is even rarer. However, they have similar complications of haemorrhage, obstruction and perforation. We report a 27 year old lady at 16 weeks gestation who presented with a perforated malignant gastric ulcer and carcinomatosis peritonei. Reviewing the literature, we realised that such complication of a gastric cancer occurring in a pregnant young adult has not been previously documented.
Titers of IgA/VCA from 92 nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients were monitored for 3 to 11 years from the time of diagnosis. The fluctuations in the IgA/VCA titers during follow-up did not correlate with the clinical status of the patients, suggesting that IgA/VCA is of marginal significance in the monitoring of NPC patients during follow-up. In addition, the frequency of recurrence of NPC was independent of presence or absence of elevated IgA/VCA at diagnosis.
Specific human papillomavirus (HPV) types have been implicated in the development of cervical carcinoma worldwide. Novel molecular techniques have facilitated the detection and typing of HPV in cervical lesions. DNA preparations from a series of 23 histopathologically confirmed cervical carcinoma patients were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate primers for the presence of HPV DNA sequences. A total of 22 of 23 cases studied (95.7%) were found positive for HPV DNA sequences. Further studies by DNA hybridization with viral specific probe and restriction enzyme analysis demonstrated the presence of HPV 16 in 73.9% (17/23) and HPV 18 in 65.2% (15/23) of the cases examined. Interestingly, the uncommon HPV 31 and 33 were also found but with a lower percentage (16.9%). It was noted that HPV 16 frequency in the carcinoma increased with age but HPV 18 was evenly present at all ages investigated. We found that HPV was frequently associated with the majority of the cervical carcinomas, and in all but one case, oncogenic high risk HPV genotypes were present. We conclude that HPV infection of the genital tract has an important role in the development of the disease in Malaysia.
A patient with carcinoma of the right breast and coincidental primary hyperparathyroidism is presented. The distinction between hypercalcemia of malignant and hyperparathyroid origins is based on biochemical analysis and localisation of parathyroid adenoma on a computer tomogram of the neck.
This study was undertaken to investigate whether serum CA 125 could complement alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) to improve the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). CA 125 showed a sensitivity of 92% for HCC against the 58.8% sensitivity of AFP at the cutoff value of 200 ng/ml. However, the former was less specific (48.5% versus 97.4%) in relation to benign liver diseases (BLD). CA 125 had a higher negative predictive value (NPV) of 84.6% compared to 69.2% for AFP; when both markers were combined, however, the NPV rose to 91.7%. Overall, AFP was more efficient than CA 125 for the diagnosis of HCC. While a positive AFP result was highly indicative of HCC, a negative result did not rule out the disease; however, negative AFP and CA 125 meant that the likelihood of the disease was low. In situations of low HCC prevalence, CA 125 could serve as a first-line screening test followed by confirmation of positives by AFP.
One thousand consecutive cases of carcinoma of the uterine cervix treated in the General Hospital Kuala Lumpur between January 1977 to December 1979 were studied. Epidemiological breakdown by race, age, parity, occupation, stage and histology of the disease were obtained. Treatment complications in survivors available for follow-up were analysed. The Chinese had the highest incidence, followed by the Indians and the Malays. Ninety six percent were squamous cell cancers, the remaining were adenocarcinomas. Eighty percent of patients were seen at an advanced stage (Stage IIB-IV). Late radiation complications were mainly proctitis, cystitis and fistula; (5%, 7.2% and 1.4% respectively). These figures are comparable to many centres but the incidence of cystitis is relatively higher. This is believed to be related to irradiation techniques in these cases.
The experiences gained through the use of pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in reconstructive head and neck cancer surgery in 15 cases is presented. It is our method choice for a one-stage reconstruction in head and neck The flap has survived in 14 out of 15 cases. It has definite advantages over other flaps used in head and neck reconstruction.
An abnormal, fast-moving 5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase isozyme was found in 90.0% of 20 Malaysian patients with primary hepatoma and in 23.5% of 391 Malaysian patients with various malignant diseases; it was also discovered in 42.9% of 14 Malaysian and American patients with clinically active hepatitis B infection; in 16.7% of 18 healthy American blood bank donors who were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg); in 13.9% of 287 healthy Malaysian blood bank donors, some positive for HBsAg; and in none of 160 healthy American donors who were negative for HBsAg. A correlation of this abnormal isozyme with hepatoma and with infectious hepatitis B is clearly evident.
Congo-red screening demonstrated intratumor deposits of amyloid in 35 of 53 unselected cases of basal cell carcinoma. Male subjects had a higher amyloid positivity rate than female subjects. The amyloid deposits were permanganate-resistant and located in the stroma between clumps of tumor cells, as well as abutting the advancing front of the neoplasm. Solar elastosis was often observed in the overlying and adjacent subepidermis. The relationship between amyloid positivity and the different histological subtypes of basal cell carcinoma, tumor ulceration, and density of the lymphoplasmacytic stromal infiltrate were also studied. The possibility that amyloid originates from the tumor cells and is a result of tumor apoptosis (degeneration) is discussed.
We present a study of 288 hepatic resections carried out in Malaysia for the past fifteen years. First, we describe our indications for hepatic resectins which are not limited to hepatic trauma and hepatomas, but also include hepatic abscesses, cysts, intrahepatic calculi and hemangiomas. Second, we give a simplified classification of hepatic resections using accurate terminology. Third, we describe the safety of hepatic resections in our hands which we believe is due to specially designed surgical instruments and the accurate decision making process at surgery. We have had minimum postoperative mortality and no intraoperative deaths so far. Finally, while analysing each indication we have drawn vignettes from our experience for the past fifteen years.
A case of an adenoid cystic carcinoma of the minor salivary glands of then nasal cavity is reported. The tumour had spread locally and by perineural spread to the internal auditory mentus, causing facial nerve palsy.
The occurrence of MHC class I and class II antigens on four human colonic carcinoma cell lines and the effect of recombinant interferon-gamma (rIFNg) on the expression of these antigens was investigated by immunofluorescent flow cytometry. The concentration of rIFNg which resulted in the largest increase in expression of class I and class II antigens was determined. Changes in the amount of MHC antigen on the membrane were indicated by a shift in the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of the cell population. Without addition of rIFNg, the COLO 206, COLO 320F and COLO 397 cell lines were class I positive although the COLO 206 cell line expressed less class I antigen than the other two lines. The HT-29 cell line expressed only a minimal level of class I antigen. Treatment with rIFNg increased the amount of class I antigen on these cell lines 5, 1.4, 2.5 and 20 times respectively. Maximum levels of class I antigen were found two days after treatment. Class I antigen expression returned to pre-treatment levels by day 8 in all but the HT-29 cell line, which maintained its increased level following a single dose of rIFNg. All four cell lines had little or no class II antigens. Following treatment with rIFNg, DR antigen appeared on all four lines whereas DP and DQ antigens could be induced only on the 320F and 397 lines. The amount of class II antigen reached its peak two days after treatment and gradually decreased over the next 6 days of culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Considering the serious and fatal nature of esophageal carcinoma and as prevalence in the population on the banks of Caspian sea and northern region (Azerbaijan, Khorassan, Gilan, Mazandaran, Golestan and Kurdistan) along with the importance of its early diagnosis in the initial stage in order to increase the survival period of the patient, we aimed to proceed in regard to these factual observations so that this study should be an incentive and beginning of our future perfect study.