SETTING: A cross-sectional study on public universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
PARTICIPANTS: All participants in this study were international students joining public universities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
PRIMARY INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: Perceived quality of healthcare services measured on a SERVQUAL scale.
PRIMARY DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Participants' satisfaction of healthcare services assessed using five items.
SECONDARY DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Behavioural intentions measured on six items.
RESULTS: Of the 556 international students, 500 (90%) completed the survey. The study used structural equation modelling (SEM) through the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software to analyse the data. SEM analyses showed that the perceived quality of healthcare services significantly and directly affected satisfaction, with a value of 89% and an effect size of 0.78. It also had a significant indirect impact on the behavioural intentions (0.78) of international students. The results indicated that participants' satisfaction had a statistically significant impact on their behavioural intentions (0.77).
CONCLUSION: Perceived quality of care is an important driver of international students' satisfaction and their behavioural intention with healthcare services. Such relations of effects among the three investigated factors were also positive and significant.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires, recruiting 374 UTAR's students as the respondents by using convenience sampling method. Respondents were categorized as having good/poor level of knowledge and positive/negative attitude towards HPV vaccination.
RESULTS: Over half of the respondents were females (64.5%) and the majority were aged 20 years old and below (55.8%). Generally, 54.7% of the total respondents had a high level of knowledge towards HPV vaccine while 57.5% of the total respondents showed a negative attitude towards HPV vaccine. Female respondents aged 20 years old and below showed good knowledge (56.4%) and a more positive attitude (55.8%) towards HPV vaccine. Students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) exhibited higher knowledge (67.3%) and positive attitude (62.4%) as compared to the Faculty of Accountancy and Management (FAM) which showed only 32.7% of knowledge and 37.6% of positive attitude towards the HPV vaccination.
CONCLUSION: The majority of UTAR students possess good knowledge regarding HPV vaccination. Nonetheless, they demonstrated a negative attitude towards HPV vaccination, depicting the necessity to impart and further intensify the sense of health awareness among all students, especially among male students. The judicious use of social media apart from the conventional mass media should be an advantage as to enhance the practice of HPV vaccination among them and thereafter minimize the health and economic burdens of cervical cancer.
Methods: a cross sectional study was conducted among the medical students from semester 6 to semester 9 (year 3, year 4 and year 5) of a Malaysian private university. The questionnaire consisted of 2 main sections. Section A was on demographic data and section B consisted of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Rome IV Questionnaire for IBS. Association between the factors gathered and IBS was assessed using the Chi-Square test. Variables with a p-value of less than 0.2 in the univariate analysis were entered into a multivariate analysis model.
Results: number of students who responded were 190 (56.3%) were females, 66.3% were Chinese and 37.9% were from semester 9. Twenty-eight (14.7%) students had symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of IBS. Depression was found to be significantly associated with IBS (adjusted OR: 4.749, CI: 1.809-12.470).
Conclusion: this study suggests that IBS is common among Malaysian medical students. There was a significant association between IBS and depression.
OBJECTIVES: 1) To determine the percentage of schoolchildren who quit smoking through the KOTAK program; 2) To identify factors associated with quitting smoking in the program.
METHODS: A clustered, randomized controlled trial was conducted in schools. Self-reported smokers meeting inclusion criteria were enrolled. Data on demographics, self-reported smoking abstinence, and nicotine addiction levels were collected at baseline, three months, and six months post-intervention. Exhaled carbon monoxide was measured at all time points, and salivary cotinine was collected at three- and six-month follow-ups.
RESULTS: Six months post-intervention, 29.8% of students in intervention schools and 14.6% in control schools reported quitting smoking. The odds of quitting were higher with the KOTAK program (aOR = 2.25, 95% CI = 1.11-4.57). Factors such as age, maternal education, and baseline nicotine addiction level were protective for smoking abstinence.
CONCLUSION: The intervention group showed a higher self-reported smoking cessation rate, indicating the potential efficacy of the KOTAK program.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of inadequate toothbrushing practice among adolescents aged 13 to 17 years in Malaysia and its association with sociodemographic and other related risky lifestyles.
METHOD: This study was part of a national cross-sectional study, Global School Health Survey 2017. 27,497 students were agreed to participate in this study, with response of 89.2%. A validated self-administered bilingual, comprised of topics related to sociodemographic as well as adolescent health and risky lifestyles; substance use (alcohol, drug, smoking cigarettes), eating patterns, hygiene (inclusive of oral and hand hygiene), mental health status, lack of peer and parental/guardian support, truancy, physical activity, and body mass index (BMI). Analysis was performed using IBM SPSS for Windows version 26.0 involving complex sampling analysis and logistic regression.
RESULTS: A total of 12.7% (95% CI: 11.8-13.6) of in-school adolescents had inadequate toothbrushing practices. Higher prevalence of inadequate toothbrushing were found among male, Indian, had ever drug use, had three or more lack of protective factors and had inadequate hand hygiene practices. Adolescents who had inadequate toothbrushing were significantly higher odd among males, Indian ethnic, ever drug use, inadequate hand hygiene practices and adolescents who had three or more lack of peer and parental/guardian support.
CONCLUSION: Approximately 1 out of 10 adolescents had inadequate toothbrushing practices with several factors associated, such as male gender, Indian ethnicity, inadequate hand hygiene, ever drug use and lack of protective factors are identified to be associated. By emphasizing the significance of frequent brushing, we can encourage positive changes and reduce the burden of preventable dental problems on adolescents.
METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among university undergraduate students in Nigeria. The study consisted of 300 participants in the EFA (males 55.7%, females 44.3%) and 430 participants in the CFA (males 54.0%, females 46.0%). Participants were selected using a convenience sampling approach to assess their perceptions regarding SDH. Content Validity Index (CVI), Face Validity Index (FVI), Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Composite Reliability (CR), Average Variance Extracted (AVE), Cronbach's alpha, and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) were computed to determine the psychometric properties of the newly developed SDH scale.
RESULTS: In the EFA, two factors were extracted (structural determinants of SDH and intermediary determinants of SDH), with all 20 items retained. The total variance explained by the EFA model was 61.8%, and the factor correlation was 0.178. The Cronbach's alpha values of the two factors were 0.917 and 0.939. In the CFA, the initial model did not fit the data well based on fit indices. After several re-specification of the model, the final re-specified measurement model demonstrated adequate fit factor structure of the SDH scale with two factors and 20 items (CFI = 0.943, TLI = 0.930, SRMR = 0.056, RMSEA = 0.053, RMSEA p-value = 0.220). The CR was 0.797 for structural determinants of SDH and 0.794 for intermediary determinants of SDH. The ICC was 0.938 for structural determinants of SDH and 0.941 for intermediary determinants of SDH.
CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that the SDH scale has adequate psychometric properties and can be used to assess the perceived level of SDH. We recommended that this tool be tested in other populations with diverse age groups and other demographic characteristics.