Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 179 in total

  1. Mohamat-Yusuff F, Zulkarnain Z, Anuar NZA, Joni AAM, Kusin FM, Mohamed KN, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Dec;161(Pt A):111698.
    PMID: 33022498 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111698
    Examination of the impact of Diuron contamination on blood cockles (Tegillarca granosa) was conducted by combining field screening at three sampling events and a toxicity test. Diuron was extracted using the liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) technique and analyzed using HPLC-UV. The median lethal concentration (LC50) of Diuron on T. granosa was tested under a 72-h exposure. Diuron in water samples ranged from not detected (ND) to 3910 ppb, which was the highest concentration detected in samples after the irrigation water was discharged from the paddy plantation. Diuron was not detected in sediment samples. Mortality of T. granosa ranged from 4.74 to 38.33% with the highest percentages recorded after the release of the irrigation water. The LC50 value of Diuron was 1.84 ppm. This study suggests that irrigation water from paddy plantation that drifts to coastal areas containing Diuron harms T. granosa at the study area.
  2. Elias MS, Ibrahim S, Samuding K, Rahman SA, Hashim A
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2018 Dec;137:646-655.
    PMID: 30503479 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.11.006
    In this study, concentrations of heavy metals, rare earth elements (REEs), Uranium (U) and Thorium (Th) of the actinide group were determined from Linggi estuary sediment samples by neutron activation analysis (NAA) and inductive coupled plasma - mass spectrometry techniques. The geo-accumulation (Igeo) and ecological risk index (Ri) values were calculated to identify the quality status of Linggi estuary sediments. Results indicated Linggi estuary was polluted by arsenic (As), lead (Pb) and antimony (Sb). REEs, U and Th showed significant increase of concentration in Linggi estuary sediments. Ri of Linggi estuary was categorised as low to considerable ecological risk, which indicates no significant to moderate effect on the majority of the sediment-dwelling organisms. Correlation matrix and principal component analysis assessed pollution sources to be both natural and anthropogenic.
  3. Rozainah MZ, Nazri MN, Sofawi AB, Hemati Z, Juliana WA
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2018 Dec;137:237-245.
    PMID: 30503430 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.10.023
    This paper evaluated the total carbon stock of mangrove ecosystems in two contrasting sites: a fishing village in Delta Kelantan (DK) and Ramsar sites in Johor Park (JP). In both sites, aboveground carbon was significantly higher than belowground carbon, and stems contained more carbon than leaf and root partitions. The average carbon concentration of individual mangrove species (44.9-48.1%) was not significantly different but the larger biomass of the DK samples resulted in vegetation carbon stock that was higher than that in JP. Season played an important role in soil carbon stock-a pronounced wet season in DK coincided with the dry season in JP. The total carbon pool was estimated to be 427.88 t ha-1 in JP and 512.51 t ha-1 in DK, where at least 80% was contributed by soil carbon. The carbon dioxide equivalent was 1570.32 t ha-1 CO2e (JP) and 1880.91 t ha-1 CO2e (DK).
  4. Lachs L, Johari NAM, Le DQ, Safuan CDM, Duprey NN, Tanaka K, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2019 Nov;148:85-96.
    PMID: 31422307 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.07.059
    Pulau Redang and Pulau Tioman have experienced huge tourism growth over the last two decades, but minimal sewage treatment may threaten the resilience of their coral reefs. This study uses stable isotope techniques to identify suitable bioindicators of sewage nutrients (δ15N) at these islands by measuring macroalgae (Lobophora spp.), gastropods (Drupella spp.), scleractinian coral (Acropora spp.), and leather coral (Sinularia spp.). At tourist hubs using seepage septic tank systems, enrichment of Acropora δ15N (Redang, +0.7‰) and Sinularia δ15N (Tioman, +0.4‰) compared to pristine background levels indicate enhanced sewage nutrient discharge. Carbon isotopes and survey data suggest that sedimentation did not confound these δ15N trends. Potential damaging effects of sewage discharge on the coral reef communities at both islands are highlighted by strong correlations between Acropora δ15N and regional variation in coral reef community structure, and exclusive occurrence of degraded reefs at regions of high sewage influence.
  5. Karbalaei S, Golieskardi A, Hamzah HB, Abdulwahid S, Hanachi P, Walker TR, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2019 Nov;148:5-15.
    PMID: 31422303 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.07.072
    Plastic debris is widespread and ubiquitous in the marine environment and ingestion of plastic debris by marine organisms is well-documented. Viscera and gills of 110 individual marine fish from 11 commercial fish species collected from the marine fish market were examined for presence of plastic debris. Isolated particles were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, and elemental analysis was assessed using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Nine (of 11) species contained plastic debris. Out of 56 isolated particles, 76.8% were plastic polymers, 5.4% were pigments, and 17.8% were unidentified. Extracted plastic particle sizes ranged from 200 to 34,900 μm (mean = 2600 μm ±7.0 SD). Hazardous material was undetected using inorganic elemental analysis of extracted plastic debris and pigment particles. The highest number of ingested microplastics was measured in Eleutheronema tridactylum and Clarias gariepinus, suggesting their potential as indicator species to monitor and study trends of ingested marine litter.
  6. Mohd Zaideen IM
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2019 Nov;148:3-4.
    PMID: 31422300 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.07.041
    The strategic location of Malaysia along the world's busiest trade waterways underscores the need to cope ballast water issues for both domestic and international shipping. The adoption of Ballast Water Management Convention 2004 (BWMC) by the International Maritime Organization is suitable for management plans intended to prevent the introduction of invasive species through ballast water discharge. Malaysia has ratified the BWMC in September 2010 and the Convention has come into force in September 2017. However up to now, the BWMC has not been fully implemented by Malaysia for ships operating in its waters. This paper analyse the headway in implementing the provisions of the BWMC in Malaysia as well as the issues and challenges encountered for the implementation. The paper concludes that Malaysian government should promulgate laws and policies to clearly communicate on ballast water issues to the shipping industry communities.
  7. Sreenivasulu G, Praseetha BS, Daud NR, Varghese TI, Prakash TN, Jayaraju N
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2019 Jan;138:341-351.
    PMID: 30660283 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.11.058
    The benthic foraminiferal diversity index was computed from Beypore estuary sediments. The abundance and diversity of Quinqueloculina lata, Textularia agglutinans, Haplophagmoides canariensis, and Quinqueloculina stelligera were dominated by stress-tolerant taxa such as Ammonia tepida, A.parkinsoniana, Nonion grateloupi, and N. scaphum in the estuary. The small-size foraminifera probably perished in a juvenile stage because of the high temperature and low salinity that prevailed in the ecosystem. The dominance of stress tolerant benthic foraminifera and absence of Elphidium species in the estuary suggest the prevalence of hypoxic (low-oxygen) conditions. The consistent low-diversity index of foraminifera indicates that the ecosystem is moderate to highly stressed ecologically in the Beypore estuary. The application of benthic foraminifera as a bioindicator for assessing the environmental stress in the Beypore estuary is key in monitoring these fragile coastal ecosystems.
  8. Anandkumar A, Nagarajan R, Prabakaran K, Bing CH, Rajaram R, Li J, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2019 Aug;145:56-66.
    PMID: 31590824 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.05.002
    The concentration of nine trace elements were analyzed in the different tissue organs of commonly available crabs (Portunus sanguinolentus, Portunus pelagicus and Scylla serrate) and bivalve (Polymesoda erosa) species collected from the Miri coast, Borneo in order to evaluate the potential health risk by consumption of these aquatic organisms. Among the analyzed organs, metal accumulation was higher in the gill tissues. The essential (Cu and Zn) and non-essential (Pb and Cd) elements showed the highest (i.e. Zn) and lowest concentrations (i.e. Cd) in their tissue organs, respectively. The estimated daily intake and hazard indices of all metals in the muscle indicate that the measured values were below the provisional tolerable daily intake suggested by the joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Compared to Malaysian and international seafood guideline values the results obtained from the present study are lower than the permissible limits and safe for consumption.
  9. Zainol Z, Akhir MF, Zainol Z
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Mar;164:112011.
    PMID: 33485016 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112011
    Setiu Wetland is rapidly developing into an aquaculture and agriculture hub, causing concern about its water quality condition. To address this issue, it is imperative to acquire knowledge of the spatial and temporal distributions of pollutants. Consequently, this study applied combinations of hydrodynamic and particle tracking models to identify the transport behaviour of pollutants and calculate the residence time in Setiu Lagoon. The particle tracking results indicated that the residence time in Setiu Lagoon was highly influenced by the release location, where particles released closer to the river mouth exhibited shorter residence times than those released further upstream. Despite this fact, the pulse of river discharges successfully reduced the residence time in the order of two to twelve times shorter. Under different tidal phases, the residence time during the neap tide was longer regardless of heavy rainfalls, implying the domination of tidal flow in the water renewal within the lagoon.
  10. Bhagooli R, Mattan-Moorgawa S, Kaullysing D, Louis YD, Gopeechund A, Ramah S, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Apr;165:112059.
    PMID: 33677415 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112059
    Chlorophyll a fluorescence is increasingly being used as a rapid, non-invasive, sensitive and convenient indicator of photosynthetic performance in marine autotrophs. This review presents the methodology, applications and limitations of chlorophyll fluorescence in marine studies. The various chlorophyll fluorescence tools such as Pulse-Amplitude-Modulated (PAM) and Fast Repetition Rate (FRR) fluorometry used in marine scientific studies are discussed. Various commonly employed chlorophyll fluorescence parameters are elaborated. The application of chlorophyll fluorescence in measuring natural variations, stress, stress tolerance and acclimation/adaptation to changing environment in primary producers such as microalgae, macroalgae, seagrasses and mangroves, and marine symbiotic invertebrates, namely symbiotic sponges, hard corals and sea anemones, kleptoplastic sea slugs and giant clams is critically assessed. Stressors include environmental, biological, physical and chemical ones. The strengths, limitations and future perspectives of the use of chlorophyll fluorescence technique as an assessment tool in symbiotic marine organisms and seaplants are discussed.
  11. Behera DP, Kolandhasamy P, Sigamani S, Devi LP, Ibrahim YS
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Apr;165:112100.
    PMID: 33581571 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112100
    Marine debris is a global issue with adverse impacts on marine organisms, ecological processes, aesthetics, and economies of nations. Several studies have been conducted to quantify the plastic debris along Indian beaches. This baseline study describes the results of a survey conducted on the types of plastic litters and their quantification during January to March 2020 along Mandvi beach in Gujarat. A quadrate having 10 × 10 m size was used for sampling the plastic litter on the shoreline. A total of 10 quadrates along the shore was considered for quantification of the plastic materials based on their density, color, and weight. The plastic material observed includes gutkha pouches, food wrappers, and fragments, along with plastic straws, cutleries, and fragments of various dimensions and thickness. The major contributing factors for the debris abundance in Mandvi beach are land-based sources and recreational activities. The results suggest that similar long-term projects covering extensive areas should be undertaken for accurate quantification of available debris and their impacts on coastal habitats of Gujarat.
  12. Oyewusi HA, Wahab RA, Huyop F
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Nov;160:111603.
    PMID: 32919122 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111603
    This review aims to briefly describe the potential role of dehalogenase-producing halophilic bacteria in decontamination of organohalide pollutants. Hypersaline habitats pose challenges to life because of low water activity (water content) and is considered as the largest and ultimate sink for pollutants due to naturally and anthropogenic activities in which a substantial amount of ecological contaminants are organohalides. Several such environments appear to host and support substantial diversity of extremely halophilic and halotolerant bacteria as well as halophilic archaea. Biodegradation of several toxic inorganic and organic compounds in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions are carried out by halophilic microbes. Therefore, remediation of polluted marine/hypersaline environments are the main scorching issues in the field of biotechnology. Although many microbial species are reported as effective pollutants degrader, but little has been isolated from marine/hypersaline environments. Therefore, more novel microbial species with dehalogenase-producing ability are still desired.
  13. Samsudin MS, Azid A, Khalit SI, Sani MSA, Lananan F
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2019 Apr;141:472-481.
    PMID: 30955758 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.02.045
    The prediction models of MWQI in mangrove and estuarine zones were constructed. The 2011-2015 data employed in this study entailed 13 parameters from six monitoring stations in West Malaysia. Spatial discriminant analysis (SDA) had recommended seven significant parameters to develop the MWQI which were DO, TSS, O&G, PO4, Cd, Cr and Zn. These selected parameters were then used to develop prediction models for the MWQI using artificial neural network (ANN) and multiple linear regressions (MLR). The SDA-ANN model had higher R2 value for training (0.9044) and validation (0.7113) results than SDA-MLR model and was chosen as the best model in mangrove estuarine zone. The SDA-ANN model had also demonstrated lower RMSE (5.224) than the SDA-MLR (12.7755). In summary, this work suggested that ANN was an effective tool to compute the MWQ in mangrove estuarine zone and a powerful alternative prediction model as compared to the other modelling methods.
  14. Rahman I, Mujahid A, Palombo EA, Müller M
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 May;166:112226.
    PMID: 33711605 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112226
    Concerns about microplastic (MP) pollution arise from the rafting potential of these durable particles which potentially propagate harmful chemicals and bacteria across wide spatial gradients. While many studies have been conducted in the marine environment, knowledge of MPs in coastal and freshwater systems is limited. For this study, we exposed two MPs (polyethylene terephthalate and polylactic acid) to the undisturbed peat-draining Maludam River in Malaysia, for 6 months. The microbial communities on these MPs and the surrounding water were sequenced by MiSeq, while the genetic responses of these communities were assessed by GeoChip 5.0S. Microbial communities were dominated by the phyla Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Actinobacteria. Metabolic processes involved with carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, metal homeostasis, organic remediation and virulence had significantly different gene expression among the communities on MPs and in the surrounding water. Our study is the first to look at changes in gene expression of whole plastisphere communities.
  15. Garcia-Tenorio R, Rozmaric M, Harms A, Godoy JMO, Barsanti M, Schirone A, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Oct;159:111490.
    PMID: 32738641 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111490
    Laboratories from 14 countries (with different levels of expertise in radionuclide measurements and 210Pb dating) participated in an interlaboratory comparison exercise (ILC) related to the application of 210Pb sediment dating technique within the framework of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project. The laboratories were provided with samples from a composite sediment core and were required to provide massic activities of several radionuclides and an age versus depth model from the obtained results, using the most suitable 210Pb dating model. Massic concentrations of Zn and Cu were also determined to be used for chronology validation. The ILC results indicated good analytical performances while the dating results didn't demonstrate the same degree of competence in part due to the different experience in dating of the participant laboratories. The ILC exercise enabled evaluation of the difficulties faced by laboratories implementing 210Pb dating methods and identified some limitations in providing reliable chronologies.
  16. Yogeshwaran A, Gayathiri K, Muralisankar T, Gayathri V, Monica JI, Rajaram R, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Sep;158:111443.
    PMID: 32753221 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111443
    The present study was performed to analyze the bioaccumulation of heavy metals, biochemical constituents, antioxidants, and metabolic enzymes in the crab Scylla serrata from different regions of Tuticorin, Southeast Coast of India. The study area consists of Threspuram and Harbour Beach which were polluted environments due to the discharge of industrial effluents and domestic sewage into them. Punnakayal, which is a low-polluted environment where the in-situ culture of S. serrata is carried out by local fish farmers, was selected as well. The results revealed that the level of heavy metals, biochemical constituents, antioxidants, and metabolic enzymes were significantly high in the crabs collected from Threspuram and Harbour Beach compared to the crabs collected from Punnakayal. This study indicates that crabs from polluted environments have significant heavy metals bioaccumulation which leads to elevated antioxidants and metabolic enzyme levels. This implies that the crabs are under oxidative and metabolic stress.
  17. Wong SL, Nyakuma BB, Wong KY, Lee CT, Lee TH, Lee CH
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Sep;158:111432.
    PMID: 32753215 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111432
    This paper presents the research landscape on microplastics and nanoplastics (M/NPs) in global food webs based on a bibliometric analysis of 330 publications published in 2009-2019 extracted from Web of Science. The publications increased tremendously since 2013. Marine Pollution Bulletin is one of the top productive journals for this topic. The publication landscape related to M/NPs in global food webs, as interdisciplinary research, is highly dependent on the funding availability. The high productivities of England, China, USA and European countries are attributed to the funding from the agencies at regional or national levels. Keyword analysis reveals the shift of research hotspots from investigations on M/NPs absorbed by various organisms in the ecosystems to studies on the trophic transfer of M/NPs and sorbed contaminants in the food webs and their associated adverse impacts. Funding agencies play important roles in leading the future development of this topic.
  18. Muhammad S, Long X
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2020 Sep;158:111422.
    PMID: 32753206 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111422
    China's seaborne foreign oil supply through the Malacca Strait is facing security challenges due to territorial disputes, pirate attacks, and geopolitics. To overcome these challenges, China plans to import oil through one of the corridors of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)-the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). This study estimated and compared ship emissions and their externalities associated with seaborne oil supply from the top five oil suppliers to China through the existing shipping route via the Malacca Strait and proposed route via CEPC. Ship activity-based methodology is applied to estimate the emissions of air pollutants (CO2, NOx, SO2, PM10, and CO) during cruising, maneuvering, and hoteling periods. The results show that the total ship emissions of China's seaborne oil supply can be significantly reduced from 6.2 million tons to 2.1 million tons via the CPEC route. While external cost can be reduced up to 65.9% via the CPEC route.
  19. Zaki MRM, Zaid SHM, Zainuddin AH, Aris AZ
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Jan;162:111866.
    PMID: 33256966 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111866
    Microplastics receive global attention due to its strong presence in marine and freshwater organisms. Yet, there are few studies on estuarine organisms. This baseline study evaluates the abundance and distribution of microplastics in the gastropods of a tropical estuary in Selangor, Malaysia. The abundance of microplastics ranged from 0.50 to 1.75 particles/g or from 0.25 to 0.88 particles/individual. The variation in microplastic distribution between the upper and lower estuary indicates that the microplastics originated from the urbanised area of the Klang River estuary. Microplastic sizes varied from 30 to 1850 μm, with the majority being between 300 and 1000 μm (57%). Characteristics of microplastics were dominant for fibres (91%) with black colour (50%). Polyethylene-propylene-diene (PE-PDM) and polyester were the main polymer materials. Assessing the contamination of gastropods by microplastics provides insight into the possibility of utilising gastropods as bioindicators that could be used for monitoring and baseline studies.
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