Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 4601 in total

  1. Lim KS, Hew YC, Lau HK, Lim TS, Tan CT
    Can J Neurol Sci, 2009 Jan;36(1):60-4.
    PMID: 19294890
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is lack of published data on bulbar signs among the healthy population. This study aims to determine the range of normality of bulbar signs particularly among the elderly.

    METHODS: Systemic examination of bulbar signs was carried out according to a predetermined protocol on a cohort of young and elderly healthy subjects.

    RESULTS: A total of 206 subjects were recruited in the study, 104 young adults with mean age of 20 years, and 102 elderly with mean age of 73 years. Uvula deviation was seen in 28 (26.9%) young subjects and 22 (21.6%) elderly. Irregular tongue border was seen in 17 subjects, unilateral in 4 subjects. Fourteen (6.8%) subjects had deviation on tongue protrusion. Occasional tremor of tongue on protrusion is common in both young and old. Persistent (severe) tongue tremor on protrusion was seen in 18.6% of the elderly, and 4.8% of the young. None of the subjects had tremor of tongue at rest. In gag reflex, absence of gagging response was common in elderly, seen in two thirds of the subjects on stimulation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. However, all the subjects had uvular movement. Habituation or suppression of gagging response was seen in close to 90% of young males.

    CONCLUSION: There is wide range of normality in bulbar signs in normal population, particularly among the elderly.

    Matched MeSH terms: Aging/physiology; Postural Balance/physiology; Gagging/physiology; Habituation, Psychophysiologic/physiology; Movement/physiology*; Palate, Soft/physiology; Reflex/physiology; Speech/physiology; Tongue/physiology*; Uvula/physiology*
  2. Sharifah Maimunah SM, Hashim HA
    Percept Mot Skills, 2016 Feb;122(1):227-37.
    PMID: 27420318 DOI: 10.1177/0031512515625383
    This study compares two versions of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) training (7 and 16 muscle groups) on oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rates, rating of perceived exertion and choice reaction time. Football (soccer) players (N = 26; M age = 13.4 yr., SD = 0.5) were randomly assigned to either 7 muscle groups PMR, 16 muscle groups PMR, or a control group. PMR training requires the participants to tense a muscle, hold the muscle contraction, and then relax it. Measurement was conducted prior to and after the completion of 12 sessions of PMR. The dependent variables were measured following four bouts of intermittent exercise consisting of 12 min. of running at 60% VO2max for 10 min. followed by running at 90% VO2max for 2 min. with a 3-min. rest for each bout. Lower VO2, heart rate, perceived exertion, and quicker reaction time were expected in both relaxation groups compared to the control group. The results revealed a significant reduction in heart rates and choice reaction time for both relaxation groups, but the longer version produced significantly quicker choice reaction time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physical Exertion/physiology*; Heart Rate/physiology*; Muscle Contraction/physiology; Muscle Relaxation/physiology*; Oxygen Consumption/physiology*; Reaction Time/physiology; Rest/physiology; Running/physiology; Soccer/physiology*; Exercise/physiology*
  3. Naish KR, Houston-Price C, Bremner AJ, Holmes NP
    Neuropsychologia, 2014 11;64:331-48.
    PMID: 25281883 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.09.034
    Many human behaviours and pathologies have been attributed to the putative mirror neuron system, a neural system that is active during both the observation and execution of actions. While there are now a very large number of papers on the mirror neuron system, variations in the methods and analyses employed by researchers mean that the basic characteristics of the mirror response are not clear. This review focuses on three important aspects of the mirror response, as measured by modulations in corticospinal excitability: (1) muscle specificity; (2) direction; and (3) timing of modulation. We focus mainly on electromyographic (EMG) data gathered following single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), because this method provides precise information regarding these three aspects of the response. Data from paired-pulse TMS paradigms and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) are also considered when we discuss the possible mechanisms underlying the mirror response. In this systematic review of the literature, we examine the findings of 85 TMS and PNS studies of the human mirror response, and consider the limitations and advantages of the different methodological approaches these have adopted in relation to discrepancies between their findings. We conclude by proposing a testable model of how action observation modulates corticospinal excitability in humans. Specifically, we propose that action observation elicits an early, non-specific facilitation of corticospinal excitability (at around 90ms from action onset), followed by a later modulation of activity specific to the muscles involved in the observed action (from around 200ms). Testing this model will greatly advance our understanding of the mirror mechanism and provide a more stable grounding on which to base inferences about its role in human behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motor Activity/physiology; Motor Cortex/physiology; Pyramidal Tracts/physiology*; Visual Perception/physiology*; Muscle, Skeletal/physiology*; Evoked Potentials, Motor/physiology*; Mirror Neurons/physiology*
  4. Short FT, Coles R, Fortes MD, Victor S, Salik M, Isnain I, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2014 Jun 30;83(2):408-16.
    PMID: 24746094 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.03.036
    Seagrass systems of the Western Pacific region are biodiverse habitats, providing vital services to ecosystems and humans over a vast geographic range. SeagrassNet is a worldwide monitoring program that collects data on seagrass habitats, including the ten locations across the Western Pacific reported here where change at various scales was rapidly detected. Three sites remote from human influence were stable. Seagrasses declined largely due to increased nutrient loading (4 sites) and increased sedimentation (3 sites), the two most common stressors of seagrass worldwide. Two sites experienced near-total loss from of excess sedimentation, followed by partial recovery once sedimentation was reduced. Species shifts were observed at every site with recovering sites colonized by pioneer species. Regulation of watersheds is essential if marine protected areas are to preserve seagrass meadows. Seagrasses in the Western Pacific experience stress due to human impacts despite the vastness of the ocean area and low development pressures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Alismatidae/physiology*
  5. Azad MA, Shah-E-Alam M, Hamid MA, Rafii MY, Malek MA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:589586.
    PMID: 24737982 DOI: 10.1155/2014/589586
    A study was performed using 6 × 6 F1 diallel population without reciprocals to assess the mode of inheritance of pod yield and related traits in groundnut with imposed salinity stress. Heterosis was found for pod number and yield. Data on general and specific combining ability (gca and sca) indicated additive and nonadditive gene actions. The gca: sca ratios were much less than unity suggesting predominant role of nonadditive gene effects. Cultivars "Binachinabadam-2" and "Dacca-1" and mutant M6/25/64-82 had the highest, second highest, and third highest pod number, as well as gca values, respectively. These two cultivars and another mutant M6/15/70-19 also had the highest, second highest, and third highest pod yield, as well as gca values, respectively. Therefore, "Dacca-1", "Binachinabadam-2", M6/25/64-82, and M6/15/70-19 could be used as source of salinity tolerance. Cross combinations showing high sca effects arising from parents with high and low gca values for any trait indicate the influence of nonadditive genes on their expression. Parents of these crosses can be used for biparental mating or reciprocal recurrent selection for developing high yielding varieties. Crosses with high sca effects having both parents with good gca effects could be exploited by pedigree breeding to get transgressive segregants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arachis/physiology*
  6. Numata S, Yasuda M, Suzuki RO, Hosaka T, Noor NS, Fletcher CD, et al.
    PLoS One, 2013;8(11):e79095.
    PMID: 24260159 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079095
    In South-East Asian dipterocarp forests, many trees synchronize their reproduction at the community level, but irregularly, in a phenomenon known as general flowering (GF). Several proximate cues have been proposed as triggers for the synchronization of Southeast Asian GF, but the debate continues, as many studies have not considered geographical variation in climate and flora. We hypothesized that the spatial pattern of GF forests is explained by previously proposed climatic cues if there are common cues for GF among regions. During the study, GF episodes occurred every year, but the spatial occurrence varied considerably from just a few forests to the whole of Peninsular Malaysia. In 2001, 2002 and 2005, minor and major GF occurred widely throughout Peninsular Malaysia (GF2001, GF2002, and GF2005), and the geographical patterns of GF varied between the episodes. In the three regional-scale GF episodes, most major events occurred in regions where prolonged drought (PD) had been recorded prior, and significant associations between GF scores and PD were found in GF2001 and GF2002. However, the frequency of PD was higher than that of GF throughout the peninsula. In contrast, low temperature (LT) was observed during the study period only before GF2002 and GF2005, but there was no clear spatial relationship between GF and LT in the regional-scale episodes. There was also no evidence that last GF condition influenced the magnitude of GF. Thus, our results suggest that PD would be essential to trigger regional-scale GF in the peninsula, but also that PD does not fully explain the spatial and temporal patterns of GF. The coarse relationships between GF and the proposed climatic cues may be due to the geographical variation in proximate cues for GF, and the climatic and floristic geographical variations should be considered to understand the proximate factors of GF.
    Matched MeSH terms: Trees/physiology*
  7. Dehghan F, Haerian BS, Muniandy S, Yusof A, Dragoo JL, Salleh N
    Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2014 Aug;24(4):e220-9.
    PMID: 24283470 DOI: 10.1111/sms.12149
    Relaxin is a hormone structurally related to insulin and insulin-like growth factor, which exerts its regulatory effect on the musculoskeletal and other systems through binding to its receptor in various tissues, mediated by different signaling pathways. Relaxin alters the properties of cartilage and tendon by activating collagenase. This hormone is also involved in bone remodeling and healing of injured ligaments and skeletal muscle. In this review, we have summarized the literature on the effect of relaxin in musculoskeletal system to provide a broad perspective for future studies in this field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bone and Bones/physiology; Cartilage/physiology; Ligaments/physiology*; Relaxin/physiology*; Synovial Membrane/physiology; Tendons/physiology; Muscle, Skeletal/physiology*
  8. Woodcock P, Edwards DP, Newton RJ, Vun Khen C, Bottrell SH, Hamer KC
    PLoS One, 2013;8(4):e60756.
    PMID: 23593302 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060756
    Trophic organisation defines the flow of energy through ecosystems and is a key component of community structure. Widespread and intensifying anthropogenic disturbance threatens to disrupt trophic organisation by altering species composition and relative abundances and by driving shifts in the trophic ecology of species that persist in disturbed ecosystems. We examined how intensive disturbance caused by selective logging affects trophic organisation in the biodiversity hotspot of Sabah, Borneo. Using stable nitrogen isotopes, we quantified the positions in the food web of 159 leaf-litter ant species in unlogged and logged rainforest and tested four predictions: (i) there is a negative relationship between the trophic position of a species in unlogged forest and its change in abundance following logging, (ii) the trophic positions of species are altered by logging, (iii) disturbance alters the frequency distribution of trophic positions within the ant assemblage, and (iv) disturbance reduces food chain length. We found that ant abundance was 30% lower in logged forest than in unlogged forest but changes in abundance of individual species were not related to trophic position, providing no support for prediction (i). However, trophic positions of individual species were significantly higher in logged forest, supporting prediction (ii). Consequently, the frequency distribution of trophic positions differed significantly between unlogged and logged forest, supporting prediction (iii), and food chains were 0.2 trophic levels longer in logged forest, the opposite of prediction (iv). Our results demonstrate that disturbance can alter trophic organisation even without trophically-biased changes in community composition. Nonetheless, the absence of any reduction in food chain length in logged forest suggests that species-rich arthropod food webs do not experience trophic downgrading or a related collapse in trophic organisation despite the disturbance caused by logging. These food webs appear able to bend without breaking in the face of some forms of anthropogenic disturbance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ants/physiology*
  9. Moura LA, Grazia J
    Neotrop. Entomol., 2011 Oct;40(5):619-21.
    PMID: 22068951
    Asopines are predators of insects, with several species with potential as biocontrol agents of a number of pests. Metrogaleruca obscura (Degeer), a neotropical species of Galerucini, was introduced in Malaysia, Asia, and Mauritius, Africa, to control the spread of Cordia curassavica (Boraginaceae), a native plant of the neotropics. The occurrence of Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) preying on M. obscura is recorded, and Cordia verbenacea (Boraginaceae) is mentioned as a host plant for M. obscura. A list of Chrysomelidae attacked by asopines in the neotropical region is also presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hemiptera/physiology*
  10. Sukor N
    Eur J Intern Med, 2011 Oct;22(5):433-40.
    PMID: 21925049 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejim.2011.05.004
    Hypertension is a very common disease, leading to significant morbidity with reduction in quality of life. In addition to being a major cause of morbidity and mortality, hypertension places a heavy burden on health care systems, families, and society as a whole. In patients with hypertension, the ability to identify a contributing or secondary cause that is potentially curable or amenable to specific forms of management is of great importance. Endocrine hypertension has emerged as one of the common forms of secondary hypertension. Primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma and Cushing's syndrome are among the common causes of endocrine hypertension. The application of new clinical, biochemical, and radiologic approaches has significantly advanced our understanding of the pathophysiology and clinical spectrum of these diseases and improved the management strategies of these challenging conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Pressure/physiology*
  11. Cacha LA, Poznanski RR
    J Integr Neurosci, 2011 Dec;10(4):423-37.
    PMID: 22262534
    In earlier models, synaptic plasticity forms the basis for cellular signaling underlying learning and memory. However, synaptic computation of learning and memory in the brain remains controversial. In this paper, we discuss ways in which synaptic plasticity remodels subcellular networks by deflecting trajectories in neuronal state-space as regulating patterns for the synthesis of dynamic continuity that form cognitive networks of associable representations through endogenous dendritic coding to consolidate memory.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cerebral Cortex/physiology; Cognition/physiology*; Dendrites/physiology; Learning/physiology; Neuronal Plasticity/physiology*; Neurons/physiology*; Synapses/physiology
  12. Tham LK, Abu Osman NA, Wan Abas WA, Lim KS
    PLoS One, 2013;8(2):e55702.
    PMID: 23409022 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055702
    The deep tendon reflex assessments that are essential to the accurate diagnosis of neurological or neuromuscular disorders are conducted subjectively in clinical neurology. Our aim was to assess deep tendon reflexes objectively with a new reflex quantification method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Patellar Ligament/physiology*
  13. Ishak A, Hashim HA, Krasilshchikov O
    J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2016 Sep;56(9):961-7.
    PMID: 26004044
    BACKGROUND: The present study investigated the effects of a 2-week modified exponential taper on physiological adaptation and time trial performance among junior cyclists.

    METHODS: Participants (N.=27) with the mean age of 16.95±0.8 years, height of 165.6±6.1 cm and weight of 54.19±8.1 kg were matched into either modified exponential taper (N.=7), normal exponential taper (N.=7), or control (N.=7) groups using their initial VO2max values. Both experimental groups followed a 12-week progressive endurance training program and subsequently, a 2-week tapering phase. A simulated 20-km time trial performance along with VO2max, power output, heart rate and rating of perceived exertion were measured at baseline, pre and post-taper. One way ANOVA was used to analyze the difference between groups before the start of the intervention while mixed factorial ANOVA was used to analyze the difference between groups across measurement sessions. When homogeneity assumption was violated, the Greenhouse-Geisser Value was used for the corrected values of the degrees of freedom for the within subject factor the analysis.

    RESULTS: Significant interactions between experimental groups and testing sessions were found in VO2max (F=6.67, df=4, P<0.05), power output (F=5.02, df=4, P<0.05), heart rate (F=10.87, df=2.51, P<0.05) rating of perceived exertion (F=13.04, df=4, P<0.05) and 20KM time trial (F=4.64, df=2.63, P<0.05). Post-hoc analysis revealed that both types of taper exhibited positive effects compared to the non-taper condition in the measured performance markers at post-taper while no different were found between the two taper groups.

    CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that both taper protocols successfully inducing physiological adaptations among the junior cyclists by reducing the volume and maintaining the intensity of training.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adaptation, Physiological/physiology; Bicycling/physiology*; Physical Exertion/physiology*; Heart Rate/physiology*; Oxygen Consumption/physiology*; Physical Endurance/physiology; Athletic Performance/physiology*
  14. Saini S, Zakaria N, Rambli DR, Sulaiman S
    PLoS One, 2015;10(5):e0127833.
    PMID: 25978493 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127833
    The high-dimensional search space involved in markerless full-body articulated human motion tracking from multiple-views video sequences has led to a number of solutions based on metaheuristics, the most recent form of which is Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). However, the classical PSO suffers from premature convergence and it is trapped easily into local optima, significantly affecting the tracking accuracy. To overcome these drawbacks, we have developed a method for the problem based on Hierarchical Multi-Swarm Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization (H-MCPSO). The tracking problem is formulated as a non-linear 34-dimensional function optimization problem where the fitness function quantifies the difference between the observed image and a projection of the model configuration. Both the silhouette and edge likelihoods are used in the fitness function. Experiments using Brown and HumanEva-II dataset demonstrated that H-MCPSO performance is better than two leading alternative approaches-Annealed Particle Filter (APF) and Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO). Further, the proposed tracking method is capable of automatic initialization and self-recovery from temporary tracking failures. Comprehensive experimental results are presented to support the claims.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement/physiology*
  15. Tumiran MA, Rahman NNA, Saat RM, Kabir N, Zulkifli MY, Adli DSH
    J Relig Health, 2018 Aug;57(4):1363-1375.
    PMID: 26266758 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-015-0093-7
    Napping/siesta during the day is a phenomenon, which is widely practised in the world. However, the timing, frequency, and duration may vary. The basis of napping is also diverse, but it is mainly done for improvement in alertness and general well-being. Neuroscience reveals that midday napping improves memory, enhances alertness, boosts wakefulness and performance, and recovers certain qualities of lost night sleep. Interestingly, Islam, the religion of the Muslims, advocates midday napping primarily because it was a practice preferred by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The objectives of this review were to investigate and compare identical key points on focused topic from both neuroscientific and Islamic perspectives and make recommendations for future researches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wakefulness/physiology*
  16. Malik AA, Williams CA, Weston KL, Barker AR
    J Sports Sci Med, 2019 03;18(1):1-12.
    PMID: 30787646
    High-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) may not elicit prominent unpleasant feelings even with elevated perceived exertion and physiological stress in adolescents. However, the influence of different HIIE work intensities on the affective experience and cardiorespiratory responses is unknown. This study examined the acute affective, enjoyment, perceived exertion and cardiorespiratory responses to HIIE with different work intensities in adolescents. Participants (n = 16; 8 boys; age 12.0 ± 0.3 years) performed, on separate days, HIIE conditions consisting of 8 x 1-minute work-intervals at 70%, 85%, or 100% peak power separated by 75 seconds recovery at 20 W. Affect, enjoyment and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded before, during, and after HIIE. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake were collected during HIIE. Affect declined in all conditions (p < 0.01) but 100%HIIE elicited significantly lower affect than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE at work-interval 8 (all p < 0.02, ES > 1.74; 70%HIIE = 2.5 ± 0.8; 85%HIIE = 1.1 ± 1.5; 100%HIIE = -1.5 ± 1.4 on feeling scale). Similar enjoyment was evident during and after all conditions (all p > 0.44). RPE was significantly higher during 100%HIIE than 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE across all work-intervals (all p < 0.01, ES > 1.56). The majority of the participants attained ≥90%HRmax during 85%HIIE (87%) and 100%HIIE (100%), but not during 70%HIIE (6%). Affect responses during HIIE are dependent on the intensity of the work-interval and are not entirely negative (unpleasant feelings). Despite similar enjoyment, positive affect experienced during 70%HIIE and 85%HIIE could serve as a strategy to encourage exercise adoption and adherence in adolescents, but only 85%HIIE elicits sufficient HR stimulus to facilitate potential health benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Affect/physiology*; Physical Exertion/physiology*; Heart Rate/physiology; Motivation/physiology; Oxygen Consumption/physiology; Perception/physiology*; Pleasure/physiology*
  17. Mohamad Kamal NS, Safuan S, Shamsuddin S, Foroozandeh P
    Eur J Cell Biol, 2020 Aug;99(6):151108.
    PMID: 32800277 DOI: 10.1016/j.ejcb.2020.151108
    Cellular theory of aging states that human aging is the result of cellular aging, in which an increasing proportion of cells reach senescence. Senescence, from the Latin word senex, means "growing old," is an irreversible growth arrest which occurs in response to damaging stimuli, such as DNA damage, telomere shortening, telomere dysfunction and oncogenic stress leading to suppression of potentially dysfunctional, transformed, or aged cells. Cellular senescence is characterized by irreversible cell cycle arrest, flattened and enlarged morphology, resistance to apoptosis, alteration in gene expression and chromatin structure, expression of senescence associated- β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) and acquisition of senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP). In this review paper, different types of cellular senescence including replicative senescence (RS) which occurs due to telomere shortening and stress induced premature senescence (SIPS) which occurs in response to different types of stress in cells, are discussed. Biomarkers of cellular senescence and senescent assays including BrdU incorporation assay, senescence associated- β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) and senescence-associated heterochromatin foci assays to detect senescent cells are also addressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Aging/physiology*
  18. Azra MN, Chen JC, Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB
    J Therm Biol, 2018 May;74:234-240.
    PMID: 29801633 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.04.002
    Owing to its potential market value, the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus is of great economic importance. The temperature of water significantly affects the physiological function and production efficiency of these crabs. The aim of the present study was therefore to examine the critical thermal minimum (CTMin), critical thermal maximum (CTMax), acclimation response ratio (ARR), escaping temperature (Tesc), and locomotor behavior of P. pelagicus instars at 20 °C, 24 °C, 28 °C, 32 °C, and 36 °C. The CTMax ranged from 39.05 °C to 44.38 °C, while the CTMin ranged from 13.05 °C to 19.30 °C, and both increased directly with temperature. The ARR ranged from 0.25 to 0.51. The movement of crabs (walking before molting) correlated positively with the acclimation temperature. These results indicate that the parameters evaluated varied with temperature. Furthermore, the high CTMax indicates the potential of this species to adapt to a wide range of temperatures. In addition, the implications of these findings for portunid crabs behavior and distribution in their natural habitat are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brachyura/physiology*
  19. Iberahim NA, Sood N, Pradhan PK, van den Boom J, van West P, Trusch F
    Fungal Biol, 2020 12;124(12):1024-1031.
    PMID: 33213782 DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2020.09.003
    Oomycetes are fungal-like eukaryotes and many of them are pathogens that threaten natural ecosystems and cause huge financial losses for the aqua- and agriculture industry. Amongst them, Aphanomyces invadans causes Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) in fish which can be responsible for up to 100% mortality in aquaculture. As other eukaryotic pathogens, in order to establish and promote an infection, A. invadans secretes proteins, which are predicted to overcome host defence mechanisms and interfere with other processes inside the host. We investigated the role of Lhs1 which is part of an ER-resident complex that generally promotes the translocation of proteins from the cytoplasm into the ER for further processing and secretion. Interestingly, proteomic studies reveal that only a subset of virulence factors are affected by the silencing of AiLhs1 in A. invadans indicating various secretion pathways for different proteins. Importantly, changes in the secretome upon silencing of AiLhs1 significantly reduces the virulence of A. invadans in the infection model Galleriamellonella. Furthermore, we show that AiLhs1 is important for the production of zoospores and their cluster formation. This renders proteins required for protein ER translocation as interesting targets for the potential development of alternative disease control strategies in agri- and aquaculture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Chaperones/physiology*
  20. Nur Aliah NA, Heo CC, Noor Shafini M, Mohd Hafizi M
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Sep 01;36(3):640-653.
    PMID: 33597486
    Accurate estimation of the minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI) is important in the investigation of forensic cases. Various thanatological methods are being used to estimate this interval. However, entomology approach is the most reliable method for this minPMI estimation especially when death has occurred over 72 hours and involved insects or other arthropods evidence at the death scene. The current methods of age estimation are daunting and destructive especially when dealing with pupal stage. The aims of this study were to characterize the morphological changes during intra-puparial period of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and their relation with minPMI estimation by using a high resolution micro-Computed Tomography (micro-CT). Gravid C. megacephala were collected from a rural area in Sungai Buloh, Selangor and cultured in the laboratory at 23.83±0.25°C with light: dark hour of 12:12 to initiate oviposition. The resulting larvae were reared until pupal stage. A pupa was collected at first (24 hours), second (48 hours), third (72 hours), and fourth quarter (96 hours) of the intra-puparial period. The pupal samples were placed directly into 70% ethanol for preservation. Micro-CT scanning was employed to acquire microstructural information following pupal sample staining for contrast enhancement. Eight age-informative internal morphological landmarks were mapped from the micro-CT scanning. The present study enhanced the potential value of micro-CT for the estimation of minPMI based on the internal morphological changes of C. megacephala pupae. This novel method is a promising tool for improving medico-legal investigations in forensic entomology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pupa/physiology*
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