Displaying publications 921 - 940 of 2828 in total

  1. Zainah SH, Ong LC, Sofiah A, Poh BK, Hussain IH
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2001 Aug;37(4):376-81.
    PMID: 11532058
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the linear growth and nutritional parameters of a group of Malaysian children with cerebral palsy (CP) against a group of controls, and to determine the nutritional, medical and sociodemographic factors associated with poor growth in children with CP.

    METHODOLOGY: The linear growth of 101 children with CP and of their healthy controls matched for age, sex and ethnicity was measured using upper-arm length (UAL). Nutritional parameters of weight, triceps skin-fold thickness and mid-arm circumference were also measured. Total caloric intake was assessed using a 24-h recall of a 3-day food intake and calculated as a percentage of the Recommended Daily Allowance. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine nutritional, medical and sociodemographic factors associated with poor growth (using z-scores of UAL) in children with CP.

    RESULTS: Compared with the controls, children with CP had significantly lower mean UAL measurements (difference between means -1.1, 95% confidence interval -1.65 to - 0.59), weight (difference between means -6.0, 95% CI -7.66 to -4.34), mid-arm circumference (difference between means -1.3, 95% CI -2.06 to -0.56) and triceps skin-fold thickness (difference between means -2.5, 95% CI -3.5 to -1.43). Factors associated with low z-scores of UAL were a lower percentage of median weight (P < 0.001), tube feeding (P < 0.001) and increasing age (P < 0.001).

    CONCLUSION: A large proportion of Malaysian children with CP have poor nutritional status and linear growth. Nutritional assessment and management at an early age might help this group of children achieve adequate growth.

    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  2. Ong LC, Boo NY, Chandran V
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2001 Aug;37(4):363-8.
    PMID: 11532056 DOI: 10.1046/j.1440-1754.2001.00694.x
    OBJECTIVE: To determine neonatal, early developmental and social risk factors that predict the neurocognitive and behavioural outcome of very low birthweight (VLBW) preschool children at four years of age.

    METHODOLOGY: From a cohort of 151 eligible VLBW survivors born in Kuala Lumpur Maternity Hospital, 116 (76.8%) were prospectively followed up from birth till four years. A standardised neurological examination was performed at one and four years to determine the presence of impairment and cerebral palsy, respectively. Cognitive development was assessed using the Mental Scale of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (MDI) at one year and the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WIPPSI-R) at four years. Motor coordination was assessed using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Movement-ABC). Mothers completed the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) and Parenting Stress Index (PSI) questionnaires. Logistic and multiple regression analyses were used to determine factors associated with cerebral palsy, IQ scores, Movement-ABC and CBCL scores.

    RESULTS: Factors associated with cerebral palsy were lower MDI scores at one year (P = 0.001) and late neonatal cranial ultrasound abnormalities (P = 0.036). Minor (P = 0.016) or major impairment (P = 0.003) at one year of age and a low level of paternal education (P = 0.01) were associated with poor motor function on the Movement-ABC scale. Lower levels of maternal education (P < 0.001), impairment at one year (P = 0.002) and late neonatal cranial ultrasound abnormalities (P = 0.039) predicted Full Scale IQ scores. Higher PSI scores (P = 0.001), younger mothers (P = 0.003) and late neonatal cranial ultrasound abnormalities (P = 0.009) were associated with worsened child behaviour scores on the CBCL scale.

    CONCLUSION: Social factors and the caregiving environment were important determinants of cognitive and behavioural outcome. Cranial ultrasound abnormalities in the late neonatal period and the developmental status at one year might be useful in identifying high risk infants in need of long-term surveillance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  3. Abdullah J
    J Clin Neurosci, 2001 Jan;8(1):18-22.
    PMID: 11322120
    Sixty patients with brain abscess were treated at the Neurosurgical Unit of the Department of Surgery, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia between January 1990 and December 1996. A retrospective study was done and data were collected from the computerise d registry of the Record Unit of Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Good results were achieved in patients who were both treated surgically and medically. There were only twelve deaths in this group. The main factor that influences morbidity and mortality of brain abscess is the clinical presentation on admission. The mortality was high in patients treated solely by medical means. Death was common in patients who presented with acute onset of symptoms of less than one week duration and those with poor mental status. Brain abscess is common in the East Coast population of peninsular Malaysia, probably due in part to lower socioeconomic status. Efforts should be directed towards prevention of infection and early recognition and management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  4. Boey CC, Goh KL
    Dig Liver Dis, 2001 4 17;33(1):83-4.
    PMID: 11303982
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  5. Shamsuddin K, Lieberman E
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Dec;53(4):343-53.
    PMID: 10971976
    The Malaysian Family Life Survey--2 (MFLS-2) was a population-based survey conducted in Peninsular Malaysia in 1988-89. Through detailed birth histories, it attempted to collect information on all pregnancies and their outcomes from ever-married women, as well as socioeconomic and health services-utilization data that might have affected mortality. The survey did not, however, collect information on the causes of infant death. The two objectives of this study were to assess the feasibility of linking all reported deaths among live births of women interviewed in the MFLS-2 to the birth and death certificates kept by the National Registration Department, and to determine the causes of death from the successfully matched death certificates. This information could be used in the development of specific health programs to decrease infant and child mortality. In this study, the success rates for linking survey data to birth and death certificates were 34.5% and 31.8% respectively. Methodological problems faced during the study are discussed, as are the strengths and limitations of record linking as a means of increasing the utility of birth histories for studying the causes of death. Ways to improve linkage rates of survey data with the national birth and death registration are also suggested.
    Study name: Malaysian Family Life Survey (MFLS-2)
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  6. Inbasegaran K, Kandasami P, Sivalingam N
    Med J Malaysia, 1998 Dec;53(4):334-42.
    PMID: 10971975
    An audit of all perioperative deaths within seven days of surgery in 14 major public hospitals is presented. This study is part of a quality assurance programme examining the surgical and anaesthetic practices in these hospitals. During the study period from July 1992 till June 1994, 211,354 surgeries were performed and 715 deaths were reported out of which 699 were available for analysis. The data was obtained by confidential enquiry using predetermined questionnaires filled by participating surgeons and anaesthetists and analysed by a group of peers. The overall crude mortality rate was 0.34% and the majority of the deaths occurred in severely ill patients in whom the clinical management was satisfactory. Polytrauma including head, intra-abdominal and skeletal trauma accounted for 253 of the deaths (36.19%). The other causes were bowel obstruction with sepsis, burns, ischaemic limbs, congenital malformations in neonates and pregnancy-related hemorrhage. 62.52% of the deaths occurred within two days of surgery and 85.87% were related to emergency procedures. The review identified some shortfalls in perioperative care and these were lack of adequate critical care facilities, lack of supervision, unnecessary surgery in the moribund and inadequate preoperative optimisation. The results of the study have been forwarded to all participating hospitals for implementation of remedial measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  7. Siar CH, Ng KH
    Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2000 Feb;38(1):19-22.
    PMID: 10783442
    Analysis of case records of 46 patients with peripheral odontogenic fibroma (1967-95) diagnosed in the Division of Stomatology, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, disclosed a relatively young age of onset (mean, 32.2 years; range 5 months-64 years; peak incidence second decade of life), a slight female preponderance (M:F ratio 1:1.3), no racial predilection, a slight bias towards location in the mandible (52%) and a wide histomorphological range. All cases were treated by simple excision. Follow-up records were generally not available, so we do not know what the recurrence rate is.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  8. Aziah MSN, Rosnah T, Mardziah A, Norzila MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Sep;57(3):329-39.
    PMID: 12440273 MyJurnal
    Atopic dermatitis is the commonest skin disease in children, causing psychological, social and functional disability to them and their families. This study assessed the family impact and quality of life using the translated Malay version of The Dermatology Family Impact (DFI) and The Children's Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) questionnaires. Seventy-two children, aged between 6 months and 16 years attending the Paediatric Dermatology Clinic at the Paediatric Institute and the Dermatology Department, Hospital Kuala Lumpur participated in this study. Thirty-nine patients (54.2%) were males and 33 patients (45.8%) were females. The median age of the patients was 74 months (Q1 6, Q3 104 months). The median age of diagnosis was 22 months (Q1 1, Q3 36 months). The median disease duration was 44 months (Q1 3, Q3 65). The severity of eczema was assessed using the SCORAD severity index (maximum score = 83). The median SCORAD (European Task Force On Atopic Dermatitis) score was 36 (n = 72, SD = 16.2). The majority of patients in this study suffered from moderately severe eczema (n = 40, mean, SCORAD = 29.3) followed by severe eczema (n = 27, mean SCORAD = 54.3). The mildly affected patients formed the minority group (n = 5, mean SCORAD = 9.0). The family impact was shown to be greater in severe atopic dermatitis compared to moderate atopic dermatitis (Anova, p = 0.02). The children's quality of life impairment was also greater in severe atopic dermatitis compared to moderate atopic dermatitis (Anova p = 0.08). This study confirms that quality of life and family impact are related to the severity of atopic dermatitis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  9. Malik AS, Malik RH
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Dec;56(4):478-90.
    PMID: 12014769
    A prospective study of 102 children with bacteriologically confirmed typhoid fever, admitted to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia over 5 years was conducted. The average age at presentation was 91.3 (range 6 - 159) months. Fever (900%), abdominal pain (56%) and diarrhoea (44%) were common symptoms. Findings included: hepatomegaly (85.3%), splenomegaly (27.5%), anaemia (31%), leukopenia (15%). thrombocytopenia (26%), positive Widal (62.5%) and Typhidot test (96%). Patients were treated with ampicillin (n = 54) or chloramphenicol (n = 49) and 1/3 developed complications like hepatitis (n = 19), bone marrow suppression (n = 8) and paralytic ileus (n = 7). A patient with splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia or leukopenia was at higher risk of developing complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  10. Chan PWK, Debruyne JA
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Dec;56(4):408-13.
    PMID: 12014758
    The efficacy of inhaled nedocromil sodium (NS) for children with a persistent cough was studied. Children aged 4-12 years with a persistent cough for >1 month were recruited and entered a 2-week baseline period during which an asthma diary was kept. Children with a cough score of >20 received inhaled NS via a spacer, 4mg qid for 2 weeks followed by 4mg bd for another 4 weeks. Twenty-two (42%) of 52 children recruited fulfilled treatment criteria. Four children were withdrawn from the study (2 developed wheezing and 2 were not compliant). The baseline cough score (29.1 +/- 13.6) improved after 2 weeks of treatment (15.2 +/- 9.3, p < 0.01) and improvement was sustained after 6 weeks (14.2 +/- 13.0, p = 0.01). Parents and patients had a more favourable perception of its efficacy compared to physicians (72% vs 50%, p = 0.01) Inhaled NS may be considered for treatment of persistent cough in children.
    Study site: Paediatric clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  11. Nizam M, Norzila MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Dec;56(4):428-34.
    PMID: 12014761
    Objectives: A child's admission into intensive care is a major cause of stress for parents. However among Malaysian parents, data concerning the perception of stress are virtually absent. Therefore we conducted a study to measure the reliability of the Malay version of Parental Stressor Scale: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PSS: PICU) in identifying sources of stress and to study factors that might influence their stress response.
    Methods: Over a six-month period, one hundred and twelve parents were requested to answer the questionnaires twice either in Malay or English, a week apart. Spearman's correlation and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to assess the repeatability and internal consistency of the questionnaires.
    Results: Ninety-four (83.9%) and seventy-one (75.3%) parents responded to the first and second administration of questionnaire respectively. All answered in the Malay language except for three. The correlation ranged from 0.50 to 0.71 with a total score of 0.76. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient ranged from 0.75 to 0.93, with total a score of 0.95.
    Alteration in parental roles was the most stressful source of stress. Fathers, parents of children with higher PRISM score and parents with no previous admission into intensive care unit scored significantly higher in staff’s communication.
    Conclusion: The Malay version of PSS: PICU is reliable in identifying sources of stress. Alteration in parental roles was the most stressful source of stress. Parents' gender, previous experience and severity of the child illness may influence their stress responses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  12. Norrashidah AW, Azizi BH, Zulfiqar MA
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Jun;54(2):225-9.
    PMID: 10972033
    Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the final outcome of a common pathway of a variety of unrelated but massive insults to the lung. It is commonly seen in adults but also occurs in the paediatric age group. A prospective study was carried out to determine the incidence, predisposing conditions, clinical course and outcome of children with ARDS admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Six patients (aged 0.8 to 11 years) who fulfilled the strict criteria for ARDS were identified prospectively during a one year study period. The incidence was 1.7% of all PICU admission. The most common underlying conditions were septicemia and pneumonia. The mortality rate was 83%. Death most often occurred during the early phase of the disease. Treatment of ARDS included elimination of the cause of ARDS, early institution of mechanical ventilation with PEEP, prompt recognition and treatment of superimposed infection and careful management of additional organ failure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  13. Cheong I, Lim A, Lee C, Ibrahim Z, Sarvanathan K
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Dec;52(4):313-7.
    PMID: 10968106
    Between 1987 to 1995, a total of 334 patients infected with HIV were treated at the Hospital Kuala Lumpur. There were 159 Malays, 108 Chinese, 64 Indians, and 3 from other ethnic groups. Three hundred and twenty-one (96.1%) of these individuals were males and 262 (65.9%) were between the ages of 26-45 years. Intravenous drug users made up 77% (256) of the attributable risk behaviour from the group although many of them also had added risk behaviours like heterosexual activity with multiple partners (50 patients), tattoos (7 patients), homosexual practice (4 patients) and previous transfusions (3 patients). The others acquired their infection through heterosexual promiscuity (59 patients), homo/bisexual activity (7 patients), previous transfusion (5 patients) and tattoos (1 patient). Sixty-six patients (all males) had since progressed to full blown AIDS and 10 have died. The two commonest AIDS-defining events were tuberculosis infection and Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia occurring in 37 (56%) and 15 (22.7%) of patients respectively. Forty-one patients with AIDS presented for the first time with their AIDS-defining infections. The mean CD4 count of the patients when they progressed to AIDS was 130/mm3. The mean time for progression from "known" seropositivity to AIDS was 2.42 years. These results suggest that Malaysians infected with HIV are not coming forward for treatment until they are in the advanced stage of the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  14. Hooi LS
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Sep;52(3):251-6.
    PMID: 10968094
    A retrospective review of 246 patients with established acute renal failure (ARF) needing dialysis from 1990-1994 is reported from Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru. Peritoneal dialysis was more commonly used than haemodialysis or haemofiltration. Patients on mechanical ventilation in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) who were hypercatabolic and fluid overloaded were treated with haemofiltration. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of 1.5:1. The majority were Malays (61.4%). Most patients were from the district of Johor Bahru, but 41.5% were from other districts in the Johor state. The mean age was 47.1 years (SD 18.2). The ARF was caused by acute tubular necrosis in 55.3%, post-renal obstruction in 22.8%, nephrotoxins in 5.7% and other causes in 16.2%. The proportions of patients referred from the medical, surgical and obstetric and gynaecology units were 50.8%, 45.5% and 3.7% respectively. The mortality rate was 48%. Patients with established ARF should be dialysed early as they tolerate uraemia poorly. Prevention is by prompt treatment of patients with sepsis, avoidance of hypovolaemia and nephrotoxic drugs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  15. Yeat SW, Mukari SZ, Said H, Motilal R
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Sep;52(3):285-90.
    PMID: 10968099
    Post meningitic sensori-neural hearing loss was studied in forty new cases of bacterial meningitis and ten cases of viral meningitis treated at the Pediatric Institute, Kuala Lumpur Hospital from April 1991 to March 1992. Hearing assessment at 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months following the diagnosis of meningitis using Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry showed that hearing loss was prevalent only in patients with bacterial meningitis. Hearing loss was detected in 32.5% of these patients during the acute phase of the disease, 22.8% after 3 months and 24.2% after 6 months. In 63.6% of the affected cases, hearing loss was bilateral. In 61.5% of the patients who had hearing loss during the acute phase of the disease, it was permanent, 16.7% had either partial or complete recovery and, 15.4% had deterioration in hearing level. In 2 cases the subsequent hearing level was unknown. The risk of developing sensori neural hearing loss was found to be significantly higher in patients who developed other neurological sequelae. The study highlights the importance of performing repeated hearing assessment in children with bacterial meningitis and the difficulty in appropriate selection of hearing aids in the early stages.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  16. Menon BS, Aiyar S
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Dec;52(4):331-4.
    PMID: 10968109
    This study examined the prevalence of hepatitis B and C markers in 55 paediatric oncology patients who had completed treatment at the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia in Kota Baru. All these children had received blood products and had been treated between 1985-1996. Forty seven per cent of patients were positive for hepatitis B or C. Twenty nine per cent were positive for hepatitis C and twenty two per cent were HBsAg positive. Two children were positive for both and none were HIV positive. Four children had an elevated ALT level and one child had jaundice and hepatomegaly. Some children were marker-positive despite immunization and screening of blood.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  17. Fadzil A, Norzila MZ
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Dec;57(4):474-81.
    PMID: 12733173
    Asthma knowledge an important components of asthma education.
    Objective: To determine the levels of asthma knowledge in parents of asthmatic children and factors that may influence it.
    Methods: This is a prospective study done between March 1998 and July 1998. Sixty-seven parents were interviewed using the 31 item asthma knowledge questionnaire that had been validated and translated. The children asthma severity was classified. The questionnaire includes biodata of children and parents, types of medication and dosage duration of asthma, exposure to cigarette smoke, acute asthma admission and patient’s economic status.
    Results: This mean score for asthma knowledge was 15.5. The total score was 31. Asthma knowledge was significantly higher in parents whose children were using steroids [p=0.03, CI (-3.85, -0.02)]. It correlated significantly with steroid dosage (r=0.29, p=0.02), and was significantly higher in parents of higher economic status. Patient’s asthma knowledge had no association with children’s asthma status, age of the child or parents, exposure to cigarette smoke, frequency of admission of asthma duration.
    Conclusion: The low asthma knowledge level indicates the need to increase the effort in educating parents. The main indicator for higher knowledge was steroid usage and dosage. Higher asthma knowledge in the high-income group was probably related to levels of education.
    Keywords: parent, asthma, knowledge, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Study site: Respiratory clinic, Institut Pediatrik, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  18. Tan SC, Harwant S, Selvakumar K, Kareem BA
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Jun;56 Suppl C:46-51.
    PMID: 11814249 MyJurnal
    This study was conducted to determine the factors involved in predicting the onset of paraplegia in tuberculosis of the spine. A cross-sectional, case control review of 85 cases of spinal tuberculosis was conducted at the National Tuberculosis Centre in Kuala Lumpur. Sixty-nine of these cases were normal neurologically, whilst 16 cases experienced neural deficit. The data was analysed using backward logistic regression and Fishers exact probability test. The factors studied included symptoms and signs of spinal tuberculosis, common investigations for tuberculosis, and physical factors of the disease. Only the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) showed a significant difference between the neural deficit and neurologically normal groups. This suggests that the ESR may be a factor in predicting evolution of paraplegia in spinal tuberculosis. In addition, it was noted that a low proportion of patients had positive sputum smear results and bacterial culture growth for mycobacterium tuberculosis suggesting these tests are of limited value for tuberculosis of the spine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  19. Razif M, Lim HH
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Jun;56 Suppl C:76-9.
    PMID: 11814256
    A 2 year-old Malay girl was admitted to our institution with a chesty cough and breathlessness but later found to have a chronic C1/C2 subluxation for one and half year with tetraplegia. Her cervical cord was decompressed and occipito-cervical fusion performed. Her neurological status improved significantly post-operatively and is able to care for her personal hygiene. The authors believe that the ability of the cervical cord to recover in the paediatric age group is remarkable that surgical option should be considered even when all seen lost. We believe that this is the first report in the literature to support this potential.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
  20. Chuah SL, Kareem BA, Selvakumar K, Oh KS, Borhan Tan A, Harwant S
    Med J Malaysia, 2001 Jun;56 Suppl C:37-40.
    PMID: 11814247
    We studied the curve progression of untreated curves presenting to the Scoliosis Service of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. One hundred and fifty-two (152) patients were included in this study. The median rate of curve progression of idiopathic scoliosis curves was 7.03 degrees per year, for neuromuscular scoliosis curves was 17.39 degrees per year; and congenital scoliosis curves were 3.67 degrees per year. These rates are similar to the reported rates in the literature. Data for sixty-one (61) surgically treated patients were reviewed to determine the early curve correction of the curves of different aetiology. The mean age of surgery was 14.15 years old, the mean preoperative curve size was 71.61 degrees; and the mean postoperative curve size was 43.78 degrees. The mean duration of follow up after surgery was 2.44 years. The revision and removal of instrumentation rate was 8.3%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child, Preschool
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