Displaying publications 81 - 89 of 89 in total

  1. Mohamad Jamil PAS, Karuppiah K, Mohammad Yusof NAD, Mohd Suadi Nata DH, Abdul Aziz N, How V, et al.
    Digit Health, 2022;8:20552076221103336.
    PMID: 35656285 DOI: 10.1177/20552076221103336
    OBJECTIVES: Designs for low-cost air monitors and associated performance data appear in many peer-reviewed articles; however, few manuscripts provide feedback from end user's experiences or comprehensive evaluation. The present study addresses the usability of the wireless outdoor individual exposure indicator system from the viewpoint of the Malaysian Traffic Police (end users). This study is one of the first to chronicle end user experiences for low-cost pollution sensing.

    METHOD: The evaluation involved 12 target end users to assess the usability of a prototype for Malaysian Traffic Police to manage their exposure to outdoor air pollution. The test evaluation includes a pre-test, post-task and post-test questionnaire (Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire). The main components in this Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire are Overall satisfaction, System Usefulness, Information Quality and Interface Quality.

    FINDINGS: The results of the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire indicated the mean score of the Overall satisfaction item (2.33), System Usefulness (2.25), Information Quality (2.36) and Interface Quality (2.17) on a scale of 1-10. Prototype users were satisfied with the system because the score is close to 1 on the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire.

    CONCLUSIONS: A user-friendly wireless outdoor individual exposure indicator system is now available for Malaysian Traffic Police. Users have stated that they are happy to use the system at work. However, in addition to more technological advances, practical implementation requires evidence supporting its efficacy, viability and effectiveness.

  2. Wu XW, Karuppiah C, Wu YS, Zhang BR, Hsu LF, Shih JY, et al.
    J Colloid Interface Sci, 2024 Mar 15;658:699-713.
    PMID: 38141392 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2023.12.098
    Due to the poor thermal stability of conventional separators, lithium-ion batteries require a suitable separator to maintain system safety for long-term cycling performance. It must have high porosity, superior electrolyte uptake ability, and good ion-conducting properties even at high temperatures. In this work, we demonstrate a novel composite membrane based on sandwiching of zeolitic imidazole frameworks-67 decorated cellulose acetate nanofibers (ZIF-67@CA) with electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol)/melamine (denoted as PVAM) nonwoven membranes. The as-prepared sandwich-type membranes are called PVAM/x%ZIF-67@CA/PVAM. The middle layer of composite membranes is primarily filled with different weight percentages of ZIF-67 nanoparticles (x = 5, 15, and 25 wt%), which both reduces the non-uniform porous structure of CA and increases its thermal stability. Therefore, our sandwich-type PVAM/x%ZIF-67@CA/PVAM membrane exhibits a higher thermal shrinkage effect at 200 °C than the commercial polyethylene (PE) separator. Due to its high electrolyte uptake (646.8%) and porosity (85.2%), PVAM/15%ZIF-67@CA/PVAM membrane achieved high ionic conductivity of 1.46 × 10-3 S cm-1 at 70 °C, as compared to the commercial PE separator (ca. 6.01 × 10-4 S cm-1 at 70 °C). Besides, the cell with PVAM/15%ZIF-67@CA/PVAM membrane shows an excellent discharge capacity of about 167.5 mAh g-1after 100 cycles at a 1C rate with a capacity retention of 90.3%. The ZIF-67 fillers in our sandwich-type composite membrane strongly attract anions (PF6-) through Lewis' acid-base interaction, allowing uniform Li+ ion transport and suppressing Li dendrites. As a result, we found that the PVAM/15%ZIF-67@CA/PVAM composite nonwoven membrane is applicable to high-power, high-safety lithium-ion battery systems that can be used in electric vehicles (EVs).
  3. Sharifah Norkhadijah Syed Ismail, Emilia Zainal Abidin, Zailina Hashim, Irniza Rasdi, Vivien How, Praveena, Sarva Mangala, et al.
    Flood is a natural disaster cause by heavy rainfall and high tide phenomenon. In the event of flood, substantial amount of wastes tend to be moved away and washed with mud that cause the task of waste recovering extremely challenging. The objective of the study was to assess flood victims participation, duration and major problem arise during post flood waste clean-up activity together with respondent’s knowledge and psychological importance in the recovery process. Methods: A cross sectional survey using interview and self-administered questionnaire was conducted involving 150 flood victims in Kuala Krai, Kelantan, who were heavily affected by the recent flood. Results: Respondents participation in the clean-up process was high (N = 126, 84%). Average 1 to 3 months were taken for the clean-up activity. Majority of the respondents had low and moderate satisfaction on the cleaning service provided by the authority (N = 84, 56%). Major problem arises from the past flood waste clean up activity was the biased waste removal process (N = 124, 83%), victims have to find alternative ways for disposal (N = 108, 72%) and the temporary disposal site were located near to the housing area that creates discomfort (N = 105, 70%). The correlation test obtained significant relationship between knowledge and education level (X2 = 0.203, p=0.013). But no significant relationship was obtained between knowledge with gender, age, monthly income, duration of clean-up process, respondents participation and satisfaction. Conclusion: Disaster debris management and disposal is critically important to support the victims in their recovery process.
  4. Aziemah Zulkifli, Emilia Zainal Abidin, Najihah Zainol Abidin, Hasanah Mohd Ghazali, Praveena, Sarva Mangala, Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, et al.
    Electronic Cigarette (EC) usage has been gaining acceptance in Malaysia despite its lack of analytical evidence on the chemical constituents of its liquid formulations. This study aims to evaluate the chemical concentrations of nicotine, propylene glycol (PG) and selected Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines (TSNAs); 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) and N’-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) in e-liquids locally sourced from the Malaysian market. Methods: A total of 17 e-liquids from a variety of flavours and brands were purchased from local EC retailers in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Nicotine and PG concentrations were assessed using Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) while NNK and NNN were quantified using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The concentrations of nicotine and PG (mg/mL) were described in comparison with the levels indicated on the labels when present while levels of TSNAs were descriptively explained. Results: Nicotine was detected in all e-liquid samples, despite several samples being declared as nicotine-free. The average (standard deviation) level of nicotine, PG, NNN and NNK were 3.26 (1.04) mg/mL, 484.10 (98.24) mg/mL, 0.383(0.288) μg/L and 0.086 (0.057) μg/L, respectively. Labelling discrepancies (when indicated on the label) of nicotine and PG were between the range of 27%-73% and 3%-63%, respectively. Conclusion: The concentrations of nicotine and PG in local e-liquids were varied. There were evidences of labelling discrepancy in that local e-liquids. TSNAs were detected in all samples of e-liquids. This study brought forth strong evidence on the need for the implementation of regulation on e-liquid manufacturing and sales, particularly on the accuracy of labelling and licensing to protect the public health.
  5. Hamid AA, Joharry MK, Mun-Fun H, Hamzah SN, Rejali Z, Yazid MN, et al.
    Reprod Biol, 2017 Mar;17(1):9-18.
    PMID: 28262444 DOI: 10.1016/j.repbio.2017.02.001
    Amniotic fluid (AF) is now known to harbor highly potent stem cells, making it an excellent source for cell therapy. However, most of the stem cells isolated are from AF of mid-term pregnancies in which the collection procedure involves an invasive technique termed amniocentesis. This has limited the access in getting the fluid as the technique imposes certain level of risks to the mother as well as to the fetus. Alternatively, getting AF from full-term pregnancies or during deliveries would be a better resolution. Unfortunately, very few studies have isolated stem cells from AF at this stage of gestation, the fluid that is merely discarded. The question remains whether full-term AF harbors stem cells of similar potency as of the stem cells of mid-term AF. Here, we aim to review the prospect of having this type of stem cells by first looking at the origin and contents of AF particularly during different gestation period. We will then discuss the possibility that the AF, at full term, contains a population of highly potent stem cells. These stem cells are distinct from, and probably more potent than the AF mesenchymal stem cells (AF-MSCs) isolated from full-term AF. By comparing the studies on stem cells isolated from mid-term versus full-term AF from various species, we intend to address the prospect of having highly potent amniotic fluid stem cells from AF of full-term pregnancies in human and animals.
  6. Monirith I, Ueno D, Takahashi S, Nakata H, Sudaryanto A, Subramanian A, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2003 Mar;46(3):281-300.
    PMID: 12604061
    Contamination of persistent organochlorines (OCs) such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) isomers (HCHs), chlordane compounds (CHLs), and HCB (hexachlorobenzene) were examined in mussels collected from coastal waters of Asian countries such as Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Far East Russia, Singapore, and Vietnam in 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2001 to elucidate the contamination status, distribution and possible pollution sources and to assess the risks on aquatic organisms and human. OCs were detected in all mussels collected from all the sampling sites investigated. Considerable residue levels of p,p(')-DDT and alpha-HCH were found in mussels and the concentrations of DDTs and HCHs found in mussels from Asian developing countries were higher than those in developed nations suggesting present usage of DDTs and HCHs along the coastal waters of Asian developing countries. On the other hand, lower concentrations of PCBs detected in mussels from Asian developing countries than those in developed countries indicate that PCBs contamination in mussels is strongly related to industrial and activities. To our knowledge, this is a first comprehensive report on monitoring OCs pollution in the Asia-Pacific region.
  7. Li Y, Hu J, Hou J, Lu S, Xiong J, Wang Y, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2024 Oct 19;14(1):24595.
    PMID: 39427096 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-76506-7
    The spread of SARS-CoV-2 to animals has the potential to evolve independently. In this study, we distinguished several sentinel animal species and genera for monitoring the re-emergence of COVID-19 or the new outbreak of COVID-19-like disease. We analyzed SARS-CoV-2 genomic data from human and nonhuman mammals in the taxonomic hierarchies of species, genus, family and order of their host. We find that SARS-CoV-2 carried by domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), domestic cat (Felis catus), mink (Neovison vison), and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) cluster closely to human-origin viruses and show no differences in the majority of amino acids, but have the most positively selected sites and should be monitored to prevent the re-emergence of COVID-19 caused by novel variants of SARS-CoV-2. Viruses from the genera Panthera (especially lion (Panthera leo)), Manis and Rhinolophus differ significantly from human-origin viruses, and long-term surveillance should be undertaken to prevent the future COVID-19-like outbreaks. Investigation of the variation dynamics of sites 142, 501, 655, 681 and 950 within the S protein may be necessary to predict the novel animal SARS-CoV-2 variants.
  8. Karmegam, Karuppiah, Salit MS, Ismail MY, Ismail N, Tamrin SB, et al.
    J Hum Ergol (Tokyo), 2011 Dec;40(1-2):37-46.
    PMID: 25665206 DOI: 10.11183/jhe.40.37
    This paper presents the results of an anthropometric data collected from polytechnic students in Malaysia. A total of 1032 (595 males and 437 females) students participated in the study. Their ages ranged from 18 to 24 years. A total of 34 anthropometric dimensions were measured. Descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, standard error of mean, coefficient of variation, minimum, maximum and percentile for each parameter were estimated. In addition, the comparison between Malaysia anthropometric data and Thailand (South) anthropometric data were also presented. The results show that there is a total of 12 and 11 (of dimensions parameters) significant differences (p < 0.05) between the male and female adults respectively.
  9. Musa NH, Thilakavathy K, Mohamad NA, Kennerson ML, Inche Mat LN, Loh WC, et al.
    Front Genet, 2022;13:972007.
    PMID: 36659963 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.972007
    Myotonia congenita (MC) is a rare neuromuscular disease caused by mutations within the CLCN1 gene encoding skeletal muscle chloride channels. MC is characterized by delayed muscle relaxation during contraction, resulting in muscle stiffness. There is a lack of MC case reports and data on the prevalence among Malaysians. We report a clinical case of a 50-year-old woman presents with muscle stiffness and cramp episodes that started in early childhood. She had difficulty initiating muscle movement and presented with transient muscle weakness after rest, which usually improved after repeated contraction (warm-up phenomenon). She was diagnosed with MC after myotonic discharge on electromyography (EMG). Her brother had similar symptoms; however, no additional family members showed MC symptoms. Serum creatine kinase levels were elevated in both the proband and her brother with 447 U/L and 228 U/L recorded, respectively. Genetic analysis by whole-exome sequencing (WES) revealed a previously reported pathogenic CLCN1 gene variant c.1667T>A (p.I556N). Genetic screening of all family members revealed that the same variant was observed in the children of both the proband and her brother; however, the children did not present with either clinical or electrophysiological MC symptoms. The multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) analysis conducted identified neither exon deletion nor duplication in CLCN1. In conclusion, this report describes the first case of MC in Malaysia in which incomplete penetrance observed in this family is caused by a known pathogenic CLCN1 variant.
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