Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 166 in total

  1. Ili NN, Omar Z, Ahmad A
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:39-62.
    Employee deviance has received increasing attention in the past decade. Past research have reported that work environment related factors such as organizational support, supervisory support, role conflict, and job demand were associated with deviant behavior The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between job demand (psychological job demand), and job resources (social support), and employee workplace deviant behavior. This study adopts a cross-sectional correlation study design. A total of 315 employees were selected using cluster sampling technique participated in this study. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire using the drop and collect method. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis (mean, standard deviation, frequency distribution) to describe the demographic profile and study variables. Correlation and regression analysis was performed to test the relationship between psychological job demand, and social support, and employee workplace deviant behaviors. The result revealed that lack of social support has significant positive influence on employee workplace deviant behavior. The findings suggest that lack of job resources such as social support may drive employees to engage in deviant work behavior. However, high job demand experienced by employees does not drive them towards engaging in deviant work behavior.
  2. Jin KK, Wai YL
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:51-64.
    This study was designed to understand the experiences and emotions of teenage depression by attending to the metaphors described by the research participants. We examined the ways metaphor as a figurative language, help in the depression narrative which was understood as a state of despondency characterized by feeling of inadequacy, lowered activity, or pessimism about the future. Qualitative research design was implemented where narrative inquiry and in- depth interviews were conducted. A total of three participants were recruited in this study. Each participant was interviewed three times within a month where each session is approximately forty- five minutes to one hour. There were three metaphors found, namely Volcano, Black Hole, and Being Bitten by Big Fish. The thematic analysis revealed that the depression experience was described as passive, involuntary and painful; however, recovery process was triggered off by an “awareness” moment which was related to interpersonal relationship. Therefore this paper concluded that the expression of depression using metaphors has helped drawing out the profound specific emotions and it was insightful in the conceptualization experience, and a positive and supportive social context is helpful to enhance the recovery process of teenage depression.
  3. Mas AO, Fatimah wH
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:63-84.
    Pelaksanaan Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN) 2007 menuntut supaya kakitangan akademik berupaya menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran kerja universiti penyelidikan. Cabaran utama adalah untuk mengubah tabiat dan tingkahlaku kerja yang lazim kepada yang sepadan dengan keperluan universiti penyelidikan. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti pengaruh personaliti lima faktor terhadap penilaian prestasi kerja berkesan (PPKB) dalam kalangan kakitangan akademik UKM. Kajian Kuantitatif ini menggunakan pengukuran personaliti NEO FFI dan Personality Related-Position Requirement Form bagi mengukur prestasi kerja berkesan. Seramai 204 orang kakitangan akademik UKM terpilih sebagai sampel kajian. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa secara keseluruhan personaliti individu meramal prestasi kerja berkesan dalam kalangan kakitangan akademik kajian sebanyak 24 peratus. Keputusan kajian memperihalkan bahawa semua faktor personaliti individu yang diukur adalah penting dalam menggambarkan ciri kakitangan akademik kajian kecuali neurotisisme. Kesemua dimensi penilaian prestasi kerja berkesan sepadan dengan data kajian. Kajian ini berjaya mengenalpasti faktor personaliti dan dimensi penilaian prestasi berkesan sebagai kakitangan akademik UKM dalam era universiti penyelidikan.
  4. Desa A, Yusooff F
    1Malaysia concept was introduced by Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak on April 3, 2009 with the theme, "People First, Achievement Is Priority", 1Malaysia seen as an attempt to foster unity among the various races in Malaysia with 8 important values as the catalyst for social transformation that leads to the growth and well-being of people. This descriptive study was conducted to investigate the source and extent of the understanding of 1Malaysia concept among the three groups of primary school (n = 100), secondary school (n = 100) and university students (n = 98). Data were collected through a survey method with the use of a set of questionnaires and were then analysed with SPSS software. The results showed that the main source of this concept for all three groups of students is through television, followed by the newspaper. For the understanding of the concept, it was found that almost 70% of the respondents do understand some basic aspects related to it. However, there are still aspects which respondents still do not know about. Thus there is a need for the educators to play an important role to explain in detail to the students so that the concept can be understood and appreciated, and that it is not misinterpreted to cause negative impact on race relations in Malaysia.
  5. Haikal AA, Desa A, Wan Shahrazad WS, Mohamad IA, Daniella MM
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:1-17.
    This study was carried out to identify the differences of emotional intelligence and religious orientation between students in government secondary schools and religious secondary schools. This study involved 224 respondents that were chosen via purposive sampling technique. The emotional intelligence questionnaire used in this study was based on Bar-On’s emotional intelligence theory while religious orientation was measured using the Religion Orientation Scale. Data collected were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 19.0. T-test was used to observe the differences of emotional intelligence and religious orientation between students in government secondary schools and religious secondary schools. The results showed that there were differences in emotional intelligence but no difference was found in religious orientation between students from government secondary schools and religious secondary schools.
  6. Gertrude C Ah Gang G, Stukas AA
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:20-31.
    Equity theory suggests that perceiving equity leads to better relationship outcomes than perceiving inequity. However, cultural and relationship differences in tolerance for inequity have been found, suggesting that those from more individualistic cultures may have less tolerance for inequity with friends than those from more collectivistic cultures, with the latter group discriminating more clearly in their reactions to friends and strangers. In our first study, Kadazandusun (N=282) and Australian (N=255) participants evaluated their actual reciprocity in social support with a close friend. In our second study, 103 South East Asians and 128 Australians were randomly assigned to respond to a scenario presenting equity or inequity (underbenefit or overbenefit) with either a close friend or stranger. Study 1 found that participants from both cultures reported reduced desires for future interaction, positive feelings and closeness when they experienced under-benefit as compared to over-benefit or equity. In Study 2, participants from both cultures also reported reduced desires for future interaction, positive feelings and trust when there was inequity and reported a more negative reaction to a stranger than a close friend. These findings are consistent with equity theory and support its cross-cultural applicability.
  7. Hairul NI, Kususanto P
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:93-105.
    This qualitative study has been done to 24 teachers and 72 students from various secondary schools in Penang, Malaysia, related to the effect of between class ability grouping (BCAG). Studies reported that BCAG triggered correspondence bias among teachers, which eventually affect them to show different perception and expectations towards high achiever classes (HAC) and low achiever classes (LAC) students. However, even teachers tend to expect HAC students not to be significantly involved in disciplinary problems; they still do, such as distrusting schoolteachers, paying less attention to in the classroom, doing external work during classes at school, and being blatantly arrogant to the teachers. Semi-structured interview have been utilized in order to collect the data, and two-cycled analyses method, namely In-Vivo and Thematic Analyses has been operated in order to analyze the massive amount of qualitative data. Findings of this study showed that the disciplinary problems among HAC are related to their self-esteem types due to locus of control difference, as well as bigger issues apart from the competition among themselves. School management system, BCAG itself, and reciprocal envy between HAC and LAC students, as well as their inclination towards tuition centers contributed to disciplinary problems among HAC students.
  8. Mohammad Aziz Shah MA, Fauziah MS, Abdul Malek AR, Syed Sofian SS, Mohammad NB, Muhammad BM
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:12-35.
    Kajian ini bertujuan menterjemahkan soalselidik Skala Konsep Kendiri Multidimensi (SKKM) edisi bahasa Inggeris ke dalam bahasa Malaysia, mendapatkan kesahan kandungan dan nilai kebolehpercayaan. SKKM dibina oleh Bracken (1992) bertujuan mengukur konsep kendiri berdasarkan Model Konsep Kendiri Multidimensi (MKKM). SKKM mempunyai 150 item (74 item positif dan 76 item negatif) yang mengukur enam sub skala konsep kendiri iaitu konsep kendiri sosial, kemampuan, perasaan, keluarga, fizikal dan akademik. Proses penterjemahan SKKM ke dalam bahasa Malaysia menggunakan kaedah back translation yang dicadangkan oleh Brislin, Lonner dan Thondike (1973). Item-item dalam SKKM diubahsuai mengikut nilai dan budaya masyarakat tempatan dan dinilai terjemahannya oleh tiga panel bahasa Melayu dan tiga panel bahasa Inggeris. Bagi analisis kesahan muka seramai lapan pelajar sekolah menengah dan tiga pakar bahasa Melayu terlibat dalam membaiki bahasa, struktur ayat dan kefahaman istilah-istilah dalam SKKM. Seterusnya, SKKM dinilai oleh tujuh panel pakar bagi menilai kesahan kandungannya. Seterusnya analisis kepercayaan dijalankan terhadap 214 pelajar di dua buah sekolah menegah di negeri Selangor, Malaysia. Dapatan kajian mendapati nilai kesahan kandungan oleh panel pakar memperoleh nilai koefisien yang tinggi iaitu = 0.822 dengan nilai minimum dan maksimum juga melebihi .60. Nilai koefisien terendah ialah bagi sub skala konsep kendiri keluarga iaitu .668 dan nilai tertinggi ialah bagi sub skala konsep kendiri sosial iaitu .964. Analisis kebolehpercayaan SKKM juga memuaskan dengan nilai keseluruhan ialah .757. Huraian berdasarkan subskala ialah Sosial α = .7.93, Kemampuan α = .770, Perasaan α = .744, Keluarga α = .680, Fizikal α = .791 dan Akademik α = .762. Bagi analisis nilai kebolehpercayaan berdasarkan item-item mendapati nilai kebolehpercayaan tertinggi ialah soalan nombor 103 subskala keluarga iaitu .902 dan nilai terendah ialah item soalan nombor 49 subskala kemampuan iaitu .762. Justeru kajian ini berjaya menterjemahkan SKKM yang mempunyai nilai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi dan boleh diaplikasikan dalam kalangan remaja di Malaysia.
  9. Mohammad RK, Nadiah SM, Siti NF, Othman A, Khaidzir Hj I, Geshina Ayu MS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:36-50.
    An individual’s personality traits seem to be a factor in developing and shaping violent criminal behaviour. Due to this realization, the present study seeks to explore the relationship of personality traits with low self-control, aggression, and self-serving cognitive distortion. The present study was an observational cross-sectional study using a guided self-administered questionnaire: M-PsychoQ. The source population was the male murderers incarcerated in 11 prisons in Peninsular Malaysia. 71 participants were selected based on a predetermined selection criteria using purposive sampling method. After undergoing the validation processes, the emerged M-PsychoQ consisted of four psychometric instruments: Malay versions of the Zuckerman Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire-40-Cross-Culture (ZKPQ-M-40-CC), Self-control Scale (SCS-M), Aggression Questionnaire (AQ-M-12), and “How I Think” Questionnaire (HIT-M). Regression analyses viz. simple and multiple linear regression approaches were conducted in order to predict whether personality traits would emerge as significant predictors. The findings evidenced certain personality traits as significant predictors of low self-control, high levels of aggression and self-serving cognitive distortion. This study imparts statistical evidence on the role of personality traits as an important predictor of low self-control, high aggression and self-serving cognitive distortion. The results were discussed in relation to the theory and context of murder.
  10. Halim FW, Mazlan MZ, Omar F
    The main foundation in the strategic transformational framework of Malaysian Public Services 2009-2015 is to make certain more transformational leaders were born and having noble values and integrity. Dilpomatic Officer (PTD) are among the higher leaders in public services responsible for making sure that the strategies were successfully implemented. The question here is do the PTD sucessfully strengthen their personality and personal value matched with the strategic transformation foundation of the public sector. Using the Big Five Personality Model and the basic personal values of the public sector, the aim of this research is to identify the persoanlity factors and basic personal values of PTD after going through the transformation since 2009. The personality measurement IPIP by Goldberg was used to measure the five personality factors. The basic personal values questionnaire was developed by the researchers. Two hunderd sixty five PTD were chosen as respondents using purposive sampling. Data collected were then analyzed using CFA and SEM with the SPSS.15 and AMOS 5.0. Findings showed that the PTDs have matched personality factors and basic personal values with strategic foundation transformation demand that is transformational leadership and having noble values and integrity. The personality factors conscientiousness, openess and not easily agreeable influence 34% of the variance for basic personal values. The findings confirmed that the factor personality and basic personal values need to be paid attention in the development of PTD so that the transformational leadership can be sustained.
  11. Hamdan A, Nasir R, Khairudin R, Wan Shahrazad WS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:39-51.
    The purpose of this study was to examine and identify whether factors such as previous academic result (SPM), gender and time management could determine differences among students, based on academic performance or grade point average (GPA). A total of 551 undergraduate students from four universities participated in the study. Students with a GPA of 3.50 or greater significantly differed in their level of time management than those with a GPA of less than 2.50. In terms of gender, female students were found to have higher GPA than male students. However, students enrolled with excellent SPM result did not differ significantly in term of their GPA from students enrolled with low SPM result. Results from ANOVA and t-test showed that time management and gender, not previous academic result, were the important factors to distinguish students with low or high academic performance. The implication of this study showed that academic excellence among undergraduates did not rely solely on previous academic result, but the role of time management and gender did play significant factors in distinguishing high achievers vs low achievers.
  12. Desa A, Yusooff F, Zainah AZ, Nor Ba’yah AK, Mohd Norahim MS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:32-42.
    Kemahiran keibubapaan, kefungsian keluarga dan kesejahteraan psikologi dalam kalangan ibubapa adalah tiga aspek yang sangat penting untuk menjamin kesejahteraan sesebuah keluarga. Kajian dalam kalangan 187 orang ibu dan bapa ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti tahap kemahiran keibubapaan dan kefungsian keluarga serta hubungan antara kedua pemboleh ubah ini. Selain daripada itu hubungan antara kefungsian keluarga dengan kesejahteraan psikologi juga dikaji. Perbezaan antara jantina bagi ketiga-tiga pemboleh ubah tersebut juga dikaji. Dapatan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemahiran keibubapaan dengan kefungsian keluarga, serta kefungsian keluarga dengan kesejahteraan psikologi. Manakala ujian t pula menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan kemahiran keibubapaan antara lelaki dengan wanita, tetapi tidak terdapat perbezaan dari aspek kefungsian keluarga dan kesejahteraan psikologi. Implikasi kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan kemahiran keibubapaan dan kefungsian keluarga dalam mencapai kesejahteraan psikologi.
  13. Ferlis Bullare B, Ismail R, Lailawati Madlan E, Lajuma S
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:21-20.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the types of coping strategies to overcome daily obstacles and depression which are practicing by secondary school students in Sabah. Specifically, this survey study is conducted to 1) compare the types of coping strategies and depression based on the gender and the educational level of students, 2) the relationship between the types of coping strategies and depression levels. A total of 2746 students ranging from 13 to 19 years old from 18 secondary schools in Sabah had been chosen as respondents. The Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS) (1993) is used to measure the coping strategies of students and the Beck Depression Index-II (BDI-II) (1996) is to measure the students’ level of depression. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation) while the independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation were used to test the inferential statistics. The result indicated that there were differences in types of coping strategies between gender and educational level (i.e. lower secondary and upper secondary). Result also showed that there was a significant relationship between coping strategies with the students’ level of depression. Hence, several implications and suggestions are highlighted in this paper.
  14. Zainal Rashid AA, Kamaluddin MR, Wahab S, Abdul Aziz DA, Abdul Latiff Z, Rathakrishnan B
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2018;32:91-108.
    This study was conducted to examine the vulnerability of Malaysian children towards online sexual grooming by ascertaining the level of vulnerability and the relationships with social media profiles and demographical factors. To achieve the objectives of this study, a quantitative method using a cross-sectional research design with the aid of electronic questionnaire via Google Form was used to gather the data. A total of 205 Malaysian children from the age of 10 to 17 years old participated in this study with their parents’ consent. Based on the analyses of the items, it was found that each child was vulnerable towards sexual grooming at different levels. This study also found that the frequency of social media usage was directly correlated with online sexual grooming vulnerability (r = 0.14, p = 0.05) and age of the respondents (r = 0.20, p = 0.006). Children with more social media accounts were also found to be more vulnerable towards online sexual grooming compared to those with lower number of social media accounts (F (2, 191) = 7.30, p = 0.001). Findings also revealed that there was no significant difference on online sexual grooming vulnerability in terms of gender (t (191) = -0.39, p = 0.149). As a conclusion, this study provide in-depth exposure related to online sexual grooming vulnerability to public
  15. Faizah Mat I, Norizan H, Rozmi I
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2018;32:109-118.
    The number of adolescents involved in drug addiction increases every year. Statistic shows that in 2015 there were 6,406 addicts from age 13 to 24 years old compared to 4,954 detected in 2014. The majority of those addicts had major depression. It is predicted that by 2020, depression will be the second leading causes of global burden of diseases after heart disease. This study aims to identify the relationship between social support and depression among adolescent drug addicts. The study used quantitative method by distributing the questionnaires to respondents. A total of 367 adolescent drug adddicts were involved in this study. The results showed a significant negative relationship between social support and depression. The results of the study also showed that there were relationships between social support from guardian, friends and closed friends and depression. The implication of the study suggested that the role of social support such as family members and close friends are crucial to help adolecents cope with depression and addiction.
  16. Keya MK, Parvin M
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2018;32:127-135.
    The present study examined the influence of age, gender, education and monthly income on perceived stress of type-2 diabetes and coronary heart disease patients. The study was conducted on 100 chronic patients (50 diabetic and 50 coronary heart disease) selected randomly from six hospitals and clinics of Rajshahi city in Bangladesh. The age range of sample was 35 to 65 years (M=53.03, SD=8.597). All of the participants were out-patients. Perceived Stress Questionnaire (Keya, 2006) was used to assess the stress level. The t- test analyses revealed that female patients perceive high level of stress than male patients. Results of the analysis of variance revealed that the main effect of education on perceived stress was statistically significant, illiterate patients perceived high level of stress compare to primary, secondary, higher secondary and graduate group. Regression analysis revealed that demographic variables (age, gender and monthly income) explained 26.8 percent of the variance that highlighting contributions to patients’ perceived stress. The findings conclude that gender, monthly income and level of education have significant effects on patients’ perceived stress.
  17. Kim TH, Ian Li EO
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2018;32:97-113.
    This study was done to investigate the effectiveness of Mandala Art Therapy (MAT) as a tool to enhance the Social Interaction Skills (SIS) of a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The participant of this study was a student with ASD aged twenty-three years old attending a special development center. There were six sessions of MAT done in this study. The initial score and the after score of participants’ Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) assessment were compared to determine whether there is an improvement of his SIS after going through six sessions of MAT. Besides that, the participant’s behavioral changes and color application from his mandala throughout the six sessions of MAT were also observed and analyzed to explore the improvement of his SIS. After six sessions of observation, the findings obtained from the MAT sessions indicated that MAT is useful to improve the SIS of the participant in this study. This study showed that MAT could be utilized as a useful tool in therapy sessions for other students with ASD to improve their SIS.
  18. Lailawati Madlan E, Abdul Adib A, Chua BS, Ferlis Bullare B, Jasmine Adela M, Rosnah I
    Social emotional intelligence, a combination between emotion and social intelligence, is a very important aspect of one's self. It is divided into five components which is intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptation and general mood. Social emotional intelligence directly affects the behavior, emotion and decision making of an individual. Secondary school students are a group of early teenager and still in the process of identity formation. Therefore, it is important to know the social emotional intelligence of adaptability skills especially among school students as it has long-term impact on their performance. The main objective of this study is to examine the social emotional intelligence scores among high school students in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The sample in this study consisted of Form One to Form Six students from various schools around Kota Kinabalu. A set of questionnaire used in this study is The Emotional Quotient Inventory Youth Version (EQ-i: YV) designed by Bar-On and Parker (2000) contains 60 questions with four likert scale. The data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 24.0. The results of this study showed that the social emotional intelligence as a whole is at a moderate level. Meanwhile, there are differences in adaptability skills between male and female students, where the mean score for male students is higher than female students. As for the implication, related parties such as ministries of education, parents and the community can obtain relevant information for the purpose of implementation of programs and activities to enhance emotional intelligence and adaptability skills that are appropriate to the current generation Z.
  19. Muhammad Ajib Abd R, Rozmi I, Noh A, Norhayati I, Faizah I
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2018;32:104-113.
    Occupation is the most important element in changing the quality-of-life continuity and the recovery of drug addicts. This study aimed to measure the level of employment sustainability among ex-clients from the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK). This study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. A total of 130 AADK ex-clients who were in employment were selected as respondents for this study. Our findings show that the majority of AADK ex-clients can survive relatively well enough for between 1 to 2 years depending on the factors of wages, work environment, interests and skills. The finding of this study implies that former clients tend to remain only 1 to 2 years in employment if their wages and jobs are not in line with their will. The findings also found that there was a significant relationship between the job-person fit and job satisfaction with motivation. Hence, this study is capable to modify the perceptions and views of employers towards clients' initiative for being persistent at the workplace as well as improving existing policies in providing incentives to clients for being consistent on the job.
  20. Najwa Afiqa R, Aizan Sofia A, Haikal Anuar A
    The HIV positive cases in Malaysia and the world are increasing from day to day among individuals of all races and ages. However, the issue of social support for HIV positive patients still needs to be discussed in detail as this issue will have an impact on the lives of HIV positive patients in Malaysia. The focus of this study is to examine social support among HIV positive people in Malaysia. This study used a full qualitative method to collect and analyze data. Five male informants with HIV positive were involved in this study. All informants were interviewed separately using semi structured interview methods. Among the topics discussed in this study were family acceptance, the type of social support they received and the social support resources. The findings showed that, four out of five informants were infected with the HIV viruses from sharing needle and one informant was infected from unprotected sex. The results showed that they received adequate social support in terms of emotions, information, instrumental and networking from various sources. Nevertheless, social support for HIV positive people in Malaysia still needs to be discussed and promoted to ensure their psychological well-being.
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