Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 206 in total

  1. Mas AO, Fatimah wH
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2014;olume 28:63-84.
    Pelaksanaan Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN) 2007 menuntut supaya kakitangan akademik berupaya menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran kerja universiti penyelidikan. Cabaran utama adalah untuk mengubah tabiat dan tingkahlaku kerja yang lazim kepada yang sepadan dengan keperluan universiti penyelidikan. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti pengaruh personaliti lima faktor terhadap penilaian prestasi kerja berkesan (PPKB) dalam kalangan kakitangan akademik UKM. Kajian Kuantitatif ini menggunakan pengukuran personaliti NEO FFI dan Personality Related-Position Requirement Form bagi mengukur prestasi kerja berkesan. Seramai 204 orang kakitangan akademik UKM terpilih sebagai sampel kajian. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa secara keseluruhan personaliti individu meramal prestasi kerja berkesan dalam kalangan kakitangan akademik kajian sebanyak 24 peratus. Keputusan kajian memperihalkan bahawa semua faktor personaliti individu yang diukur adalah penting dalam menggambarkan ciri kakitangan akademik kajian kecuali neurotisisme. Kesemua dimensi penilaian prestasi kerja berkesan sepadan dengan data kajian. Kajian ini berjaya mengenalpasti faktor personaliti dan dimensi penilaian prestasi berkesan sebagai kakitangan akademik UKM dalam era universiti penyelidikan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders
  2. Ho TM
    Family Practitioner, 1987;10(1):46-47.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality
  3. Ho TM
    Family Practitioner, 1986;9(1):63-70.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality
  4. Ho TM
    Family Practitioner, 1984;7(2):53-60.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality
  5. Tharshini NK, Ibrahim F, Kamaluddin MR, Rathakrishnan B, Che Mohd Nasir N
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Aug 17;18(16).
    PMID: 34444412 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18168663
    In addition to social and environmental factors, individual personality traits have intricately linked with maladaptive behaviour. Thus, the purpose of this article was to review the link between individual personality traits and criminality. A systematic review was conducted to obtain information regarding the link between individual personality traits with criminal behaviour in the Sage, Web of Science, APA PsycNet, Wiley Online Library, and PubMed databases. The results indicate that individual personality traits that contribute towards criminality are (i) psychopathy; (ii) low self-control; and (iii) difficult temperament. As an overall impact, the review is expected to provide in-depth understanding of the link between individual personality traits and criminality; hence, greater consideration will be given to the dimension of personality as a notable risk factor of criminal behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders*; Personality Inventory
  6. Nurul Hidayu Mat Jusoh, Siti Fatimah Bahari, Siti Aisyah Abdul Rahman
    Purpose - The aims of this concept paper are to critically review and identify gaps in current literature on personality
    and safety performance, provide a definition of personality and safety performance, explore the role of personality on
    safety performance, come out with recommendation for future research. Design/methodology/approach - Review and
    synthesis of literature. Findings - All dimensions of Big Five Personality (Openness to Experiences, Conscientiousness,
    Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) have contributed to the safety performance. Research limitations/
    implications - Personality for this concept paper refers to the Model of Big Five. Future studies should explore other
    personality types such as Myers Briggs Personality and Holland Personality. Practical implications - The authors
    recommended that organizations need to design test of personality specially for safety and health and use it during the
    interview session in order to select the right candidate to serve them for enhancing safety performance. Originality/
    value - This concept paper offers a set of interesting lessons for organizations by providing the positive personality
    that must be apply by employees based on Big Five Personality model that will assist to improve safety performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders; Type A Personality
  7. Hidayat S, Febrianto Z, Eliyana A, Purwohedi U, Anggraini RD, Emur AP, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(1):e0280003.
    PMID: 36626372 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280003
    Employee creativity is important for TV companies because it can improve organizational performance and increase success and survival based on the ability to create innovations. In response to this, field reporters who work for TV companies also need high creativity in facing the challenges of their work and in creating innovations. This research aims to test the roles of perceived organizational support, proactive personality, the meaning of work, and work engagement in affecting employee creativity. The total numbers of respondents were 119 selected from 14 private television companies in Indonesia. The method in this study is a quantitative approach using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool with the SmartPls 3.0 application. Most of the hypotheses of this study show significant results. However, there is one finding that a proactive personality is not able to strengthen employee creativity. This indicates that employees' behavior at work is sometimes different from the personality. This study is the first to look at news reporters' employee creativity using the suggested model. As a result, organizations can use the study's findings as a starting point to determine the best strategy for fostering creativity within their workforce.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality*; Personality Disorders
  8. Halim FW, Mazlan MZ, Omar F
    The main foundation in the strategic transformational framework of Malaysian Public Services 2009-2015 is to make certain more transformational leaders were born and having noble values and integrity. Dilpomatic Officer (PTD) are among the higher leaders in public services responsible for making sure that the strategies were successfully implemented. The question here is do the PTD sucessfully strengthen their personality and personal value matched with the strategic transformation foundation of the public sector. Using the Big Five Personality Model and the basic personal values of the public sector, the aim of this research is to identify the persoanlity factors and basic personal values of PTD after going through the transformation since 2009. The personality measurement IPIP by Goldberg was used to measure the five personality factors. The basic personal values questionnaire was developed by the researchers. Two hunderd sixty five PTD were chosen as respondents using purposive sampling. Data collected were then analyzed using CFA and SEM with the SPSS.15 and AMOS 5.0. Findings showed that the PTDs have matched personality factors and basic personal values with strategic foundation transformation demand that is transformational leadership and having noble values and integrity. The personality factors conscientiousness, openess and not easily agreeable influence 34% of the variance for basic personal values. The findings confirmed that the factor personality and basic personal values need to be paid attention in the development of PTD so that the transformational leadership can be sustained.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality
  9. Abbasi AZ, Nisar S, Rehman U, Ting DH
    Front Psychol, 2020;11:1831.
    PMID: 32849078 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01831
    This article aims to uncover novel insights into personality factors and consumer video game engagement modeling. This research empirically validates the role of specific HEXACO personality factors that foster consumer engagement (CE) in electronic sports (eSports) users. Using a survey-based approach, we incorporated the HEXACO 60 items and consumer video game engagement scales for data collection. Data were collected from eSports users, with 250 valid responses. WarpPLS 6.0 was used for partial least squares-structural equation modeling analyses comprising measurement and structural model assessment. The results showed that the reflective measurement model is reliable and sound, whereas the second-order formative measurement model also meets the criteria of indicator weights and collinearity values variance inflation factor (VIF). The results based on the structural model indicate that openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness positively predict CE in eSports. This article is first among others that conceptualizes and validates the HEXACO personality traits as a reflective formative model using the hierarchical component model approach. The research model carries the explanatory capacity for CE in eSports concerning personality dimensions as indicated by the HEXACO model. It highlights the potential benefits of such research especially to marketers who could potentially employ personality modeling to develop tailored strategies to increase CE in video games.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders
  10. Chong SC, Ang JK, Hashim H
    Asian J Psychiatr, 2020 Dec;54:102117.
    PMID: 32623189 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.102117
    Pathological narcissism or narcissistic personality disorder is commonly characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance, condescending attitude, need for excessive admiration, diminished empathy and exploitativeness. In contrast to these overt attributes, there is a different presentation of pathological narcissism which is underrecognized, as one's preoccupation with hypervigilant, self-effacement and proneness to shame in the context of covert grandiose fantasies. This report illustrates a patient who had this subtype of vulnerable narcissism, and how his defence had been activated to preserve own self agency during a session with the doctor by revealing his paraphilic fantasy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality Disorders*
  11. Adnan AAZ, Khan NR, Rosdi SAB, Yunus NKY, Ghouri AM, Haq MA
    Data Brief, 2018 Dec;21:1880-1885.
    PMID: 30519611 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.10.169
    Data were collected from administration officers ranging from middle-management to top management of the five universities of Malaysia. The data was collected through a standardized and structured questionnaire. The variables of the study were religiosity, personality and work behavior of Muslims. Muslim work behavior construct formulated on the basis on collected data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders
  12. Rachel Ting SK, Low JL, Michelle Cheong KP, Yap WY, Aina NA
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2009;olume 23:79-85.
    Kertas ini membincangkan aspek sosial-budaya terhadap Multiphasic Personality lnventory, 2nd Edition (MMPI-2) dalam konteks Malaysia. Variabel sosial seperti bahasa, nilai budaya, agama, norma umur, dan jantina turut diambil kira untuk menafsirkan keputusan MMPI-2 dalam kajian yang melibatkan penduduk Malaysia. Beberapa tindakan dan adaptasi perlu diadakan untuk mengelakkan pengenaan nilai barat dan patologi yang berlebihan terhadap peserta tempatan yang mengambil ujian. Justeru, pelaksanaan MMPI-2 menjadi sah dan boleh dipercayai dalam konteks silang budaya, seperti di Malaysia, Kertas ini juga mencadangkan bahawa tindakan untuk masa depan akan mengambilkira kepelbagaian di Malaysia untuk membuat pengubahsuaian dan membina norma yang sesuai.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders
  13. Sohail M, Naeem F, Javaid MU, Ibikunle AK
    Work, 2023;76(3):979-990.
    PMID: 37182851 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-220454
    BACKGROUND: Personality assessment has its own bright and dark sides, especially in the military setting. It is at play since the emergence of clinical psychology and its application in the recruitment process during World War I and II. Change in personality assessment trends, the evolution of complex personality traits, and changing geopolitical settings across the world necessitate the development of cost-effective, time-efficient, and reliable assessment measures that overcome issues in current assessment measures and fulfil the needs of present timesOBJECTIVE:The objective of this paper is to explore the evolution of personality assessment measures and their uses in military settings along with the comparison of self-report and non-self-report measures. It would give directions for the development of new measures to overcome the issues and drawbacks associated with current measures of research.

    METHODS: The research question was formulated using the most valid SPIDER technique for a comprehensive search. PubMed, Google Scholar, and PsycNet databases were searched. 19 articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria out of 775 articles.

    RESULTS: Thematic analyses show that personality assessment in the military is done to a) detect psychopathology, b) detect aberrant responses, c) recruit new personnel, d) predict training and performance outcomes, and e) predict leadership. The research contributes to the body of knowledge by showing an integrated picture of the most widely used assessment tools and the purpose it serves.

    CONCLUSION: There is a need to develop assessment measures that are culture free and can assess more complex personality attributes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Assessment
  14. Hassan AB, Begum T, Reza MF, Yusoff N
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 Nov;23(6):70-82.
    PMID: 28090181 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2016.23.6.8
    Previous studies have revealed that self-related tasks (items) receive more attention than non-self-related, and that they elicit event-related potential (ERP) components with larger amplitudes. Since personality has been reported as one of the biological correlates influencing these components, as well as our behavioural differences, it is important to examine how it affects our self-consciousness in relation to tasks of varied relevance and the neurological basis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality; Personality Disorders
  15. Banks E
    Am J Orthopsychiatry, 1989 Jul;59(3):390-7.
    PMID: 2764073
    Malay parents of 40 infants and preschool children were interviewed using translations of temperament questionnaires by Thomas and Chess, and by Carey. Similarities and differences between Malay children and previously studied American children are discussed, and relationships suggested among temperament ratings and Malay child-rearing practices and values.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality*; Personality Development*; Personality Tests
  16. Saifuddin, T.M., Amilin, N., Zafri, A.
    Dissociative identity disorder (DID) previously known as multiple personality disorder is associated with depression and traumatic childhood which can be either physically or sexually abuse. It is hard to establish diagnosis of DID because of the complexity and controversies that surrounding it. We report a case of a young man who has DID and Major Depressive Disorder in the background of traumatic childhood experience who was recently admitted to our inpatient psychiatric unit and demonstrated transitions to other distinct personality state.
    Matched MeSH terms: Multiple Personality Disorder; Personality; Personality Disorders
  17. Fadzilah Siraji, Yong Zulina Zubairi, Abdul Razak Saleh, Rohana Jani, Md. Yusoff Abu Bakar, Md. Radzi Johari
    Learning Strategy and Study Inventory (LASSI) merupakan suatu instrumen laporan kendiri yang digunakan untuk menilai strategi pembelajaran berdasarkan model umum pembelajaran kognitif dan model strategik pembelajaran. untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang strategi pembelajaran pelajar Perubatan dan Pergigian di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA) dan Swasta (IPTS). Instrumen yang telah dibangunkan oleh LASSI diadaptasi dan digunapakai. Tiga komponen utama yang diukur dalam LASSI iaitu KEMAHuAn, KEMAHIrAn dan PErATurAn KEnDIrI. Populasi kajian merangkumi pelajar lepasan STPM dan Matrikulasi dari IPTA dan IPTS yang mengikuti program Perubatan serta Pergigian atau program Perubatan sahaja. Secara keseluruhannya, persepsi pelajar menunjukkan keperihatinan pelajar untuk mempelajari maklumat baru, sikap dan minat terhadap bidang yang dipelajari dan disiplin diri amat rendah berbanding pelajar di negara maju. Perbandingan skor pelajar IPTA dan IPTS menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan bagi faktor Kebimbangan, Pemprosesan Maklumat dan Strategi Pengujianan. Perbandingan skor pelajar lepasan Matrikulasi dan STPM pula menunjukkan tiada perbezaan signifikan bagi hampir semua skor bagi faktor LASSI kecuali Mat Bantu Pembelajaran dan Pengujian Kendiri. Perbandingan skor pelajar Perubatan dan Pergigian pula menunjukkan strategi pembelajaran bagi kedua dua kumpulan pelajar yang mengikuti bidang kritikal tersebut adalah sama dengan tiada sebarang perbezaan yang signifikan dalam sebarang faktor LASSI. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa keseluruhan pelajar yang mengikuti program kritikal mempunyai strategi pembelajaran yang kurang baik. Sehubungan itu pihak pengurusan perlu mengambil inisiatif untuk membantu pelajar dalam memperkemaskan strategi pembelajaran mereka. Strategi pembelajaran yang kurang efektif akan mengundang kesan sampingan yang tidak sihat seperti kemurungan atau stress di kalangan pelajar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality Inventory
  18. Intang I, Mohd Sharif S
    This article is aimed to research and to know the impact of personality, skill, core competent level professional training and transformation strategy as professional practice by the administrator towards teachers’ commitment in secondary school in Sabah. The country needs education system transformation and the school admins are seen to be the vital element in developing a High Performance School in facing the challenge of the 21st century. The research framework is based on the Northhouse Main Leadership Model Trait (2003, 2007), School Leadership Competency IAB (2009), Katz Three Model Skills (1974), Effective Leadership Framework by Strike, Sims, Mann and Whilhite (2016) and Teachers Commitment (Danneta, 2002). Qualitative research design is used with stratified random sampling with 1440 samples from 30 urban secondary schools and 30 rural secondary schools. The instrument used in this research is a set of questionnaire that was set by the researcher based on the observation and literature review. The finding of the research is hoped to give the best innovation strategy to prepare and to produce a highly qualified principal or headmaster to lead the school organization and to ensure the success of the National Education Development Plan (PPPM 2013-2025).
    Keywords: leadership, teachers' comitment, national education development plan
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality
  19. Tan Lee CY, Ngatirin NR, Zainol Z
    Personality represents the mixture of features and qualities that built an individual’s distinctive characters including thinking, feeling and behaving. Traditionally, self-assessment method via questionnaire is the most common means to identify personality. Since recommender systems and advertisement
    campaigns have evolved rapidly, personality computing has become a popular research field to provide personalisation to users. Currently, researchers have utilised social media data for automatically predicting personality. However, it is complex to mine the social media data as they are noisy, free-format, and
    of varying length and multimedia. This paper proposes a decision tree C4.5 algorithm to automatically predict personality based on Big Five model. The Big Five Inventory and ZeroR algorithm were included to be served as the baseline for performance evaluation. Experimental evaluation demonstrated that C4.5
    performs better than ZeroR in terms of accuracy.
    Keywords: Big Five, decision tree, personality, social media
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality
  20. Kadri ZN
    Med J Malaya, 1965 Dec;20(2):110-7.
    PMID: 4221970
    Matched MeSH terms: Personality*
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