Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 405 in total

  1. Fulazzaky MA, Abdullah S, Salim MR
    Data Brief, 2016 Jun;7:834-8.
    PMID: 27077083 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.058
    The goal of this study was to identify the biosurfactant-producing bacteria isolated from agro-food industrial effluet. The identification of the potential bacterial strain using a polymerase chain reaction of the 16S rRNA gene analysis was closely related to Serratia marcescens with its recorded strain of SA30 "Fundamentals of mass transfer and kinetics for biosorption of oil and grease from agro-food industrial effluent by Serratia marcescens SA30" (Fulazzaky et al., 2015) [1]; however, many biochemical tests have not been published yet. The biochemical tests of biosurfactant production, haemolytic assay and cell surface hydrophobicity were performed to investigate the beneficial strain of biosurfactant-producing bacteria. Here we do share data collected from the biochemical tests to get a better understanding of the use of Serratia marcescens SA30 to degrade oil, which contributes the technical features of strengthening the biological treatment of oil-contaminated wastewater in tropical environments.
  2. Ling KH, Brautigan PJ, Moore S, Fraser R, Leong MP, Leong JW, et al.
    Data Brief, 2016 Jun;7:282-90.
    PMID: 26958646 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.01.045
    SRY (Sex Determining Region Y)-Box 4 or Sox4 is an important regulator of the pan-neuronal gene expression during post-mitotic cell differentiation within the mammalian brain. Sox4 gene locus has been previously characterized with multiple sense and overlapping natural antisense transcripts [1], [2]. Here we provide accompanying data on various analyses performed and described in Ling et al. [2]. The data include a detail description of various features found at Sox4 gene locus, additional experimental data derived from RNA-Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (RNA-FISH), Western blotting, strand-specific reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), gain-of-function and in situ hybridization (ISH) experiments. All the additional data provided here support the existence of an endogenous small interfering- or PIWI interacting-like small RNA known as Sox4_sir3, which origin was found within the overlapping region consisting of a sense and a natural antisense transcript known as Sox4ot1.
  3. Samsir SA, Bunawan H, Yen CC, Noor NM
    Data Brief, 2016 Sep;8:1-5.
    PMID: 27257614 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.04.062
    In this dataset, we distinguish 15 accessions of Garcinia mangostana from Peninsular Malaysia using Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometric analysis. We found that the position and intensity of characteristic peaks at 3600-3100 cm(-) (1) in IR spectra allowed discrimination of G. mangostana from different locations. Further principal component analysis (PCA) of all the accessions suggests the two main clusters were formed: samples from Johor, Melaka, and Negeri Sembilan (South) were clustered together in one group while samples from Perak, Kedah, Penang, Selangor, Kelantan, and Terengganu (North and East Coast) were in another clustered group.
  4. Tan HK, Tengku Muhammad TS, Tan ML
    Data Brief, 2016 Jun;7:1506-10.
    PMID: 27182548 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.04.046
    The data presented in this article are related to the research article entitled "14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide induces DDIT3-dependent endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated autophagy in T-47D breast carcinoma cells", which the mechanistic toxicology properties of 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide (14-DDA) were investigated (Tan et al., 2016 [1]). This article describes the derivation of cytotoxic parameters of 14-DDA, cell viability data after double transfection and DDIT3 silencing in T-47D cells.
  5. Basir Khan MR, Jidin R, Pasupuleti J
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:117-20.
    PMID: 26779562 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.11.043
    Renewable energy assessments for resort islands in the South China Sea were conducted that involves the collection and analysis of meteorological and topographic data. The meteorological data was used to assess the PV, wind and hydropower system potentials on the islands. Furthermore, the reconnaissance study for hydro-potentials were conducted through topographic maps in order to determine the potential sites suitable for development of run-of-river hydropower generation. The stream data was collected for 14 islands in the South China Sea with a total of 51 investigated sites. The data from this study are related to the research article "Optimal combination of solar, wind, micro-hydro and diesel systems based on actual seasonal load profiles for a resort island in the South China Sea" published in Energy (Khan et al., 2015) [1].
  6. Yeh CC, Muduli S, Peng IC, Lu YT, Ling QD, Alarfaj AA, et al.
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:603-8.
    PMID: 26909373 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.12.056
    This data article contains two figures and one table supporting the research article entitled: "Continuous harvest of stem cells via partial detachment from thermoresponsive nanobrush surface" [1]. The table shows coating conditions of three copolymers, poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) grafted with oligovitronectin, poly(styrene-co-N-isopropylacrylamide) and poly(styrene-co-polyethylene glycol methacrylate) to prepare thermoresponsive surface. XPS spectra show the nitrogen peak of the polystyrene surface coated with poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) grafted with oligovitronectin. The surface coating density analyzed from sorption of poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) grafted with oligovitronectin by UV-vis spectroscopy is also presented.
  7. Gustafsson M, Gustafsson L, Alloysius D, Falck J, Yap S, Karlsson A, et al.
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:466-70.
    PMID: 26900591 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.12.048
    The data presented in this paper is supporting the research article "Life history traits predict the response to increased light among 33 tropical rainforest tree species" [3]. We show basic growth and survival data collected over the 6 years duration of the experiment, as well as data from traits inventories covering 12 tree traits collected prior to and after a canopy reduction treatment in 2013. Further, we also include canopy closure and forest light environment data from measurements with hemispherical photographs before and after the treatment.
  8. Basir Khan MR, Jidin R, Pasupuleti J
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:489-91.
    PMID: 26900590 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.12.033
    The data consists of actual generation-side auditing including the distribution of loads, seasonal load profiles, and types of loads as well as an analysis of local development planning of a resort island in the South China Sea. The data has been used to propose an optimal combination of hybrid renewable energy systems that able to mitigate the diesel fuel dependency on the island. The resort island selected is Tioman, as it represents the typical energy requirements of many resort islands in the South China Sea. The data presented are related to the research article "Optimal Combination of Solar, Wind, Micro-Hydro and Diesel Systems based on Actual Seasonal Load Profiles for a Resort Island in the South China Sea" [1].
  9. Mushtaq F, Guillen PP, Wilkie RM, Mon-Williams MA, Schaefer A
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:378-85.
    PMID: 26862585 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.11.060
    Event-related potentials (ERPs) time-locked to decision outcomes are reported. Participants engaged in a gambling task (see [1] for details) in which they decided between a risky and a safe option (presented as different coloured shapes) on each trial (416 in total). Each decision was associated with (fully randomised) feedback about the reward outcome (Win/Loss) and its magnitude (varying as a function of decision response; 5-9 points for Risky decisions and 1-4 points for Safe decisions). Here, we show data demonstrating: (a) the influence of Win feedback in the preceding outcome (Outcome t-1) on activity related to the current outcome (Outcome t ); (b) difference wave analysis for outcome expectancy- separating Expected Outcomes (consecutive Loss trials subtracted from consecutive reward) from Unexpected Outcomes (subtracting Loss t-1Win t trials from Win t-1Loss t trials); (c) difference waves separating Switch and Stay responses for Outcome Expectancy; (d) the effect of magnitude induced by decisions (Risk t vs. Safe t ) on Outcome Expectancy; and finally, (e) expectations reflected by response switch direction (Risk to Safe responses vs. Safe to Risk t ) on the FRN at Outcome t .
  10. Sharif Hossain AB, Haq I, Ibrahim NA, Aleissa MS
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:214-20.
    PMID: 26862562 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.11.061
    Plant tissue or cell culture keeps a significant role in micro-propagation in the plant production industry. Combination of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and other plant growth regulators like 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) or Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was used in the most of the research in tissue culture. The study was carried out to investigate the optimization of the concentration of IBA and BAP combination (0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 1.50, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mg/l) for the root, callus and leaf proliferation from the leaf cutting slice. The highest number (6.75) of root proliferation was observed in the concentration of 2.0 mg/l IBA+0.25 mg/l BAP combination. The callus initiation was found in the concentration of IBA 1.0-3.5 mg/l+BAP 1.0-2.0 mg/l. However, the highest callus weight was observed at the concentration of IBA 1.5 mg/l+BAP 1.0 mg/l combination than other combination of concentrations. Positively leaf initiation and formation was better in the concentration of IBA 1-3.5 mg/l+BAP 1.0-2.0 mg/l combination. In addition, the 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydarzyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging potential was higher (70.1%) in leaves extract than in callus extracts (46.3%) at the concentration of 10 mg/ml though both extracts had lower DPPH free radical scavenging activity compared to the positive control, vitamin C and BHT. Theresults conclude that the optimum concentration was IBA 1.5 mg/l+BAP 1.0 mg/l combination to produce callus cell proliferation and concentration of 2.0 mg/l IBA+0.25 mg/l BAP combination was the optimum for root proliferation of broccoli in vitro.
  11. Bachok Z, Safuan CDM, Roseli NH, Akhir MF
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106182.
    PMID: 32923531 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106182
    This article provides raw datasets of the coral reefs status in Pulau Bidong, southern of South China Sea before and after being strike by the tropical storm Pabuk on January 2019. Data were collected using a rapid coral survey method called Coral Video Transect (CVT) technique. The data were collected along a 100 m transect line set up parallel to the shoreline and at a constant depth. In total, eight transects were surveyed during both periods (pre - August 2016, post - March 2019). Back in laboratory, the footage was then extracted into non-overlapping frames or still images prior to image analysis using Coral Point Count with Excel Extension (CPCe) software. The benthic coral reefs relative percentage cover was automatically generated after the image analysis and represented by five major categories; live coral (C), algae (ALG), other invertebrates (OT), dead coral (DC), and sand silt and rock (SR). Live coral cover was identified up to the genus level. This raw dataset was used in this article. The data provided in this article could be of significant use for future studies especially on coral recovery after the natural disturbances. It can provide a baseline assessment especially for coral reefs management as well as to comprehend changes in coral health status in the face of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The data presented here support the information in the article Safuan et al. (2020).
  12. Silvarajoo S, Osman UM, Kamarudin KH, Razali MH, Yusoff HM, Bhat IUH, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106299.
    PMID: 32984485 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106299
    One-pot synthetic method was adopted to prepare three isomers 4-(ortho-fluorophenyl)thiosemi- carbazide), 4-(meta-fluorophenyl)thiosemicarbazide and 4-(para-fluorophenyl)thiosemicarbazide. The products were obtained in ethanolic solution from a reaction between ortho, meta and para derivatives of fluorophenyl isothiocyanate and hydrazine hydrate. This work presents the theoretical Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP) and Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital-Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO-LUMO) computational data through Gaussview 5.0.9 and Gaussian09 software. Experimental Cole-cole plot for conductivity determination was also illustrated. The present data is important to manipulate the properties of compounds according to the position of a fluorine atom.
  13. Ismail A, Ahmad SA, Che Soh A, Hassan MK, Harith HH
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106268.
    PMID: 32984464 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106268
    A fully labelled image dataset serves as a valuable tool for reproducible research inquiries and data processing in various computational areas, such as machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence and deep learning. Today's research on ageing is intended to increase awareness on research results and their applications to assist public and private sectors in selecting the right equipments for the elderlies. Many researches related to development of support devices and care equipment had been done to improve the elderly's quality of life. Indoor object detection and classification for autonomous systems require large annotated indoor images for training and testing of smart computer vision applications. This dataset entitled MYNursingHome is an image dataset for commonly used objects surrounding the elderlies in their home cares. Researchers may use this data to build up a recognition aid for the elderlies. This dataset was collected from several nursing homes in Malaysia comprises 37,500 digital images from 25 different indoor object categories including basket bin, bed, bench, cabinet and others.
  14. Arham AF, Amin L, Mustapa MAC, Mahadi Z, Arham AF, Yaacob M, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106262.
    PMID: 32944607 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106262
    Perceived Benefits and Risks: A survey data set towards Wolbachia-infected Aedes Mosquitoes in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Introduction: The paper presents data collected using measures of perceived benefits, perceived risks, trust in key players, attitude towards nature versus material, attitude towards technology, religiosity, and attitude towards the Wolbachia-infected Aedes mosquitoes (WiAM) technique. The validated questionnaires were used to randomly survey targeted stakeholders in the Klang Valley, Malaysia, who had been asked to voluntarily participate in face-to-face interviews. Completed questionnaires were received from 399 respondents (adults above 18 years old) and comprised two stakeholder groups: scientists (n = 202), and the public (n = 197). The detailed findings serve numerous opportunities to examine the social acceptance of Wolbachia-infected Aedes mosquitoes, to ensure the development of policy and action plans, and to encourage further study by other researchers interested in the measures and data presented.
  15. Chusniyah T, Jaafar JLS, Chaiwutikornwanich A, Kuswandi D, Firmanto A, Mustopa A, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106314.
    PMID: 32995402 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106314
    The present data article provides a descriptive and analytical exploration on the links between positive mental health, subjective happiness, forgiveness, humility, and information literacy self-efficacy among 969 undergraduate students from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. There are 355 males and 614 females with an average age of 20.47 years and a standard deviation of 1.87. Respondents are recruited by simple random sampling using face to face method, at one time data retrieval during 2019. The Indonesian, Malaysian and Thailand-version questionnaires were provided to each groups of participants according to their nationality and native language, using back-to-back analysis. The socio-demographic details of the respondents, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation matrix of all variables in all groups according to country, results of regression analysis of variables, and Kruskal Wallis for all five variables in all groups are provided.
  16. Ghani NAM, Yusop FD, Kamarulzaman Y
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106302.
    PMID: 32995394 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106302
    This dataset contains information of 375 respondents on green consumption behaviour. The questionnaire was developed using Theory of Planned Behaviour as the foundation. The variables available in the dataset are Environmental Concern (EC), Social Influence (SI), Perceived behavioural control (PBC), Consumer novelty seeking (CNS) and Green consumption behaviour (GC). In addition to the variables related to green consumption, the dataset also includes demographic and media preference information of the respondents. The data was collected via self-administered questionnaire in seven major cities in Klang Valley, namely Shah Alam, Bangsar, Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, Puchong, Serdang and Putrajaya. The dataset can have an important role for research in consumer behaviour towards developing green consumers.
  17. Rupert R, Lie GJCW, John DV, Annammala KV, Jani J, Rodrigues KF
    Data Brief, 2020 Dec;33:106351.
    PMID: 33072827 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106351
    The data provided in the article includes the sequence of bacterial 16S rRNA gene from a high conservation value forest, logged forest, rubber plantation and oil palm plantation collected at Kelantan river basin. The logged forest area was previously notified as a flooding region. The total gDNA of bacterial community was amplified via polymerase chain reaction at V3-V4 regions using a pair of specific universal primer. Amplicons were sequenced on Illumina HiSeq paired-end platform to generate 250 bp paired-end raw reads. Several bioinformatics tools such as FLASH, QIIME and UPARSE were used to process the reads generated for OTU analysis. Meanwhile, R&D software was used to construct the taxonomy tree for all samples. Raw data files are available at the Sequence Read Archive (SRA), NCBI and data information can be found at the BioProject and BioSample, NCBI. The data shows the comparison of bacterial community between the natural forest and different land uses.
  18. Rahman MNIA, Jeofry H, Basarian MS
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106194.
    PMID: 32904202 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106194
    The survey data on potential aquifer was collected at two sites located in Banggi Island (i.e. Laksian Primary School [LPS] and Padang Primary School [PPS]), Malaysia on 25 and 26 April 2013. Both locations are geologically surrounded by various types of lithologies, namely, sandstone, mudstone, siltstone, shale, chert, conglomerate, lignite, tuff, limestone, terrace sand, gravel and coral. The resistivity data consisted of six-line pole-dipole short arrays and were recorded in-situ using SAS 4000 ABEM Lund Imaging System, together with a relay switching unit (Electrode Selector ES 464), six multiconductor cables, steel rod electrodes and jumpers. The data, namely electrode spacing, depth of investigation, subsurface resistivity, type of material and horizontal data coverage were used to assess the characteristics of the potential aquifer. The recorded data were then processed using RES2DINV software to obtain 2-D inversion model of the subsurface. The data were also equipped with six models of inverse resistivity section for both areas. The data obtained can be used by the government and stakeholders for groundwater exploration and extraction in order to provide water supplies for local communities, especially since access to these resources from the surrounding water treatment plants on the island is limited.
  19. Okomoda VT, Koh ICC, Hassan A, Oladimeji AS, Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106151.
    PMID: 32904264 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106151
    Discrimination of different fishes can be done through different means which includes morphological appearance. When two fishes are successfully hybridized, they produce progenies that have shared morphology between their pure parent, hence, making morphometric characterization an important aspect of hybrid discrimination. However, erythrocyte characterization is also a simpler method for characterization. The dataset presented in this article represents the traditional morphological data, truss network data and erythrocyte data of pure and novel hybrids from reciprocal crosses of African catfish Clarias gariepinus and Asian catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus. Breeding of the broodstocks was done to produce pure and hybrid progenies which were maintained for a period of four to six months. Based on the cross combinations and morphotypes, traditional measurement of twenty-five morphological characters and five meristic counts were recorded. Thereafter pictures of the different fish groups were used to determine values of thirty-six distances between ten landmark points. The morphological abnormality of the hybrids at market size is also presented in this data article for the very first time. Blood was then collected from the caudal peduncle of ten fish per group and smeared on a slide for observation under a compound microscope (at 100 × magnification). Data gotten included erythrocytes parameters such as cell major axis, cell minor axis, nucleus major axis, nucleus minor axis cell area, nucleus area, cell volume, and nucleus volume. Data recording was through the Microsoft excel spreadsheet; which was also used to process the data to get the exclusive ranges of values for paired progenies. The data as presented is associated with the research article "Morphological characterization of the progenies of pure and reciprocal crosses of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)" [1]. The dataset presented in this article can be used for easy identification of the novel hybrid progenies of the African Catfish and Asian Catfish.
  20. Abu Bakar MF, Kamerkar U, Abdul Rahman SN, Muhd Sakaff MKL, Othman AS
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106188.
    PMID: 32904357 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106188
    Hevea brasiliensis is exploited for its latex production, and it is the only viable source of natural rubber worldwide. The demand for natural rubber remains high due its high-quality properties, which synthetic rubber cannot compete with. In this paper, we present transcriptomic data and analysis of three H. brasiliensis clones using tissue from latex and bark tissues collected from 10-year-old plant. The combined, assembled transcripts were mapped onto an H. brasiliensis draft genome. Gene ontology analysis showed that the most abundant transcripts related to molecular functions, followed by biological processes and cellular components. Simple sequence repeats (SSR) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were also identified, and these can be useful for selection of parental and new clones in a breeding program. Data generated by RNA sequencing were deposited in the NCBI public repository under accession number PRJNA629890.
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