Displaying publications 81 - 94 of 94 in total

  1. Nursahaniza Sato, Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan, Normah Jusoh
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 6(1): 1-10, 2017 – The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional and motivational self-talk combine with imagery and video-modelling interventions on anaerobic performance, heart rate response and self-efficacy. Forty-five active male participants were recruited in this study as they passed the screening test of Sport Imagery Ability Measure (SIAM) and scored between moderate and high. All the participants were randomly assigned into 3 groups, namely instructional group (n=15), motivational group (n=15) and control group (n=15). Participants in the instructional and motivational groups performed 12 sessions of intervention within 4 weeks. Participant in control group did not receive any specific treatment or intervention. All participants performed 30 seconds anaerobic Wingate test during the pre-test and post-test. During this test the participants’ peak power, total work, fatigue index, maximum heart rate, average heart rate and self-efficacy were measured. Participants in the instructional and motivational groups answered a social validation questions within one week after the post-test. The data obtained was analyzed using a mixed-design ANOVA. The results indicated that there was a significant difference (p
  2. Mohd Mohni Iskandar, Nur Ikhwan Mohamad, Saberi Othman
    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the most popular training nowadays and is commonly used by sportsmen as well as fitness practitioners to improve performance. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of HIIT training using tires and ropes on cardiovascular fitness, peak power, and body composition. This study used a Quasi-experimental (pretest-posttest Nonequivalent Comparison) design. A total of 52 male with an average age of 22.67 ± 0.92 years voluntarily participated in this study and were divided into two groups, experimental and control group. The intervention was conducted for 20 minutes per session, three times a week, and for eight weeks. After eight weeks of training, ANCOVA analysis showed by adjusting the pre-test scores as a covariate, the post-test score of the cardiovascular fitness and peak power for the experimental group was significantly higher compared to the control group, F (1, 49) = 83.85, p = 0.001, and F (1, 49) = 7.43, p = 0.009. Meanwhile, no significant difference was seen for the post-test score of body composition between control and experimental group, F (1, 49) = 2.05, p = 0.158. The results of this study suggested that eight weeks of tires and ropes exercise are effective for increasing cardiovascular fitness and peak power levels, but not in reducing the percentage of body fat among young male.
  3. Nur Hafizah Yusoff
    Football has a large amount of spectators and fans around the world. The majority of the spectators and fans are male rather than female. But, nowadays e can see the increasing numbers of female fans attending to the stadium. Although Malaysia did not have a strong national football team and not in the best rank in the world, football is still Malaysian most favorite sport. Female fans also show their interested watching the game live in the stadium. They also buy tickets, spending their times to watch the team playing not only at the home but the away game. In fact, the management of the team also realizes that a female fan is increasing and the management provides special counter tickets for female fans. Objectives of this article are to know what are the female fans’ motivation and how do they participate in their team. A total of 112 female football fans were chosen to be the respondents. The output from the survey showed 80.4% respondents said they started to support their team since last ten years, while 19.6% said they started to support the team over the past 10 years. The main motivation for them to go to the stadium are, to support their team (96.5%), meeting their friends (40.2%), release their stress (24.1%) and to watch and support their favourite players (25%). Numbers of 64.3% of respondents watching the game at home stadium, 32.1% watching and support their team in both home and away game.
  4. Ahmad Fazlan Ghazalli, Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Nelfianty Mohd
    The purpose of this study examines the effect of Selangor weightlifters concerns over the performance of the National Weightlifting Championship in Johor Bahru 2015. The sample is Selangor weightlifting athletes aged 13 to 15 years who participated in the national weightlifting championship in Johor Bahru. Data were collected through questionnaires Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2) to measure the level of anxiety (cognitive, somatic, self-confidence). The mean value analysis, the percentage used to determine the level of concern for athletes. Correlation tests were used to examine the association between the phases of concern with the performance of athletes during the competition. The results showed the level of anxiety (cognitive, somatic and self-confidence) athletes a day before the tournament is at a moderate level. Other while, cognitive anxiety level significantly correlated with performance or achievement during the tournament. Therefore, the coaches and athletes must continue to concentrate on the concerns of cognitive intentions to achieve excellent performance in a weightlifting tournament in the future. Researchers suggest the management should seek the help of a sports psychologist to provide psychological training for athletes particularly to address the concerns of cognitive as well as physical exercise by periods of sustained exercise.
  5. Rozaireen Muszali, Julismah Jani, Sanmuga Nathan
    This is a study to develop handball teaching and learning module based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). This module is designed based on ASSURE Model, Teaching Games for Understanding Model and DDD-E model. Handball teaching and learning module based on TGfU contains blended learning handball teaching and learning materials based on TGfU, which is divided into two teaching methods, online and face to face. Each teaching method consists of three series of meetings and involves 3 subject aspects, that are attack, defend and tactics and strategy, in addition to the formative and summative assessments to evaluate students’ level of achievement. Module evaluation consists of validity and reliability. Three expert panels of content, language and instructional design were referred to assess the validity of the module while 31 Form 2 students are recruited to assess the reliability. The results showed the validity of the handball teaching and learning module based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is r = .89 and the reliability of the handball teaching and learning module based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) instrument were as follows: cognitive instrument r = .94, psychomotor instruments r = .88 and affective instrument r = .78. This module provides teaching examples that are geared towards the goal of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2012-2025 and also as preparation for the 2017 Secondary School Standard Curriculum. The development of this module is expected to help teachers and students to gain knowledge about handball with more efficient and enjoyable.
  6. Nur Dalilah Dahlan, Tajul Arifin Muhamad
    Sports have a positive impact in optimizing the physical ability of the students in line with the National Education Philosophy focused to produce a balanced way intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically. There is evidence to confirm that mental toughness can affect performance in areas such as education. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between mental toughness and academic achievements among footballers at National University of Malaysia (UKM). Questionnaire were used to examine the constructs of mental toughness study includes self-confidence, commitment, challenge and self-control was adapted from Mental toughness Questionnaire 48 (MTQ48) by Clough et al. (2002). A total of 40 UKM’s football athletes were used as the main respondents in this research. The study found that the highest mean value for the mental toughness factor is the confidence (M = 4.28), followed by challenge (M = 4.26). However, the study showed no significant difference among UKM’s football athletes for all four factors of mental toughness; commitment, self-control, challenge and confidence based on their experience in their respective sports. However, the findings showed that mental toughness significantly correlated with academic achievement for UKM’s footballers. This study found that the construct of self-confidence (13.4%) are major factors of mental toughness that most contribute to academic achievement of UKM’s footballers. The study is expected to help the university, coaches, psychologists and athletes who represent the university to understand the importance of the psychological aspect to success whether in sports or academics achievement. Athletes who have high mental toughness will affect the excellent of academic performance. The researchers suggest that future research could examine athletes from different sports with a larger sample.
  7. Mohd Yusof Baharuddin, Malaarvily Shanmugam, Hoo, Boon Choo
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 6(2): 28-35, 2017 – The purpose of this study was to investigate on muscle activities with electromyography (EMG) during jumping jack activity. The EMG sensors were placed on the interest muscle to measure the activity of gastrocnemius and tibialis muscles during jumping jack. Specific thresholds per muscle were applied on the EMG prior comparison. These thresholds were determined by EMG muscle activity. Overall, visual inspection showed comparable activity patterns. The mean absolute value (MAV) and root mean square (RMS) data were collected to show differences activation of both muscle. The results showed that there are distinct differences between gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior during jumping jack. Based on MAV and RMS data, the activation of tibialis anterior muscle is higher than gastrocnemius muscle during jumping jack activity. This conclude that the tibialis anterior muscle had significantly higher electromyography activity on jumping jack.
  8. Abdul Kadir Mahmod, Low, Jeffrey Fook Lee
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 6(2): 1-9, 2017 - Improper landing techniques from jumps are usually associated with knee injuries. Such incidence could be alleviated through augmented instructions and feedback on performing the landing movement. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of augmented feedback on landing force from jumps. Twenty-eight participants, divided into three groups (visual, n=10, verbal, n=10, control, n=8) performed jumps from a box and their ground reaction force (GRF) measured using force platform analyzer before and after treatment. The visual group received visual feedback from video playback of their landing action, the verbal group received verbal feedback based on the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) criteria, and no feedback was provided for the control group. Both visual and verbal groups underwent interventions for two weeks, consisted of three sessions per week. Factorial mixed-design ANOVA with repeated measures on the tests results showed no significant interaction between groups and test, F (2.00, 25.80) = 841, p>. 05. In conclusion, feedback could be effective in reducing GRF, but may require extended duration of practice with feedback to assess its effectiveness in modifying behaviors.
  9. Mohd Huzairi Mohd Sani, Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 6(2): 10-27, 2017 – The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of audio imagery and video modeling on performance in rugby sports. The single case multiple baseline across participant (ABA) method are used to evaluate the participants’ performance. It assesses the impact of physical training, audio imagery and video modeling on the passing and tackling performance (open loop) for 13 tournaments. Four participants under 14 years old, representing schools in various rugby competitions were selected as participants. The frequency of intervention is three sessions per week. The Sport Imagery Ability Measure (SIAM) questionnaire which has been translated into Bahasa Malaysia is used as a screen to see participants imagery abilities. Research is conducted by creating interventions on audio and video imagery of expert models conducted with physical training based on the Imagery Training Program (ITP). Real-time recording methods and notational videos are used to assess participants' performance. The contest video rating was evaluated by two experts and analyzed separately. The findings showed that there was stable performance for all participants in phase baseline (A). There was increase in performance for all participants in the intervention phase (B). Only one participant with 5 weeks intervention was able to maintain performance inwithdraw phase (A1) compared to other participants.
  10. Nurul Diyana Sanuddin, Ahmad Hashim
    This study was conducted to determine the content validity of the interest assessment instruments and students' interest in physical fitness activities. Researchers will determine the validity and reliability of the Children's Attractive to Physical Activity (CAPA) questionnaire to assess the child's interest in physical fitness activities to ensure the validity of the items (instruments) to be defensible, accurate, appropriate and relevant to the study, and usability and can provide meaningful information. The results of this study show that children's Attraction to Physical Activity questionnaire (CAPA) has a high literacy content value of .78. and the value of the true expertise of the field expert is .77. Therefore, the correlation value of questionnaire reliability was obtained through the Cronbh Alpha method of r = 0.76. This can be explained that the contents of the Children's Attraction to Physical Activity (CAPA) questionnaire are very relevant to use.
  11. Syed Ahmad Ezahar Syed Ambon, Mohd. Foazi Md Nor, Syed Idrus Syed Mudayah, Junaidy Mohamad Hashim
    The study was conducted to determine the level of cardiovascular performance for Kedah team rugby players who will participate in the national Agong Cup's rugby championship. The test instrument used was the 20-meter multistage shuttle run pacer test. The total sample of the study was 40 (n = 40) consisted of players between the ages of 19 and 39. Assessment of cardiovascular endurance levels can be performed with measurements of VO2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) as the most accurate score can be obtained to measure the fitness level of individual cardiovascular endurance. Therefore min VO2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) obtained from the 20- meter multistage shuttle run pacer test shows that the VO2max (ml • kg-1 • min-1) level of the study sample is good and is at high level.
  12. Ali Md Nadzalan, Chaowalak Rittisorakrai, Nur Ikhwan Mohamad, Ebby Waqqash Mohamad Chan
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 6(2): 36-44, 2017 – This study was conducted to determine and compare the fascicle behaviour during step forward lunge (SFL) and jump forward lunge (JFL) in badminton. Fifteen university badminton players (mean age = 22.07 ± 1.39 years old) were recruited and were assigned to perform SFL and JFL while holding a badminton racquet using their dominant hand. Fascicle length, pennation angle, lengthening and shortening velocity of their vastus lateralis muscle were analysed using ultrasonography method. In both dominant and non-dominant lower limb, FLmax, FLmin, PAmax and PAmin were all greater during JFL compared to SFL, p < 0.001. During both SFL and JFL, all the fascicle behaviour variables were greater in the dominant limb compared to non-dominant limb. To conclude, as the fascicle behaviour response would indicate more muscle adaptation, the stimuli were found to be greater during JFL compared to SFL.
  13. Julismah Jani, Norkhalid Salimin, Mohd Izwan Shahril
    The study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of coaching module based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) towards the performance of school netball players. The assessment of the performance of players was in the aspects of decision-making, choosing and using attack and defense strategy at the right time and place during netball game situation. This study also examined the relationship of the module with the performance of the players as well as the comparison between the experimental and control groups. The sample consisted of 14 netball players in selected secondary schools. The players had gone through four-weeks training with three training series each week which used the module based on three types of modified games. The results showed that the performance of players in using attack strategy was very high whereas the aspects of decision making and defense strategy were at good level. There was a strong and significant positive relationship between the uses of module with performance of the players in netball game. Also, there was performance difference between the groups using the module with group not using the module. All coaches and players agreed that the module had a high impact on players’ performance in netball game. It can be concluded the coaching module based on TGfU has a high impact on players' performance in the aspects of decision-making, choosing and using attack and defense strategy at the right time and place during netball game. The implication of this study was to incorporate the thinking culture of players in playing netball and help the school coaches to track the player's learning level and the ability in decisionmaking skills.
  14. Ahmad Najib Abd Razak, Ahmad Hashim
    The main purpose of this study was to identify the physical fitness component relationship to the 100 meter sprint in 13-year-old male students. This study was a quantitative study using experimental case study (one shot case study) to analyze the relationship between sports-based physical fitness component and anthropometric component to 100 meter sprint. A total of 180 pupils were selected as sample samples using stratified random sampling method. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The findings show that five out of ten talent divider variables in the 100 meter sprint variant, power, speed, reaction time, standing height and weight are the predictor of the 100 meter sprint performance among 13-year-old male students. The combination of three variants of sports-based physical fitness components contributes 50.2% (R Square = .502) variants of sports-based physical fitness components can be explained by a combination of linear measurements in a 100 meter sprint score [F (6,173) = 29.046, p
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